#-- # Copyright (c) 2005 Philip Ross # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. #++ require 'date' require 'fileutils' module TZInfo # Parses tzdata from ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/ and transforms it into # a set of Ruby modules that can be used through Timezone and Country. # # Normally, this class wouldn't be used. It is only run to update the # timezone data and index modules. class TZDataParser # Minimum year that will be considered. MIN_YEAR = 1800 # Maximum year that will be considered. MAX_YEAR = 2050 # Whether to generate zone definitions (set to false to stop zones being # generated). attr_accessor :generate_zones # Whether to generate country definitions (set to false to stop countries # being generated). attr_accessor :generate_countries # Limit the set of zones to generate (set to an array containing zone # identifiers). attr_accessor :only_zones # Zones to exclude from generation when not using only_zones (set to an # array containing zone identifiers). attr_accessor :exclude_zones # Initializes a new TZDataParser. input_dir must contain the extracted # tzdata tarball. output_dir is the location to output the modules # (in definitions and indexes directories). def initialize(input_dir, output_dir) super() @input_dir = input_dir @output_dir = output_dir @rule_sets = {} @zones = {} @countries = {} @no_rules = TZDataNoRules.new @generate_zones = true @generate_countries = true @only_zones = [] @exclude_zones = [] end # Reads the tzdata source and generates the classes. Takes a long time # to run. Currently outputs debugging information to standard out. def execute Dir.foreach(@input_dir) {|file| load_rules(file) if file =~ /^[^\.]+$/ } Dir.foreach(@input_dir) {|file| load_zones(file) if file =~ /^[^\.]+$/ } Dir.foreach(@input_dir) {|file| load_links(file) if file =~ /^[^\.]+$/ } load_countries if @generate_zones modules = [] if @only_zones.nil? || @only_zones.empty? @zones.each_value {|zone| zone.write_module(@output_dir) unless @exclude_zones.include?(zone.name) } else @only_zones.each {|id| zone = @zones[id] zone.write_module(@output_dir) } end write_timezones_index end if @generate_countries write_countries_index end end # Parses a month specified in the tz data and converts it to a number # between 1 and 12 representing January to December. def self.parse_month(month) lower = month.downcase if lower =~ /^jan/ @month = 1 elsif lower =~ /^feb/ @month = 2 elsif lower =~ /^mar/ @month = 3 elsif lower =~ /^apr/ @month = 4 elsif lower =~ /^may/ @month = 5 elsif lower =~ /^jun/ @month = 6 elsif lower =~ /^jul/ @month = 7 elsif lower =~ /^aug/ @month = 8 elsif lower =~ /^sep/ @month = 9 elsif lower =~ /^oct/ @month = 10 elsif lower =~ /^nov/ @month = 11 elsif lower =~ /^dec/ @month = 12 else raise "Invalid month: #{month}" end end # Parses an offset string [-]h:m:s (minutes and seconds are optional). Returns # the offset in seconds. def self.parse_offset(offset) raise "Invalid time: #{offset}" if offset !~ /^(-)?(?:([0-9]+)(?::([0-9]+)(?::([0-9]+))?)?)?$/ negative = !$1.nil? hour = $2.nil? ? 0 : $2.to_i minute = $3.nil? ? 0 : $3.to_i second = $4.nil? ? 0 : $4.to_i seconds = hour seconds = seconds * 60 seconds = seconds + minute seconds = seconds * 60 seconds = seconds + second seconds = -seconds if negative seconds end # Encloses the string in single quotes and escapes any single quotes in # the content. def self.quote_str(str) "'#{str.gsub('\'', '\\\\\'')}'" end private # Loads all the Rule definitions from the tz data and stores them in # @rule_sets. def load_rules(file) puts 'load_rules: ' + file IO.foreach(@input_dir + File::SEPARATOR + file) {|line| line = line.gsub(/#.