An abstract implementation that can
be used as base class for concrete implementations.
Aleksandar SeovicErich Eichinger
Defines a contract that all cache implementations have to fulfill.
Aleksandar SeovicErich Eichinger
Retrieves an item from the cache.
Item key.
Item for the specified , or null.
Removes an item from the cache.
Item key.
Removes collection of items from the cache.
Collection of keys to remove.
Removes all items from the cache.
Inserts an item into the cache.
Items inserted using this method have no expiration time
and default cache priority.
Item key.
Item value.
Inserts an item into the cache.
Items inserted using this method have default cache priority.
Item key.
Item value.
Item's time-to-live.
Gets the number of items in the cache.
Gets a collection of all cache item keys.
Retrieves an item from the cache.
Item key.
Item for the specified , or null.
Removes an item from the cache.
Item key.
Removes collection of items from the cache.
Collection of keys to remove.
Removes all items from the cache.
Inserts an item into the cache.
Items inserted using this method use the default
Item key.
Item value.
Inserts an item into the cache.
If equals ,
or is true, this cache
instance's value will be applied.
Item key.
Item value.
Item's time-to-live (TTL).
Actually does the cache implementation specific insert operation into the cache.
Items inserted using this method have default cache priority.
Item key.
Item value.
Item's time-to-live (TTL).
Gets/Set the Default time-to-live (TTL) for items inserted into this cache.
Used by
Gets/Sets a value, whether the this cache instance's
shall be applied to all items, regardless of their individual TTL
when is called.
Gets the number of items in the cache.
May be overridden by subclasses for cache-specific efficient implementation.
Gets a collection of all cache item keys.
Abstract base class containing shared properties for all cache attributes.
Aleksandar Seovic
The instance used to parse values.
Creates an attribute instance.
Creates an attribute instance.
The name of the cache to use.
An expression string that should be evaluated in order to determine
the cache key for the item.
Gets or sets the name of the cache to use.
The name of the cache to use.
Gets or sets a SpEL expression that should be evaluated in order
to determine the cache key for the item.
An expression string that should be evaluated in order to determine
the cache key for the item.
Gets an expression instance that should be evaluated in order
to determine the cache key for the item.
An expression instance that should be evaluated in order to determine
the cache key for the item.
Gets or sets a SpEL expression that should be evaluated in order
to determine whether the item should be cached.
An expression string that should be evaluated in order to determine
whether the item should be cached.
Gets an expression instance that should be evaluated in order
to determine whether the item should be cached.
An expression instance that should be evaluated in order to determine
whether the item should be cached.
The amount of time an object should remain in the cache.
If no TTL is specified, the default TTL defined by the
cache's policy will be applied.
The amount of time object should remain in the cache
formatted to be recognizable by .
The amount of time an object should remain in the cache (in seconds).
If no TTL is specified, the default TTL defined by the
cache's policy will be applied.
The amount of time object should remain in the cache (in seconds).
This attribute should be used to mark methods whose argument(s)
need to be cached.
This attribute allows application developers to specify that an argument
of the method should be cached, but it will not do any caching by itself.
In order to actually cache the result, an application developer
must apply a Spring.Aspects.Cache.CacheParameterAdvice to
all of the members that have this attribute defined.
You can specify this attribute multiple times on the same method in order to
cache several method parameters.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates an attribute instance.
Creates an attribute instance.
The name of the cache to use.
An expression string that should be evaluated in order to determine
the cache key for the item.
This attribute should be used to mark methods whose result
needs to be cached.
This attribute allows application developers to mark that a result
of the method invocation should be cached, but it will not do any
caching by itself.
In order to actually cache the result, an application developer
must apply a Spring.Aspects.Cache.CacheResultAdvice to
all of the members that have this attribute defined.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates an attribute instance.
Creates an attribute instance.
The name of the cache to use.
An expression string that should be evaluated in order to determine
the cache key for the item.
This attribute should be used with methods that return an
in order to cache each item separately.
This attribute allows application developers to specify that each item
from the collection returned by the method should be cached,
but it will not do any caching by itself.
In order to actually cache the result, an application developer
must apply a Spring.Aspects.Cache.CacheResultAdvice to
all of the members that have this attribute defined.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates an attribute instance.
Creates an attribute instance.
The name of the cache to use.
An expression string that should be evaluated in order to determine
the cache key for the item.
This attribute should be used to mark method that should
invalidate one or more cache items when invoked.
This attribute allows application developers to specify that some
cache items should be evicted from cache when the method is invoked,
but it will not do any eviction by itself.
In order to actually evict cache items, an application developer
must apply a Spring.Aspects.Cache.InvalidateCacheAdvice to
all of the members that have this attribute defined.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates an attribute instance.
Creates an attribute instance.
The name of the cache to use.
Gets or sets the name of the cache to use.
The name of the cache to use.
Gets or sets a SpEL expression that should be evaluated in order
to determine the keys for the items that should be evicted.
An expression string that should be evaluated in order
to determine the keys for the items that should be evicted.
Gets an expression instance that should be evaluated in order
to determine the keys for the items that should be evicted.
An expression instance that should be evaluated in order
to determine the keys for the items that should be evicted.
Gets or sets a SpEL expression that should be evaluated in order
to determine whether items should be evicted.
An expression string that should be evaluated in order to determine
whether items should be evicted.
Gets an expression instance that should be evaluated in order
to determine whether items should be evicted.
An expression instance that should be evaluated in order to determine
whether items should be evicted.
A simple implementation backed by a dictionary that
never expires cache items.
Aleksandar Seovic
Retrieves an item from the cache.
Item key.
Item for the specified , or null.
Removes an item from the cache.
Item key.
Removes collection of items from the cache.
Collection of keys to remove.
Removes all items from the cache.
Inserts an item into the cache.
Item key.
Item value.
Item's time-to-live (TTL) in milliseconds.
Gets the number of items in the cache.
Gets a collection of all cache item keys.
Represents a read only wrapper around a generic IDictionary. The design pattern
mirrors ReadOnlyCollection, and follows the apparent pattern that write operations
do not throw an exception, but simply make no change to the underlying collection.
Originally put into the public domain.
Original from Public DomainMark Pollack (.NET)
Inner storage for ReadOnlyDictionary
Easy access to non-generic dictionary API
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary to wrap.
Add does not change a read only Dictionary
The object to use as the key of the element to add.
The object to use as the value of the element to add.
The is read-only.
Determines whether the contains an element with the specified key.
The key to locate in the .
true if the contains an element with the key; otherwise, false.
key is null.
Remove does not change a read only Dictionary, will throw an exception.
The is read-only.
Tries the get value.
The key.
The value.
Add does not change a read only Dictionary
The object to add to the .
The is read-only.
Clear does not change a read only Dictionary.
The is read-only.
Determines whether the contains a specific value.
The object to locate in the .
true if item is found in the ; otherwise, false.
Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index.
The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing.
The zero-based index in array at which copying begins.
arrayIndex is less than 0.array is null.array is multidimensional.-or-arrayIndex is equal to or greater than the length of array.-or-The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from arrayIndex to the end of the destination array.-or-Type T cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination array.
Remove does not change a read only Dictionary. Throws an exception
The object to remove from the .
true if item was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if item is not found in the original .
The is read-only.
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
Add does not change a read only Dictionary. Throws an exception.
The to use as the key of the element to add.
The to use as the value of the element to add.
The is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size.
Determines whether the object contains an element with the specified key.
The key to locate in the object.
true if the contains an element with the key; otherwise, false.
key is null.
Returns an object for the object.
An object for the object.
Remove does not change a read only Dictionary. Throws an exception.
The key of the element to remove.
The object is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size.
Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index.
The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing.
The zero-based index in array at which copying begins.
array is null. index is less than zero. array is multidimensional.-or- index is equal to or greater than the length of array.-or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination array. The type of the source cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination array.
Runs when the entire object graph has been deserialized.
The object that initiated the callback. The functionality for this parameter is not currently implemented.
Populates a with the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate with data.
The destination (see ) for this serialization.
The caller does not have the required permission.
Gets a read only containing the keys of the .
An containing the keys of the object that implements .
Gets an containing the values in the .
An containing the values in the object that implements .
Gets the value with the specified key.
Set will throw an exception
Gets the number of elements contained in the .
The number of elements contained in the .
Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
true if the is read-only; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether the object has a fixed size.
true if the object has a fixed size; otherwise, false.
Gets an containing the keys of the .
An containing the keys of the object that implements .
Gets an containing the values in the .
An containing the values in the object that implements .
Gets the with the specified key. Set throws an exception.
The is read-only.
if try to set value
Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized (thread safe).
true if access to the is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false.
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the .
An object that can be used to synchronize access to the .
This class provides skeletal implementations of some
The implementations in this class are appropriate when the base
implementation does not allow elements. The methods
, and
are based on
the ,
, and
respectively but throw exceptions instead of indicating failure via
or returns.
