# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'json' module OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss # setup - get model, sql, and setup web assets path def self.setup(runner) results = {} # get the last model model = runner.lastOpenStudioModel if model.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last model.') return false end model = model.get # get the last idf workspace = runner.lastEnergyPlusWorkspace if workspace.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last idf file.') return false end workspace = workspace.get # get the last sql file sqlFile = runner.lastEnergyPlusSqlFile if sqlFile.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last sql file.') return false end sqlFile = sqlFile.get model.setSqlFile(sqlFile) # populate hash to pass to measure results[:model] = model # results[:workspace] = workspace results[:sqlFile] = sqlFile results[:web_asset_path] = OpenStudio.getSharedResourcesPath / OpenStudio::Path.new('web_assets') return results end def self.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) # get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period) ann_env_pd = nil sqlFile.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd| env_type = sqlFile.environmentType(env_pd) if env_type.is_initialized if env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod') ann_env_pd = env_pd end end end return ann_env_pd end # clean up unkown strings used for runner.registerValue names def self.reg_val_string_prep(string) # replace non alpha-numberic characters with an underscore string = string.gsub(/[^0-9a-z]/i, '_') # snake case string string = OpenStudio.toUnderscoreCase(string) return string end # section for heat_gains def self.heat_gains_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false) # array to hold tables tables = [] # gather data for section @heat_gains = {} @heat_gains[:title] = 'Heat Gains By Month Detailed' @heat_gains[:tables] = tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @heat_gains end # using helper method that generates table for second example tables << @elec_equip_gain_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner, 'Electric Equipment Total Heating Energy', 'J', 'kBtu') tables << @gas_equip_gain_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner, 'Gas Equipment Total Heating Energy', 'J', 'kBtu') tables << @lights_gain_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner, 'Zone Lights Total Heating Energy', 'J', 'kBtu') tables << @people_gain_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner, 'Zone People Sensible Heating Energy', 'J', 'kBtu') # # use multiple variables for ventilation # temp_vent_gain_ht = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_vent_no_load_gain = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Addition Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_vent_gain_clg_over_ht = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Due to Overheating Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_vent_gain_ht_decr = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Decrease Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_heat_exch_clg = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Air System Heat Exchanger Total Cooling Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_vent_gain_ht[:title] = 'Mechanical Ventilation Heat Gain (kBtu)' # temp_vent_gain_ht[:data].each_with_index do |row,i| # row.each_with_index do |column,j| # next if j == 0 # value = column.gsub(",","").to_f + temp_vent_gain_ht_decr[:data][i][j].gsub(",","").to_f + temp_vent_no_load_gain[:data][i][j].gsub(",","").to_f + temp_vent_gain_clg_over_ht[:data][i][j].gsub(",","").to_f # temp_vent_gain_ht[:data][i][j] = OpenStudio::toNeatString(value,1,true) # end # end # # # deduct for heat exchangers # temp_heat_exch_clg[:data].each_with_index do |row,i| # new_row = [] # row.each_with_index do |column,j| # if j == 0 # new_row << "Air System Heat Exchanger Total Cooling Energy - #{column}" # else # value = column.gsub(",","").to_f * -1.0 # if i + 1.0 == temp_heat_exch_clg[:data].size # # update monthly total for column # orig_value = temp_vent_gain_ht[:data].last[j].gsub(",","").to_f # new_value = orig_value + value # temp_vent_gain_ht[:data].last[j] = OpenStudio::toNeatString(new_value,1,true) # else # new_row << OpenStudio::toNeatString(value,1,true) # end # end # end # # add new row before monthly totals adjusted for heat exchangers # if