=Roachclip Joint lets you do: class Doc include MongoMapper::Document plugin Joint attachment :image end And stores everything in GridFS, but doesn't have any image processing Paperclip lets you do: class Doc < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :image, :styles => {:thumb => {:geometry => '50x50>'}, :large => {:geometry => '500x500>'}} end But is attached to ActiveRecord and wants to work w/ a regular filesystem. Roachclip lets you do: class Doc include MongoMapper::Document plugin Roachclip roachclip :image, :styles => {:thumb => {:geometry => '50x50>'}, :large => {:geometry => '500x500>'}} end Which combines Joint's GridFS-ness with Paperclip's image processing-ness = License roachclip is released under the MIT license. = Support Just email me at ryan@angilly.com with questions, bugs, or patches.