An implementation that extends this class must
minimally define a method
which does
not permit the insertion of elements, along with methods
, and
. Typically,
additional methods will be overridden as well. If these requirements
cannot be met, consider instead subclassing
Doug LeaGriffin Caprio (.NET)
A collection designed for holding elements prior to processing.
Besides basic operations,
queues provide additional insertion, extraction, and inspection
Each of these methods exists in two forms: one throws
an exception if the operation fails, the other returns a special
value (either or , depending on the
operation). The latter form of the insert operation is designed
specifically for use with capacity-restricted
implementations; in most implementations, insert operations cannot
Queues typically, but do not necessarily, order elements in a
FIFO (first-in-first-out) manner. Among the exceptions are
priority queues, which order elements according to a supplied
comparator, or the elements' natural ordering, and LIFO queues (or
stacks) which order the elements LIFO (last-in-first-out).
Whatever the ordering used, the head of the queue is that
element which would be removed by a call to
. In a FIFO queue, all new
elements are inserted at the tail of the queue. Other kinds of queues may
use different placement rules. Every implementation
must specify its ordering properties.
The method inserts an
element if possible, otherwise returning . This differs from the
method, which can fail to
add an element only by throwing an exception. The
method is designed for
use when failure is a normal, rather than exceptional occurrence, for example,
in fixed-capacity (or "bounded" queues.
The methods remove and
return the head of the queue. Exactly which element is removed from the
queue is a function of the queue's ordering policy, which differs from
implementation to implementation. The
methods differ only in their
behavior when the queue is empty: the
method throws an exception,
while the method returns
The and
methods return, but do
not remove, the head of the queue.
The interface does not define the blocking queue
methods, which are common in concurrent programming.
implementations generally do not allow insertion
of elements, although some implementations, such as
a linked list, do not prohibit the insertion of .
Even in the implementations that permit it, should
not be inserted into a , as is also
used as a special return value by the
method to
indicate that the queue contains no elements.
implementations generally do not define
element-based versions of methods
and , but instead inherit the
identity based versions from the class object, because element-based equality
is not always well-defined for queues with the same elements but different
ordering properties.
Based on the back port of JCP JSR-166.
Doug LeaGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do so
immediately without violating capacity restrictions, returning
upon success and throwing an
if no space is
currently available.
The element to add.
if successful.
If the element cannot be added at this time due to capacity restrictions.
If the class of the supplied prevents it
from being added to this queue.
If the specified element is and this queue does not
permit elements.
If some property of the supplied prevents
it from being added to this queue.
Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do
so immediately without violating capacity restrictions.
When using a capacity-restricted queue, this method is generally
preferable to ,
which can fail to insert an element only by throwing an exception.
The element to add.
if the element was added to this queue.
If the element cannot be added at this time due to capacity restrictions.
If the supplied is
If some property of the supplied prevents
it from being added to this queue.
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue.
This method differs from
only in that it throws an exception if this queue is empty.
The head of this queue
if this queue is empty
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue,
or returns if this queue is empty.
The head of this queue, or if this queue is empty.
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue.
This method differs from
only in that it throws an exception if this queue is empty.
The head of this queue.
If this queue is empty.
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue,
or returns if this queue is empty.
The head of this queue, or if this queue is empty.
Returns if there are no elements in the , otherwise.
Creates a new instance of the class.
This is an abstract class, and as such has no publicly
visible constructors.
Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible
to do so immediately without violating capacity restrictions.
The element to add.
if successful.
If the element cannot be added at this time due to capacity restrictions.
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue.
This method differs from
only in that
it throws an exception if this queue is empty.
The head of this queue
If this queue is empty.
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue.
This method differs from
only in that it throws an exception if this queue is empty.
ALso note that this implementation returns the result of
unless the queue
is empty.
The head of this queue.
If this queue is empty.
Removes all of the elements from this queue.
The queue will be empty after this call returns.
This implementation repeatedly invokes
until it
returns .
Adds all of the elements in the supplied
to this queue.
Attempts to
of a queue to itself result in .
Further, the behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified
collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
This implementation iterates over the specified collection,
and adds each element returned by the iterator to this queue, in turn.
An exception encountered while trying to add an element (including,
in particular, a element) may result in only some
of the elements having been successfully added when the associated
exception is thrown.
The collection containing the elements to be added to this queue.
if this queue changed as a result of the call.
If the supplied or any one of its elements are .
If the collection is the current or
the collection size is greater than the queue capacity.
Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do
so immediately without violating capacity restrictions.
When using a capacity-restricted queue, this method is generally
preferable to ,
which can fail to insert an element only by throwing an exception.
The element to add.
if the element was added to this queue.
If the element cannot be added at this time due to capacity restrictions.
If the supplied is
If some property of the supplied prevents
it from being added to this queue.
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue,
or returns if this queue is empty.
The head of this queue, or if this queue is empty.
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue,
or returns if this queue is empty.
The head of this queue, or if this queue is empty.
Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index.
The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing.
The zero-based index in array at which copying begins.
array is null. index is less than zero. array is multidimensional.-or- index is equal to or greater than the length of array.-or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination array. The type of the source cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination array. 2
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
Returns if there are no elements in the , otherwise.
Returns the current capacity of this queue.
Gets the number of elements contained in the .
The number of elements contained in the .
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the .
An object that can be used to synchronize access to the .
Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized (thread safe).
true if access to the is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false.
Provides a performance improved hashtable with case-insensitive (string-only! based) key handling.
Erich Eichinger
Creates a case-insensitive hashtable using .
Creates a case-insensitive hashtable using the given .
the to calculate the hashcode
Creates a case-insensitive hashtable using the given , initially
populated with entries from another dictionary.
the dictionary to copy entries from
the to calculate the hashcode
Initializes a new, empty instance of the class that is serializable using the specified and objects.
A object containing the source and destination of the serialized stream associated with the .
A object containing the information required to serialize the object.
info is null.
Implements the interface and returns the data needed to serialize the .
A object containing the source and destination of the serialized stream associated with the .
A object containing the information required to serialize the .
info is null.
Calculate the hashcode of the given string key, using the configured culture.
Compares two keys
Creates a shallow copy of the current instance.
is an
class that supports the creation of new
types where the underlying data
store is an instance.
You can use any object that implements the
interface to hold set
data. You can define your own, or you can use one of the objects
provided in the framework. The type of
choose will affect both the performance and the behavior of the
using it.
This object overrides the method,
but not the method, because
the class is mutable.
Therefore, it is not safe to use as a key value in a dictionary.
To make a typed based on your
own , simply derive a new
class with a constructor that takes no parameters. Some
implmentations cannot be defined
with a default constructor. If this is the case for your class, you
will need to override clone as well.
It is also standard practice that at least one of your constructors
takes an or an
as an argument.
A collection that contains no duplicate elements.
A collection that contains no duplicate elements.
This interface models the mathematical
abstraction. The order of
elements in a set is dependant on (a)the data-structure implementation, and
(b)the implementation of the various
methods, and thus is not
overrides the
method to test for "equivalency":
whether the two sets contain the same elements. The "==" and "!="
operators are not overridden by design, since it is often desirable to
compare object references for equality.
Also, the method is not
implemented on any of the set implementations, since none of them are
truly immutable. This is by design, and it is the way almost all
collections in the .NET framework function. So as a general rule, don't
store collection objects inside
instances. You would typically want to use a keyed
None of the implementations in
this library are guaranteed to be thread-safe in any way unless wrapped
in a .
The following table summarizes the binary operators that are supported
by the class.
OperationDescriptionMethodUnion (OR)
Element included in result if it exists in either A OR
Union()Intersection (AND)
Element included in result if it exists in both A AND
InterSect()Exclusive Or (XOR)
Element included in result if it exists in one, but not both,
of A and B.
ExclusiveOr()Minus (n/a)
Take all the elements in A. Now, if any of them exist in
B, remove them. Note that unlike the other operators,
A - B is not the same as B - A.
Performs a "union" of the two sets, where all the elements
in both sets are present.
That is, the element is included if it is in either
or this set. Neither this set nor the input
set are modified during the operation. The return value is a
clone of this set with the extra elements added in.
A collection of elements.
A new containing the union of
this with the specified
collection. Neither of the input objects is modified by the union.
Performs an "intersection" of the two sets, where only the elements
that are present in both sets remain.
That is, the element is included if it exists in both sets. The
Intersect() operation does not modify the input sets. It
returns a clone of this set with the appropriate elements
A set of elements.
The intersection of this set with .
Performs a "minus" of this set from the
This returns a set of all the elements in set
, removing the elements that are also in
this set. The original sets are not modified during this operation.
The result set is a clone of this
containing the elements from
the operation.
A set of elements.