new_row.size > 1 # temp_vent_gain_ht[:data].insert(temp_vent_gain_ht[:data].size - 1, new_row) # end # end # tables << @ventilation_gain_table = temp_vent_gain_ht tables << @infiltration_gain_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner, 'Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Energy', 'J', 'kBtu') tables << @window_gain_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner, 'Surface Window Heat Gain Energy', 'J', 'kBtu') tables << @surface_gain_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_surface_heat_gains_table(model, sqlFile, runner) return @heat_gains end # create heat_gains_summary_section def self.heat_gains_summary_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false) # array to hold tables summary_tables = [] # gather data for section @template_section = {} @template_section[:title] = 'Heat Gains Summary' @template_section[:tables] = summary_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @template_section end # gather data from previous section source_tables = [] source_tables << @elec_equip_gain_table source_tables << @gas_equip_gain_table source_tables << @lights_gain_table source_tables << @people_gain_table source_tables << @infiltration_gain_table # source_tables << @ventilation_gain_table source_tables << @window_gain_table source_tables << @surface_gain_table # component order and color component_color = {} component_color['Zone Lights Total Heating Energy'] = '#F7DF10' component_color['Electric Equipment Total Heating Energy'] = '#4A4D4A' component_color['Gas Equipment Total Heating Energy'] = '#D6D6D6' component_color['Zone People Sensible Heating Energy'] = '#FFC0CB ' component_color['Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Energy'] = '#5B9C31' # component_color['Mechanical Ventilation Heat Gain'] = '#CA8BCC' component_color['Ground Exposed Surfaces Heat Gain'] = '#7D8080' component_color['Exterior Wall Surfaces Heat Gain'] = '#CCB266' # was Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Gain component_color['Surface Window Heat Gain Energy'] = '#66B2CC' component_color['Roof Surfaces Heat Gain'] = '#994C4C' # create annual table summary_table_01 = {} summary_table_01[:title] = 'Heat Gains Annual Breakdown (kBtu)' summary_table_01[:header] = ['Type', 'Quantity'] summary_table_01[:units] = ['', 'kBtu'] summary_table_01[:data] = [] # create annual chart summary_table_01[:chart_type] = 'simple_pie' summary_table_01[:chart] = [] # loop through tables to get annual information source_tables.each do |table| title = table[:title].gsub(' (kBtu)', '') # use subtotal rows for surfaces, total row for everything else if title == 'Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Gain' # exterior walls subtotal display_value = table[:data][table[:data].size - 4].last sub_total_title = 'Exterior Wall Surfaces Heat Gain' summary_table_01[:data] << [sub_total_title, display_value] summary_table_01[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_total_title, value: display_value.to_s.delete(',').to_f, color: component_color[sub_total_title]) # exterior roofs subtotal display_value = table[:data][table[:data].size - 3].last sub_total_title = 'Roof Surfaces Heat Gain' summary_table_01[:data] << [sub_total_title, display_value] summary_table_01[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_total_title, value: display_value.to_s.delete(',').to_f, color: component_color[sub_total_title]) # ground subtotal display_value = table[:data][table[:data].size - 2].last sub_total_title = 'Ground Exposed Surfaces Heat Gain' summary_table_01[:data] << [sub_total_title, display_value] summary_table_01[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_total_title, value: display_value.to_s.delete(',').to_f, color: component_color[sub_total_title]) else display_value = table[:data].last.last summary_table_01[:data] << [title, display_value] summary_table_01[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: title, value: display_value.to_s.delete(',').to_f, color: component_color[title]) end end # add table to array of tables summary_tables << summary_table_01 # create monthly table summary_table_02 = {} summary_table_02[:title] = 'Heat Gains Monthly Breakdown (kBtu)' summary_table_02[:header] = ['', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] summary_table_02[:units] = [] summary_table_02[:data] = [] # create monthly chart month_order = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] summary_table_02[:chart_type] = 