module InsightsCloud::Api class MachineTelemetriesController < ::Api::V2::BaseController layout false include ::InsightsCloud::ClientAuthentication include ::InsightsCloud::CandlepinCache before_action :set_admin_user, only: [:forward_request] before_action :cert_uuid, :ensure_org, :ensure_branch_id, :only => [:forward_request, :branch_info] before_action :ensure_telemetry_enabled_for_consumer, :only => [:forward_request] skip_after_action :log_response_body, :only => [:forward_request] skip_before_action :check_media_type, :only => [:forward_request] after_action :update_host_insights_status, only: [:forward_request] # The method that "proxies" requests over to Cloud def forward_request certs = candlepin_id_cert @organization @cloud_response =, controller_name, @branch_id, certs) if @cloud_response.code == 401 return render json: { :message => 'Authentication to the Insights Service failed.', :headers => {}, }, status: :bad_gateway end if @cloud_response.code >= 300 return render json: { :message => 'Cloud request failed', :headers => {}, :response => @cloud_response, }, status: @cloud_response.code end if @cloud_response.headers[:content_disposition] return send_data @cloud_response, disposition: @cloud_response.headers[:content_disposition], type: @cloud_response.headers[:content_type] end # Append redhat-specific headers @cloud_response.headers.each do |key, value| assign_header(response, @cloud_response, key, false) if key.to_s.start_with?('x_rh_') end # Append general headers assign_header(response, @cloud_response, :x_resource_count, true) headers[Rack::ETAG] = @cloud_response.headers[:etag] render json: @cloud_response, status: @cloud_response.code end def branch_info payload = nil User.as_anonymous_admin do payload =, @host, @branch_id, end render :json => payload end def assign_header(res, cloud_res, header, transform) header_content = cloud_res.headers[header] return unless header_content new_header = transform ?'_', '-') : header.to_s res.headers[new_header] = header_content end private def ensure_telemetry_enabled_for_consumer unless (config = telemetry_config(@host)) logger.debug("Rejected telemetry forwarding for host #{}, insights param is set to: #{config}") render_message 'Telemetry is not enabled for this host', :status => 403 end config end def telemetry_config(host) param_value = nil User.as_anonymous_admin do param_value = host.host_param(InsightsCloud.enable_client_param) end param_value end def cert_uuid @uuid ||= User.current.login end def ensure_org @organization = @host.organization return render_message 'Organization not found or invalid', :status => 400 unless @organization end def ensure_branch_id @branch_id = cp_owner_id(@organization) return render_message "Branch ID not found for organization #{@organization.title}", :status => 400 unless @branch_id end def update_host_insights_status return unless request.path == '/redhat_access/r/insights/platform/ingress/v1/upload' || request.path.include?('/redhat_access/r/insights/uploads/') return unless @cloud_response.code.to_s.start_with?('2') # create insights status if it wasn't there in the first place and refresh its reporting date @host.get_status(InsightsClientReportStatus).refresh! @host.refresh_global_status! end end end