A set containing the elements from this set with the elements in
Performs an "exclusive-or" of the two sets, keeping only those
elements that are in one of the sets, but not in both.
The original sets are not modified during this operation. The
result set is a clone of this set containing the elements
from the exclusive-or operation.
A set of elements.
A set containing the result of
^ this.
Returns if this set contains the specified
The element to look for.
if this set contains the specified element.
Returns if the set contains all the
elements in the specified collection.
A collection of objects.
if the set contains all the elements in the
specified collection.
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
The object to add to the set.
is the object was added,
if the object was already present.
Adds all the elements in the specified collection to the set if
they are not already present.
A collection of objects to add to the set.
is the set changed as a result of this
Removes the specified element from the set.
The element to be removed.
if the set contained the specified element.
Remove all the specified elements from this set, if they exist in
this set.
A collection of elements to remove.
if the set was modified as a result of this
Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the
specified collection.
The collection that defines the set of elements to be retained.
if this set changed as a result of this
Removes all objects from this set.
Returns if this set contains no elements.
Performs a "union" of the two sets, where all the elements
in both sets are present.
A collection of elements.
A new containing the union of
this with the specified
collection. Neither of the input objects is modified by the union.
Performs a "union" of two sets, where all the elements in both are
That is, the element is included if it is in either
or . The return
value is a clone of one of the sets (
if it is not ) with elements of the other set
added in. Neither of the input sets is modified by the operation.
A set of elements.
A set of elements.
A set containing the union of the input sets;
if both sets are .
Performs a "union" of two sets, where all the elements in both are
A set of elements.
A set of elements.
A set containing the union of the input sets;
if both sets are .
Performs an "intersection" of the two sets, where only the elements
that are present in both sets remain.
A set of elements.
The intersection of this set with .
Performs an "intersection" of the two sets, where only the elements
that are present in both sets remain.
That is, the element is included only if it exists in both
and . Neither input
object is modified by the operation. The result object is a
clone of one of the input objects (
if it is not ) containing the elements from
the intersect operation.
A set of elements.
A set of elements.
The intersection of the two input sets; if
both sets are .
Performs an "intersection" of the two sets, where only the elements
that are present in both sets remain.
A set of elements.
A set of elements.
The intersection of the two input sets; if
both sets are .
Performs a "minus" of this set from the
A set of elements.
A set containing the elements from this set with the elements in
Performs a "minus" of set from set
This returns a set of all the elements in set
, removing the elements that are also in
set . The original sets are not modified
during this operation. The result set is a clone of set
containing the elements from the operation.
A set of elements.
A set of elements.
A set containing
- elements.
if is
Performs a "minus" of set from set
A set of elements.
A set of elements.
A set containing
- elements.
if is
Performs an "exclusive-or" of the two sets, keeping only those
elements that are in one of the sets, but not in both.
A set of elements.
A set containing the result of
^ this.
Performs an "exclusive-or" of the two sets, keeping only those
elements that are in one of the sets, but not in both.
The original sets are not modified during this operation. The
result set is a clone of one of the sets (
if it is not )
containing the elements from the exclusive-or operation.
A set of elements.
A set of elements.
A set containing the result of
^ .
if both sets are .
Performs an "exclusive-or" of the two sets, keeping only those
elements that are in one of the sets, but not in both.
A set of elements.
A set of elements.
A set containing the result of
^ .
if both sets are .
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
The object to add to the set.
is the object was added,
if the object was already present.
Adds all the elements in the specified collection to the set if
they are not already present.
A collection of objects to add to the set.
is the set changed as a result of this
Removes all objects from this set.
Returns if this set contains the specified
The element to look for.
if this set contains the specified element.
Returns if the set contains all the
elements in the specified collection.
A collection of objects.
if the set contains all the elements in the
specified collection.
Removes the specified element from the set.
The element to be removed.
if the set contained the specified element.
Remove all the specified elements from this set, if they exist in
this set.
A collection of elements to remove.
if the set was modified as a result of this
Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the
specified collection.
The collection that defines the set of elements to be retained.
if this set changed as a result of this
Returns a clone of the
This will work for derived
classes if the derived class implements a constructor that takes no
A clone of this object.
Copies the elements in the to
an array.
The type of array needs to be compatible with the objects in the
, obviously.
An array that will be the target of the copy operation.
The zero-based index where copying will start.
Gets an enumerator for the elements in the
An over the elements
in the .
This method will test the
against another for
In this case, "equality" means that the two sets contain the same
elements. The "==" and "!=" operators are not overridden by design.
If you wish to check for "equivalent"
instances, use
Equals(). If you wish to check to see if two references are
actually the same object, use "==" and "!=".
A object to compare to.
if the two sets contain the same elements.
Gets the hashcode for the object.
Returns if this set contains no elements.
The number of elements currently contained in this collection.
Returns if the
is synchronized across
Note that enumeration is inherently not thread-safe. Use the
to lock the object during enumeration.
An object that can be used to synchronize this collection to make
it thread-safe.
When implementing this, if your object uses a base object, like an
, or anything that has
a SyncRoot, return that object instead of "this".
An object that can be used to synchronize this collection to make
it thread-safe.
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
The object to add to the set.
is the object was added,
if the object was already present.
Adds all the elements in the specified collection to the set if
they are not already present.
A collection of objects to add to the set.
is the set changed as a result of this
Removes all objects from this set.
Returns if this set contains the specified
The element to look for.
if this set contains the specified element.
Returns if the set contains all the
elements in the specified collection.
A collection of objects.
if the set contains all the elements in the
specified collection; also if the
supplied is .
Removes the specified element from the set.
The element to be removed.
if the set contained the specified element.
Remove all the specified elements from this set, if they exist in
this set.
A collection of elements to remove.
if the set was modified as a result of this
Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the
specified collection.
The collection that defines the set of elements to be retained.
if this set changed as a result of this
Copies the elements in the to
an array.
The type of array needs to be compatible with the objects in the
, obviously.
An array that will be the target of the copy operation.
The zero-based index where copying will start.
Gets an enumerator for the elements in the
An over the elements
in the .
Provides the storage for elements in the
, stored as the key-set
of the object.
Set this object in the constructor if you create your own
The placeholder object used as the value for the
There is a single instance of this object globally, used for all
Returns if this set contains no elements.
The number of elements currently contained in this collection.
Returns if the
is synchronized across
An object that can be used to synchronize this collection to make
it thread-safe.
An object that can be used to synchronize this collection to make
it thread-safe.
Implements an based on a
hash table.
This will give the best lookup, add, and remove performance for very
large data-sets, but iteration will occur in no particular order.
Creates a new instance of the class.
Creates a new instance of the class, and
initializes it based on a collection of elements.
A collection of elements that defines the initial set contents.
Implements an that automatically
changes from a list based implementation to a hashtable based
implementation when the size reaches a certain threshold.
This is good if you are unsure about whether you data-set will be tiny
or huge.
Because this uses a dual implementation, iteration order is not
Creates a new set instance based on either a list or a hash table,
depending on which will be more efficient based on the data-set
Creates a new set instance based on either a list or a hash table,
depending on which will be more efficient based on the data-set
size, and initializes it based on a collection of elements.
A collection of elements that defines the initial set contents.
Implements an immutable (read-only)
Although this class is advertised as immutable, it really isn't.
Anyone with access to the wrapped
can still change the data. So
is not implemented for this , as
is the case for all
implementations in this library. This design decision was based on the
efficiency of not having to clone the wrapped
every time you wrap a mutable
Constructs an immutable (read-only)
The that is to be wrapped.
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
The object to add to the set.
is the object was added,
if the object was already present.
Adds all the elements in the specified collection to the set if
they are not already present.
A collection of objects to add to the set.
is the set changed as a result of this
Removes all objects from this set.
Returns if this set contains the specified
The element to look for.
if this set contains the specified element.
Returns if the set contains all the
elements in the specified collection.
A collection of objects.
if the set contains all the elements in the
specified collection.
Removes the specified element from the set.
The element to be removed.
if the set contained the specified element.
Remove all the specified elements from this set, if they exist in
this set.
A collection of elements to remove.
if the set was modified as a result of this
Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the
specified collection.
The collection that defines the set of elements to be retained.
if this set changed as a result of this
Copies the elements in the to
an array.
The type of array needs to be compatible with the objects in the
, obviously.
An array that will be the target of the copy operation.
The zero-based index where copying will start.
Gets an enumerator for the elements in the
An over the elements
in the .
Returns a clone of the
A clone of this object.
Performs a "union" of the two sets, where all the elements
in both sets are present.
A collection of elements.
A new containing the union of
this with the specified
collection. Neither of the input objects is modified by the union.
Performs an "intersection" of the two sets, where only the elements
that are present in both sets remain.
A set of elements.
The intersection of this set with .
Performs a "minus" of this set from the
A set of elements.
A set containing the elements from this set with the elements in
Performs an "exclusive-or" of the two sets, keeping only those
elements that are in one of the sets, but not in both.