'vertical_stacked_bar' summary_table_02[:chart_attributes] = { value: summary_table_02[:title], label_x: 'Month', sort_yaxis: component_color.keys, sort_xaxis: month_order } summary_table_02[:chart] = [] # loop through tables to get annual information source_tables.each do |table| title = table[:title].gsub(' (kBtu)', '') if title == 'Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Gain' # exterior walls subtotal row_data = [] sub_title = 'Exterior Wall Surfaces Heat Gain' target_row = table[:data][table[:data].size - 4] row_data << sub_title target_row.each_with_index do |value, i| '' next if i < 3 next if i == target_row.size - 1 # don't want to include annual total row_data << value # update chart month = summary_table_02[:header][i - 2] # shifted over because of extra columns clean_value = value.to_s.delete(',').to_f summary_table_02[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_title, label_x: month, value: clean_value, color: component_color[sub_title]) end summary_table_02[:data] << row_data # exterior roofs subtotal row_data = [] sub_title = 'Roof Surfaces Heat Gain' target_row = table[:data][table[:data].size - 3] row_data << sub_title target_row.each_with_index do |value, i| next if i < 3 next if i == target_row.size - 1 # don't want to include annual total row_data << value # update chart month = summary_table_02[:header][i - 2] # shifted over because of extra columns clean_value = value.to_s.delete(',').to_f summary_table_02[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_title, label_x: month, value: clean_value, color: component_color[sub_title]) end summary_table_02[:data] << row_data # ground subtotal row_data = [] sub_title = 'Ground Exposed Surfaces Heat Gain' target_row = table[:data][table[:data].size - 2] row_data << sub_title target_row.each_with_index do |value, i| next if i < 3 next if i == target_row.size - 1 # don't want to include annual total row_data << value # update chart month = summary_table_02[:header][i - 2] # shifted over because of extra columns clean_value = value.to_s.delete(',').to_f summary_table_02[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_title, label_x: month, value: clean_value, color: component_color[sub_title]) end summary_table_02[:data] << row_data else row_data = [] last_row = table[:data].last row_data << title last_row.each_with_index do |value, i| next if value == 'Monthly Totals' next if value == '' next if i == last_row.size - 1 # don't want to include annual total row_data << value # update chart month = summary_table_02[:header][i] clean_value = value.to_s.delete(',').to_f summary_table_02[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: title, label_x: month, value: clean_value, color: component_color[title]) end summary_table_02[:data] << row_data end end # add table to array of tables summary_tables << summary_table_02 return @template_section end # section for heat_losses def self.heat_losses_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false) # array to hold tables tables = [] # gather data for section @heat_losses = {} @heat_losses[:title] = 'Heat Losses By Month Detailed' @heat_losses[:tables] = tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @heat_losses end # # using helper method that generates table for second example # # use multiple variables for ventilation # temp_vent_loss_ht = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_vent_no_load_loss = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Removal Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_vent_loss_ht_over_clg = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Due to Overcooling Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_vent_loss_clg_decr = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Decrease Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_heat_exch_htg = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner,'Air System Heat Exchanger Total Heating Energy','J','kBtu') # temp_vent_loss_ht[:title] = 'Mechanical Ventilation Heat Loss (kBtu)' # temp_vent_loss_ht[:data].each_with_index do |row,i| # row.each_with_index do |column,j| # next if j == 0 # value = column.gsub(",","").to_f + temp_vent_loss_clg_decr[:data][i][j].gsub(",","").to_f + temp_vent_no_load_loss[:data][i][j].gsub(",","").to_f + temp_vent_loss_ht_over_clg[:data][i][j].gsub(",","").to_f # temp_vent_loss_ht[:data][i][j] = OpenStudio::toNeatString(value,1,true) # end # end # # # deduct