# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'rubygems' unless defined?(Gem) require 'pathname' require 'date' require 'time' require 'rake/clean' raise "unable to find xcodebuild" unless system('which', 'xcodebuild') FSEVENT_WATCH_EXE_VERSION = '0.1.3' $this_dir = Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path $final_exe = $this_dir.parent.join('bin/fsevent_watch') $src_dir = $this_dir.join('fsevent_watch') $obj_dir = $this_dir.join('build') SRC = Pathname.glob("#{$src_dir}/*.c") OBJ = SRC.map {|s| $obj_dir.join("#{s.basename('.c')}.o")} $now = DateTime.now.xmlschema rescue Time.now.xmlschema $CC = ENV['CC'] || `which clang || which gcc`.strip $CFLAGS = ENV['CFLAGS'] || '-fconstant-cfstrings -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall' $ARCHFLAGS = ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] || '-arch x86_64 -arch i386' $DEFINES = "-DNS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64 -DNS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS -DOS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC=0 -DPROJECT_VERSION=#{FSEVENT_WATCH_EXE_VERSION}" $GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = ENV['GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD'] || 'gnu99' # generic developer id name so it'll match correctly for anyone who has only # one developer id in their keychain (not that I expect anyone else to bother) $CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = 'Developer ID Application' $arch = `uname -m`.strip $os_release = `uname -r`.strip $BUILD_TRIPLE = "#{$arch}-apple-darwin#{$os_release}" $CCVersion = `#{$CC} --version | head -n 1`.strip CLEAN.include OBJ.map(&:to_s) CLEAN.include $obj_dir.join('Info.plist').to_s CLEAN.include $obj_dir.join('fsevent_watch').to_s CLOBBER.include $final_exe.to_s task :sw_vers do $mac_product_version = `sw_vers -productVersion`.strip $mac_build_version = `sw_vers -buildVersion`.strip $MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = ENV['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] || $mac_product_version.sub(/\.\d*$/, '') $CFLAGS = "#{$CFLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=#{$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}" end task :get_sdk_info => :sw_vers do $SDK_INFO = {} version_info = `xcodebuild -version -sdk macosx#{$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}` raise "invalid SDK" unless !!$?.exitstatus version_info.strip.each_line do |line| next if line.strip.empty? next unless line.include?(':') match = line.match(/([^:]*): (.*)/) next unless match $SDK_INFO[match[1]] = match[2] end end task :debug => :sw_vers do $DEFINES = "-DDEBUG #{$DEFINES}" $CFLAGS = "#{$CFLAGS} -O0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g" end task :release => :sw_vers do $DEFINES = "-DNDEBUG #{$DEFINES}" $CFLAGS = "#{$CFLAGS} -O3" end desc 'configure build type depending on whether ENV var FWDEBUG is set' task :set_build_type => :sw_vers do if ENV['FWDEBUG'] Rake::Task[:debug].invoke else Rake::Task[:release].invoke end end desc 'set build arch to ppc' task :ppc do $ARCHFLAGS = '-arch ppc' end desc 'set build arch to x86_64' task :x86_64 do $ARCHFLAGS = '-arch x86_64' end desc 'set build arch to i386' task :x86 do $ARCHFLAGS = '-arch i386' end task :setup_env => [:set_build_type, :sw_vers, :get_sdk_info] directory $obj_dir.to_s file $obj_dir.to_s => :setup_env SRC.zip(OBJ).each do |source, object| file object.to_s => [source.to_s, $obj_dir.to_s] do cmd = [ $CC, $ARCHFLAGS, "-std=#{$GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD}", $CFLAGS, $DEFINES, "-I#{$src_dir}", '-isysroot', $SDK_INFO['Path'], '-c', source, '-o', object ] sh(cmd.map {|s| s.to_s}.join(' ')) end end file $obj_dir.join('Info.plist').to_s => [$obj_dir.to_s, :setup_env] do File.open($obj_dir.join('Info.plist').to_s, 'w+') do |file| indentation = '' indent = lambda {|num| indentation = ' ' * num } add = lambda {|str| file << "#{indentation}#{str}\n" } key = lambda {|str| add["#{str}"] } string = lambda {|str| add["#{str}"] } add[''] add[''] add[''] indent[2] add[''] indent[4] key['CFBundleExecutable'] string['fsevent_watch'] key['CFBundleIdentifier'] string['com.teaspoonofinsanity.fsevent_watch'] key['CFBundleName'] string['fsevent_watch'] key['CFBundleDisplayName'] string['FSEvent Watch CLI'] key['NSHumanReadableCopyright'] string['Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Travis Tilley'] key['CFBundleVersion'] string["#{FSEVENT_WATCH_EXE_VERSION}"] key['LSMinimumSystemVersion'] string["#{$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}"] key['DTSDKBuild'] string["#{$SDK_INFO['ProductBuildVersion']}"] key['DTSDKName'] string["macosx#{$SDK_INFO['SDKVersion']}"] key['DTSDKPath'] string["#{$SDK_INFO['Path']}"] key['BuildMachineOSBuild'] string["#{$mac_build_version}"] key['BuildMachineOSVersion'] string["#{$mac_product_version}"] key['FSEWCompiledAt'] string["#{$now}"] key['FSEWVersionInfoBuilder'] string["#{`whoami`.strip}"] key['FSEWBuildTriple'] string["#{$BUILD_TRIPLE}"] key['FSEWCC'] string["#{$CC}"] key['FSEWCCVersion'] string["#{$CCVersion}"] key['FSEWCFLAGS'] string["#{$CFLAGS}"] indent[2] add[''] indent[0] add[''] end end desc 'generate an Info.plist used for code signing as well as embedding build settings into the resulting binary' task :plist => $obj_dir.join('Info.plist').to_s file $obj_dir.join('fsevent_watch').to_s => [$obj_dir.to_s, $obj_dir.join('Info.plist').to_s] + OBJ.map(&:to_s) do cmd = [ $CC, $ARCHFLAGS, "-std=#{$GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD}", $CFLAGS, $DEFINES, "-I#{$src_dir}", '-isysroot', $SDK_INFO['Path'], '-framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreServices', '-sectcreate __TEXT __info_plist', $obj_dir.join('Info.plist') ] + OBJ + [ '-o', $obj_dir.join('fsevent_watch') ] sh(cmd.map {|s| s.to_s}.join(' ')) end desc 'compile and link build/fsevent_watch' task :build => $obj_dir.join('fsevent_watch').to_s desc 'codesign build/fsevent_watch binary' task :codesign => :build do sh "codesign -s '#{$CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}' #{$obj_dir.join('fsevent_watch')}" end desc 'replace bundled fsevent_watch binary with build/fsevent_watch' task :replace_exe => :build do sh "mv #{$obj_dir.join('fsevent_watch')} #{$final_exe}" end task :default => [:replace_exe, :clean]