# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
describe Bolognese::Metadata, vcr: true do
context "write metadata as turtle" do
it "Crossref DOI" do
input = fixture_path + "crossref.bib"
subject = Bolognese::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "bibtex")
ttl = subject.turtle.split("\n")
expect(ttl[0]).to eq("@prefix schema: .")
expect(ttl[2]).to eq(" a schema:ScholarlyArticle;")
publisher_line = ttl.find_index(' schema:publisher [') + 2
expect(ttl[publisher_line]).to eq(" schema:name \"{eLife} Sciences Organisation, Ltd.\"")
it "Dataset" do
input = "https://doi.org/10.5061/DRYAD.8515"
subject = Bolognese::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "datacite")
expect(subject.valid?).to be true
ttl = subject.turtle.split("\n")
expect(ttl[0]).to eq("@prefix schema: .")
expect(ttl[2]).to eq(" a schema:Dataset;")
publisher_line = ttl.find_index(' schema:publisher [') + 2
expect(ttl[publisher_line]).to eq(" schema:name \"Dryad\"")
it "BlogPosting" do
input= "https://doi.org/10.5438/4K3M-NYVG"
subject = Bolognese::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "datacite")
expect(subject.valid?).to be true
ttl = subject.turtle.split("\n")
expect(ttl[0]).to eq("@prefix schema: .")
expect(ttl[2]).to eq(" a schema:ScholarlyArticle;")
publisher_line = ttl.find_index(' schema:publisher [') + 2
expect(ttl[publisher_line]).to eq(" schema:name \"DataCite\"")
it "BlogPosting Citeproc JSON" do
input = fixture_path + "citeproc.json"
subject = Bolognese::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "citeproc")
ttl = subject.turtle.split("\n")
expect(ttl[0]).to eq("@prefix schema: .")
expect(ttl[2]).to eq(" a schema:BlogPosting;")
publisher_line = ttl.find_index(' schema:publisher [') + 2
expect(ttl[publisher_line]).to eq(" schema:name \"DataCite\"")
it "BlogPosting DataCite JSON" do
input = fixture_path + "datacite.json"
subject = Bolognese::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "datacite_json")
ttl = subject.turtle.split("\n")
expect(ttl[0]).to eq("@prefix schema: .")
expect(ttl[2]).to eq(" a schema:ScholarlyArticle;")
publisher_line = ttl.find_index(' schema:publisher [') + 2
expect(ttl[publisher_line]).to eq(" schema:name \"DataCite\"")
it "BlogPosting schema.org" do
input = "https://blog.datacite.org/eating-your-own-dog-food/"
subject = Bolognese::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "schema_org")
expect(subject.valid?).to be true
ttl = subject.turtle.split("\n")
expect(ttl[0]).to eq("@prefix schema: .")
expect(ttl[2]).to eq(" a schema:BlogPosting;")
publisher_line = ttl.find_index(' schema:publisher [') + 2
expect(ttl[publisher_line]).to eq(" schema:name \"DataCite\"")
it "DataONE" do
input = fixture_path + 'codemeta.json'
subject = Bolognese::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "codemeta")
ttl = subject.turtle.split("\n")
expect(ttl[0]).to eq("@prefix schema: .")
expect(ttl[2]).to eq(" a schema:SoftwareSourceCode;")
publisher_line = ttl.find_index(' schema:publisher [') + 2
expect(ttl[publisher_line]).to eq(" schema:name \"https://cran.r-project.org\"")
it "journal article" do
input = "10.7554/eLife.01567"
subject = Bolognese::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "crossref")
expect(subject.valid?).to be true
ttl = subject.turtle.split("\n")
expect(ttl[0]).to eq("@prefix schema: .")
expect(ttl[2]).to eq(" a schema:ScholarlyArticle;")
publisher_line = ttl.find_index(' schema:publisher [') + 2
expect(ttl[publisher_line]).to eq(" schema:name \"eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd\"")
it "with pages" do
input = "https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/291294"
subject = Bolognese::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "crossref")
expect(subject.valid?).to be true
ttl = subject.turtle.split("\n")
expect(ttl[0]).to eq("@prefix schema: .")
expect(ttl[2]).to eq(" a schema:ScholarlyArticle;")
publisher_line = ttl.find_index(' schema:publisher [') + 2
expect(ttl[publisher_line]).to eq(" schema:name \"Hindawi Limited\"")