Given /^the website has been populated with content based on the site map$/ do seed_file = File.join(Rails.root, "db", "seeds.rb") load(seed_file) end When /^I click on a root$/ do @_page = Noodall::Node.roots.last within("tbody tr:last") { click_link "Children" } end Then /^I should see a list the of the root's children$/ do @_page.children.each do |child| page.should have_content(child.title) end end When /^I click on a child$/ do @_child = @_page.children.first within(:css, "tbody tr:first") { click_link "Children" } end Then /^I should see a list of the child's children$/ do @_child.children.each do |gchild| page.should have_content(gchild.title) end end Then /^I should be able to create a new root$/ do click_link 'New' fill_in 'Title', :with => 'New Root' click_button 'Create' page.should have_content(' was successfully created.') end Then /^I should see the root listed within the roots$/ do visit noodall_admin_nodes_path page.should have_content('New Root') end Then /^I should be able to create a new child$/ do click_link 'New' fill_in 'Title', :with => 'New Child' click_button 'Create' page.should have_content(' was successfully created.') end Then /^I should see the child listed within the root's children$/ do visit noodall_admin_node_nodes_path(@_page) page.should have_content('New Child') end Then /^I should be able to delete content$/ do @_deleted_node = Noodall::Node.roots.last @_deleted_node_children = @_deleted_node.children within(:css, 'table tbody tr:last') { click_link "Delete" } page.should have_content("deleted") end Then /^the content and all of it's sub content will be removed from the website$/ do visit node_path(@_deleted_node) page.should have_content("The page you were looking for doesn't exist") @_deleted_node_children.each do |child| lambda { visit node_path(child) }.should raise_error(MongoMapper::DocumentNotFound) end end Then /^I should be able to move a child content to another parent$/ do @_child = @_page.children.first @_new_parent = Noodall::Node.roots.first within(:css, "table tbody tr#node-#{}") { click_link "Edit" } # Simulates what we are now doing with JS click_link "Advanced" within(:css, '#parent-title' ) { click_link "Edit" } within(:css, 'ol.tree' ) { click_link @_new_parent.title } click_button 'Publish' end Then /^I should see the child listed within the other parent's children$/ do visit noodall_admin_node_nodes_path(@_new_parent) within('tbody') do page.should have_content(@_child.title) end end Then /^I should be able change the order of the root's children$/ do table = table(tableish("table tr", 'td, th')) title = table.hashes[2]['Title'] # 2 as zero index within(:css, 'table tbody tr:nth(3)') { click_link "up" } table = table(tableish("table tr", 'td, th')) table.hashes[1]['Title'].should == title within(:css, 'table tbody tr:nth(2)' ) { click_link "down" } within(:css, 'table tbody tr:nth(3)' ) { click_link "down" } table = table(tableish("table tr", 'td, th')) table.hashes[3]['Title'].should == title end When /^I create a new child under an ancestor in "([^"]+)" template$/ do |template_title| template = template_title.downcase.gsub(' ','_') #create the ancester parent = Factory(template.to_sym) visit noodall_admin_node_nodes_path(parent) click_link 'New' end Then /^I should be able select a template from the "([^"]+)"$/ do |sub_template_string| sub_templates = sub_template_string.split(', ') sub_templates.each do |sub_template| choose sub_template end end Then /^I should see a list of the roots$/ do Noodall::Node.roots.each do |root| page.should have_content(root.title) end end Then /^I should not see a breadcrumb$/ do page.should_not have_css('.breadcrumb') end Then /^I should see a breadcrumb title of page$/ do page.should have_css('.breadcrumb') if @_child find('.breadcrumb').should have_content(@_child.title) find('.breadcrumb').find('a').should_not have_content(@_child.title) else find('.breadcrumb').should have_content(@_page.title) page.should have_css('.breadcrumb a', :count => 1) end end Then /^I should see a breadcrumb link to parent$/ do find('.breadcrumb li:nth-child(2) a').should have_content(@_page.title) end