A set of elements.
A set containing the result of
^ this.
Returns if this set contains no elements.
The number of elements currently contained in this collection.
Returns if the
is synchronized across
Note that enumeration is inherently not thread-safe. Use the
to lock the object during enumeration.
An object that can be used to synchronize this collection to make
it thread-safe.
An object that can be used to synchronize this collection to make
it thread-safe.
Simple linked list implementation.
Simon White
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
class that contains all
elements of the specified list.
A list of elements that defines the initial contents.
Removes the object at the specified index.
The lookup index.
If the specified is greater than the
number of objects within the list.
Inserts an object at the specified index.
The lookup index.
The object to be inserted.
If the specified is greater than the
number of objects within the list.
Removes the first instance of the specified object found.
The object to remove
Returns if this list contains the specified
The element to look for.
if this list contains the specified element.
Removes all objects from the list.
Returns the index of the first instance of the specified
The object to search for
The index of the first instance found, or -1 if the element was not
Adds the specified object to the end of the list.
The object to add
The index that the object was added at.
Adds all of the elements of the supplied
list to the end of this list.
The list of objects to add.
Checks whether the list can be modified.
If the list cannot be modified.
Validates the specified index.
The lookup index.
If the index is invalid.
Returns the node at the specified index.
The lookup index.
The node at the specified index.
If the specified is greater than the
number of objects within the list.
Returns the node (and index) of the first node that contains
the specified value.
The value to search for.
The node, or if not found.
Removes the specified node.
The node to be removed.
Copies the elements in this list to an array.
The type of array needs to be compatible with the objects in this
list, obviously.
An array that will be the target of the copy operation.
The zero-based index where copying will start.
If the supplied is .
If the supplied is less than zero
or is greater than the length of .
If the supplied is of insufficient size.
Gets an enumerator for the elements in the
Enumerators are fail fast.
An over the elements
in the .
Is list read only?
if the list is read only.
Returns the node at the specified index.
This is the indexer for the
Is the list a fixed size?
if the list is a fixed size list.
Returns if the list is synchronized across
This implementation always returns .
Note that enumeration is inherently not thread-safe. Use the
to lock the object during enumeration.
The number of objects within the list.
An object that can be used to synchronize this
to make it thread-safe.
An object that can be used to synchronize this
to make it thread-safe.
Implements a based on a list.
Performance is much better for very small lists than either
or .
However, performance degrades rapidly as the data-set gets bigger. Use a
instead if you are not sure your data-set
will always remain very small. Iteration produces elements in the order they were added.
However, element order is not guaranteed to be maintained by the various
mathematical operators.
Creates a new set instance based on a list.
Creates a new set instance based on a list and initializes it based on a
collection of elements.
A collection of elements that defines the initial set contents.
Thrown when an element is requested from an empty .
Griffin Caprio
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Creates a new instance of the
class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
An unbounded priority based on a priority
heap. This queue orders elements according to an order specified
at construction time, which is specified either according to their
natural order (see , or according to a
, depending on which constructor is
used. A priority queue does not permit elements.
A priority queue relying on natural ordering also does not
permit insertion of non-comparable objects (doing so will result
The head of this queue is the lowest element
with respect to the specified ordering. If multiple elements are
tied for lowest value, the head is one of those elements -- ties are
broken arbitrarily.
A priority queue is unbounded, but has an internal
capacity governing the size of an array used to store the
elements on the queue. It is always at least as large as the queue
size. As elements are added to a priority queue, its capacity
grows automatically. The details of the growth policy are not
This class and its enumerator implement all of the
optional methods of the and
The enumerator provided in method
is not guaranteed to traverse the elements of the PriorityQueue in any
particular order.
Note that this implementation is NOT synchronized.
Multiple threads should not access a
instance concurrently if any of the threads modifies the list
structurally. Instead, use the thread-safe PriorityBlockingQueue.
Josh BlochGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Priority queue represented as a balanced binary heap: the two children
of queue[n] are queue[2*n] and queue[2*n + 1]. The priority queue is
ordered by comparator, or by the elements' natural ordering, if
comparator is null: For each node n in the heap and each descendant d
of n, n <= d.
The element with the lowest value is in queue[1], assuming the queue is
nonempty. (A one-based array is used in preference to the traditional
zero-based array to simplify parent and child calculations.)
queue.length must be >= 2, even if size == 0.
The number of elements in the priority queue.
The comparator, or null if priority queue uses elements'
natural ordering.
The number of times this priority queue has been
structurally modified.
Creates a with the default initial capacity
(11) that orders its elements according to their natural
ordering (using ).
Creates a with the specified initial capacity
that orders its elements according to their natural ordering
(using ).
the initial capacity for this priority queue.
if is less than 1.
Creates a with the specified initial capacity
that orders its elements according to the specified comparator.
the initial capacity for this priority queue.
the comparator used to order this priority queue.
If then the order depends on the elements' natural ordering.
if is less than 1.
Creates a containing the elements in the
specified collection. The priority queue has an initial
capacity of 110% of the size of the specified collection or 1
if the collection is empty. If the specified collection is an
instance of a , the priority queue will be sorted
according to the same comparator, or according to its elements'
natural order if the collection is sorted according to its
elements' natural order. Otherwise, the priority queue is
ordered according to its elements' natural order.
the collection whose elements are to be placed into this priority queue.
if elements of cannot be
compared to one another according to the priority queue's orderingif or any element with it is
Common code to initialize underlying queue array across
constructors below.
Performs an unsigned bitwise right shift with the specified number
Number to operate on
Ammount of bits to shift
The resulting number from the shift operation
Establishes the heap invariant assuming the heap
satisfies the invariant except possibly for the leaf-node indexed by k
(which may have a nextExecutionTime less than its parent's).
This method functions by "promoting" queue[k] up the hierarchy
(by swapping it with its parent) repeatedly until queue[k]
is greater than or equal to its parent.
Establishes the heap invariant (described above) in the subtree
rooted at k, which is assumed to satisfy the heap invariant except
possibly for node k itself (which may be greater than its children).
This method functions by "demoting" queue[k] down the hierarchy
(by swapping it with its smaller child) repeatedly until queue[k]
is less than or equal to its children.
Establishes the heap invariant in the entire tree,
assuming nothing about the order of the elements prior to the call.
Returns the of or - 1,
whichever is smaller.
base size
percentage to return
Initially fill elements of the queue array under the
knowledge that it is sorted or is another , in which
case we can just place the elements in the order presented.
Initially fill elements of the queue array that is not to our knowledge
sorted, so we must rearrange the elements to guarantee the heap
Removes and returns element located at from queue. (Recall that the queue
is one-based, so 1 <= i <= size.)
Normally this method leaves the elements at positions from 1 up to i-1,
inclusive, untouched. Under these circumstances, it returns .
Occasionally, in order to maintain the heap invariant, it must move
the last element of the list to some index in the range [2, i-1],
and move the element previously at position (i/2) to position i.
Under these circumstances, this method returns the element that was
previously at the end of the list and is now at some position between
2 and i-1 inclusive.
Resize array, if necessary, to be able to hold given index
Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do
so immediately without violating capacity restrictions.
When using a capacity-restricted queue, this method is generally
preferable to ,
which can fail to insert an element only by throwing an exception.
The element to add.
if the element was added to this queue.
if the specified element cannot be compared
with elements currently in the priority queue according
to the priority queue's ordering.
If the element cannot be added at this time due to capacity restrictions.
If the supplied is
and this queue does not permit
If some property of the supplied prevents
it from being added to this queue.
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue,
or returns if this queue is empty.
The head of this queue, or if this queue is empty.
Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do so
immediately without violating capacity restrictions, returning
upon success and throwing an
if no space is
currently available.
The element to add.
if successful.
If the element cannot be added at this time due to capacity restrictions.
If the specified element is and this queue does not
permit elements.
If some property of the supplied prevents
it from being added to this queue.
if the specified element cannot be compared
with elements currently in the priority queue according
to the priority queue's ordering.
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this
queue, if it is present.
Returns an over the elements in this queue.
The enumeratoar does not return the elements in any particular order.
an enumerator over the elements in this queue.
Removes all elements from the priority queue.
The queue will be empty after this call returns.
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue,
or returns if this queue is empty.
The head of this queue, or if this queue is empty.
Queries the queue to see if it contains the specified
element to look for.
if the queue contains the ,
otherwise. Returns the comparator used to order this collection, or
if this collection is sorted according to its elements natural ordering
(using ).
the comparator used to order this collection, or
if this collection is sorted according to its elements natural ordering.
Save the state of the instance to a stream (that
is, serialize it).
The length of the array backing the instance is
emitted (int), followed by all of its elements (each an
) in the proper order.
the stream
the context
Reconstitute the instance from a stream (that is,
deserialize it).
the stream
the context
Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index.