*$/, '') line = line.gsub(/\s+$/, '') if line =~ /^Rule\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/ name = $1 if @rule_sets[name].nil? @rule_sets[name] = TZDataRuleSet.new(name) end @rule_sets[name].add_rule(TZDataRule.new($2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)) end } end # Gets a rules object for the given reference. Might be a named rule set, # a fixed offset or an empty ruleset. def get_rules(ref) if ref == '-' @no_rules elsif ref =~ /^[0-9]+:[0-9]+$/ TZDataFixedOffsetRules.new(TZDataParser.parse_offset(ref)) else rule_set = @rule_sets[ref] raise "Ruleset not found: #{ref}" if rule_set.nil? rule_set end end # Loads in the Zone definitions from the tz data and stores them in @zones. def load_zones(file) puts 'load_zones: ' + file in_zone = nil IO.foreach(@input_dir + File::SEPARATOR + file) {|line| line = line.gsub(/#.*$/, '') line = line.gsub(/\s+$/, '') if in_zone if line =~ /^\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)(\s+([0-9]+(\s+.*)?))?$/ in_zone.add_observance(TZDataObservance.new($1, get_rules($2), $3, $5)) in_zone = nil if $4.nil? end else if line =~ /^Zone\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)(\s+([0-9]+(\s+.*)?))?$/ name = $1 if @zones[name].nil? @zones[name] = TZDataZone.new(name) end @zones[name].add_observance(TZDataObservance.new($2, get_rules($3), $4, $6)) in_zone = @zones[name] if !$5.nil? end end } end # Loads in the links and stores them in @zones. def load_links(file) puts 'load_links: ' + file IO.foreach(@input_dir + File::SEPARATOR + file) {|line| line = line.gsub(/#.*$/, '') line = line.gsub(/\s+$/, '') if line =~ /^Link\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/ name = $2 link_to = @zones[$1] raise "Link to zone not found (#{name}->#{link_to})" if link_to.nil? raise "Zone already defined: #{name}" if !@zones[name].nil? @zones[name] = TZDataLink.new(name, link_to) end } end # Loads countries from iso3166.tab and zone.tab and stores the result in # @countries. def load_countries puts 'load_countries' IO.foreach(@input_dir + File::SEPARATOR + 'iso3166.tab') {|line| if line =~ /^([A-Z]{2})\t(.*)$/ code = $1 name = $2 @countries[code] = TZDataCountry.new(code, name) end } IO.foreach(@input_dir + File::SEPARATOR + 'zone.tab') {|line| line.chomp! if line =~ /^([A-Z]{2})\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)(\t(.*))?$/ code = $1 location_str = $2 zone_name = $3 description = $5 country = @countries[code] raise "Country not found: #{code}" if country.nil? location = TZDataLocation.new(location_str) zone = @zones[zone_name] raise "Zone not found: #{zone_name}" if zone.nil? description = nil if description == '' country.add_zone(TZDataCountryTimezone.new(zone, description, location)) end } end # Writes a country index file. def write_countries_index dir = @output_dir + File::SEPARATOR + 'indexes' FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) File.open(dir + File::SEPARATOR + 'countries.rb', 'w') {|file| file.binmode file.puts('require \'tzinfo/country_index_definition\'') file.puts('') file.puts('module TZInfo') file.puts(' module Indexes') file.puts(' module Countries') file.puts(' include CountryIndexDefinition') file.puts('') countries = @countries.values.sort {|c1,c2| c1.code <=> c2.code} countries.each {|country| country.write_index_record(file)} file.puts(' end') # end module Countries file.puts(' end') # end module Indexes file.puts('end') # end module TZInfo } end # Writes a timezone index file. def write_timezones_index dir = File.join(@output_dir, 'indexes') FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) File.open(File.join(dir, 'timezones.rb'), 'w') do |file| file.binmode file.puts('require \'tzinfo/timezone_index_definition\'') file.puts('') file.puts('module TZInfo') file.puts(' module Indexes') file.puts(' module Timezones') file.puts(' include