require_relative '../helpers/indented_grid' Coprl::Presenters.define(:tab_bars) do helpers Demo::Helpers::IndentedGrid attach :top_nav attach :component_drawer page_title 'Tab Bars' indented_grid do title 'Standard Tab Bar' tab_bar do tab 'One', selected: true tab 'Two' tab 'Three' end separator title 'Tabs with icons next to labels' tab_bar do tab 'One', icon: :thumb_up tab 'Two', icon: :face, selected: true tab 'Three', icon: :thumb_down end separator title 'Tabs with icons above labels' tab_bar do tab 'One', icon: :thumb_up, stacked: true, selected: true tab 'Two', icon: :face, stacked: true tab 'Three', icon: :thumb_down, stacked: true end separator title 'Scrolling Tabs' tab_bar do 15.times do |idx| tab "Tab Number-#{idx}", selected: idx == 3 do event :click do snackbar 'tab clicked' end end end end separator title 'Content is automatically displayed/hidden' tab_bar do tab 'One', selected: true do heading3 'Tab 1' end tab 'Two' do heading3 'Tab 2' end tab 'Three' do heading3 'Tab 3' end end end attach :code, file: __FILE__ end