# react-rails #### Breaking Changes #### New Features #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes ## 1.6.0 (February 4, 2016) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - Individual add-ons can be included in a bundle with sprockets require directives. #457 - Support `sprockets-rails` 3 #430 - Update to React 0.14.6 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Fix install generator when `//= require`s are malformed #463 - Use `before_action` if available #456 - Add CHANGELOG to gem bundle #471 - Use `window.attachEvent` to support IE8 without jQuery 😬#446 ## 1.5.0 (November 25, 2015) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - Update to React 0.14.3 #412 - `config.react.camelize_props = true` will camelize `react_component` prop keys #409 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Fix chained `.es6` file names with JSX processor #411 - Don't insert `// =require`s multiple times #398 ## 1.4.2 (November 5, 2015) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - Component generator `--coffee` option #387 - Support Sprockets 4 with a JSX processor #385 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Support custom attributes when rendering from controller #384 ## 1.4.1 (October 23, 2015) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Minify & optimize the production build of React.js #380 ## 1.4.0 (October 22, 2015) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - Include React.js 0.14 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes ## 1.3.3 (October 21, 2015) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Also support React 0.14 in `unmountComponents` #372 - Use a fallback view helper in case a Rails controller wasn't used #375 ## 1.3.2 (October 13, 2015) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - The UJS can mount and unmount components within a given DOM node #358 - Support dropped-in React 0.14 in UJS #366 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes ## 1.3.1 (September 18, 2015) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Use controller lifecycle hooks for view helper (tests don't run middlewares) #356 ## 1.3.0 (September 15, 2015) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - Render components directly from the controller with `render component: ...` #329 - Provide a custom view helper with `config.react.view_helper_implementation` #346 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Allow `react-rails` configs to be set in initializers #347 ## 1.2.0 (August 19, 2015) #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - Support `--es6` option in component generator #332 - Support Sprockets 3 #322 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Don't bother unmounting components `onBeforeUnload` #318 - Include `React::Rails::VERSION` in the gem #335 ## 1.1.0 (July 9, 2015) #### Breaking Changes - Changed server rendering configuration names #253 | Old | New | | ---- | ---- | | `config.react.timeout` | `config.react.server_renderer_timeout` | | `config.react.max_renderers` | `config.react.server_renderer_pool_size` | | `config.react.react_js` | `config.react.server_renderer_options[:files]` | | `config.react.component_filenames` | `config.react.server_renderer_options[:files]` | | `config.react.replay_console` | `config.react.server_renderer_options[:replay_console]` | | (none) | `config.react.server_renderer` | - JSX is transformed by Babel, not JSTransform #295 #### New Features - Allow custom renderers for server rendering #253 - Server render with `renderToStaticMarkup` via `prerender: :static` #253 - Accept `config.react.jsx_transform_options = {asset_path: "path/to/JSXTransformer.js"}` #273 - Added `BabelTransformer` for transforming JSX #295 - Added `ExecJSRenderer` to server rendering tools - Accept `config.react.jsx_transformer_class` #302 #### Deprecations - `JSXTransformer` won't be updated #### Bug Fixes - Fix gem versions in tests #270 - Expire the Sprockets cache if you change React.js builds #257 - Instead of copying builds into local directires, add different React.js builds to the asset pipeline #254 - Camelize attribute names in the component generator #262 - Add `tilt` dependency #248 - Default prerender pool size to 1 #302 ## 1.0.0 (April 7, 2015) #### New Features - Vendor versions of React.js with `config.variant`, `config.addons` and `//= require react` - Component generator - View helper and UJS for mounting components - Server rendering with `prerender: true` - Transform `.jsx` in the asset pipeline