TimezoneIndexDefinition') file.puts('') zones = @zones.values.sort {|t1,t2| t1.name <=> t2.name} zones.each {|zone| zone.write_index_record(file)} file.puts(' end') # end module Timezones file.puts(' end') # end module Indexes file.puts('end') # end module TZInfo end end end # Base class for all rule sets. class TZDataRules #:nodoc: # Name of the rule set, e.g. EU. attr_reader :name def initialize(name) @name = name end def count 0 end end # Empty rule set with a fixed daylight savings (std) offset. class TZDataFixedOffsetRules < TZDataRules #:nodoc: attr_reader :offset def initialize(offset) super(offset.to_s) @offset = offset end end # An empty set of rules. class TZDataNoRules < TZDataRules #:nodoc: def initialize super('-') end end # A rule set (as defined by Rule name in the tz data). class TZDataRuleSet < TZDataRules #:nodoc: attr_reader :rules def initialize(name) super @rules = [] end # Adds a new rule to the set. def add_rule(rule) @rules << rule end def count @rules.length end def each @rules.each {|rule| yield rule} end end # A rule in a RuleSet (a single Rule line in the tz data). class TZDataRule #:nodoc: attr_reader :from attr_reader :to attr_reader :type attr_reader :in_month attr_reader :on_day attr_reader :at_time attr_reader :save attr_reader :letter def initialize(from, to, type, in_month, on_day, at_time, save, letter) @from = parse_from(from) @to = parse_to(to) # replace a to of :only with the from year raise 'to cannot be only if from is minimum' if @to == :only && @from == :min @to = @from if @to == :only @type = parse_type(type) @in_month = TZDataParser.parse_month(in_month) @on_day = TZDataDayOfMonth.new(on_day) @at_time = TZDataTime.new(at_time) @save = TZDataParser.parse_offset(save) @letter = parse_letter(letter) end def activate(year) # The following test ignores yearistype at present (currently unused in # the data. parse_type currently excepts on encountering a year type. if (@from == :min || @from <= year) && (@to == :max || @to >= year) TZDataActivatedRule.new(self, year) else nil end end def at_utc_time(year, utc_offset, std_offset) @at_time.to_utc(utc_offset, std_offset, year, @in_month, @on_day.to_absolute(year, @in_month)) end private def parse_from(from) lower = from.downcase if lower =~ /^min/ :min elsif lower =~ /^[0-9]+$/ lower.to_i else raise "Invalid from: #{from}" end end def parse_to(to) lower = to.downcase if lower =~ /^max/ :max elsif lower =~ /^o/ :only elsif lower =~ /^[0-9]+$/ lower.to_i else raise "Invalid to: #{to}" end end def parse_type(type) raise "Unsupported rule type: #{type}" if type != '-' nil end def parse_letter(letter) if letter == '-' nil else letter end end end # Base class for Zones and Links. class TZDataDefinition #:nodoc: attr_reader :name attr_reader :name_elements attr_reader :path_elements def initialize(name) @name = name # + and - aren't allowed in class names @name_elements = name.gsub(/-/, '__m__').gsub(/\+/, '__p__').split(/\//) @path_elements = @name_elements.clone @path_elements.pop end # Creates necessary directories, the file, writes the class header and footer # and yields to a block to write the content. def create_file(output_dir) dir = output_dir + File::SEPARATOR + 'definitions' + File::SEPARATOR + @path_elements.join(File::SEPARATOR) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) File.open(output_dir + File::SEPARATOR + 'definitions' + File::SEPARATOR + @name_elements.join(File::SEPARATOR) + '.rb', 'w') {|file| file.binmode def file.indent(by) if @tz_indent @tz_indent += by else @tz_indent = by end end def file.puts(s) super("#{' ' * (@tz_indent || 0)}#{s}") end file.puts('require \'tzinfo/timezone_definition\'') file.puts('') file.puts('module TZInfo') file.indent(2) file.puts('module Definitions') file.indent(2) @name_elements.each