The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing.
The zero-based index in array at which copying begins.
array is null. index is less than zero. array is multidimensional.-or- index is equal to or greater than the length of array.-or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination array. The type of the source cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination array. 2
Copies the elements of the to an , starting at index 0.
The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing.
array is null. index is less than zero. array is multidimensional.-or- index is equal to or greater than the length of array.-or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination array. The type of the source cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination array. 2
Gets the Capacity of this queue. Will equal
Returns the queue count.
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the .
An object that can be used to synchronize access to the .
Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized (thread safe).
true if access to the is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false.
Returns if there are no elements in the , otherwise.
Index (into queue array) of element to be returned by subsequent call to next.
Implements an based on a sorted
This gives good performance for operations on very large data-sets,
though not as good - asymptotically - as a
. However, iteration occurs
in order.
Elements that you put into this type of collection must implement
, and they must actually be comparable.
You can't mix and
values, for example.
This implementation does
not support elements that are .
Creates a new set instance based on a sorted tree.
Creates a new set instance based on a sorted tree using for ordering.
Creates a new set instance based on a sorted tree and initializes
it based on a collection of elements.
A collection of elements that defines the initial set contents.
Synchronized that should be returned by synchronized
dictionary implementations in order to ensure that the enumeration is thread safe.
Aleksandar Seovic
Synchronized that should be returned by synchronized
collections in order to ensure that the enumeration is thread safe.
Aleksandar Seovic
Synchronized that, unlike hashtable created
using method, synchronizes
reads from the underlying hashtable in addition to writes.
In addition to synchronizing reads, this implementation also fixes
IEnumerator/ICollection issue described at
(search for SynchronizedHashtable for issue description), by implementing
interface explicitly, and returns thread safe enumerator
implementations as well.
This class should be used whenever a truly synchronized
is needed.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of
Initializes a new instance of
Initializes a new instance of , copying inital entries from
handling keys depending on .
Creates a instance that
synchronizes access to the underlying .
the hashtable to be synchronized
Creates a wrapper that synchronizes
access to the passed .
the hashtable to be synchronized
Adds an element with the provided key and value to the object.
The to use as the value of the element to add.
The to use as the key of the element to add.
An element with the same key already exists in the object. key is null. The is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size. 2
Removes all elements from the object.
The object is read-only. 2
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
A new object that is a copy of this instance.
Determines whether the object contains an element with the specified key.
true if the contains an element with the key; otherwise, false.
The key to locate in the object.
key is null. 2
Returns, whether this contains an entry with the specified .
The key to look for
, if this contains an entry with this
Returns, whether this contains an entry with the specified .
The valúe to look for
, if this contains an entry with this
Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index.
The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing.
The zero-based index in array at which copying begins.
array is null. The type of the source cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination array. index is less than zero. array is multidimensional.-or- index is equal to or greater than the length of array.-or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination array. 2
Returns an object for the object.
An object for the object.
Removes the element with the specified key from the object.
The key of the element to remove.
The object is read-only.-or- The has a fixed size. key is null. 2
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
Gets a value indicating whether the object is read-only.
true if the object is read-only; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether the object has a fixed size.
true if the object has a fixed size; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized (thread safe).
true if access to the is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false.
Gets an object containing the keys of the object.
An object containing the keys of the object.
Gets an object containing the values in the object.
An object containing the values in the object.
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the .
An object that can be used to synchronize access to the .
Gets the number of elements contained in the .
The number of elements contained in the .
Gets or sets the element with the specified key.
The element with the specified key.
The key of the element to get or set.
The property is set and the object is read-only.-or- The property is set, key does not exist in the collection, and the has a fixed size. key is null. 2
Implements a thread-safe wrapper.
The implementation is extremely conservative, serializing critical
sections to prevent possible deadlocks, and locking on everything. The
one exception is for enumeration, which is inherently not thread-safe.
For this, you have to lock the SyncRoot object for the
duration of the enumeration.
Constructs a thread-safe
The object that this object
will wrap.
If the supplied ecposes a
SyncRoot value.
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
The object to add to the set.
is the object was added,
if the object was already present.
Adds all the elements in the specified collection to the set if
they are not already present.
A collection of objects to add to the set.
is the set changed as a result of this
Removes all objects from this set.
Returns if this set contains the specified
The element to look for.
if this set contains the specified element.
Returns if the set contains all the
elements in the specified collection.
A collection of objects.
if the set contains all the elements in the
specified collection; also if the
supplied is .
Removes the specified element from the set.
The element to be removed.
if the set contained the specified element.
Remove all the specified elements from this set, if they exist in
this set.
A collection of elements to remove.
if the set was modified as a result of this
Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the
specified collection.
The collection that defines the set of elements to be retained.
if this set changed as a result of this
Copies the elements in the to
an array.
The type of array needs to be compatible with the objects in the
, obviously.
An array that will be the target of the copy operation.
The zero-based index where copying will start.
Gets an enumerator for the elements in the
An over the elements
in the .
Returns a clone of the instance.
A clone of this object.
Returns if this set contains no elements.
The number of elements currently contained in this collection.
Returns if the
is synchronized across
An object that can be used to synchronize this collection to make
it thread-safe.
An object that can be used to synchronize this collection to make
it thread-safe.
Simple listener that logs application events to the console.
Intended for use during debugging only.
Rod JohnsonGriffin Caprio (.NET)
A listener for application events.
Rod JohnsonGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Handle an application event.
The source of the event.
The event that is to be handled.
Creates a new instance of the
Handle an application event.
The source of the event.
The event that is to be handled.
Event object sent to listeners registered with an
to inform them of
context lifecycle events.
Griffin Caprio (.NET)
Encapsulates the data associated with an event raised by an
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)Griffin Caprio (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The date and time when the event occured.
The date and time when the event occured.
The system time in milliseconds when the event happened.
The system time in milliseconds when the event happened.
Creates a new instance of the ContextEventArgs class to represent the
supplied context event.
The type of context event.
Returns a string representation of this object.
A string representation of this object.
The event type.
The various context event types.
The event type when the context is refreshed or created.
The event type when the context is closed.
Partial implementation of the
Does not mandate the type of storage used for configuration, but does
implement common functionality. Uses the Template Method design
pattern, requiring concrete subclasses to implement
In contrast to a plain vanilla
, an
is supposed
to detect special objects defined in its object factory: therefore,
this class automatically registers
and s that are
defined as objects in the context.
An may be also supplied as
an object in the context, with the special, well-known-name of
"messageSource". Else, message resolution is delegated to the
parent context.
Rod JohnsonJuergan HoellerGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Configurable implementation of the
This implementation
supports the configuration of resource access protocols and the
corresponding .NET types that know how to handle those protocols.
Basic protocol-to-resource type mappings are also defined by this class,
while others can be added either internally, by application contexts
extending this class, or externally, by the end user configuring the
Only one resource type can be defined for each protocol, but multiple
protocols can map to the same resource type (for example, the
"http" and "ftp" protocols both map to the
type. The protocols that are
mapped by default can be found in the following list.
Aleksandar Seovic
Describes an object that can load
An implementation is
generally required to support the functionality described by this
The class is a
standalone implementation that is usable outside an
; the aforementioned
class is also used by the
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Return an handle for the
specified resource.
The handle should always be a reusable resource descriptor; this
allows one to make repeated calls to the underlying
Must support fully qualified URLs, e.g. "file:C:/test.dat".
Should support relative file paths, e.g. "test.dat" (this will be
implementation-specific, typically provided by an
An handle does not imply an
existing resource; you need to check the value of an
property to determine
conclusively whether or not the resource actually exists.
The resource location.
An appropriate handle.
The separator between the protocol name and the resource name.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
class using the specified default protocol for unqualified resources.
Returns a that has been
mapped to the protocol of the supplied .
The name of the resource.
A new instance for the
supplied .
If a
mapping does not exist for the supplied .
In the case of any errors arising from the instantiation of the
returned instance.
Checks that the supplied starts
with one of the protocol names currently mapped by this
The name of the resource.
if the supplied
starts with one of the known
protocols; if not, or if the supplied
is itself .
Extracts the protocol name from the supplied
The name of the resource.
The extracted protocol name or if the
supplied is unqualified (or
is itself ).
The default protocol to use for unqualified resources.
The initial value is "file".
Provides the means to configure an application context in addition to
the methods exposed on the
This interface is to be implemented by most (if not all)
Configuration and lifecycle methods are encapsulated here to avoid
making them obvious to
client code.
Calling will close this
application context, releasing all resources and locks that the
implementation might hold. This includes disposing all cached
singleton objects.
does not invoke the
attendant on any parent
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
The central interface to Spring.NET's IoC container.
Object factory functionality inherited from the
The ability to resolve messages, supporting internationalization.
Inherited from the
The ability to load file resources in a generic fashion.
