{% comment %} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/_includes/themes/j1/procedures/components/select_location.proc # Liquid PROCEDURE to select|extract a resource location from a locator # data set # # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023, 2024 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global procedure. Reads a locator data set and returns the location source # depending on preferred local|remote source # # Usage: # 1) assign the 'color' variable to a color name. If the color (name) # couldn't be found, the color given with fallback is returned. # 2) include the select_color.proc procedure # # Example: # # {% capture select_location %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/select_location.proc{% endcapture %} # {% assign my_location = "remote" %} # {% assign my_locator = locator_data_set %} # # {% include {{select_location}} location=my_location data_set=locator_data_set %} # {% assign my_location = {{location_source}} %} # # or # # {% include {{select_location}} location="local" data_set=locator_data_set %} # {% assign my_location = {{location_source}} %} # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test data: # {{ liquid_var | debug }} # color: {{ item[0] }}: {{ item[1] }} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Liquid procedures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign location = include.location %} {% assign locator = include.locator %} {% comment %} Main -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% if page.debug %} {% endif %} {% for resource in locator %} {% assign key = resource[0] %} {% assign value = resource[1] %} {% if key == 'remote' %} {% assign location_remote = value %} {% endif %} {% if key == 'local' %} {% assign location_local = value %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% case location %} {% when 'remote' %} {% comment %} Check location data for REMOTE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% if location_remote and location_remote != "" %} {% assign location_source = location_remote %} {% elsif location_local and location_local != "" %} {% capture location_source %}{{base_path}}/{{location_local}}{% endcapture %} {% else %} {% capture location_source %}{{base_path}}/{{location_local}}{% endcapture %} {% comment %} DISABLED !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {% assign location_source = "no_valid_resource_locator_for_REMOTE_found" %} {% endcomment %} {% endif %} {% when 'local' %} {% comment %} Check location data for LOCAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% if location_local and location_local != "" %} {% capture location_source %}{{base_path}}/{{location_local}}{% endcapture %} {% else %} {% capture location_source %}{{base_path}}/{{locator}}{% endcapture %} {% comment %} DISABLED !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {% assign location_source = "no_valid_resource_locator_for_LOCAL_found" %} {% endcomment %} {% endif %} {% comment %} NO valid locator detected -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% else %} {% capture location_source %}{{base_path}}/{{locator}}{% endcapture %} {% comment %} DISABLED !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {% assign location_source = "no_valid_resource_locator_found" %} {% endcomment %} {% endcase %}