var React = require('react'), mui = require('material-ui'), RaisedButton = mui.RaisedButton; var ResourcesPanel = require('./ResourcesPanel.js'); var ChannelsPanel = require('./ChannelsPanel'); var Main = React.createClass({ componentDidMount: function() { var self = this; // Get current channels catalogue'channels/retrieve', 'all', function (response) { self.handleUpdatedChannelsCatalogue(response); self.nutellaRequestConfigs();'channels/updated', function (message, from) { self.handleUpdatedChannelsCatalogue(message); });'configs/updated', function (message, from) { self.handleNewConfigs(message); }); }); }, /** * @state selectedChannel: the current selected channel from UI * @state configs: the list of configurations fetched from server * @state currentConfig: the current selected configuration, also called 'mapping' * @state channelsCatalogue: the list of available channels fetched from server */ getInitialState: function() { return { selectedChannel: null, configs: [], currentConfigId: null, currentConfig: [], channelsCatalogue: {} }; }, nutellaRequestConfigs: function() { var self = this;'configs/retrieve', 'all', function(response) { self.handleNewConfigs(response); }); }, handleNewConfigs: function(response) { this.handleUpdatedConfigs(response); this.handleUpdatedCurrentConfigId(+Object.keys(response)[Object.keys(response).length - 1]); this.handleUpdatedCurrentConfig(response[Object.keys(response)[Object.keys(response).length - 1]].mapping) }, handleSelection: function(selectedChannel) { this.setState({ selectedChannel: selectedChannel }); }, handleUpdatedConfigs: function(configs, publish) { var self = this; var callback = function() { if(publish) {'configs/update', self.state.configs); } }; this.setState({ configs: configs }, callback()); }, handleUpdatedCurrentConfigId: function(id) { this.setState({ currentConfigId: id }); }, handleUpdatedCurrentConfig: function(config) { this.setState({ currentConfig: config }); }, handleUpdatedChannelsCatalogue: function(cat) { this.setState({ channelsCatalogue: cat }); }, handleSaveChanges: function() { var publish = true; this.saveLocalConfigs(publish); }, handleUndoChanges: function() { //this.nutellaRequestConfigs(); window.location.reload(true); }, handleAddRow: function(family) { var mapping = this.state.currentConfig; var newMapping = []; mapping.forEach(function(f) { if( === family) { f.items.push({name:'', channels:[]}); } newMapping.push(f); }); this.handleUpdatedCurrentConfig(newMapping); }, /** * Synchronizes the local copy of the current mapping with the shared state configs * @param publish true if you also want to save the changes to the server */ saveLocalConfigs: function(publish) { var configs = this.state.configs; configs[this.state.currentConfigId].mapping = this.state.currentConfig; if (publish) { this.handleUpdatedConfigs(configs, publish); } else { this.handleUpdatedConfigs(configs); } }, handleChangeConfig: function(configId) { // update local configs copy this.saveLocalConfigs(); // update current local configuration to selected one this.handleUpdatedCurrentConfigId(configId); this.handleUpdatedCurrentConfig(this.state.configs[configId].mapping) }, handleDeleteConfig: function(configId) { var configs = this.state.configs; delete configs[configId]; this.handleUpdatedConfigs(configs); }, handleAddEmptyConfig: function(configName) { var configs = this.state.configs; var newConfigId = 1; // Find max id if(configs.length !== 0) { var ids = []; for (var c in configs) { if (configs.hasOwnProperty(c)) { ids.push(+c); } } newConfigId = Math.max.apply(null, ids) + 1; } // Save current config this.saveLocalConfigs(); // Add new config configs[newConfigId] = { "name": configName, "mapping": [{ "family": "Public", "items": [{ "name": "", "channels": [] }] }, { "family": "Personal", "items": [] }] }; this.handleUpdatedConfigs(configs); // Update current local configuration to selected one this.handleUpdatedCurrentConfigId(newConfigId); this.handleUpdatedCurrentConfig(this.state.configs[newConfigId].mapping) }, handleUpdateConfigName: function(id, value) { var configs = this.state.configs; configs[id].name = value; this.handleUpdatedConfigs(configs); }, render: function () { return (
); } }); module.exports = Main;