for heat exchangers # temp_heat_exch_htg[:data].each_with_index do |row,i| # new_row = [] # row.each_with_index do |column,j| # if j == 0 # new_row << "Air System Heat Exchanger Total Heating Energy - #{column}" # else # value = column.gsub(",","").to_f * -1.0 # if i + 1.0 == temp_heat_exch_htg[:data].size # # update monthly total for column # orig_value = temp_vent_loss_ht[:data].last[j].gsub(",","").to_f # new_value = orig_value + value # temp_vent_loss_ht[:data].last[j] = OpenStudio::toNeatString(new_value,1,true) # else # new_row << OpenStudio::toNeatString(value,1,true) # end # end # end # # add new row before monthly totals adjusted for heat exchangers # if new_row.size > 1 # temp_vent_loss_ht[:data].insert(temp_vent_loss_ht[:data].size - 1, new_row) # end # end # tables << @ventilation_loss_table = temp_vent_loss_ht tables << @infiltration_loss_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner, 'Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Energy', 'J', 'kBtu') tables << @window_loss_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner, 'Surface Window Heat Loss Energy', 'J', 'kBtu') tables << @surface_loss_table = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.monthly_surface_heat_losses_table(model, sqlFile, runner) return @heat_losses end # create heat_loss_summary_section def self.heat_loss_summary_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false) # array to hold tables summary_tables = [] # gather data for section @template_section = {} @template_section[:title] = 'Heat Loss Summary' @template_section[:tables] = summary_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @template_section end # gather data from previous section source_tables = [] source_tables << @infiltration_loss_table # source_tables << @ventilation_loss_table source_tables << @window_loss_table source_tables << @surface_loss_table # component order and color component_color = {} component_color['Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Energy'] = '#5B9C31' # component_color['Mechanical Ventilation Heat Loss'] = '#CA8BCC' component_color['Ground Exposed Surfaces Heat Loss'] = '#7D8080' component_color['Exterior Wall Surfaces Heat Loss'] = '#CCB266' component_color['Surface Window Heat Loss Energy'] = '#66B2CC' component_color['Roof Surfaces Heat Loss'] = '#994C4C' # create table summary_table_01 = {} summary_table_01[:title] = 'Heat Loss Annual Breakdown (kBtu)' summary_table_01[:header] = ['Type', 'Quantity'] summary_table_01[:units] = ['', 'kBtu'] summary_table_01[:data] = [] # create annual chart summary_table_01[:chart_type] = 'simple_pie' summary_table_01[:chart] = [] # loop through tables to get annual information source_tables.each do |table| title = table[:title].gsub(' (kBtu)', '') # use subtotal rows for surfaces, total row for everything else if title == 'Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Loss' # exterior walls subtotal display_value = table[:data][table[:data].size - 4].last sub_total_title = 'Exterior Wall Surfaces Heat Loss' summary_table_01[:data] << [sub_total_title, display_value] summary_table_01[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_total_title, value: display_value.to_s.delete(',').to_f, color: component_color[sub_total_title]) # exterior roofs subtotal display_value = table[:data][table[:data].size - 3].last sub_total_title = 'Roof Surfaces Heat Loss' summary_table_01[:data] << [sub_total_title, display_value] summary_table_01[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_total_title, value: display_value.to_s.delete(',').to_f, color: component_color[sub_total_title]) # ground subtotal display_value = table[:data][table[:data].size - 2].last sub_total_title = 'Ground Exposed Surfaces Heat Loss' summary_table_01[:data] << [sub_total_title, display_value] summary_table_01[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_total_title, value: display_value.to_s.delete(',').to_f, color: component_color[sub_total_title]) else display_value = table[:data].last.last summary_table_01[:data] << [title, display_value] summary_table_01[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: title, value: display_value.to_s.delete(',').to_f, color: component_color[title]) end end # add table to array of tables summary_tables << summary_table_01 # create monthly table summary_table_02 = {} summary_table_02[:title] = 'Heat Loss Monthly Breakdown (kBtu)' summary_table_02[:header] = ['', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] summary_table_02[:units] = [] summary_table_02[:data] = [] # create annual chart month_order = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] summary_table_02[:chart_type] = 'vertical_stacked_bar' summary_table_02[:chart_attributes] = { value: summary_table_02[:title], label_x: 'Month', sort_yaxis: component_color.keys, sort_xaxis: month_order } summary_table_02[:chart] = [] # loop through tables to get annual information source_tables.each do |table| title = table[:title].gsub(' (kBtu)', '') if title == 'Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Loss' # exterior walls subtotal row_data = [] sub_title = 'Exterior Wall Surfaces Heat Loss' target_row = table[:data][table[:data].size - 4] row_data << sub_title target_row.each_with_index do |value, i| next if i < 3 next if i == target_row.size - 1 # don't want to include annual total row_data << value # update chart month = summary_table_02[:header][i - 2] # shifted over because of extra columns clean_value = value.to_s.delete(',').to_f summary_table_02[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_title, label_x: month, value: clean_value, color: component_color[sub_title]) end summary_table_02[:data] << row_data # exterior roofs subtotal row_data = [] sub_title = 'Roof Surfaces Heat Loss' target_row = table[:data][table[:data].size - 3] row_data << sub_title target_row.each_with_index do |value, i| next if i < 3 next if i == target_row.size - 1 # don't want to include annual total row_data << value # update chart month = summary_table_02[:header][i - 2] # shifted over because of extra columns clean_value = value.to_s.delete(',').to_f summary_table_02[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_title, label_x: month, value: clean_value, color: component_color[sub_title]) end summary_table_02[:data] << row_data # ground subtotal row_data = [] sub_title = 'Ground Exposed Surfaces Heat Loss' target_row = table[:data][table[:data].size - 2] row_data << sub_title target_row.each_with_index do |value, i| next if i < 3 next if i == target_row.size - 1 # don't want to include annual total row_data << value # update chart month = summary_table_02[:header][i - 2] # shifted over because of extra columns clean_value = value.to_s.delete(',').to_f summary_table_02[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: sub_title, label_x: month, value: clean_value, color: component_color[sub_title]) end summary_table_02[:data] << row_data else row_data = [] last_row = table[:data].last row_data << title last_row.each_with_index do |value, i| next if value == 'Monthly Totals' next if value == '' next if i == last_row.size - 1 # don't want to include annual total row_data << value # update chart month = summary_table_02[:header][i] clean_value = value.to_s.delete(',').to_f summary_table_02[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: title, label_x: month, value: clean_value, color: component_color[title]) end summary_table_02[:data] << row_data end end # add table to array of tables summary_tables << summary_table_02 return @template_section end # monthly monthly_table_with_totals def self.monthly_table_with_totals(model, sqlFile, runner, var, source_units, target_units) # variables frequency = 'Monthly' # create table monthly_table_with_totals = {} monthly_table_with_totals[:title] = "#{var} (#{target_units})" monthly_table_with_totals[:header] = ['', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Total'] monthly_table_with_totals[:units] = [] # in title since all columns the same monthly_table_with_totals[:data] = [] # get time series monthly data ann_env_pd = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) if ann_env_pd # loop through keys for variable keys = sqlFile.availableKeyValues(ann_env_pd, frequency, var) monthly_totals = ['Monthly Totals', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] keys.each do |key| total = 0.0 var_value_monthly = [key] output_timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, frequency, var, key) # loop through timeseries and move the data from an OpenStudio timeseries to a normal Ruby array (vector) if output_timeseries.is_initialized # checks to see if time_series exists # see if filler needed at start or end of table/chart num_blanks_start = output_timeseries.get.dateTimes[0].date.monthOfYear.value - 2 num_blanks_end = 12 - output_timeseries.get.values.size - num_blanks_start # fill in blank data for partial year simulations for i in 0..