require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test_helper') class SshTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def mock_ssh @env = mock_environment do |config| yield config if block_given? end @forwarded_ports = [] @vm = mock("vm") @vm.stubs(:forwarded_ports).returns(@forwarded_ports) @env.stubs(:vm).returns(mock_vm(@env)) @env.vm.stubs(:vm).returns(@vm) @ssh = end context "connecting to external SSH" do setup do mock_ssh @ssh.stubs(:check_key_permissions) @ssh.stubs(:error_and_exit) Kernel.stubs(:exec) Vagrant::Util::Platform.stubs(:leopard?).returns(false) end should "check key permissions prior to exec" do exec_seq = sequence("exec_seq") @ssh.expects(:check_key_permissions).with(@env.config.ssh.private_key_path).once.in_sequence(exec_seq) Kernel.expects(:exec).in_sequence(exec_seq) @ssh.connect end should "call exec with defaults when no options are supplied" do ssh_exec_expect(@ssh.port, @env.config.ssh.private_key_path, @env.config.ssh.username, @ssh.connect end should "call exec with supplied params" do args = {:username => 'bar', :private_key_path => 'baz', :host => 'bak', :port => 'bag'} ssh_exec_expect(args[:port], args[:private_key_path], args[:username], args[:host]) @ssh.connect(args) end context "on leopard" do setup do Vagrant::Util::Platform.stubs(:leopard?).returns(true) end should "fork, exec, and wait" do pid = mock("pid") @ssh.expects(:fork).once.returns(pid) Process.expects(:wait).with(pid) @ssh.connect end end context "checking windows" do should "error and exit if the platform is windows" do Mario::Platform.expects(:windows?).returns(true) @ssh.expects(:error_and_exit).with do |error_name, opts| opts[:key_path] && opts[:ssh_port] end @ssh.connect end should "not error and exit if the platform is anything other that windows" do Mario::Platform.expects(:windows?).returns(false) @ssh.expects(:error_and_exit).never @ssh.connect end end def ssh_exec_expect(port, key_path, uname, host) Kernel.expects(:exec).with() do |arg| assert arg =~ /^ssh/ assert arg =~ /-p #{port}/ assert arg =~ /-i #{key_path}/ assert arg =~ /#{uname}@#{host}/ # TODO options not tested for as they may be removed true end end end context "executing ssh commands" do setup do mock_ssh @ssh.stubs(:check_key_permissions) end should "check key permissions then attempt to start connection" do seq = sequence("seq") @ssh.expects(:check_key_permissions).with(@env.config.ssh.private_key_path).once.in_sequence(seq) Net::SSH.expects(:start).once.in_sequence(seq) @ssh.execute end should "call net::ssh.start with the proper names" do Net::SSH.expects(:start).once.with() do |host, username, opts| assert_equal, host assert_equal @env.config.ssh.username, username assert_equal @ssh.port, opts[:port] assert_equal [@env.config.ssh.private_key_path], opts[:keys] true end @ssh.execute end should "use custom host if set" do = "foo" Net::SSH.expects(:start).with(, @env.config.ssh.username, anything).once @ssh.execute end should "yield an SSH session object" do raw = mock("raw") Net::SSH.expects(:start).yields(raw) @ssh.execute do |ssh| assert ssh.is_a?(Vagrant::SSH::Session) assert_equal raw, ssh.session end end end context "SCPing files to the remote host" do setup do mock_ssh end should "use Vagrant::SSH execute to setup an SCP connection and upload" do scp = mock("scp") ssh = mock("ssh") sess = mock("session") ssh.stubs(:session).returns(sess) scp.expects(:upload!).with("foo", "bar").once Net::SCP.expects(:new).with(ssh.session).returns(scp).once @ssh.expects(:execute).yields(ssh).once @ssh.upload!("foo", "bar") end should "retry 5 times" do @ssh.expects(:execute).times(5).raises(IOError) assert_raises(IOError) { @ssh.upload!