describe RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Focus do subject(:cop) { } [ :example_group, :describe, :context, :xdescribe, :xcontext, :it, :example, :specify, :xit, :xexample, :xspecify, :feature, :scenario, :xfeature, :xscenario ].each do |block_type| it "finds `#{block_type}` blocks with `focus: true`" do inspect_source( cop, [ "#{block_type} 'test', meta: true, focus: true do", 'end' ] ) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) expect( eq([1]) expect(cop.messages).to eq(['Focused spec found.']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq(['focus: true']) end it "finds `#{block_type}` blocks with `:focus`" do inspect_source( cop, [ "#{block_type} 'test', :focus do", 'end' ] ) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) expect( eq([1]) expect(cop.messages).to eq(['Focused spec found.']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq([':focus']) end it 'detects no offense when spec is not focused' do inspect_source( cop, [ "#{block_type} 'test' do", 'end' ] ) expect(subject.messages).to be_empty end end it 'does not flag a method that is focused twice' do inspect_source(cop, 'fit "foo", :focus do; end') expect(cop.offenses.size).to be(1) end it 'ignores non-rspec code with :focus blocks' do inspect_source(cop, 'some_method "foo", focus: true do; end') expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end [ :fdescribe, :fcontext, :focus, :fexample, :fit, :fspecify, :ffeature, :fscenario ].each do |block_type| it "finds `#{block_type}` blocks" do inspect_source( cop, [ "#{block_type} 'test' do", 'end' ] ) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) expect( eq([1]) expect(cop.messages).to eq(['Focused spec found.']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq(["#{block_type} 'test'"]) end end end