3.1 import_envelope_and_internal_loads_from_idf 10a3ffb4-de25-4cb3-87ff-5922219716f9 8d86240c-94a2-484e-a779-328453d67e73 2024-11-16T23:54:10Z 45097B60 ImportEnvelopeAndInternalLoadsFromIdf ImportEnvelopeAndInternalLoadsFromIdf This will replace the building in your current model with the building objects form the selected IDF file. This will include spaces and thermal zones, and related resources such as constructions, materials, internal loads, and schedules. This won't bring in simulation settings or HVAC objects. Thermostats will be brought in. The IDF file version has to match what OpenStudio currently supports. The measure currently doesn't bring in site objects like site shading and exterior lights, but arguments will be added for that. Currently service hot water objects also dont' make it in. source_idf_path External IDF File Name Name of the IDF file to import objects from. This is the filename with the extension (e.g. MyModel.idf). Optionally this can inclucde the full file path, but for most use cases should just be file name. String true false import_site_objects Import Site Shading. Boolean true false true true true false false Envelope.Form Measure Type ModelMeasure string Uses SketchUp API false boolean LICENSE.md md license 8696A072 README.md md readme F5E34925 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script 3BC0F8F5 ExtLightsAndShading.idf idf test 5AC6FC9B ImportEnvelopeAndInternalLoadsFromIdf_Test.rb rb test 3EA0317D RefBldgLargeHotelNew2004_Chicago.idf idf test DED4B3CA measure_test.osw osw test F5FABCCF