module Mustang module V8 class Object # We have to extend native <tt>.new</tt> method with full support for reflection # of ruby objects. class << self alias_method :native_new, :new def new(*args, &block) res = native_new(*args) res.send(:reflect_from, args.first) end end def respond_to?(meth) # :nodoc: !self[meth].undefined? or super end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) # :nodoc: if respond_to?(meth) property = self[meth] if property.is_a?(Function) return property.call_on(self, *args, &block) else return property end end super end include Comparable include Enumerable include Delegated def to_hash Hash[* {|key| [key.to_s, get(key)] }.flatten(1)] end def <=>(other) to_hash <=> other end def each(*args, &block) to_hash.each(*args, &block) end def delegate to_hash end private def reflect_from(obj) # :nodoc: if !obj.nil? and !obj.v8? and !obj.is_a?(Hash) obj.class.declared_methods.each { |meth| if func_name = meth.to_sym.to_js_func_name func = set(func_name, obj.method(meth)) func.bind(obj) end } end self end end # Object end # V8 end # Mustang