var esPhinx; (function($) { "use strict"; $.extend({ Ajax: {} }); $.Extender.extend($.Ajax, true, { new: function(URL) { var promise, progressEvent, ifRaiseException, ConstructorReference = $, _options = {}, callback = function() {}, xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest(), setRequestHeaders = function(xhr, headers) { if (headers) { $.each(headers, function(value, header) { if (value) { xhr.setRequestHeader(header, value); } }); } }, resolveOptions = function(options) { // abstract events // _error = options.error || callback, _options.abort = options.abort || callback; // loadstart _options.start = options.start || callback; // progress _options.progress = options.progress || callback; // loadend _options.complete = options.complete || callback; _options.success = options.success || callback; }, start = function(xhr, type, URL, options) { // async false raise warning of deprecated, URL, true, options.user, options.password); xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); setRequestHeaders(xhr, options.headers); }, get = function(xhr, URL, options) { var composed = ""; if (options.URLParemeters) { $.each(options.URLParemeters, function(value, key) { if (Object.belongToClass(value, Object)) { value = JSON.stringify(value); } composed += key + "=" + value + "&"; }); composed = composed.slice(0, composed.length - 1); URL += "?" + encodeURI(composed); } start(xhr, "GET", URL, options); // request xhr.send(null); }; if (!(this instanceof ConstructorReference)) { return new ConstructorReference(URL); } xhr.addEventListener("abort", function() { _options.abort(); }); // readyState == 1 or xhr.OPENED xhr.addEventListener("loadstart", function() { _options.start(xhr); }); // readyState == 3 or xhr.LOADING xhr.addEventListener("progress", function(e) { _options.progress(e); progressEvent = e; }); promise = ${ onAccomplish: function(response) { // binary or text file, different of executable script if (/^application/ .test(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")) || (/^text/.test(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")) && !/\/(javascript|ecmascript)/.test(xhr .getResponseHeader("Content-Type")))) { _options.success(response); } else { // script if (/\/(javascript|ecmascript)/.test(xhr .getResponseHeader("Content-Type"))) {, response); // URL to video, audio or picture } else { _options.success(URL); } } } }, function(accomplish) { if (progressEvent && (!progressEvent.lengthComputable || progressEvent.loaded == { accomplish(xhr.response); } }); // readyState == 4 or xhr.DONE xhr.addEventListener("loadend", function() { _options.complete(xhr); }); this.abort = function(callback) { xhr.abort(); promise.reject(callback); }; this.catch = function(callback) { ifRaiseException = callback; promise.catch(callback); }; this.get = function(options) { resolveOptions(options); get(xhr, URL, options); }; return this; } }); }(esPhinx));