require_relative 'parser' module Arli module CLI module ParserFactory class << self def default_help gp = global_parser gp.parse!(%w(--help)) print_parser_help(gp) end def parse_argv(parser, argv) if parser parser.parse!(argv) print_parser_help(parser) end end def make_parser(command = nil, &block) command, config: Arli.config, &block) end def global_parser @global ||= make_parser do |parser| parser.banner = usage_line parser.sep parser.option_search_attributes parser.option_help(commands: true) end end def command_parsers @command_parsers ||= { search: { sentence: 'Search standard Arduino Library Database with over 4K entries ', description: %Q[This command provides both the simple name-based search interface, and the most sophisticated attribute-specific search using a downloaded, and locally cached Public Arduino Database JSON file, maintained by the Arduino Community. If you know of another database, that's what the #{'--database'.blue} flag is for. Note that you can print the list of available attributes by running arli with #{'--print-attrs'.blue} flag. ], examples: [ { desc: 'Finds any library with name matching a given string, case insensitively', cmd: 'arli search audiozero' }, { desc: 'If the first character is "/", then the argument is assumed to be regex', cmd: %Q{arli search /AudioZero$/ } }, { desc: 'If the first character is "=", then the rest is assumed to be exact name', cmd: %Q{arli search =Time } }, { desc: 'Lets get a particular version of the library using another attribute', cmd: %Q{arli search 'name: "AudioZero", version: "1.0.2"'} }, { desc: 'Search using case insensitive search for the author', cmd: %Q{arli search 'author: /adafruit/i'} }, { desc: 'Finally, search for regex match for "WiFi" in a sentence or a paragraph', cmd: %Q{arli search 'sentence: /wifi/i, paragraph: /wifi/i'} }, ], parser: -> (command_name) { make_parser(command_name) do |parser| parser.banner = usage_line 'search ' + '[ -A | search-expression ] '.magenta parser.option_search parser.option_help(command_name: command_name) end } }), generate: { sentence: 'Generates a new Arduino project with Arlifile', description: %Q[This will create a new project folder, a source file, and an Arlifile based on the template project repo defined in the config file. At the moment only arduino-cmake is supported as the build environment as it's the one that provides the widest choice of developer IDEs to use for programming your project. You can use Vim or Emacs, Atom, CLion, Eclipse, Visual Studio, or just plain command line to build and upload your project. Some knowledge of CMake is helpful. ], examples: [ { desc: 'Creates a new project in the specified folder. Default is current dir.', cmd: 'arli generate MyClock --workspace ~/Documents/Arduino/Sketches' }, { desc: 'Creates a folder "Blinker" in the current directory', cmd: %Q{arli generate Blinker } }, { desc: 'Populate initial Arlifile with the libs provided', cmd: %Q{arli generate Weather --libs 'Adafruit Unified Sensor,Adafruit GFX Library,Time' } }, ], parser: -> (command_name) { make_parser(command_name) do |parser| parser.banner = usage_line 'generate' + ' project-name '.magenta parser.option_generate parser.option_help(command_name: command_name) end } }), bundle: { sentence: 'Installs all libraries specified in Arlifile', description: %Q[This command reads #{'Arlifile'} (from the current folder, by default), and then it installs all dependent libraries specified there, checking if each already exists, and if not — downloading them, and installing them into your Arduino Library folder. Both the folder with the Arlifile, as well as the destination library path folder can be changed with the command line flags. ], example: [ { desc: 'Install all libs defined in Arlifile:', cmd: 'arli bundle ' }, { desc: 'Custom Arlifile location, and destination path:', cmd: 'arli bundle -a ./src -l ./libraries' } ], parser: -> (command_name) { make_parser(command_name) do |parser| parser.banner = usage_line 'bundle' parser.option_bundle parser.option_help(command_name: command_name) end } }), install: { sentence: 'Installs a single library either by searching, or url or local ZIP', description: %Q[This command installs a single library into your library path (which can be set with #{'--lib-path'.blue} flag). Arli interpretes the third argument to #{'arli install'} as either an exact library name, or a remote URL (either ZIP or Git Repo). You can use #{'search'} command to first find the right library name, and then pass it to the install command. ], examples: [ { desc: 'Install the latest version of this library locally', cmd: 'arli install "Adafruit GFX Library" -l ./libraries' }, { desc: 'Install the library from a Github URL', cmd: 'arli install' } ], parser: -> (command_name) { make_parser(command_name) do |parser| parser.banner = usage_line 'install' + ' [ "Exact Library Name" | url ] '.magenta parser.option_install parser.option_help(command_name: command_name) end } }), } end def aliases { s: :search, ser: :search, i: :install, ins: :install, g: :generate, gen: :generate, b: :bundle, bun: :bundle } end def command_aliases(cmd) { |k| aliases[k] == cmd } end def commands command_parsers.keys end def valid_command?(command) commands.include?(command) || aliases[command] end def command_from_arg(arg) if commands.include?(arg) arg elsif aliases[arg] aliases[arg] end end def command_parser(cmd) cmd_hash = command_parsers[cmd] || command_parsers[aliases[cmd]] cmd_hash ? cmd_hash[:parser].call(cmd) : nil end def global_usage(command) 'Usage:'.magenta.bold + "\n " + arli_command + ' options '.yellow + "\n " + arli_command + ' ' + ((command || 'command')).cyan.bold + ' [ options ] '.yellow + "\n" end def arli_command @arli_command ||= end def command_usage(command) 'Usage:'.magenta.bold + "\n " + arli_command + ' ' + command.bold.cyan + ' [options]'.yellow + "\n\n" + 'Options'.magenta.bold end def usage_line(command = nil) command ? command_usage(command) : global_usage(command) end def print_parser_help(parser) parser.print end end end end end