//= require blogelator/codemirror/codemirror //= require blogelator/codemirror/closebrackets //= require blogelator/codemirror/overlay //= require blogelator/codemirror/markdown //= require blogelator/codemirror/gfm //= require blogelator/codemirror/coffeescript //= require blogelator/codemirror/css //= require blogelator/codemirror/htmlmixed //= require blogelator/codemirror/javascript //= require blogelator/codemirror/php //= require blogelator/codemirror/ruby //= require blogelator/codemirror/sass //= require blogelator/codemirror/xml //= require blogelator/codemirror/yaml //= require blogelator/inline-attach //= require blogelator/marked (function() { "use strict"; App.MarkdownEditorComponent = Ember.Component.extend({ classNames: ['blogelator-markdown-editor'], parseDelay: 100, resizeDelay: 50, scrollDelay: 10, didInsertElement: function() { var textArea = this.$('textarea')[0], editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textArea, { autoCloseBrackets: true, indentWithTabs: false, lineWrapping: true, mode: 'gfm', smartIndent: false, tabSize: 2 }); // Replace tab with spaces editor.addKeyMap({ Tab: function(cm) { var spaces = new Array(cm.getOption("indentUnit") + 1).join(" "); cm.replaceSelection(spaces, "end", "+input"); } }); this.set('editor', editor); // Capture Command/Ctrl + S var self = this; $(this.get('element')).on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 83 && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) { self.sendAction(); return false; } }); }, editorDidChange: function() { var editor = this.get('editor'), preview = this.$('.html-preview .post'), parseContext = { name: 'parseMarkdown' }, parseDelay = this.get('parseDelay'), scrollContext = { name: 'scrollViewport' }, scrollDelay = this.get('scrollDelay'), viewport = $(this.get('element')), self = this; // Set initial editor value from component content editor.setValue(this.get('content')); // Syncs the preview scroll top from editor scroll top var syncEditorScrolling = function() { var viewportHeight = viewport.height(), editorScrollInfo = editor.getScrollInfo(), codeHeight = editorScrollInfo.height - viewportHeight, codeTop = editorScrollInfo.top, previewHeight = preview[0].scrollHeight - viewportHeight, ratio = previewHeight / codeHeight; preview.scrollTop(codeTop * ratio); }; // Syncs the component content w/ the new editor value // And syncs scrolling after a change occurs var updateContent = function() { self.set('content', editor.getValue()); Ember.run.debounce(scrollContext, syncEditorScrolling, scrollDelay); }; // Update preview on change editor.on('change', function() { Ember.run.debounce(parseContext, updateContent, parseDelay); }); // Scroll preview when markdown is scrolled editor.on('scroll', function() { Ember.run.debounce(scrollContext, syncEditorScrolling, scrollDelay); }); // Handle image drag and drop uploading this._addInlineAttach(editor); }.observes('editor'), html: function() { var content = this.get('content'); if (Ember.isNone(content)) { content = ''; } return marked(content); }.property('content'), willDestroyElement: function() { // Remove scrolling observers var editor = this.get('editor'); editor.off('change'); editor.off('scroll'); // Remove Command/Ctrl + S observer $(this.get('element')).off('keydown'); }, _addInlineAttach: function(editor) { function CodeMirrorEditor(instance) { var codeMirror = instance; return { getValue: function() { return codeMirror.getValue(); }, setValue: function(val) { var cursor = codeMirror.getCursor(); codeMirror.setValue(val); codeMirror.setCursor(cursor); } }; } CodeMirrorEditor.prototype = new inlineAttach.Editor(); var inlineAttachInstance, inlineAttachEditor = new CodeMirrorEditor(editor); inlineAttachInstance = new inlineAttach({ customUploadHandler: function(file) { var formData = new FormData(), filename = 'image-', extension = 'png', uploadUrl = (App.get('appPath') === '/' ? '/' : App.get('appPath') + '/') + 'api/images'; // Attach the file. If coming from clipboard, add a default filename (only works in Chrome for now) // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6664967/how-to-give-a-blob-uploaded-as-formdata-a-file-name if (file.name) { var fileNameMatches = file.name.match(/\.(.+)$/); if (fileNameMatches) { extension = fileNameMatches[1]; filename = file.name.replace('.' + extension, '-'); } } formData.append('file', file, filename + Date.now() + '.' + extension); $.ajax({ url: uploadUrl, data: formData, processData: false, contentType: false, type: 'POST', success: function(data){ inlineAttachInstance.onUploadedFile(data); }, error: function() { inlineAttachInstance.onErrorUploading(); } }); return false; }, urlText: "![image]({filename})" }, inlineAttachEditor); editor.setOption('onDragEvent', function(data, e) { if (e.type === "drop") { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return inlineAttachInstance.onDrop(e); } }); } }); })();