(num_blanks_start - 1) month = monthly_table_with_totals[:header][i + 1] var_value_monthly << '' end # get values output_timeseries = output_timeseries.get.values for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) month = monthly_table_with_totals[:header][i + 1 + num_blanks_start] value = OpenStudio.convert(output_timeseries[i], source_units, target_units).get total += value monthly_totals[i + 1] += value value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 1, true) var_value_monthly << value_neat end # fill in blank data for partial year simulations for i in 0..(num_blanks_end - 1) month = monthly_table_with_totals[:header][i] var_value_monthly << '' end # populate total column and clean up values total_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(total, 1, true) var_value_monthly << total_neat monthly_totals[13] += total else runner.registerWarning("Didn't find data for #{var} #{key}") end # add each key to data monthly_table_with_totals[:data] << var_value_monthly end else runner.registerWarning('An annual simulation was not run. Cannot get annual timeseries data') return false end # add table totals monthly_totals_neat = [] monthly_totals.each do |total| if total == 'Monthly Totals' monthly_totals_neat << total else monthly_totals_neat << OpenStudio.toNeatString(total, 1, true) end end monthly_table_with_totals[:data] << monthly_totals_neat reg_val_display_name = "#{var}_annual" runner.registerValue(reg_val_string_prep(reg_val_display_name), monthly_totals.last, 'kBtu') return monthly_table_with_totals end # monthly_surface_heat_gains_and_losses_table rolled up from hourly values def self.monthly_surface_heat_gains_table(model, sqlFile, runner) # variables frequency = 'Hourly' var = 'Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy' source_units = 'J' target_units = 'kBtu' # create table monthly_surface_heat_gains_table = {} monthly_surface_heat_gains_table[:title] = "Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Gain (#{target_units})" # heat losses will be in another table monthly_surface_heat_gains_table[:header] = ['', 'Surface Type', 'Ouside Boundary Condition', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Total'] monthly_surface_heat_gains_table[:units] = [] # in title since all columns the same monthly_surface_heat_gains_table[:data] = [] monthly_totals = {} model.getSurfaces.sort.each do |surface| next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Surface' next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Adiabatic' key = surface.name.to_s row_data = [] row_data << surface.name.to_s row_data << surface.surfaceType row_data << surface.outsideBoundaryCondition # get time series hourly data ann_env_pd = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) if ann_env_pd # get timeseries data output_timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, frequency, var, key) if output_timeseries.is_initialized # checks to see if time_series exists values = output_timeseries.get.values date_times = output_timeseries.get.dateTimes # loop through hourly data surface_values_hash = {} values.size.times do |i| value = values[i] # if value negative then set to 0 (heat losses will be in their own table with reversed logic) if value < 0.0 value = 0.0 end month = date_times[i].date.monthOfYear.valueName if surface_values_hash.key?(month) surface_values_hash[month] += value else surface_values_hash[month] = value end end # loop through has to populate row for table annual_total_ip = 0.0 surface_values_hash.each do |month, monthly_value_si| monthly_value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(monthly_value_si, source_units, target_units).get # update value for total column annual_total_ip += monthly_value_ip # update value for totals row if monthly_totals.key?(month) monthly_totals[month][:total] += monthly_value_ip else monthly_totals[month] = {} monthly_totals[month][:total] = monthly_value_ip end # add sub-totals if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' && surface.surfaceType == 'Wall' if monthly_totals[month].key?(:ext_wall) monthly_totals[month][:ext_wall] += monthly_value_ip else monthly_totals[month][:ext_wall] = monthly_value_ip end elsif surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' && surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling' if monthly_totals[month].key?