:en: hey: "Welcome to gCodebreaker!\n You can: - Start new game - puts 'start'\n - Check the rules - puts 'rules'\n - Load game statistics - puts 'stats'\n - Exit from game - puts 'exit'\n" goodbye: "Bye bye!\n" rules: "GAME RULES:\n # Codebreaker is a logic game in which a code-breaker tries to break a secret code created by a code-maker. The\n codemaker, which will be played by the application we’re going to write, creates a secret code.\n # The codebreaker gets some number of chances to break the code (depends on chosen difficulty). In each turn, the\n codebreaker makes a guess. The codemaker then marks the guess with special symbols.\n # If codebreaker inputs the exact number as a secret number - codebreaker wins the game. If all attempts are spent - codebreaker loses.\n # Codebreaker also has some number of hints(depends on chosen difficulty). If a user takes a hint - he receives back a\n separate digit of the secret code.\n # Good luck!" choose_name: "Enter you name: " wrong_name: "Enter valid name, please! Name must be min 3 and max 20 characters.\n" choose_difficulty: "Choose difficulty: 'easy', 'medium', 'hell'" wrong_difficulty: "There is no such level. Select from available, please" get_hint: "You can choose get hint - puts 'hint'" no_hints: "You have no hints" wrong_input: "Your input is invalid or there is no such command." win: "YOU WIN!" lose: "You lose, sorry(" code: "The code was: " no_stats: "Sorry, you have not any statistic yet" save_result: "Do you want to save result y/n" game_over: "GAME OVER"