require 'logger' require 'thread' require 'very_tiny_state_machine' require 'fiber' # A massively threaded worker engine class Sqewer::Worker DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS = 4 SLEEP_SECONDS_ON_EMPTY_QUEUE = 1 THROTTLE_FACTOR = 2 # @return [Logger] The logger used for job execution attr_reader :logger # @return [Sqewer::Connection] The connection for sending and receiving messages attr_reader :connection # @return [Sqewer::Serializer] The serializer for unmarshalling and marshalling attr_reader :serializer # @return [Sqewer::MiddlewareStack] The stack used when executing the job attr_reader :middleware_stack # @return [Class] The class to use when instantiating the execution context attr_reader :execution_context_class # @return [Class] The class used to create the Submitter used by jobs to spawn other jobs attr_reader :submitter_class # @return [#perform] The isolator to use when executing each job attr_reader :isolator # @return [Fixnum] the number of threads to spin up attr_reader :num_threads # Returns the default Worker instance, configured based on the default components # # @return [Sqewer::Worker] def self.default @default ||= new end # Creates a new Worker. The Worker, unlike it is in the Rails tradition, is only responsible for # the actual processing of jobs, and not for the job arguments. # # @param connection[Sqewer::Connection] the object that handles polling and submitting # @param serializer[#serialize, #unserialize] the serializer/unserializer for the jobs # @param execution_context_class[Class] the class for the execution context (will be instantiated by # the worker for each job execution) # @param submitter_class[Class] the class used for submitting jobs (will be instantiated by the worker for each job execution) # @param middleware_stack[Sqewer::MiddlewareStack] the middleware stack that is going to be used # @param logger[Logger] the logger to log execution to and to pass to the jobs # @param isolator[Sqewer::Isolator] the isolator to encapsulate job instantiation and execution, if desired # @param num_threads[Fixnum] how many worker threads to spawn def initialize(connection: Sqewer::Connection.default, serializer: Sqewer::Serializer.default, execution_context_class: Sqewer::ExecutionContext, submitter_class: Sqewer::Submitter, middleware_stack: Sqewer::MiddlewareStack.default, logger:$stderr), isolator: Sqewer::Isolator.default, num_threads: DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS) @logger = logger @connection = connection @serializer = serializer @middleware_stack = middleware_stack @execution_context_class = execution_context_class @submitter_class = submitter_class @isolator = isolator @num_threads = num_threads raise ArgumentError, "num_threads must be > 0" unless num_threads > 0 @execution_counter = @state = @state.permit_state :starting, :running, :stopping, :stopped, :failed @state.permit_transition :stopped => :starting, :starting => :running, :running => :stopping, :stopping => :stopped @state.permit_transition :starting => :failed # Failed to start end # Start listening on the queue, spin up a number of consumer threads that will execute the jobs. # # @param num_threads[Fixnum] the number of consumer/executor threads to spin up # @return [void] def start @state.transition! :starting Thread.abort_on_exception = true { '[worker] Starting with %d consumer threads' % @num_threads } @execution_queue = consumers = (1..@num_threads).map do do loop { break if @state.in_state?(:stopping) take_and_execute } end end # Create the provider thread. When the execution queue is exhausted, # grab new messages and place them on the local queue. provider = do loop do break if stopping? if queue_has_capacity? messages = @connection.receive_messages if messages.any? messages.each {|m| @execution_queue << m } @logger.debug { "[worker] Received and buffered %d messages" % messages.length } if messages.any? else @logger.debug { "[worker] No messages received" } Thread.pass end else @logger.debug { "[worker] Suspending poller (%d items buffered)" % @execution_queue.length } sleep 1 Thread.pass end end end @threads = consumers + [provider] # If any of our threads are already dead, it means there is some misconfiguration and startup failed if @threads.any?{|t| !t.alive? } @state.transition! :failed @logger.fatal { '[worker] Failed to start (one or more threads died on startup)' } else @state.transition! :running { '[worker] Started, %d consumer threads' % consumers.length } end end # Attempts to softly stop the running consumers and the producer. Once the call is made, # all the threads will stop at their next loop iteration. def stop @state.transition! :stopping { '[worker] Stopping (clean shutdown), will wait for threads to terminate'} loop do n_live = break if n_dead = @threads.length - n_live {"Waiting on threads to terminate, %d still alive, %d quit" % [n_live, n_dead] } sleep 2 end { '[worker] Stopped'} @state.transition! :stopped end # Peforms a hard shutdown by killing all the threads def kill @state.transition! :stopping { '[worker] Killing (unclean shutdown), will kill all threads'} { '[worker] Stopped'} @state.transition! :stopped end private def stopping? @state.in_state?(:stopping) end def queue_has_capacity? @execution_queue.length < (@num_threads * THROTTLE_FACTOR) end def handle_message(message) return unless message.receipt_handle return @connection.delete_message(message.receipt_handle) unless message.has_body? @isolator.perform(self, message) @connection.delete_message(message.receipt_handle) end def take_and_execute message = @execution_queue.pop(nonblock=true) handle_message(message) rescue ThreadError # Queue is empty sleep SLEEP_SECONDS_ON_EMPTY_QUEUE Thread.pass rescue => e # anything else, at or below StandardError that does not need us to quit @logger.error { "[worker] Failed #{message.inspect} with #{e}" } @logger.error(e.class) @logger.error(e.message) e.backtrace.each { |s| @logger.error{"\t#{s}"} } end STR_logger = 'logger' end