Inherited from the
Acts an an event registry for supporting loosely coupled eventing
between objecs. Inherited from the
The ability to raise events related to the context lifecycle. Inherited
from the
Inheritance from a parent context. Definitions in a descendant context
will always take priority.
In addition to standard object factory lifecycle capabilities,
implementations need
to detect
, and
objects and supply
their attendant dependencies accordingly.
This interface is the central client interface in Spring.NET's IoC
container implementation. As such it does inherit a quite sizeable
number of interfaces; implementations are strongly encouraged to use
composition to satisfy each of the inherited interfaces (where
appropriate of course).
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Extension of the interface
to be implemented by object factories that can enumerate all their object instances,
rather than attempting object lookup by name one by one as requested by clients.
implementations that preload
all their objects (for example, DOM-based XML factories) may implement this
interface. This interface is discussed in
"Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development", by Rod Johnson.
If this is an ,
the return values will not take any
hierarchy into account, but
will relate only to the objects defined in the current factory.
Use the helper class to
get all objects.
With the exception of
the methods and properties in this interface are not designed for frequent
invocation. Implementations may be slow.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
The root interface for accessing a Spring.NET IoC container.
This is the basic client view of a Spring.NET IoC container; further interfaces
such as and
are available for specific purposes such as enumeration and configuration.
This is the root interface to be implemented by objects that can hold a number
of object definitions, each uniquely identified by a
name. An independent instance of any of these objects can be obtained
(the Prototype design pattern), or a single shared instance can be obtained
(a superior alternative to the Singleton design pattern, in which the instance is a
singleton in the scope of the factory). Which type of instance
will be returned depends on the object factory configuration - the API is the same.
The Singleton approach is more useful and hence more common in practice.
The point of this approach is that the IObjectFactory is a central registry of
application components, and centralizes the configuring of application components
(no more do individual objects need to read properties files, for example).
See chapters 4 and 11 of "Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development" for a
discussion of the benefits of this approach.
Normally an IObjectFactory will load object definitions stored in a configuration
source (such as an XML document), and use the
namespace to configure the objects. However, an implementation could simply return
.NET objects it creates as necessary directly in .NET code. There are no
constraints on how the definitions could be stored: LDAP, RDBMS, XML, properties
file etc. Implementations are encouraged to support references amongst objects,
to either Singletons or Prototypes.
In contrast to the methods in
, all of the methods
in this interface will also check parent factories if this is an
. If an object is
not found in this factory instance, the immediate parent is asked. Objects in
this factory instance are supposed to override objects of the same name in any
parent factory.
Object factories are supposed to support the standard object lifecycle interfaces
as far as possible. The maximum set of initialization methods and their standard
order is:
(only applicable if running within an ).
method of
A custom init-method definition.
method of
On shutdown of an object factory, the following lifecycle methods apply:
A custom destroy-method definition.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Is this object a singleton?
That is, will
always return the same object?
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
The name of the object to query.
True if the named object is a singleton.
If there's no such object definition.
Determines whether the specified object name is prototype. That is, will GetObject
always return independent instances?
This method returning false does not clearly indicate a singleton object.
It indicated non-independent instances, which may correspond to a scoped object as
well. use the IsSingleton property to explicitly check for a shared
singleton instance.
Translates aliases back to the corresponding canonical object name. Will ask the
parent factory if the object can not be found in this factory instance.
The name of the object to query
true if the specified object name will always deliver independent instances; otherwise, false.
if there is no object with the given name.
Does this object factory contain an object with the given name?
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
The name of the object to query.
True if an object with the given name is defined.
Return the aliases for the given object name, if defined.
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
The object name to check for aliases.
The aliases, or an empty array if none.
If there's no such object definition.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
This method allows an object factory to be used as a replacement for the
Singleton or Prototype design pattern.
Note that callers should retain references to returned objects. There is no
guarantee that this method will be implemented to be efficient. For example,
it may be synchronized, or may need to run an RDBMS query.
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
The name of the object to return.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
This method allows an object factory to be used as a replacement for the
Singleton or Prototype design pattern.
Note that callers should retain references to returned objects. There is no
guarantee that this method will be implemented to be efficient. For example,
it may be synchronized, or may need to run an RDBMS query.
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
The name of the object to return.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a static factory method. If there is no factory method and the
arguments are not null, then match the argument values by type and
call the object's constructor.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the supplied is .
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a factory method. If there is no factory method and the
supplied array is not , then
match the argument values by type and call the object's constructor.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the object is not of the required type.
If the supplied is .
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
Provides a measure of type safety by throwing an exception if the object is
not of the required .
This method allows an object factory to be used as a replacement for the
Singleton or Prototype design pattern.
Note that callers should retain references to returned objects. There is no
guarantee that this method will be implemented to be efficient. For example,
it may be synchronized, or may need to run an RDBMS query.
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
The name of the object to return.
the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the object is not of the required type.
Determine the type of the object with the given name.
More specifically, checks the type of object that
would return.
For an , returns the type
of object that the creates.
The name of the object to query.
The type of the object or if not determinable.
Determines whether the object with the given name matches the specified type.
More specifically, check whether a GetObject call for the given name
would return an object that is assignable to the specified target type.
Translates aliases back to the corresponding canonical bean name.
Will ask the parent factory if the bean cannot be found in this factory instance.
The name of the object to query.
Type of the target to match against.
true if the object type matches; otherwise, false
if it doesn't match or cannot be determined yet.
Ff there is no object with the given name
Return an unconfigured(!) instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a factory method. If there is no factory method and the
supplied array is not , then
match the argument values by type and call the object's constructor.
The unconfigured(!) instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the object is not of the required type.
If the supplied is .
This method will only instantiate the requested object. It does NOT inject any dependencies!
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the named object definition.
In addition to being generally useful, typically this method is used to provide
dependency injection functionality for objects that are instantiated outwith the
control of a developer. A case in point is the way that the current (1.1)
ASP.NET classes instantiate web controls... the instantiation takes place within
a private method of a compiled page, and thus cannot be hooked into the
typical Spring.NET IOC container lifecycle for dependency injection.
The following code snippet assumes that the instantiated factory instance
has been configured with an object definition named
'ExampleNamespace.BusinessObject' that has been configured to set the
Dao property of any ExampleNamespace.BusinessObject instance
to an instance of an appropriate implementation...
namespace ExampleNamespace
public class BusinessObject
private IDao _dao;
public BusinessObject() {}
public IDao Dao
get { return _dao; }
set { _dao = value; }
with the corresponding driver code looking like so...
IObjectFactory factory = GetAnIObjectFactoryImplementation();
BusinessObject instance = new BusinessObject();
factory.ConfigureObject(instance, "object_definition_name");
// at this point the dependencies for the 'instance' object will have been resolved...
The object instance that is to be so configured.
The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
be injected into the supplied instance.
If there is no object definition for the supplied .
If any of the target object's dependencies could not be created.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
This method allows an object factory to be used as a replacement for the
Singleton or Prototype design pattern.
Note that callers should retain references to returned objects. There is no
guarantee that this method will be implemented to be efficient. For example,
it may be synchronized, or may need to run an RDBMS query.
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
This is the indexer for the
The name of the object to return.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
Check if this object factory contains an object definition with the given name.
Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
Ignores any singleton objects that have been registered by other means
than object definitions.
The name of the object to look for.
if this object factory contains an object
definition with the given name.
Return the names of all objects defined in this factory.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
Does consider objects created by s,
or rather it considers the type of objects created by
(which means that
s will be instantiated).
Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
Does consider objects created by s,
or rather it considers the type of objects created by
(which means that
s will be instantiated).
Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons (also applies to
Whether to include s too
or just normal objects.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the object instances that match the given object
(including subclasses), judging from either object
definitions or the value of
in the case of
This version of the
method matches all kinds of object definitions, be they singletons, prototypes, or
s. Typically, the results
of this method call will be the same as a call to
IListableObjectFactory.GetObjectsOfType(type,true,true) .
The (class or interface) to match.
A of the matching objects,
containing the object names as keys and the corresponding object instances
as values.
If the objects could not be created.
Return the object instances that match the given object
(including subclasses), judging from either object
definitions or the value of
in the case of
The (class or interface) to match.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons (also applies to
Whether to include s too
or just normal objects.
A of the matching objects,
containing the object names as keys and the corresponding object instances
as values.
If the objects could not be created.
Return the number of objects defined in the factory.
The number of objects defined in the factory.
Sub-interface implemented by object factories that can be part
of a hierarchy.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Determines whether the local object factory contains a bean of the given name,
ignoring object defined in ancestor contexts.
This is an alternative to ContainsObject, ignoring an object
of the given name from an ancestor object factory.
The name of the object to query.
true if objects with the specified name is defined in the local factory; otherwise, false.
Return the parent object factory, or
if this factory does not have a parent.
The parent object factory, or
if this factory does not have a parent.
