require 'thor' require "pathname" require "yaml" require "date" require 'fileutils' # @author Brandon Pittman # This is the main class that interfaces with Thor's methods and does all the heavy lifting for Nikki. # It's a bit of a "God" object. Sorries. class Generator < Thor desc "setup", "Creates new Nikki and config files." # This methods creates the ".nikki" directory, config file and journal file. def setup create_path create_file create_config_file end desc "new ENTRY", "Creates a new entry in the Nikki journal." # Add entry to journal # @param entry [String] entry to add to the journal # Will open your configured text editor on OS X if you didn't update the journal the previous day. # This will allow you to add missing entries in bulk. # It reads the settings in from the config YAML file and changes the date updated. # It does the same with the journal file, reading in the YAML and merging the hash of entries, and then saves the YAML back again. # There's also a method to check off a corresponding task in OmniFocus at the end. def new(*args) settings = read_config settings[:updated] = today entry = args.join(" ") entry_hash = { today => entry } journal = read_file.merge(entry_hash) write_file(journal) open unless updated_yesterday? write_config(settings) add_to_omnifocus puts latest end desc "open", "Open current year's journal file in editor." option :marked, :aliases => :m, :type => :boolean # Open Nikki journal in configured text editor def open if options[:marked] %x{open -a Marked #{file}} else %x{open -a "#{editor}" #{file}} end end desc "config", "Change Nikki's settings." option :editor, :aliases => :e, :banner => "Set default editor to open journal file in." option :yesterday, :aliases => :y, :type => :boolean, :banner => "Set nikki's \"updated\" date to yesterday." option :today, :aliases => :t, :type => :boolean, :banner => "Set nikki's \"updated\" date to today." option :print, :aliases => :p, :type => :boolean, :banner => "Prints nikki's config settings." option :latest, :aliases => :l, :type => :boolean, :banner => "Prints latest journal entries." # Configure Nikki's settings # @param --editor [String] (read_config[:editor]) Sets Nikki's editor to open journal file # @param --yesterday Set `settings[:updated]` to yesterday # @param --today Set `settings[:updated]` to today # @param --print Prints Nikki's configuration settings to STDOUT # @param --latest Prints Nikki's latest entries to STDOUT def config settings = read_config settings[:editor] = options[:editor] || read_config[:editor] settings[:updated] = if options[:yesterday] settings[:updated] = if options[:today] write_config(settings) puts settings.to_yaml if options[:print] puts latest if options[:latest] end no_commands do def path"#{ENV['HOME']}/.nikki/") end def create_path path.mkdir unless path.exist? end def config_file path.join("nikki.config.yaml") end def read_config create_path config_file_exist? YAML.load( end def write_config(hash)'w') { |t| t << hash.to_yaml } end def read_file create_path file_exist? YAML.load( end def write_file(hash) file.write(hash.to_yaml) end def editor read_config[:editor] end def file path.join("nikki.yaml") end def config_file_exist? return true if config_file.exist? create_config_file return true end def file_exist? return true if file.exist? create_file return true end def create_config_file settings = {} settings[:updated] = today settings[:editor] = 'TextEdit' write_config(settings) end def create_file FileUtils.touch(file) end def marked"/Applications/") end def today end def months_with_names {1=>{:name=>"January"}, 2=>{:name=>"February"}, 3=>{:name=>"March"}, 4=>{:name=>"April"}, 5=>{:name=>"May"}, 6=>{:name=>"June"}, 7=>{:name=>"July"}, 8=>{:name=>"August"}, 9=>{:name=>"September"}, 10=>{:name=>"October"}, 11=>{:name=>"November"}, 12=>{:name=>"December"}} end def leap_year? end def last_updated read_config[:updated] end def updated_yesterday? last_updated == end def latest list = [] (0..3).each do |n| list << "#{today-n}: #{read_file[today-n]}" end list.reverse! end def add_to_omnifocus %x{osascript <<-APPLESCRIPT tell application "OmniFocus" tell default document set nikki_task to first remaining task of flattened context "House" whose name is "Record what I learned today" set completed of nikki_task to true end tell end tell APPLESCRIPT} end end end