class Jason::ConsistencyChecker attr_reader :subscription attr_reader :inconsistent def self.check_all(fix: false) Jason::Subscription.all.each do |sub| next if sub.consumer_count == 0 checker = result = checker.check if checker.inconsistent? pp sub.config pp result if fix sub.reset!(hard: true) end end end end def self.fix_all check_all(fix: true) end def initialize(subscription) @subscription = subscription @inconsistent = false end def inconsistent? inconsistent end # Take a subscription, get the current cached payload, and compare it to the data retrieved from the database def check cached_payload = subscription.get edge_set = subscription.load_ids_for_sub_models(subscription.model, nil) result = do |model_name, data| cached_payload_instance_ids = data[:payload].map { |row| row['id'] } model_idx = edge_set[:model_names].index(model_name) if model_idx.present? edge_set_instance_ids = edge_set[:instance_ids].map { |row| row[model_idx] } else next end missing = edge_set_instance_ids - cached_payload_instance_ids intruding = cached_payload_instance_ids - edge_set_instance_ids if missing.present? || intruding.present? @inconsistent = true end [model_name, { 'missing' => missing, 'intruding' => intruding }] end.compact.to_h end end