Describes an object that can resolve messages.
This enables the parameterization and internationalization of messages.
Spring.NET provides one out-of-the-box implementation for production
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)Aleksandar Seovic (.NET)
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
If the lookup is not successful, implementations are permitted to
take one of two actions.
Throw an exception.
Return the supplied as is.
The name of the message to resolve.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
If the lookup is not successful, implementations are permitted to
take one of two actions.
Throw an exception.
Return the supplied as is.
The name of the message to resolve.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
Note that the fallback behavior based on CultureInfo seem to
have a bug that is fixed by installed .NET 1.1 Service Pack 1.
If the lookup is not successful, implementations are permitted to
take one of two actions.
Throw an exception.
Return the supplied as is.
The name of the message to resolve.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
Note that the fallback behavior based on CultureInfo seem to
have a bug that is fixed by installed .NET 1.1 Service Pack 1.
If the lookup is not successful, implementations are permitted to
take one of two actions.
Throw an exception.
Return the supplied as is.
The name of the message to resolve.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
Note that the fallback behavior based on CultureInfo seem to
have a bug that is fixed by installed .NET 1.1 Service Pack 1.
If the lookup is not successful, implementations are permitted to
take one of two actions.
Throw an exception.
Return the supplied as is.
The name of the message to resolve.
The default message if name is not found.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
Resolve the message using all of the attributes contained within
the supplied
The value object storing those attributes that are required to
properly resolve a message.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the message could not be resolved.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
This method must use the
value to obtain a resource.
Examples of resources that may be resolved by this method include
(but are not limited to) objects such as icons and bitmaps.
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The resolved object, or if not found.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
Examples of resources that may be resolved by this method include
(but are not limited to) objects such as icons and bitmaps.
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The resolved object, or if not found.
Applies resources to object properties.
Resource key names are of the form objectName.propertyName.
An object that contains the property values to be applied.
The base name of the object to use for key lookup.
The with which the
resource is associated.
Encapsulates event publication functionality.
Serves as a super-interface for the
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Publishes an application context event.
The source of the event. May be .
The event that is to be raised.
A registry that manages subscriptions to and the
publishing of events.
Griffin Caprio
Publishes all events of the source object.
The source object containing events to publish.
Subscribes to all events published, if the subscriber
implements compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use.
Subscribes to the published events of all objects of a given
, if the subscriber implements
compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use.
The target to subscribe to.
Unsubscribes to all events published, if the subscriber
implmenets compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use
Unsubscribes to the published events of all objects of a given
, if the subscriber implements
compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use.
The target to unsubscribe from
Raised in response to an application context event.
Returns the date and time this context was loaded.
This is to be set immediately after an
has been
instantiated and its configuration has been loaded. Implementations
are permitted to update this value if the context is reset or
refreshed in some way.
The representing when this context
was loaded.
Gets the parent context, or if there is no
parent context.
If the parent context is , then this context
is the root of any context hierarchy.
The parent context, or if there is no
Gets and sets a name for this context.
A name for this context.
Interface defining methods for start/stop lifecycle control.
The typical use case for this is to control asynchronous processing.
Can be implemented by both components (typically a Spring object defined in
a spring and containers
(typically a spring . Containers will
propagate start/stop signals to all components that apply.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Starts this component.
Should not throw an exception if the component is already running.
In the case of a container, this will propagate the start signal
to all components that apply.
Stops this component.
Should not throw an exception if the component isn't started yet.
In the case of a container, this will propagate the stop signal
to all components that apply.
Gets a value indicating whether this component is currently running.
In the case of a container, this will return true
only if all components that apply are currently running.
true if this component is running; otherwise, false.
Add an
that will get applied to the internal object factory of this
application context on refresh, before any of the object
definitions are evaluated.
To be invoked during context configuration.
The factory processor to register.
Load or refresh the persistent representation of the configuration,
which might an XML file, properties file, or relational database schema.
If the configuration cannot be loaded.
If the object factory could not be initialized.
Return the internal object factory of this application context.
Can be used to access specific functionality of the factory.
This is just guaranteed to return an instance that is not
after the context has been refreshed
at least once.
Do not use this to post-process the object factory; singletons
will already have been instantiated. Use an
to intercept the object factory setup process before objects even
get touched.
Sets the parent of this application context.
The parent should not be changed: it should only be set
outside a constructor if it isn't available when an instance of
this class is created.
The parent context.
Name of the .Net config section that contains Spring.Net context definition.
Default name of the root context.
The special, well-known-name of the default
in the context.
If no can be found
in the context using this lookup key, then message resolution
will be delegated to the parent context (if any).
The special, well-known-name of the default
in the context.
If no can be found
in the context using this lookup key, then a default
will be used.
The instance for this class.
The instance we delegate
our implementation of said interface to.
The instance we
delegate our implementation of said interface to.
Creates a new instance of the
with no parent context.
This is an class, and as such exposes
no public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
with no parent context.
This is an class, and as such exposes
no public constructors.
Flag specifying whether to make this context case sensitive or not.
Creates a new instance of the
with the supplied parent context.
This is an class, and as such exposes
no public constructors.
The application context name.
Flag specifying whether to make this context case sensitive or not.
The parent application context.
Adds the given to the list of standard
processors being added to the underlying
Each time is called on this context, the context ensures, that
all default s are registered with the underlying .
The instance.
Closes this context and disposes of any resources (such as
singleton objects in the wrapped
Subclasses must implement this method to perform the actual
configuration loading.
This method is invoked by
before any other initialization occurs.
In the case of errors encountered while refreshing the object factory.
Returns the internal object factory of the parent context if it implements
; else,
returns the parent context itself.
The parent context's object factory, or the parent itself.
Raises an application context event.
Any arguments to the event. May be .
Raises an application context event.
The source of the event.
Any arguments to the event. May be .
Modify the application context's internal object factory after its standard
All object definitions will have been loaded, but no objects
will have been instantiated yet. This allows for the registration
of special
in certain
The object factory used by the application context.
In the case of errors.
Template method which can be overridden to add context-specific
refresh work.
Called on initialization of special objects, before instantiation
of singletons.
Instantiate and invoke all registered
objects, respecting any explicit ordering.
Must be called before singleton instantiation.
In the case of errors.
Resets the well-known ObjectPostProcessorChecker that logs an info
message when an object is created during IObjectPostProcessor
instantiation, i.e. when an object is not eligible for being
processed by all IObjectPostProcessors.
Initializes the default event registry for this context.
Returns the internal message source of the parent context if said
parent context is an , else
simply the parent context itself.
The internal message source of the parent context if said
parent context is an , else
simply the parent context itself.
Initializes the default message source for this context.
Uses any parent context's message source if one is not available
in this context.
Add a new
that will get applied to the internal object factory of this application context
on refresh, before any of the object definitions are evaluated.
The factory processor to register.
Load or refresh the persistent representation of the configuration,
which might an XML file, properties file, or relational database schema.
If the configuration cannot be loaded.
If the object factory could not be initialized.
Ensures, that predefined ObjectPostProcessors are registered with this ObjectFactory
Starts this component.
Should not throw an exception if the component is already running.
In the case of a container, this will propagate the start signal
to all components that apply.
Stops this component.
Should not throw an exception if the component isn't started yet.
In the case of a container, this will propagate the stop signal
to all components that apply.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons (also applies to
Whether to include s too
or just normal objects.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of all objects defined in this factory.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the registered
for the
given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
argument values.
The name of the object.
The registered
If there is no object with the given name.
In the case of errors.
Return the registered
for the
given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
argument values.
The name of the object.
Whether to search parent object factories.
The registered
If there is no object with the given name.
In the case of errors.
Return the object instances that match the given object
(including subclasses), judging from either object
definitions or the value of
in the case of
The (class or interface) to match.
A of the matching objects,
containing the object names as keys and the corresponding object instances
as values.
If the objects could not be created.
Return the object instances that match the given object
(including subclasses), judging from either object
definitions or the value of
in the case of
The (class or interface) to match.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons (also applies to
Whether to include s too
or just normal objects.
A of the matching objects,
containing the object names as keys and the corresponding object instances
as values.
If the objects could not be created.
Check if this object factory contains an object definition with the given name.
The name of the object to look for.
True if this object factory contains an object definition with the given name.
Does this object factory contain an object with the given name?
The name of the object to query.
if an object with the given name is defined.
Return the aliases for the given object name, if defined.
The object name to check for aliases.
The aliases, or an empty array if none.
If there's no such object definition.
Return an unconfigured(!) instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a factory method. If there is no factory method and the
supplied array is not , then
match the argument values by type and call the object's constructor.
The unconfigured(!) instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the object is not of the required type.
If the supplied is .
This method will only instantiate the requested object. It does NOT inject any dependencies!
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the object is not of the required type.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
This method allows an object factory to be used as a replacement for the
Singleton or Prototype design pattern.
