# If using the solr:marc:index task, you can define environment-specific # config files that will be used instead of 'config.properties' for # a specific environment. config-development.properties, # config-production.properties, etc. # Relative paths for solrmarc.solr.war.path and solr.path are relative # to the location of SolrMarc.jar, which for blacklight is by default # in blacklight/config/solr_marc. # solrmarc.solr.war.path - must point to either a war file for the version of # Solr that you want to use, or to a directory of jar files extracted from a # Solr war files. If this is not provided, SolrMarc can only work by # communicating with a running Solr server. # solrmarc.solr.war.path= ../../../../jetty/webapps/solr.war # Path to your solr instance # solr.path = ../../../../jetty/solr # Relative paths for solr.indexer can be relative to the location of # this config.properties file. solr.indexer = org.solrmarc.index.SolrIndexer solr.indexer.properties = index.properties # URL of running solr search engine to cause updates to be recognized. # * When solr.path and solrmarc.solr.war.path are defined, this is optional, # but if defined SolrMarc will issue a 'commit' after it's done indexing. # * Alternately, do not define solr.path or solrmarc.solr.war.path to have # SolrMarc use HTTP Post to add documents. # NOTE: # When using the solr:marc:index rake task, this value will be automatically # looked up from your solr.yml, and the value here will NOT be used. solr.hosturl = http://localhost:8983/solr/update # MARC handling parameters marc.to_utf_8 = true marc.permissive = true marc.default_encoding = MARC8 marc.include_errors = false