require 'yaml' require 'log4r' require 'breaktime/schedule' require 'dante' require 'breaktime/cli' # Handles configuration options, CLI stuff and process daemonizing. class Breaktime::Main include Log4r attr_reader :options, :log, :cli # Default options that can be overridden in the YAML file. DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {'interval' => 60, 'pid_path' => ENV['HOME'] + File::SEPARATOR + "", 'log_path' => ENV['HOME'] + File::SEPARATOR + "breaktime.log", 'daemonize' => true, 'days' => ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday']} # Set up the logger, parse CLI options and the YAML file. def initialize create_logger 'error' @cli = @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS set_log_level @cli.options[:level] parse_yaml_file end # Exit with a trollop message. def die(message) Trollop::die message end # Print out the gem motto and exit with the given exit code. def say_goodbye(exit_code) puts "\n\s\sBreaktime says, \"Have a break, have an unbranded chocolate snack.\"" exit exit_code end # Run the given mode. # # The mode is one of the command line modes (run with the --help flag). def run_mode(mode) command = @options['command'], @log # Switch on CLI mode. case mode # Schedule the breaktime. when "start" { "When it's breaktime I'll run: `#{command.command}`" } startd # Stop a currently running daemonized process. when "stop" { "Stopping breaktime background process" } stopd say_goodbye Breaktime::EX_OK # Open a dialog to notify the user about an impending screen break. when "dialog" { "Opening dialog" } require 'breaktime/dialog' # Automatically loads green shoes window # Run the command that will start the break. when "now" command.execute # Unknown mode. else die "unknown mode #{mode.inspect}" end end # Check if Process has the fork method, but also check for Java # # Apparently jRuby doesn't implement this correctly, hence the secondary # check. def fork_implemented? if Process.respond_to?(:fork) RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /java/ && RUBY_ENGINE != 'macruby' else false end end # Start the scheduler as a daemon. # # The process can be kept on top if the "daemonize" option is set to be false # in the configuration YAML file. # # The logger output format is changed to add the time, as this is more # helpful for debugging. # # Uses Dante for daemonizing. def startd dante_opts = {:daemonize => @options['daemonize'], :pid_path => @options['pid_path'], :log_path => @options['log_path']} if dante_opts[:daemonize] if not fork_implemented? dante_opts[:daemonize] = false @log.warn { "Daemonizing is not available, as fork is not implemented - running on top" } else { "Starting daemon, PID file => #{dante_opts[:pid_path]}, log file => #{dante_opts[:log_path]}" } end end schedule =['interval'], @options['days'], @cli.options, @log)'breaktime').execute(dante_opts) do schedule.start end end # Stop the daemonized process, if it is running. def stopd dante_opts = {:kill => true, :pid_path => @options['pid_path']}'breaktime').execute(dante_opts) end class << self # Create a new Main object and run the mode given as a CLI parameter. # # Also rescue exceptions and display helpful messages. # # TODO: tidy this up def start main = main.log.debug { "Starting cli mode: #{main.cli.mode}" } begin main.run_mode main.cli.mode # Exception handling and appropriate exit codes. rescue Breaktime::LinuxWinManager::ManagerUnknown main.log.fatal do <<-FATAL It looks like you're using Linux, but I'm unable to detect your window manager to determine how to start your screensaver. To get round this problem, just specify a "command" in your $HOME/.breaktime.yml file, and this will be executed at the start of your break. FATAL end exit Breaktime::EX_LINUX_WM_UNKNOWN rescue Breaktime::Command::OSUnknown main.log.fatal do <<-FATAL I can't work out which operating system you're using. If you think this is unreasonable then please let me know on Github. To get round this problem in the meantime, just specify a "command" in your $HOME/.breaktime.yml file, and this will be executed at the start of your break. FATAL end exit Breaktime::EX_OS_UNKNOWN rescue Interrupt main.log.warn { "Caught Control-C, shutting down..." } main.say_goodbye Breaktime::EX_INTERRUPT rescue SignalException => e main.log.warn { "Caught signal #{e.message}, shutting down..." } main.say_goodbye Breaktime::EX_SIGNAL rescue SystemExit raise rescue Exception => e main.log.fatal { "Unexpected exception {#{}}: #{e.message}" } main.log.debug { $!.backtrace.join("\n\t") } exit Breaktime::EX_UNKNOWN end end end private # Create a Log4r logger with the given log level. # # The logger prints to stdout by default, and spits out the level, time and # message. def create_logger(level) @log = 'breaktime' outputter = Outputter.stdout outputter.formatter = => "[%l] %d :: %m") @log.outputters << outputter @log.level = ERROR end # Overwrite the current logger level. def set_log_level(level) @log.level = self.class.const_get(level.upcase) end # Parse the YAML configuration file. # # Any errors in the parsing cause the program to exit, but a YAML file is not # required - the defaults are used if it doesn't exist. # # TODO: separate into separate module/class? def parse_yaml_file @log.debug { "Configuration yaml file: #{@cli.options[:config]}" } if File.exist? @cli.options[:config] begin @options.merge! YAML.load_file(@cli.options[:config]) rescue Exception => e @log.debug { e.message } Trollop::die :config, "must be a valid yaml file" end elsif @cli.options[:config] != Breaktime::CLI::DEFAULT_CONFIG Trollop::die :config, "must be a valid yaml file" else @log.warn { "No configuration file found at #{Breaktime::CLI::DEFAULT_CONFIG}, using defaults" } { "Check the README for info on creating a configuration file" } end end end