describe "Teabag.Reporters.BaseView", -> beforeEach -> @base = new Teabag.Reporters.BaseView() describe "constructor", -> it "calls build", -> spy = spyOn(Teabag.Reporters.BaseView.prototype, "build") new Teabag.Reporters.BaseView() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "#build", -> it "builds an element", ->"foo") expect(@base.el.className).toBe("foo") describe "#appendTo", -> it "calls appendChild on the passed element", -> el = {appendChild: ->} spy = spyOn(el, "appendChild") @base.appendTo(el) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@base.el) describe "#append", -> it "calls appendChild on our element", -> @base.el = {appendChild: ->} spy = spyOn(@base.el, "appendChild") otherEl = {} @base.append(otherEl) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(otherEl) describe "#createEl", -> it "creates an element with a className", -> el = @base.createEl("em", "foo") expect(el.tagName).toBe("EM") expect(el.className).toBe("foo") describe "#findEl", -> it "finds an element and momoizes it", -> @base.findEl("controls") expect(@base.elements["controls"]).toBeDefined() describe "#setText", -> it "finds an el and sets it's innerText", -> el = {innerHTML: "bar"} spy = spyOn(@base, "findEl").andReturn(el) @base.setText("foo-id", "foo") expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("foo-id") expect(el.innerHTML).toBe("foo") describe "#setHtml", -> it "finds an el and sets it's innerHTML", -> el = {innerHTML: "bar"} spy = spyOn(@base, "findEl").andReturn(el) @base.setHtml("foo-id", "foo") expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("foo-id") expect(el.innerHTML).toBe("foo") describe "#setClass", -> it "finds an el and sets a class on it", -> el = {className: "bar"} spy = spyOn(@base, "findEl").andReturn(el) @base.setClass("foo-id", "foo") expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("foo-id") expect(el.className).toBe("foo") describe "#htmlSafe", -> it "makes a string html safe", -> expect(@base.htmlSafe("<div></div>")).toEqual("<div></div>")