module RailsAdmin class AbstractModel cattr_accessor :all attr_reader :adapter, :model_name class << self def reset @@all = nil end def all(adapter = nil) @@all ||={ |m| new(m) }.compact adapter ?{|m| m.adapter == adapter} : @@all end alias_method :old_new, :new def new(m) m = m.is_a?(Class) ? m : m.constantize (am = old_new(m)).model && am.adapter ? am : nil rescue LoadError, NameError nil end @@polymorphic_parents = {} def polymorphic_parents(adapter, name) @@polymorphic_parents[adapter.to_sym] ||= {}.tap do |hash| all(adapter).each do |am|{|r| r[:as] }.each do |association| (hash[association[:as].to_sym] ||= []) << am.model end end end @@polymorphic_parents[adapter.to_sym][name.to_sym] end # For testing def reset_polymorphic_parents @@polymorphic_parents = {} end end def initialize(m) @model_name = m.to_s if'ActiveRecord::Base') && !m.abstract_class? # ActiveRecord @adapter = :active_record require 'rails_admin/adapters/active_record' extend Adapters::ActiveRecord elsif'Mongoid::Document') # Mongoid @adapter = :mongoid require 'rails_admin/adapters/mongoid' extend Adapters::Mongoid end end # do not store a reference to the model, does not play well with ActiveReload/Rails3.2 def model @model_name.try :constantize end def config Config.model self end def to_param model.to_s.split("::").map(&:underscore).join("~") end def param_key model.to_s.split("::").map(&:underscore).join("_") end def pretty_name model.model_name.human end private def get_filtering_duration(operator, value) date_format = I18n.t("admin.misc.filter_date_format", :default => I18n.t("admin.misc.filter_date_format", :locale => :en)).gsub('dd', '%d').gsub('mm', '%m').gsub('yy', '%Y') case operator when 'between' start_date = value[1].present? ? (beginning_of_date(Date.strptime(value[1], date_format)) rescue false) : false end_date = value[2].present? ? (Date.strptime(value[2], date_format).end_of_day rescue false) : false when 'today' start_date = beginning_of_date( end_date = when 'yesterday' start_date = beginning_of_date(Date.yesterday) end_date = Date.yesterday.end_of_day when 'this_week' start_date = beginning_of_date( end_date = when 'last_week' start_date = beginning_of_date(1.week.ago.to_date.beginning_of_week) end_date = 1.week.ago.to_date.end_of_week.end_of_day else # default start_date = (beginning_of_date(Date.strptime(Array.wrap(value).first, date_format)) rescue false) end_date = (Date.strptime(Array.wrap(value).first, date_format).end_of_day rescue false) end [start_date, end_date] end def beginning_of_date(date) date.beginning_of_day end end end