(:ext_roof) monthly_totals[month][:ext_roof] += monthly_value_ip else monthly_totals[month][:ext_roof] = monthly_value_ip end else # assume others are ground, could also include OtherSideConditionsModel, could be floor or walls if monthly_totals[month].key?(:ground) monthly_totals[month][:ground] += monthly_value_ip else monthly_totals[month][:ground] = monthly_value_ip end end monthly_value_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(monthly_value_ip, 1, true) row_data << monthly_value_ip_neat end # add annual total row_data << OpenStudio.toNeatString(annual_total_ip, 1, true) monthly_surface_heat_gains_table[:data] << row_data else runner.registerWarning("Didn't find data for #{var} #{key}") end else runner.registerWarning('An annual simulation was not run. Cannot get annual timeseries data') return false end end # add total and sub-total rows row_data_total = ['Monthly Totals', '', ''] row_data_sub_ext_wall = ['Monthly SubTotals', 'Wall', 'Outdoors'] row_data_sub_ext_roof = ['Monthly SubTotals', 'Roof', 'Outdoors'] row_data_sub_ground = ['Monthly SubTotals', '', 'Ground'] row_data_total_annual = 0.0 row_data_sub_ext_wall_annual = 0.0 row_data_sub_ext_roof_annual = 0.0 row_data_sub_ground_annual = 0.0 monthly_totals.each do |month, hash| # add 0 value if key doesn't exist for surface type if !hash.key?(:ext_wall) then hash[:ext_wall] = 0 end if !hash.key?(:ext_roof) then hash[:ext_roof] = 0 end if !hash.key?(:ground) then hash[:ground] = 0 end if !hash.key?(:total) then hash[:total] = 0 end row_data_sub_ext_wall << OpenStudio.toNeatString(hash[:ext_wall], 1, true) row_data_sub_ext_wall_annual += hash[:ext_wall] row_data_sub_ext_roof << OpenStudio.toNeatString(hash[:ext_roof], 1, true) row_data_sub_ext_roof_annual += hash[:ext_roof] row_data_sub_ground << OpenStudio.toNeatString(hash[:ground], 1, true) row_data_sub_ground_annual += hash[:ground] row_data_total << OpenStudio.toNeatString(hash[:total], 1, true) row_data_total_annual += hash[:total] end # add annual total column in total and subtotal rows row_data_sub_ext_wall << OpenStudio.toNeatString(row_data_sub_ext_wall_annual, 1, true) row_data_sub_ext_roof << OpenStudio.toNeatString(row_data_sub_ext_roof_annual, 1, true) row_data_sub_ground << OpenStudio.toNeatString(row_data_sub_ground_annual, 1, true) row_data_total << OpenStudio.toNeatString(row_data_total_annual, 1, true) # register values runner.registerValue('ext_wall_heat_gain', row_data_sub_ext_wall.last.delete(',').to_f, 'kBtu') runner.registerValue('ext_roof_heat_gain', row_data_sub_ext_roof.last.delete(',').to_f, 'kBtu') runner.registerValue('ground_heat_gain', row_data_sub_ground.last.delete(',').to_f, 'kBtu') runner.registerValue('surface_heat_gain', row_data_total.last.delete(',').to_f, 'kBtu') # add rows monthly_surface_heat_gains_table[:data] << row_data_sub_ext_wall monthly_surface_heat_gains_table[:data] << row_data_sub_ext_roof monthly_surface_heat_gains_table[:data] << row_data_sub_ground monthly_surface_heat_gains_table[:data] << row_data_total return monthly_surface_heat_gains_table end # monthly_surface_heat_losses_and_losses_table rolled up from hourly values def self.monthly_surface_heat_losses_table(model, sqlFile, runner) # variables frequency = 'Hourly' var = 'Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy' source_units = 'J' target_units = 'kBtu' # create table monthly_surface_heat_losses_table = {} monthly_surface_heat_losses_table[:title] = "Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Loss (#{target_units})" # heat losses will be in another table monthly_surface_heat_losses_table[:header] = ['', 'Surface Type', 'Ouside Boundary Condition', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Total'] monthly_surface_heat_losses_table[:units] = [] # in title since all columns the same monthly_surface_heat_losses_table[:data] = [] monthly_totals = {} model.getSurfaces.sort.each do |surface| next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Surface' next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Adiabatic' key = surface.name.to_s row_data = [] row_data << surface.name.to_s row_data << surface.surfaceType row_data << surface.outsideBoundaryCondition # get time series hourly data ann_env_pd = OsLib_ReportingHeatGainLoss.