# frozen_string_literal: true require 'cucumber/constantize' require 'cucumber/cli/rerun_file' require 'cucumber/events' require 'cucumber/core/event_bus' require 'cucumber/core/test/result' require 'forwardable' require 'cucumber' module Cucumber # The base class for configuring settings for a Cucumber run. class Configuration include Constantize extend Forwardable def self.default new end # Subscribe to an event. # # See {Cucumber::Events} for the list of possible events. # # @param event_id [Symbol, Class, String] Identifier for the type of event to subscribe to # @param handler_object [Object optional] an object to be called when the event occurs # @yield [Object] Block to be called when the event occurs # @method on_event def_instance_delegator :event_bus, :on, :on_event # @private def notify(message, *args) event_bus.send(message, *args) end def initialize(user_options = {}) @options = default_options.merge(Hash(user_options)) end def with_options(new_options) self.class.new(@options.merge(new_options)) end def out_stream @options[:out_stream] end def error_stream @options[:error_stream] end def randomize? @options[:order] == 'random' end def seed Integer(@options[:seed] || rand(0xFFFF)) end def dry_run? @options[:dry_run] end def fail_fast? @options[:fail_fast] end def retry_attempts @options[:retry] end def guess? @options[:guess] end def strict @options[:strict] end def wip? @options[:wip] end def expand? @options[:expand] end def source? @options[:source] end def duration? @options[:duration] end def snippets? @options[:snippets] end def skip_profile_information? @options[:skip_profile_information] end def profiles @options[:profiles] || [] end def custom_profiles profiles - [@options[:default_profile]] end def paths @options[:paths] end def formats @options[:formats] end def autoload_code_paths @options[:autoload_code_paths] end def snippet_type @options[:snippet_type] end def feature_dirs dirs = paths.map { |f| File.directory?(f) ? f : File.dirname(f) }.uniq dirs.delete('.') unless paths.include?('.') with_default_features_path(dirs) end def tag_limits @options[:tag_limits] end def tag_expressions @options[:tag_expressions] end def name_regexps @options[:name_regexps] end def filters @options[:filters] end def feature_files potential_feature_files = with_default_features_path(paths).map do |path| path = path.tr('\\', '/') # In case we're on windows. Globs don't work with backslashes. path = path.chomp('/') # TODO: Move to using feature loading strategies stored in # options[:feature_loaders] if File.directory?(path) Dir["#{path}/**/*.feature"].sort elsif Cli::RerunFile.can_read?(path) Cli::RerunFile.new(path).features else path end end.flatten.uniq remove_excluded_files_from(potential_feature_files) potential_feature_files end def support_to_load support_files = all_files_to_load.select { |f| f =~ %r{/support/} } env_files = support_files.select { |f| f =~ %r{/support/env\..*} } other_files = support_files - env_files @options[:dry_run] ? other_files : env_files + other_files end def all_files_to_load files = require_dirs.map do |path| path = path.tr('\\', '/') # In case we're on windows. Globs don't work with backslashes. path = path.gsub(/\/$/, '') # Strip trailing slash. # rubocop:disable Style/RegexpLiteral File.directory?(path) ? Dir["#{path}/**/*"] : path end.flatten.uniq remove_excluded_files_from(files) files.select! { |f| File.file?(f) } files.reject! { |f| File.extname(f) == '.feature' } files.reject! { |f| f =~ /^http/ } files.sort end def step_defs_to_load all_files_to_load.reject { |f| f =~ %r{/support/} } end def formatter_factories formats.map do |format, formatter_options, path_or_io| begin factory = formatter_class(format) yield factory, formatter_options, path_or_io rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException raise e, "#{e.message}\nError creating formatter: #{format}", e.backtrace end end end def formatter_class(format) if (builtin = Cli::Options::BUILTIN_FORMATS[format]) constantize(builtin[0]) else constantize(format) end end def to_hash @options end # An array of procs that can generate snippets for undefined steps. These procs may be called if a # formatter wants to display snippets to the user. # # Each proc should take the following arguments: # # - keyword # - step text # - multiline argument # - snippet type # def snippet_generators @options[:snippet_generators] ||= [] end def register_snippet_generator(generator) snippet_generators << generator self end def event_bus @options[:event_bus] end private def default_options { autoload_code_paths: ['features/support', 'features/step_definitions'], filters: [], strict: Cucumber::Core::Test::Result::StrictConfiguration.new, require: [], dry_run: false, fail_fast: false, formats: [], excludes: [], tag_expressions: [], name_regexps: [], env_vars: {}, diff_enabled: true, snippets: true, source: true, duration: true, event_bus: Cucumber::Events.make_event_bus } end def default_features_paths ['features'] end def with_default_features_path(paths) return default_features_paths if paths.empty? paths end def remove_excluded_files_from(files) files.reject! { |path| @options[:excludes].detect { |pattern| path =~ pattern } } end def require_dirs if @options[:require].empty? default_features_paths + Dir['vendor/{gems,plugins}/*/cucumber'] else @options[:require] end end end end