require 'spec_helper' require 'config_helper' # For testing Module-level methods like ActiveFedora.init describe ActiveFedora do after :all do unstub_rails # Restore to default fedora configs restore_spec_configuration end describe "initialization methods" do describe "environment" do it "should use config_options[:environment] if set" do ActiveFedora.stub(:config_options => {:environment=>"ballyhoo"}) ActiveFedora.environment.should eql("ballyhoo") end it "should use Rails.env if no config_options and Rails.env is set" do stub_rails(:env => "bedbugs") ActiveFedora.stub(:config_options => {}) ActiveFedora.environment.should eql("bedbugs") unstub_rails end it "should use ENV['environment'] if neither config_options nor Rails.env are set" do ENV['environment'] = "wichita" ActiveFedora.stub(:config_options => {}) ActiveFedora.environment.should eql("wichita") ENV['environment']='test' end it "should use ENV['RAILS_ENV'] and log a warning if none of the above are set" do ENV['environment']=nil ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = "rails_env" lambda {ActiveFedora.environment}.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "You're depending on RAILS_ENV for setting your environment. Please use ENV['environment'] for non-rails environment setting: 'rake foo:bar environment=test'") ENV['environment']='test' end it "should be development if none of the above are present" do ENV['environment']=nil ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = nil ActiveFedora.stub(:config_options => {}) ActiveFedora.environment.should == 'development' ENV['environment']="test" end end end describe ".init" do after(:all) do # Restore to default fedora configs ActiveFedora.init(:environment => "test", :fedora_config_path => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "config", "fedora.yml")) end describe "outside of rails" do it "should load the passed config if explicit config passed in as a string" do ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path=>'./spec/fixtures/rails_root/config/fedora.yml', :environment => 'test') ActiveFedora.config.credentials.should == {:url=> "", :user=>'fedoraAdmin', :password=>'fedoraAdmin'} end end describe "within rails" do after(:all) do unstub_rails end describe "versions prior to 3.0" do describe "with explicit config path passed in" do it "should load the specified config path" do fedora_config="test:\n url: http://fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin@" solr_config = "test:\n default:\n url: http://foosolr:8983" fedora_config_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"../fixtures/rails_root/config/fedora.yml")) solr_config_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"../fixtures/rails_root/config/solr.yml")) pred_config_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"../fixtures/rails_root/config/predicate_mappings.yml")) File.stub(:open).with(fedora_config_path).and_return(fedora_config) File.stub(:open).with(solr_config_path).and_return(solr_config) ActiveFedora::SolrService.stub(:load_mappings) #For the solrizer solr_mappings.yml # ActiveSupport::Deprecation.should_receive(:warn).with("Configuring fedora with \":url\" without :user and :password is no longer supported.") ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path=>fedora_config_path,:solr_config_path=>solr_config_path) ActiveFedora.solr.class.should == ActiveFedora::SolrService end end describe "with no explicit config path" do it "should look for the file in the path defined at Rails.root" do ActiveFedora::SolrService.stub(:load_mappings) #necessary or else it will load the solrizer config and it breaks other tests in the suite. stub_rails(:root=>File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"../fixtures/rails_root")) ActiveFedora.init() ActiveFedora.config.credentials[:url].should == "" end end end end end end