const { concat, group, ifBreak, indent, join, line, literalline, softline } = require("../builders"); const isStringArray = args => args.body.every( arg => arg.type === "string_literal" && arg.body[0].body.length === 1 && arg.body[0].body[0].type === "@tstring_content" && !arg.body[0].body[0].body.includes(" ") ); const isSymbolArray = args => args.body.every(arg => arg.type === "symbol_literal"); const makeArray = start => (path, opts, print) => [start].concat(, "body")); const getSpecialArrayParts = (path, print, args) =>, index) =>, "body", 0, "body", index, "body", 0, "body", 0) ); const printAref = (path, opts, print) => group( concat([, "body", 0), "[", indent( concat([ softline, join(concat([",", line]),, "body", 1)) ]) ), concat([softline, "]"]) ]) ); const printSpecialArray = parts => group( concat([ parts[0], "[", indent(concat([softline, join(line, parts.slice(1))])), concat([softline, "]"]) ]) ); // Extract out the actual elements, taking into account nesting with // `args_add_star` nodes. The only nodes that get passed into this function are // `args` or `args_add_star`. const getElements = (node, elementPath) => { if (node.type === "args") { return, index) => ({ element, elementPath: elementPath.concat(["body", index]) })); } return getElements(node.body[0], elementPath.concat(["body", 0])).concat( node.body.slice(1).map((element, index) => ({ element, elementPath: elementPath.concat(["body", index + 1]) })) ); }; module.exports = { aref: (path, opts, print) => { if (!path.getValue().body[1]) { return concat([, "body", 0), "[]"]); } return printAref(path, opts, print); }, aref_field: printAref, array: (path, { addTrailingCommas }, print) => { const args = path.getValue().body[0]; if (args === null) { return "[]"; } if (isStringArray(args)) { return printSpecialArray( ["%w"].concat(getSpecialArrayParts(path, print, args)) ); } if (isSymbolArray(args)) { return printSpecialArray( ["%i"].concat(getSpecialArrayParts(path, print, args)) ); } if (!["args", "args_add_star"].includes(args.type)) { return printSpecialArray(, "body", 0)); } const normalDocs = []; const elementDocs =, "body", 0); const elements = getElements(path.getValue().body[0], ["body", 0]); // We need to manually loop through the elements in the array in order to // take care of heredocs printing (their commas go after the opening, as // opposed to at the end). elements.forEach(({ element, elementPath }, index) => { const isInner = index !== elements.length - 1; const isStraightHeredoc = element.type === "heredoc"; const isSquigglyHeredoc = element.type === "string_literal" && element.body[0].type === "heredoc"; if (isStraightHeredoc || isSquigglyHeredoc) { const heredocNode = isStraightHeredoc ? element : element.body[0]; const heredocPath = [print].concat(elementPath); if (isSquigglyHeredoc) { heredocPath.push("body", 0); } normalDocs.push( heredocNode.beging, isInner || addTrailingCommas ? "," : "", literalline, concat(, heredocPath.concat("body"))), heredocNode.ending, isInner ? line : "" ); } else { normalDocs.push(elementDocs[index]); if (isInner) { normalDocs.push(concat([",", line])); } else if (addTrailingCommas) { normalDocs.push(ifBreak(",", "")); } } }); return group( concat([ "[", indent(concat([softline].concat(normalDocs))), concat([softline, "]"]) ]) ); }, qsymbols: makeArray("%i"), qwords: makeArray("%w"), symbols: makeArray("%I"), words: makeArray("%W") };