do |part| file.puts("module #{part}") file.indent(2) end file.puts('include TimezoneDefinition') file.puts('') yield file @name_elements.each do file.indent(-2) file.puts('end') end file.indent(-2) file.puts('end') # end module Definitions file.indent(-2) file.puts('end') # end module TZInfo } end end # A tz data Link. class TZDataLink < TZDataDefinition #:nodoc: attr_reader :link_to def initialize(name, link_to) super(name) @link_to = link_to end # Writes a module for this link. def write_module(output_dir) puts "writing link #{name}" create_file(output_dir) {|file| file.puts("linked_timezone #{TZDataParser.quote_str(@name)}, #{TZDataParser.quote_str(@link_to.name)}") } end # Writes an index record for this link. def write_index_record(file) file.puts(" linked_timezone #{TZDataParser.quote_str(@name)}") end end # A tz data Zone. Each line from the tz data is loaded as a TZDataObservance. class TZDataZone < TZDataDefinition #:nodoc: attr_reader :observances def initialize(name) super @observances = [] end def add_observance(observance) @observances << observance end # Writes the module for the zone. Iterates all the periods and asks them # to write all periods in the timezone. def write_module(output_dir) puts "writing zone #{name}" create_file(output_dir) {|file| file.puts("timezone #{TZDataParser.quote_str(@name)} do |tz|") file.indent(2) transitions = find_transitions transitions.output_module(file) file.indent(-2) file.puts('end') } end # Writes an index record for this zone. def write_index_record(file) file.puts(" timezone #{TZDataParser.quote_str(@name)}") end private def find_transitions transitions = TZDataTransitions.new # algorithm from zic.c outzone start_time = nil until_time = nil @observances.each_with_index {|observance, i| std_offset = 0 use_start = i > 0 use_until = i < @observances.length - 1 utc_offset = observance.utc_offset start_zone_id = nil start_utc_offset = observance.utc_offset start_std_offset = 0 if observance.rule_set.count == 0 std_offset = observance.std_offset start_zone_id = observance.format.expand(std_offset, nil) if use_start transitions << TZDataTransition.new(start_time, utc_offset, std_offset, start_zone_id) use_start = false else # zic algorithm only outputs this if std_offset is non-zero # to get the initial LMT range, we output this regardless transitions << TZDataTransition.new(nil, utc_offset, std_offset, start_zone_id) end else (TZDataParser::MIN_YEAR..TZDataParser::MAX_YEAR).each {|year| if use_until && year > observance.valid_until.year break end activated_rules = [] observance.rule_set.each {|rule| activated_rule = rule.activate(year) activated_rules << activated_rule unless activated_rule.nil? } while true # turn until_time into UTC using the current utc_offset and std_offset until_time = observance.valid_until.to_utc(utc_offset, std_offset) if use_until earliest = nil activated_rules.each {|activated_rule| # recalculate the time using the current std_offset activated_rule.calculate_time(utc_offset, std_offset) earliest = activated_rule if earliest.nil? || activated_rule.at < earliest.at } break if earliest.nil? activated_rules.delete(earliest) break if use_until && earliest.at >= until_time std_offset = earliest.rule.save use_start = false if use_start && earliest.at == start_time if use_start if earliest.at < start_time start_utc_offset = observance.utc_offset start_std_offset = std_offset start_zone_id = observance.format.expand(earliest.rule.save, earliest.rule.letter) next end if start_zone_id.nil? && start_utc_offset + start_std_offset == observance.utc_offset + std_offset start_zone_id = observance.format.expand(earliest.rule.save, earliest.rule.letter) end end zone_id = observance.format.expand(earliest.rule.save, earliest.rule.letter) transitions << TZDataTransition.new(earliest.at, observance.utc_offset, earliest.rule.save, zone_id) end } end if use_start start_zone_id = observance.format.expand(nil, nil) if start_zone_id.nil? && observance.format.fixed? raise 'Could not determine time zone abbreviation to use just after until time' if start_zone_id.nil? transitions << TZDataTransition.new(start_time, start_utc_offset, start_std_offset, start_zone_id) end start_time = observance.valid_until.to_utc(utc_offset, std_offset) if use_until } transitions end end # A observance within a zone (a line within the zone definition). class TZDataObservance #:nodoc: attr_reader :utc_offset attr_reader :rule_set attr_reader :format attr_reader :valid_until def initialize(utc_offset, rule_set, format, valid_until) @utc_offset = TZDataParser.parse_offset(utc_offset) @rule_set = rule_set @format = TZDataFormat.new(format) @valid_until = valid_until.nil? ? nil : TZDataUntil.new(valid_until) end def std_offset if @rule_set.kind_of?(TZDataFixedOffsetRules) @rule_set.offset else 0 end end end # Collection of TZDataTransition instances used when building a zone class. class TZDataTransitions #:nodoc: def initialize @transitions = [] end def << (transition) @transitions << transition end def output_module(file) optimize # Try and end on a transition to std if one happens in the last year. if @transitions.length > 1 && @transitions.last.std_offset != 0 && @transitions[@transitions.length - 2].std_offset == 0 && @transitions[@transitions.length - 2].at_utc.year == TZDataParser::MAX_YEAR transitions = @transitions[0..@transitions.length - 2] else transitions = @transitions end process_offsets(file) file.puts('') transitions.each do |t| t.write(file) end end private def optimize @transitions.sort! # Optimization logic from zic.c writezone. from_i = 0 to_i = 0 while from_i < @transitions.length if to_i > 1 && !@transitions[from_i].at_utc.nil? && !@transitions[to_i - 1].at_utc.nil? && @transitions[from_i].at_utc + Rational(@transitions[to_i - 1].total_offset, 86400) <= @transitions[to_i - 1].at_utc + Rational(@transitions[to_i - 2].total_offset, 86400) @transitions[to_i - 1] = @transitions[from_i].clone_with_at(@transitions[to_i - 1].at_utc) from_i += 1 next end # Shuffle transitions up, eliminating any redundant transitions # along the way. if to_i == 0 || @transitions[to_i - 1].utc_offset != @transitions[from_i].utc_offset || @transitions[to_i - 1].std_offset != @transitions[from_i].std_offset || @transitions[to_i - 1].zone_id != @transitions[from_i].zone_id @transitions[to_i] = @transitions[from_i] to_i += 1 end from_i += 1 end if to_i > 0 @transitions = @transitions[0..to_i - 1] else @transitions = [] end end def quote_zone_id(zone_id) if zone_id =~ %r{[\-+']} ":#{TZDataParser.quote_str(zone_id)}" else ":#{zone_id}" end end def process_offsets(file) # A bit of a hack at the moment. The offset used to be output with # each period (pair of transitions). They are now separated from the # transition data. The code should probably be changed at some point to # setup the offsets at an earlier stage. # Assume that when this is called, the first transition is the Local # Mean Time initial rule or a transition with no time that defines the # offset for the entire zone. offsets = [] # Find the first std offset. Timezones always start in std. @transitions.each do |t| if t.std_offset == 0 offset = {:utc_offset => t.utc_offset, :std_offset => t.std_offset, :zone_id => t.zone_id, :name => 'o0'} offsets << offset break end end @transitions.each do |t| offset = offsets.find do |o| o[:utc_offset] == t.utc_offset && o[:std_offset] == t.std_offset && o[:zone_id] == t.zone_id end unless offset offset = {:utc_offset => t.utc_offset, :std_offset => t.std_offset, :zone_id => t.zone_id, :name => "o#{offsets.length}"} offsets << offset end t.offset_name = offset[:name] end offsets.each do |offset| file.puts("tz.offset :#{offset[:name]}, #{offset[:utc_offset]}, #{offset[:std_offset]}, #{quote_zone_id(offset[:zone_id])}") end end end # A transition that will be used to write the periods in a zone class. class TZDataTransition #:nodoc: include Comparable attr_reader :at_utc attr_reader :utc_offset attr_reader :std_offset attr_reader :zone_id attr_accessor :offset_name def initialize(at_utc, utc_offset, std_offset, zone_id) @at_utc = at_utc @utc_offset = utc_offset @std_offset = std_offset @zone_id = zone_id @offset_name = nil end def to_s "At #{at_utc} UTC switch to UTC offset #{@utc_offset} with std offset #{@std_offset}, zone id #{@zone_id}" end def <=>(transition) if @at_utc == transition.at_utc 0 elsif @at_utc.nil? -1 elsif transition.nil? 1 else @at_utc - transition.at_utc end end def total_offset @utc_offset + @std_offset end def clone_with_at(at_utc) TZDataTransition.new(at_utc, @utc_offset, @std_offset, @zone_id) end def write(file) if @at_utc file.puts "tz.transition #{@at_utc.year}, #{@at_utc.mon}, :#{@offset_name}, #{datetime_constructor(@at_utc)}" end end private def datetime_constructor(datetime) if (1970..2037).include?(datetime.year) "#{Time.utc(datetime.year, datetime.mon, datetime.mday, datetime.hour, datetime.min, datetime.sec).to_i}" else "#{datetime.ajd.numerator}, #{datetime.ajd.denominator}" end end end # An instance of a rule for a year. class TZDataActivatedRule #:nodoc: attr_reader :rule attr_reader :year attr_reader :at def initialize(rule, year) @rule = rule @year = year @at = nil end def calculate_time(utc_offset, std_offset) @at = @rule.at_utc_time(@year, utc_offset, std_offset) end end # A tz data time definition - an hour, minute, second and reference. Reference # is either :utc, :standard or :wall_clock. class TZDataTime #:nodoc: attr_reader :hour attr_reader :minute attr_reader :second attr_reader :ref def initialize(spec) raise "Invalid time: #{spec}" if spec !~ /^([0-9]+)(:([0-9]+)(:([0-9]+))?)?([wguzs])?$/ @hour = $1.to_i @minute = $3.nil? ? 0 : $3.to_i @second = $5.nil? ? 0 : $5.to_i if $6 == 's' @ref = :standard elsif $6 == 'g' || $6 == 'u' || $6 == 'z' @ref = :utc else @ref = :wall_clock end end # Converts the time to UTC given a utc_offset and std_offset. def to_utc(utc_offset, std_offset, year, month, day) result = DateTime.new(year, month, day, @hour, @minute, @second) offset = 0 offset = offset + utc_offset if @ref == :standard || @ref == :wall_clock offset = offset + std_offset if @ref == :wall_clock result - Rational(offset, 86400) end end # A tz data day of the month reference. Can either be an absolute day, # a last week day or a week day >= or <= than a specific day of month. class TZDataDayOfMonth #:nodoc: attr_reader :type attr_reader :day_of_month attr_reader :day_of_week attr_reader :operator def initialize(spec) raise "Invalid on: #{spec}" if spec !~ /^([0-9]+)|(last([A-z]+))|(([A-z]+)([<>]=)([0-9]+))$/ if $1 @type = :absolute @day_of_month = $1.to_i elsif $3 @type = :last @day_of_week = parse_day_of_week($3) else @type = :comparison @day_of_week = parse_day_of_week($5) @operator = parse_operator($6) @day_of_month = $7.to_i end end # Returns the absolute day of month for the given year and month. def to_absolute(year, month) case @type when :last last_day_in_month = (Date.new(year, month, 1) >> 1) - 1 offset = last_day_in_month.wday - @day_of_week offset = offset + 7 if offset < 0 (last_day_in_month - offset).day when :comparison pivot = Date.new(year, month, @day_of_month) offset = @day_of_week - pivot.wday offset = -offset if @operator == :less_equal offset = offset + 7 if offset < 0 offset = -offset if @operator == :less_equal result = pivot + offset if