module OpenXml module Vml module Elements class Rectangle < OpenXml::Docx::Elements::Container namespace :v tag :rect attribute :alt, expects: :string attribute :chroma_key, expects: :valid_color, displays_as: :chromakey attribute :css_class, expects: :string, displays_as: :class attribute :coordinate_origin, matches: /^[\-0-9]+,\s?[\-0-9]+$/, displays_as: :coordorigin attribute :coordinate_size, matches: /^[\-0-9]+,\s?[\-0-9]+$/, displays_as: :coordsize attribute :fill_color, expects: :valid_color, displays_as: :fillcolor attribute :filled, expects: :boolean attribute :href, expects: :string attribute :id, expects: :string attribute :inset_pen, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :insetpen attribute :opacity, expects: :string # Can be a float or 1/65536ths when followed by `f` attribute :print, expects: :boolean attribute :stroke_color, expects: :valid_color, displays_as: :strokecolor attribute :stroked, expects: :boolean attribute :stroke_weight, expects: :string, displays_as: :strokeweight # Expects number with units attribute :style, expects: :string attribute :target, expects: :string attribute :title, expects: :string attribute :wrap_coordinates, expects: :string, displays_as: :wrapcoords with_namespace :o do attribute :allow_in_cell, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :allowincell attribute :allow_overlap, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :allowoverlap attribute :border_bottom_color, expects: :string, displays_as: :borderbottomcolor attribute :border_left_color, expects: :string, displays_as: :borderleftcolor attribute :border_right_color, expects: :string, displays_as: :borderrightcolor attribute :border_top_color, expects: :string, displays_as: :bordertopcolor attribute :bullet, expects: :boolean attribute :button, expects: :boolean attribute :bw_mode, one_of: %i(auto black blackTextAndLines color grayOutline grayScale hide highContrast inverseGray lightGrayscale undrawn white), displays_as: :bwmode attribute :bw_normal, one_of: %i(auto black blackTextAndLines color grayOutline grayScale hide highContrast inverseGray lightGrayscale undrawn white), displays_as: :bwnormal attribute :bw_pure, one_of: %i(auto black blackTextAndLines color grayOutline grayScale hide highContrast inverseGray lightGrayscale undrawn white), displays_as: :bwpure attribute :clip, expects: :boolean attribute :clip_to_wrap, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :cliptowrap attribute :connector_type, one_of: %i(curved elbow none straight), displays_as: :connectortype attribute :diagram_node_layout, expects: :valid_diagram_layout, displays_as: :dgmlayout attribute :diagram_node_recent_layout, expects: :valid_diagram_layout, displays_as: :dgmlayoutmru attribute :diagram_node_kind, expects: :integer, displays_as: :dgmnodekind attribute :double_click_notify, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :doubleclicknotify attribute :force_dash, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :forcedash attribute :hr, expects: :boolean attribute :hr_align, one_of: %i(center left right), displays_as: :hralign attribute :hr_no_shade, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :hrnoshade attribute :hr_percent, expects: :integer, displays_as: :hrpct attribute :hr_standard, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :hrstd attribute :inset_mode, one_of: %i(auto custom), displays_as: :insetmode attribute :ole, expects: :boolean attribute :ole_icon, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :oleicon attribute :hide_extra_handles, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :oned attribute :prefer_relative, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :preferrelative attribute :regroup_id, expects: :integer, displays_as: :regroupid attribute :optional_string, expects: :string, displays_as: :spid attribute :optional_number, expects: :string, displays_as: :spt # Actually expects float attribute :user_drawn, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :userdrawn attribute :user_hidden, expects: :boolean, displays_as: :userhidden end private def valid_color(value) ok_color_names = %i(black silver gray white maroon red purple fuchsia green lime olive yellow navy blue teal aqua) valid_hex = /#[0-9a-f]{6}/i valid_palette_entry = /^\w+(?:\s\[[0-9]+\])?$/ message = "Invalid color. Please specify a color name, a hex value (with #), or a palette entry." raise ArgumentError, message unless ok_color_names.include?(value) || value =~ valid_hex || value =~ valid_palette_entry end def valid_diagram_layout(value) message = "Invalid diagram layout. Must be a single digit between 0 and 3 inclusive" raise ArgumentError, message unless (value.is_a?(Fixnum) && (0..3).include?(value)) || value =~ /^[0-3]$/ end end end end end