utegate 20 1 7 1 containing the word 'utegate' 2009-11-17.13.6 2009-11-17 12 1 227451 227508 93 450 63 ...consistent with what we have had on earlier occasions, an attempt by the Leader of the Opposition to embroil my staff in this matter. I seem to remember what he did during the forged email affair on <span class="hi">Utegate</span>, which was to seek to embroil the economic adviser in my office, Dr Charlton. Once again, we are going down the same road. /debates/?id=2009-11-17.13.1&amp;s=utegate#g13.6 450 Kevin Rudd 1 Griffith Australian Labor Party 10552 /mp/?m=450 Prime Minister Prime Minister Questions without Notice: Asylum Seekers 2009-11-17.7.3 2009-11-17 12 1 227451 227486 82 450 38 ...embassy. He said that quite explicitly. He said that I had misled the parliament on that matter. This is a grave accusation. He said it once before, this year, and that was in relation to the <span class="hi">Utegate</span> affair, which was based on a forged email. My question to the Leader of the Opposition when he stands to his feet next time is: will he provide to us the evidence upon which he has based this... /debates/?id=2009-11-17.7.1&amp;s=utegate#g7.3 450 Kevin Rudd 1 Griffith Australian Labor Party 10552 /mp/?m=450 Prime Minister Prime Minister Questions without Notice: Asylum Seekers 2009-11-17.5.5 2009-11-17 12 1 227451 227460 98 450 14 ...vu. When was the last time we had this Leader of the Opposition stand up and say that I had misled the House on such a matter? What we had last time was, of course, the forged email affair around <span class="hi">Utegate</span> when the Leader of the Opposition stood up and made an accusation publicly that I had misled the parliament on the basis of no evidence at all, which perhaps explains why he was... /debates/?id=2009-11-17.5.1&amp;s=utegate#g5.5 450 Kevin Rudd 1 Griffith Australian Labor Party 10552 /mp/?m=450 Prime Minister Prime Minister Questions without Notice: Asylum Seekers 2009-10-22.83.14 2009-10-22 12 1 224059 224060 62 6 278 ...time to move more points of order than were moved during the entire term last time. Those opposite interrupt one-third of questions. Then they stand up and move suspensions and censures. Remember <span class="hi">Utegate</span> week? They did not move anything on the Monday and they waited until the Wednesday, when we knew it was a fake email, and then moved a censure motion. That was a highlight of the tactical... /debates/?id=2009-10-22.81.2&amp;s=utegate#g83.14 6 Anthony Albanese 1 Grayndler Australian Labor Party 10007 /mp/?m=6 Leader of the House Leader of the House Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Matters of Public Importance: Parliamentary Reform 2009-08-20.126.1 2009-08-20 12 101 215826 215827 69 100254 447 ...be said to be its political high ground after it has spent several weeks languishing in division and languishing in farce as it has tried to come to terms with climate change, with the RET, with <span class="hi">Utegate</span> and with the antics of the Leader of the Opposition and our very own Inspector Clouseau, Senator Abetz. Senator Parry remembers that, once upon a time, economic credentials were a brand... /senate/?id=2009-08-20.121.2&amp;s=utegate#g126.1 100254 David Feeney 2 Victoria Australian Labor Party 10709 /senator/?m=100254 Rudd Government: 2009-08-17.97.2 2009-08-17 12 101 212943 212946 100 100016 366 ...wrong, expose a perceived injustice or just be mischievous&#8212;all, of course, in the public interest. The most recent case, which has occupied so much media time since early June, was the <span class="hi">Utegate</span> affair. Ultimately it has brought humiliation to the opposition and its leader. This, however, was entirely self-inflicted. It was no ordinary leak but a calculated and deliberate attempt by a... /senate/?id=2009-08-17.97.1&amp;s=utegate#g97.2 100016 Mark Bishop 2 WA Australian Labor Party 10048 /senator/?m=100016 Adjournment: OzCar 2009-06-25.99.2 2009-06-25 12 1 209699 209718 63 418 343 ...about these things. They will talk about anything other than utes, because the reality is that, apart from the good people of Deniliquin, and then for only one weekend a year, no-one cares about the <span class="hi">Utegate</span> affair. Nobody really cares about utes the way those opposite do. We could have dealt with this a long way back, at the very start of this week in parliament, if the Leader of the... /debates/?id=2009-06-25.99.1&amp;s=utegate#g99.2 418 Graham Perrett 1 Moreton Australian Labor Party 10512 /mp/?m=418 Adjournment: Economy