("foo", "bar") } end end context "checking if host is up" do setup do mock_ssh @ssh.stubs(:check_key_permissions) end should "return true if SSH connection works" do Net::SSH.expects(:start).yields("success") assert @ssh.up? end should "return false if SSH connection times out" do Net::SSH.expects(:start) assert !@ssh.up? end should "allow the thread the configured timeout time" do @thread = mock("thread") @thread.stubs(:[]) Thread.expects(:new).returns(@thread) @thread.expects(:join).with(@env.config.ssh.timeout).once @ssh.up? end should "return false if the connection is refused" do Net::SSH.expects(:start).raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) assert_nothing_raised { assert !@ssh.up? } end should "return false if the connection is dropped" do Net::SSH.expects(:start).raises(Net::SSH::Disconnect) assert_nothing_raised { assert !@ssh.up? } end should "specifity the timeout as an option to execute" do @ssh.expects(:execute).with(:timeout => @env.config.ssh.timeout).yields(true) assert @ssh.up? end should "error and exit if a Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed is raised" do @ssh.expects(:execute).raises(Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed) @ssh.expects(:error_and_exit).with(:vm_ssh_auth_failed).once @ssh.up? end end context "getting the ssh port" do setup do mock_ssh end should "return the configured port by default" do port = 2222 fp = mock("fp") fp.stubs(:name).returns(@env.config.ssh.forwarded_port_key) fp.stubs(:hostport).returns(port) @forwarded_ports << fp assert_equal port, @ssh.port end should "return the port given in options if it exists" do assert_equal "47", @ssh.port({ :port => "47" }) end end context "checking key permissions" do setup do mock_ssh @ssh.stubs(:file_perms) @key_path = "foo" @stat = mock("stat") @stat.stubs(:owned?).returns(true) File.stubs(:stat).returns(@stat) Mario::Platform.stubs(:windows?).returns(false) end should "do nothing if on windows" do Mario::Platform.stubs(:windows?).returns(true) File.expects(:stat).never @ssh.check_key_permissions(@key_path) end should "do nothing if the user is not the owner" do @stat.expects(:owned?).returns(false) File.expects(:chmod).never @ssh.check_key_permissions(@key_path) end should "do nothing if the file perms equal 600" do @ssh.expects(:file_perms).with(@key_path).returns("600") File.expects(:chmod).never @ssh.check_key_permissions(@key_path) end should "chmod the file if the file perms aren't 600" do perm_sequence = sequence("perm_seq") @ssh.expects(:file_perms).returns("900").in_sequence(perm_sequence) File.expects(:chmod).with(0600, @key_path).once.in_sequence(perm_sequence) @ssh.expects(:file_perms).returns("600").in_sequence(perm_sequence) @ssh.expects(:error_and_exit).never @ssh.check_key_permissions(@key_path) end should "error and exit if the resulting chmod doesn't work" do perm_sequence = sequence("perm_seq") @ssh.expects(:file_perms).returns("900").in_sequence(perm_sequence) File.expects(:chmod).with(0600, @key_path).once.in_sequence(perm_sequence) @ssh.expects(:file_perms).returns("900").in_sequence(perm_sequence) @ssh.expects(:error_and_exit).once.with(:ssh_bad_permissions, :key_path => @key_path).in_sequence(perm_sequence) @ssh.check_key_permissions(@key_path) end should "error and exit if a bad file perm is raised" do @ssh.expects(:file_perms).with(@key_path).returns("900") File.expects(:chmod).raises(Errno::EPERM) @ssh.expects(:error_and_exit).once.with(:ssh_bad_permissions, :key_path => @key_path) @ssh.check_key_permissions(@key_path) end end context "getting file permissions" do setup do mock_ssh end should "return the last 3 characters of the file mode" do path = "foo" mode = "10000foo" stat = mock("stat") File.expects(:stat).with(path).returns(stat) stat.expects(:mode).returns(mode) @ssh.expects(:sprintf).with("%o", mode).returns(mode) assert_equal path, @ssh.file_perms(path) end end end