require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') context "Array#extract_options!" do specify "should pop the last item if it is a hash" do a = [1,2,{1=>2}] a.extract_options!.should == {1=>2} a.should == [1,2] end specify "should return an empty hash if the last item is not a hash" do a = [1,2] a.extract_options!.should == {} a.should == [1,2] end end context "Enumerable#send_each" do specify "should send the supplied method to each item" do a = ['abbc', 'bbccdd', 'hebtre'] a.send_each(:gsub!, 'b', '_') a.should == ['a__c', '__ccdd', 'he_tre'] end end context "Range#interval" do specify "should return the interval between the beginning and end for an inclusive range" do (1..10).interval.should == 9 r = rand(100000) + 10 t1 =; t2 = t1 + r (t1..t2).interval.should == r end specify "should return the interval between the beginning and end for an exclusive range" do (1...10).interval.should == 8 r = rand(100000) + 10 t1 =; t2 = t1 + r (t1...t2).interval.should == r - 1 end end context "Module#class_attr_reader" do specify "it should create instance methods that call class methods of the same name" do @c = do def self.x; 1; end class_attr_reader :x end == 1 def @c.x; 2; end == 2 end end context "Module#metaalias" do specify "it should create aliases of singleton/class methods" do @c = do def self.x; 1; end metaalias :y, :x end @c.y.should == 1 def @c.x; 2; end @c.y.should == 1 end end context "Module#metaattr_reader" do specify "it should create attr_readers of singleton/class methods" do @c = do @y = 1 @x = 2 metaattr_reader :y, :x end @c.y.should == 1 @c.x.should == 2 end end context "Object#is_one_of?" do specify "it should be true if the object is one of the classes" do 1.is_one_of?(Numeric, Array).should == true [].is_one_of?(Numeric, Array).should == true {}.is_one_of?(Numeric, Enumerable).should == true end specify "it should be false if the object is not one of the classes" do 'a'.is_one_of?(Numeric, Array).should == false, Array).should == false end end context "Object#blank?" do specify "it should be true if the object responds true to empty?" do [].blank?.should == true {}.blank?.should == true o = def o.empty?; true; end o.blank?.should == true end specify "it should be false if the object doesn't respond true to empty?" do [2].blank?.should == false {1=>2}.blank?.should == false == false end end context "Numeric#blank?" do specify "it should always be false" do 1.blank?.should == false 0.blank?.should == false -1.blank?.should == false 1.0.blank?.should == false 0.0.blank?.should == false -1.0.blank?.should == false 10000000000000000.blank?.should == false -10000000000000000.blank?.should == false 10000000000000000.0.blank?.should == false -10000000000000000.0.blank?.should == false end end context "NilClass#blank?" do specify "it should always be true" do nil.blank?.should == true end end context "TrueClass#blank?" do specify "it should always be false" do true.blank?.should == false end end context "FalseClass#blank?" do specify "it should always be true" do false.blank?.should == true end end context "FalseClass#blank?" do specify "it should be true if the string is empty" do ''.blank?.should == true end specify "it should be true if the string is composed of just whitespace" do ' '.blank?.should == true "\r\n\t".blank?.should == true (' '*4000).blank?.should == true ("\r\n\t"*4000).blank?.should == true end specify "it should be false if the string has any non whitespace characters" do '1'.blank?.should == false ("\r\n\t"*4000 + 'a').blank?.should == false ("\r\na\t"*4000).blank?.should == false end end