### Unreleased * Upcoming features * whitelist for allowable namespaces ### 1.1.1 * Documentation updates * Add example code in README.md to include clarification on command namespacing, and how to autoload command classes to avoid NameError exceptions when SimpleCommand::Dispatcher.call(...) is call due to uninitialized command constants. ### 1.1.0 * Bug fix lib/core_extensions/string.rb not included in SimpleCommand::Dispatcher, causing exception. ### 1.0.0 * Limit support to ruby >= 2.2.2 ### 0.2.0 * Yanked ### 0.1.3 * Documentation updates * Add `SimpleCommand::KlassTransform` rake task sandbox to test the below listed `SimpleCommand::KlassTransform` members; run the rake tasks for usage; these rake tasks are simply a playground to see how simple_command_dispatcher transforms parameters into output when calling SimpleCommand::Dispatcher.call(...): * `SimpleCommand::KlassTransform#to_class_string` * $ rake to_class_string * `SimpleCommand::KlassTransform#to_modules_string` * $ rake to_modules_string * `SimpleCommand::KlassTransform#to_constantized_class_string` * $ rake to_constantized_class_string ### 0.1.2 * Documentation updates ### 0.1.1 * Documentation updates