result.month != pivot.month puts self.inspect puts year puts month end raise 'No suitable date found' if result.month != pivot.month result.day else #absolute @day_of_month end end private def parse_day_of_week(day_of_week) lower = day_of_week.downcase if lower =~ /^mon/ 1 elsif lower =~ /^tue/ 2 elsif lower =~ /^wed/ 3 elsif lower =~ /^thu/ 4 elsif lower =~ /^fri/ 5 elsif lower =~ /^sat/ 6 elsif lower =~ /^sun/ 0 else raise "Invalid day of week: #{day_of_week}" end end def parse_operator(operator) if operator == '>=' :greater_equal elsif operator == '<=' :less_equal else raise "Invalid operator: #{operator}" end end end # A tz data Zone until reference. class TZDataUntil #:nodoc: attr_reader :year attr_reader :month attr_reader :day attr_reader :time def initialize(spec) parts = spec.split(/\s+/) raise "Invalid until: #{spec}" if parts.length < 1 @year = parts[0].to_i @month = parts.length > 1 ? TZDataParser.parse_month(parts[1]) : 1 @day = TZDataDayOfMonth.new(parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : '1') @time = TZDataTime.new(parts.length > 3 ? parts[3] : '00:00') end # Converts the reference to a UTC DateTime. def to_utc(utc_offset, std_offset) @time.to_utc(utc_offset, std_offset, @year, @month, @day.to_absolute(@year, @month)) end end # A tz data Zone format string. Either alternate standard/daylight-savings, # substitution (%s) format or a fixed string. class TZDataFormat #:nodoc: def initialize(spec) if spec =~ /([A-z]+)\/([A-z]+)/ @type = :alternate @standard_abbrev = $1 @daylight_abbrev = $2 elsif spec =~ /%s/ @type = :subst @abbrev = spec else @type = :fixed @abbrev = spec end end # Expands given the current daylight savings offset and Rule string. def expand(std_offset, rule_string) if @type == :alternate if std_offset == 0 @standard_abbrev else @daylight_abbrev end elsif @type == :subst sprintf(@abbrev, rule_string) else @abbrev end end # True if a string from the rule is required to expand this format. def requires_rule_string? @type == :subst end # Is a fixed format string. def fixed? @type == :fixed end end # A location (latitude + longitude) class TZDataLocation #:nodoc: attr_reader :latitude attr_reader :longitude # Constructs a new TZDataLocation from a string in ISO 6709 # sign-degrees-minutes-seconds format, either +-DDMM+-DDDMM # or +-DDMMSS+-DDDMMSS, first latitude (+ is north), # then longitude (+ is east). def initialize(coordinates) if coordinates !~ /^([+\-])([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})?([+\-])([0-9]{3})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})?$/ raise "Invalid coordinates: #{coordinates}" end @latitude = Rational($2.to_i) + Rational($3.to_i, 60) @latitude += Rational($4.to_i, 3600) unless $4.nil? @latitude = -@latitude if $1 == '-' @longitude = Rational($6.to_i) + Rational($7.to_i, 60) @longitude += Rational($8.to_i, 3600) unless $8.nil? @longitude = -@longitude if $5 == '-' end end TZDataCountryTimezone = Struct.new(:timezone, :description, :location) # An ISO 3166 country. class TZDataCountry #:nodoc: attr_reader :code attr_reader :name attr_reader :zones def initialize(code, name) @code = code @name = name @zones = [] end # Adds a TZDataCountryTimezone def add_zone(zone) @zones << zone end def write_index_record(file) s = " country #{TZDataParser.quote_str(@code)}, #{TZDataParser.quote_str(@name)}" s << ' do |c|' if @zones.length > 0 file.puts s @zones.each do |zone| file.puts " c.timezone #{TZDataParser.quote_str(zone.timezone.name)}, #{zone.location.latitude.numerator}, #{zone.location.latitude.denominator}, #{zone.location.longitude.numerator}, #{zone.location.longitude.denominator}#{zone.description.nil? ? '' : ', ' + TZDataParser.quote_str(zone.description)}" end file.puts ' end' if @zones.length > 0 end end end