module Paperclip module Shoulda module Matchers # Ensures that the given instance or class validates the size of the # given attachment as specified. # # Examples: # it { should validate_attachment_size(:avatar). # less_than(2.megabytes) } # it { should validate_attachment_size(:icon). # greater_than(1024) } # it { should validate_attachment_size(:icon). # in(0..100) } def validate_attachment_size name end class ValidateAttachmentSizeMatcher def initialize attachment_name @attachment_name = attachment_name @low, @high = 0, (1.0/0) end def less_than size @high = size self end def greater_than size @low = size self end def in range @low, @high = range.first, range.last self end def matches? subject @subject = subject @subject = @subject.class unless Class === @subject lower_than_low? && higher_than_low? && lower_than_high? && higher_than_high? end def failure_message "Attachment #{@attachment_name} must be between #{@low} and #{@high} bytes" end def negative_failure_message "Attachment #{@attachment_name} cannot be between #{@low} and #{@high} bytes" end def description "validate the size of attachment #{@attachment_name}" end protected def override_method object, method, &replacement (class << object; self; end).class_eval do define_method(method, &replacement) end end def passes_validation_with_size(new_size) file =".") override_method(file, :size){ new_size } override_method(file, :to_tempfile){ file } (subject = subject.valid? subject.errors.on(:"#{@attachment_name}_file_size").blank? end def lower_than_low? not passes_validation_with_size(@low - 1) end def higher_than_low? passes_validation_with_size(@low + 1) end def lower_than_high? return true if @high == (1.0/0) passes_validation_with_size(@high - 1) end def higher_than_high? return true if @high == (1.0/0) not passes_validation_with_size(@high + 1) end end end end end