module Pfab module Templates class Web < Base def write_to(f) if get("host").nil? puts "No host to deploy to for #{@data['deployed_name']}. Skipping." else f << YAML.dump(service.deep_stringify_keys) f << YAML.dump(ingress.deep_stringify_keys) f << YAML.dump(deployment.deep_stringify_keys) end end def service { apiVersion: "v1", kind: "Service", metadata: { name: @data['deployed_name'], namespace: @data['env'], labels: { application: @data['application'], "deployed-name" => @data['deployed_name'], }, annotations: service_annotations, }, spec: { selector: { "deployed-name" => @data['deployed_name'], }, ports: [ { name: "http", port: 80, targetPort: get("port"), } ] } } end def service_annotations h = {} h[""] = "h2c" if get("protocol") == "h2c" h end def ingress { apiVersion: "", kind: "Ingress", metadata: { name: "ingress-#{@data['deployed_name']}", namespace: @data['env'], labels: { application: @data['application'], "deployed-name" => @data['deployed_name'], }, annotations: ingress_annotations, }, spec: { rules: rules, tls: tls_hosts }, } end def tls_hosts do |host| { hosts: [host], secretName: get("tls_cert_secret") } end end def hosts get("host").split(",") end def rules do |host| { host: host, http: { paths: [ { path: "/", pathType: "Prefix", backend: { service: { name: @data['deployed_name'], port: { name: "http" } } }, }, ], }, } end end def ingress_annotations h = { "" => "traefik", "traefik.frontend.passHostHeader" => "false", "traefik.frontend.priority" => "1", "traefik.frontend.entryPoints" => "https", "traefik.protocol" => get("protocol") || "http", "traefik.frontend.headers.SSLRedirect" => "true", "" => "traefik", "" => "websecure", "" => "true" } h end def default_probe { httpGet: { path: get("health_check_path") || "/", port: get("port"), }, initialDelaySeconds: 15, timeoutSeconds: 3 } end def livenessProbe get("livenessProbe") || default_probe end def readinessProbe get("readinessProbe") || default_probe end def deployment { kind: "Deployment", apiVersion: "apps/v1", metadata: { name: @data['deployed_name'], namespace: @data['env'], labels: { application: @data['application'], "deployed-name" => @data['deployed_name'], "application-type" => "web", } }, spec: { replicas: get("replicas") || 1, selector: { matchLabels: { "deployed-name" => @data['deployed_name'], }, }, strategy: { type: "RollingUpdate", rollingUpdate: { maxSurge: 1, maxUnavailable: 0, } }, revisionHistoryLimit: 5, progressDeadlineSeconds: 120, template: { metadata: { labels: { application: @data['application'], "deployed-name" => @data['deployed_name'], "application-type" => "web", }, }, spec: { containers: [ { image: image_name, name: @data['deployed_name'], command: get("command").split(" "), env: env_vars, resources: resources, livenessProbe: livenessProbe, readinessProbe: readinessProbe, } ] }, }, }, } end end end end