require_relative '../spec_helper' describe Sqewer::Connection do describe '.default' do it 'returns a new Connection with the SQS queue location picked from SQS_QUEUE_URL envvar' do expect(ENV).to receive(:fetch).with('SQS_QUEUE_URL').and_return('') default = described_class.default expect(default).to be_kind_of(described_class) end end describe '#send_message' do it 'sends the message to the SQS client created with the URL given to the constructor' do fake_sqs_client = double('Client') expect(Aws::SQS::Client).to receive(:new) { fake_sqs_client } expect(fake_sqs_client).to receive(:send_message_batch).and_return(double(failed: [])) conn ='') expect(conn).to receive(:send_multiple_messages).and_call_original conn.send_message('abcdef') end it 'passes keyword args to Aws::SQS::Client' do fake_sqs_client = double('Client') expect(Aws::SQS::Client).to receive(:new) { fake_sqs_client } expect(fake_sqs_client).to receive(:send_message_batch).and_return(double(failed: [])) conn ='') expect(conn).to receive(:send_multiple_messages).and_call_original conn.send_message('abcdef', delay_seconds: 5) end end describe '#send_multiple_messages' do it 'sends 100 messages' do fake_sqs_client = double('Client') expect(Aws::SQS::Client).to receive(:new) { fake_sqs_client } expect(fake_sqs_client).to receive(:send_message_batch).exactly(11).times {|kwargs| expect(kwargs[:queue_url]).to eq("") expect(kwargs[:entries]).to be_kind_of(Array) entries = kwargs[:entries] expect(entries.length).to be <= 10 # At most 10 messages per batch entries.each do | entry | expect(entry[:id]).to be_kind_of(String) expect(entry[:message_body]).to be_kind_of(String) expect(entry[:message_body]).to match(/Hello/) end double(failed: []) } conn ='') conn.send_multiple_messages do | b| 102.times { b.send_message("Hello - #{SecureRandom.uuid}") } end end it 'raises an exception if any message fails sending' do fake_sqs_client = double('Client') expect(Aws::SQS::Client).to receive(:new) { fake_sqs_client } expect(fake_sqs_client).to receive(:send_message_batch) {|kwargs| double(failed: [double(message: 'Something went wrong at AWS')]) } conn ='') expect { conn.send_multiple_messages do | b| 102.times { b.send_message("Hello - #{SecureRandom.uuid}") } end }.to raise_error(/messages failed to send/) end end describe '#delete_message' do it 'deletes a single message' end describe '#delete_multiple_messages' do it 'deletes 100 messages' do fake_sqs_client = double('Client') expect(Aws::SQS::Client).to receive(:new) { fake_sqs_client } expect(fake_sqs_client).to receive(:delete_message_batch).exactly(11).times {|kwargs| expect(kwargs[:queue_url]).to eq("") expect(kwargs[:entries]).to be_kind_of(Array) entries = kwargs[:entries] expect(entries.length).to be <= 10 # At most 10 messages per batch entries.each do | entry | expect(entry[:id]).to be_kind_of(String) expect(entry[:receipt_handle]).to be_kind_of(String) end double(failed: []) } conn ='') conn.delete_multiple_messages do | b| 102.times { b.delete_message(SecureRandom.uuid) } end end it 'raises an exception if any message fails sending' do fake_sqs_client = double('Client') expect(Aws::SQS::Client).to receive(:new) { fake_sqs_client } expect(fake_sqs_client).to receive(:delete_message_batch) {|kwargs| double(failed: [double(message: 'Something went wrong at AWS')]) } conn ='') expect { conn.delete_multiple_messages do | b| 102.times { b.delete_message(SecureRandom.uuid) } end }.to raise_error(/messages failed to delete/) end end describe '#receive_messages' do it 'uses the batched receive feature' do s ='https://fake-queue') fake_sqs_client = double('Client') expect(Aws::SQS::Client).to receive(:new) { fake_sqs_client } fake_messages = (1..5).map { double(receipt_handle: SecureRandom.hex(4), body: SecureRandom.random_bytes(128)) } fake_response = double(messages: fake_messages) expect(fake_sqs_client).to receive(:receive_message).with({:queue_url=>"https://fake-queue", :wait_time_seconds=>5, :max_number_of_messages=>10}).and_return(fake_response) messages = s.receive_messages expect(messages.length).to eq(5) end end end