module Wordmove module Actions module Ftp module Helpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern class_methods do # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength # # (In)Utility method to retrieve ftp options from the superset of remote options # # @param [Hash] remote_options Remote host options fetched from movefile # (with symbolized keys) # # @return [Hash] Ftp options from the movefile # def ftp_options(remote_options:) remote_options[:ftp] end # # Escape a string to be printed into PHP files # # @param [String] string The string to escape # # @return [String] The escaped string # def escape_php(string:) return '' unless string # replaces \ with \\ # replaces ' with \' string.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\').gsub(/'/, '\\\\\'') end # # Generate a token # # @return [String] A random hexadecimal string # def remote_php_scripts_token SecureRandom.hex(40) end # # Generate THE PHP dump script, protected by a token to ensure only Wordmove will run it # # @param [Hash] remote_db_options The remote DB configurations fetched from movefile # @param [String] token The token that will be used to protect the execution of the script # # @return [String] The PHP file as string # def generate_dump_script(remote_db_options:, token:) template =, '../../assets/dump.php.erb')) ) template.result(binding) end # # Generate THE PHP import script, protected by a token to ensure only Wordmove will run it # # @param [Hash] remote_db_options The remote DB configurations fetched from movefile # @param [String] token The token that will be used to protect the execution of the script # # @return [String] The PHP file as string # def generate_import_script(remote_db_options:, token:) template =, '../../assets/import.php.erb')) ) template.result(binding) end # # Download a file from the internet making a simple GET request # # @param [String] url The URL of the resource to download # @param [String] local_path The local path where the resource will be saved # # @return [nil] # def download(url:, local_path:), 'w') do |file| file << URI.parse(url).read end end end end end end end