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) if ann_env_pd # get timeseries data output_timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, frequency, var, key) if output_timeseries.is_initialized # checks to see if time_series exists values = output_timeseries.get.values date_times = output_timeseries.get.dateTimes # loop through hourly data surface_values_hash = {} values.size.times do |i| value = values[i] # if value positive then set to 0 (heat gains will be in their own table with reversed logic) if value > 0.0 value = 0.0 else value = value.abs end month = date_times[i].date.monthOfYear.valueName if surface_values_hash.key?(month) surface_values_hash[month] += value else surface_values_hash[month] = value end end # loop through has to populate row for table annual_total_ip = 0.0 surface_values_hash.each do |month, monthly_value_si| monthly_value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(monthly_value_si, source_units, target_units).get # update value for total column annual_total_ip += monthly_value_ip # update value for totals row if monthly_totals.key?(month) monthly_totals[month][:total] += monthly_value_ip else monthly_totals[month] = {} monthly_totals[month][:total] = monthly_value_ip end # add sub-totals if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' && surface.surfaceType == 'Wall' if monthly_totals[month].key?(:ext_wall) monthly_totals[month][:ext_wall] += monthly_value_ip else monthly_totals[month][:ext_wall] = monthly_value_ip end elsif surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' && surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling' if monthly_totals[month].key?(:ext_roof) monthly_totals[month][:ext_roof] += monthly_value_ip else monthly_totals[month][:ext_roof] = monthly_value_ip end else # assume others are ground, could also include OtherSideConditionsModel, could be floor or walls if monthly_totals[month].key?(:ground) monthly_totals[month][:ground] += monthly_value_ip else monthly_totals[month][:ground] = monthly_value_ip end end monthly_value_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(monthly_value_ip, 1, true) row_data << monthly_value_ip_neat end # add annual total row_data << OpenStudio.toNeatString(annual_total_ip, 1, true) monthly_surface_heat_losses_table[:data] << row_data else runner.registerWarning("Didn't find data for #{var} #{key}") end else runner.registerWarning('An annual simulation was not run. Cannot get annual timeseries data') return false end end # add total and sub-total rows row_data_total = ['Monthly Totals', '', ''] row_data_sub_ext_wall = ['Monthly SubTotals', 'Wall', 'Outdoors'] row_data_sub_ext_roof = ['Monthly SubTotals', 'Roof', 'Outdoors'] row_data_sub_ground = ['Monthly SubTotals', '', 'Ground'] row_data_total_annual = 0.0 row_data_sub_ext_wall_annual = 0.0 row_data_sub_ext_roof_annual = 0.0 row_data_sub_ground_annual = 0.0 monthly_totals.each do |month, hash| # add 0 value if key doesn't exist for surface type if !hash.key?(:ext_wall) then hash[:ext_wall] = 0 end if !hash.key?(:ext_roof) then hash[:ext_roof] = 0 end if !hash.key?(:ground) then hash[:ground] = 0 end if !hash.key?(:total) then hash[:total] = 0 end row_data_sub_ext_wall << OpenStudio.toNeatString(hash[:ext_wall], 1, true) row_data_sub_ext_wall_annual += hash[:ext_wall] row_data_sub_ext_roof << OpenStudio.toNeatString(hash[:ext_roof], 1, true) row_data_sub_ext_roof_annual += hash[:ext_roof] row_data_sub_ground << OpenStudio.toNeatString(hash[:ground], 1, true) row_data_sub_ground_annual += hash[:ground] row_data_total << OpenStudio.toNeatString(hash[:total], 1, true) row_data_total_annual += hash[:total] end # add annual total column in total and subtotal rows row_data_sub_ext_wall << OpenStudio.toNeatString(row_data_sub_ext_wall_annual, 1, true) row_data_sub_ext_roof << OpenStudio.toNeatString(row_data_sub_ext_roof_annual, 1, true) row_data_sub_ground << OpenStudio.toNeatString(row_data_sub_ground_annual, 1, true) row_data_total << OpenStudio.toNeatString(row_data_total_annual, 1, true) # register values runner.registerValue('ext_wall_heat_loss', row_data_sub_ext_wall.last.delete(',').to_f, 'kBtu') runner.registerValue('ext_roof_heat_loss', row_data_sub_ext_roof.last.delete(',').to_f, 'kBtu') runner.registerValue('ground_heat_loss', row_data_sub_ground.last.delete(',').to_f, 'kBtu') runner.registerValue('surface_heat_loss', row_data_total.last.delete(',').to_f, 'kBtu') # add rows monthly_surface_heat_losses_table[:data] << row_data_sub_ext_wall monthly_surface_heat_losses_table[:data] << row_data_sub_ext_roof monthly_surface_heat_losses_table[:data] << row_data_sub_ground monthly_surface_heat_losses_table[:data] << row_data_total return monthly_surface_heat_losses_table end end