 *  call-seq:
 *    Rev::Watcher.detach -> Rev::Watcher
 * Detach the watcher from its current Rev::Loop.
static VALUE Rev_Watcher_detach(VALUE self)
  struct Rev_Watcher *watcher_data;
  struct Rev_Loop *loop_data;
  VALUE loop_watchers;

  int i;

  Data_Get_Struct(self, struct Rev_Watcher, watcher_data);

  if(watcher_data->loop == Qnil)
    rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "not attached to a loop");

  loop_watchers = rb_iv_get(watcher_data->loop, "@watchers");

  /* Remove us from the loop's array of active watchers.  This likely
   * has negative performance and scalability characteristics as this
   * isn't an O(1) operation.  Hopefully there's a better way... */
  rb_ary_delete(loop_watchers, self);

      INT2NUM(NUM2INT(rb_iv_get(watcher_data->loop, "@active_watchers")) - 1)

  Data_Get_Struct(watcher_data->loop, struct Rev_Loop, loop_data);

  /* Iterate through the events in the loop's event buffer.  If there
   * are any pending events from this watcher, mark them NULL.  The
   * dispatch loop will skip them.  This prevents watchers earlier
   * in the event buffer from detaching others which may have pending
   * events in the buffer but get garbage collected in the meantime */
  for(i = 0; i < loop_data->events_received; i++) {
    if(loop_data->eventbuf[i].watcher == self)
      loop_data->eventbuf[i].watcher = Qnil;

  watcher_data->loop = Qnil;

  return self;