# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. # [0.9.0] - 2022-09-30 ## Changed - Reduced context switching count during lock operations (migrate from `SmartCore::Engine::Lock` to `SmartCore::Engine::ReadWriteLock`); # [0.8.0] - 2022-09-30 ## Changed - Reduced object allocations and mutex usage: - only one mutex of `SmartCore::Schema::Checker` instance is enough cuz this mutex covers the entire validation process; - more retained objects in `SmartCore::Schema::Checker::Rules` (cache layer for rule names); - Updated development dependencies; - Updated `smart_engine` dependency (`~> 0.11` -> `~> 0.13`); # [0.7.0] - 2022-09-28 ## Changed - Started the total code refactoring in order to decrease object and memory allocations: - Decreased object allocations in `SmartCore::Schema::Checker::VerifiableHash#fetch(key)` # [0.6.0] - 2022-09-27 ## Added - Now `Forwardable` module has explicit requiring in order to support *Ruby@3.1* (`lib/smart_core/smart_schema.rb#6`); # [0.5.0] - 2021-01-18 ## Changed - Updated `smart_types` dependency (`~> 0.4.0`) to guarantee **Ruby@3** compatability; # [0.4.0] - 2021-01-18 ## Added - Support for **Ruby@3**; ## Changed - No more `TravisCI` (TODO: migrate to `GitHub Actions`); - Updated development dependencies; # [0.3.0] - 2020-12-03 ### Added - Support for *strict* and *non-strict* schemas; - `strict!` DSL directive marks your schema as a strict schema (your hash can not have extra keys); - `non_strict!` DSL directive marks your schema as non-strict schema (your hash can have extra keys); - use `strict!` in any schema's context place to mark your current schema context as a strict; - use `non_strict` in any schema's context place to mark your current schema context as a strict; - use `schema(:strict)` to globally define strict schema (default behavior); - use `schema(:non_strict)` to globally define non-strict schema; - nested schemas inherits strict behavior from outer schemas; - root schema is `:strict` by default; - schema reopening without mode attribute does not change original schema mode (you should manually pass a mode attribute to redefine already defined schema mode); # [0.2.0] - 2020-11-09 ### Added - `#errors` now includes `#extra_keys` too (`:extra_key` error code for each extra key); - Unfreezed `SmartCore::Schema::Checker::Rules::TYPE_ALIASES` for extendability (until `smart_type-syste` has been integrated); # [0.1.0] - 2020-08-25 - Release :)