Note that callers should retain references to returned objects. There is no
guarantee that this method will be implemented to be efficient. For example,
it may be synchronized, or may need to run an RDBMS query.
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
The name of the object to return.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a static factory method. If there is no factory method and the
arguments are not null, then match the argument values by type and
call the object's constructor.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the supplied is .
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a factory method. If there is no factory method and the
supplied array is not , then
match the argument values by type and call the object's constructor.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the object is not of the required type.
If the supplied is .
Is this object a singleton?
The name of the object to query.
True if the named object is a singleton.
If there's no such object definition.
Determines whether the specified object name is prototype. That is, will GetObject
always return independent instances?
The name of the object to query
true if the specified object name will always deliver independent instances; otherwise, false.
This method returning false does not clearly indicate a singleton object.
It indicated non-independent instances, which may correspond to a scoped object as
well. use the IsSingleton property to explicitly check for a shared
singleton instance.
Translates aliases back to the corresponding canonical object name. Will ask the
parent factory if the object can not be found in this factory instance.
if there is no object with the given name.
Determines whether the object with the given name matches the specified type.
More specifically, check whether a GetObject call for the given name
would return an object that is assignable to the specified target type.
Translates aliases back to the corresponding canonical bean name.
Will ask the parent factory if the bean cannot be found in this factory instance.
The name of the object to query.
Type of the target to match against.
true if the object type matches; otherwise, false
if it doesn't match or cannot be determined yet.
Ff there is no object with the given name
Determine the of the object with the
given name.
The name of the object to query.
The of the object, or
if not determinable.
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the named object definition.
The object instance that is to be so configured.
The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
be injected into the supplied instance.
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the supplied .
The object instance that is to be so configured.
The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
be injected into the supplied instance.
An object definition that should be used to configure object.
Determines whether the local object factory contains a bean of the given name,
ignoring object defined in ancestor contexts.
This is an alternative to ContainsObject, ignoring an object
of the given name from an ancestor object factory.
The name of the object to query.
true if objects with the specified name is defined in the local factory; otherwise, false.
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If no message could be resolved.
If the supplied is .
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The default message.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If no message could be resolved.
If the supplied is .
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful.
If no message could be resolved.
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful.
If no message could be resolved.
If the supplied is .
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If no message could be resolved.
If the supplied is .
Resolve the message using all of the attributes contained within
the supplied
The value object storing those attributes that are required to
properly resolve a message.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the message could not be resolved.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The resolved object, or if not found.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The resolved object, or if not found.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The resolved object, or if not found.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The resolved object, or if not found.
Applies resources to object properties.
An object that contains the property values to be applied.
The base name of the object to use for key lookup.
The with which the
resource is associated.
Publishes all events of the source object.
The source object containing events to publish.
Subscribes to all events published, if the subscriber
implements compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use.
Subscribes to published events of a all objects of a given
, if the subscriber implements
compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use.
The target to subscribe to.
Unsubscribes to all events published, if the subscriber
implmenets compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use
Unsubscribes to the published events of all objects of a given
, if the subscriber implements
compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use.
The target to unsubscribe from
Publishes an application context event.
The source of the event. May be .
The event that is to be raised.
An object that can be used to synchronize access to the
The timestamp when this context was first loaded.
The timestamp (milliseconds) when this context was first loaded.
Gets a flag indicating whether context should be case sensitive.
true if object lookups are case sensitive; otherwise, false.
The for this context.
If the context has not been initialized yet.
The for this context.
If the context has not been initialized yet.
Returns the list of the
that will be applied to the objects created with this factory.
The elements of this list are instances of implementations of the
The list of the
that will be applied to the objects created with this factory.
Return the internal object factory of this application context.
Gets the parent context, or if there is no
parent context.
The parent context, or if there is no
Gets a value indicating whether this component is currently running.
true if this component is running; otherwise, false.
In the case of a container, this will return true
only if all components that apply are currently running.
Gets a dictionary of all singleton beans that implement the
ILifecycle interface in this context.
A dictionary of ILifecycle objects with object name as key.
Raised in response to an implementation-dependant application
context event.
The date and time this context was first loaded.
The representing when this context
was first loaded.
A name for this context.
A name for this context.
Return the number of objects defined in the factory.
The number of objects defined in the factory.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
Return the parent object factory, or if there is none.
The parent object factory, or if there is none.
Allows for custom modification of new object instances, e.g.
checking for marker interfaces or wrapping them with proxies.
Application contexts can auto-detect
objects in their object definitions and apply them before any other
objects get created. Plain object factories allow for programmatic
registration of post-processors.
Typically, post-processors that populate objects via marker interfaces
or the like will implement
and post-processors that wrap objects with proxies will normally implement
Juergen HoellerAleksandar Seovic (.NET)
Apply this
to the given new object instance before any object initialization callbacks.
The object will already be populated with property values.
The returned object instance may be a wrapper around the original.
The new object instance.
The name of the object.
The object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
In case of errors.
Apply this to the
given new object instance after any object initialization callbacks.
The object will already be populated with property values. The returned object
instance may be a wrapper around the original.
The new object instance.
The name of the object.
The object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
In case of errors.
Interface that can be implemented by objects that should be orderable, e.g. in an
The actual order can be interpreted as prioritization, the first object (with the
lowest order value) having the highest priority.
Juergen HoellerAleksandar Seovic (.Net)
Return the order value of this object, where a higher value means greater in
terms of sorting.
Normally starting with 0 or 1, with indicating
greatest. Same order values will result in arbitrary positions for the affected
Higher value can be interpreted as lower priority, consequently the first object
has highest priority.
The order value.
Abstract implementation of the interface,
implementing common handling of message variants, making it easy
to implement a specific strategy for a concrete .
Subclasses must implement the abstract ResolveObject
Note: By default, message texts are only parsed through
String.Format if arguments have been passed in for the message. In case
of no arguments, message texts will be returned as-is. As a consequence,
you should only use String.Format escaping for messages with actual
arguments, and keep all other messages unescaped.
Supports not only IMessageSourceResolvables as primary messages
but also resolution of message arguments that are in turn
IMessageSourceResolvables themselves.
This class does not implement caching of messages per code, thus
subclasses can dynamically change messages over time. Subclasses are
encouraged to cache their messages in a modification-aware fashion,
allowing for hot deployment of updated messages.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerGriffin Caprio (.NET)Harald Radi (.NET)
Sub-interface of to be
implemented by objects that can resolve messages hierarchically.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
The parent message source used to try and resolve messages that
this object can't resolve.
If the value of this property is then no
further resolution is possible.
holds the logger instance shared with subclasses.
Initializes this instance.
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the lookup is not successful throw NoSuchMessageException
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
Note that the fallback behavior based on CultureInfo seem to
have a bug that is fixed by installed .NET 1.1 Service Pack 1.
If the lookup is not successful, implementations are permitted to
take one of two actions.
If the lookup is not successful throw NoSuchMessageException
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the lookup is not successful throw NoSuchMessageException
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
Note that the fallback behavior based on CultureInfo seem to
have a bug that is fixed by installed .NET 1.1 Service Pack 1.
If the lookup is not successful throw NoSuchMessageException.
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The default message if name is not found.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
Note that the fallback behavior based on CultureInfo seem to
have a bug that is fixed by installed .NET 1.1 Service Pack 1.
If the lookup is not successful throw NoSuchMessageException
Resolve the message using all of the attributes contained within
the supplied
The value object storing those attributes that are required to
properly resolve a message.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful.
If the message could not be resolved.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The resolved object, or if not found.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
Note that the fallback behavior based on CultureInfo seem to
have a bug that is fixed by installed .NET 1.1 Service Pack 1.
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The resolved object, or if not found. If
the resource name resolves to null, then in .NET 1.1 the return
value will be String.Empty whereas in .NET 2.0 it will return
Applies resources to object properties.
An object that contains the property values to be applied.
The base name of the object to use for key lookup.
The with which the
resource is associated.
Resolve the given code and arguments as message in the given culture,
returning null if not found. Does not fall back to the code
as default message. Invoked by GetMessage methods.
The code to lookup up, such as 'calculator.noRateSet'.
array of arguments that will be filled in for params
within the message.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful.
Try to retrieve the given message from the parent MessageSource, if any.
The code to lookup up, such as 'calculator.noRateSet'.
array of arguments that will be filled in for params
within the message.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful.
Return a fallback default message for the given code, if any.
Default is to return the code itself if "UseCodeAsDefaultMessage"
is activated, or return no fallback else. In case of no fallback,
the caller will usually receive a NoSuchMessageException from GetMessage
The code to lookup up, such as 'calculator.noRateSet'.
The default message to use, or null if none.
Renders the default message string. The default message is passed in as specified by the
caller and can be rendered into a fully formatted default message shown to the user.
Default implementation passed he String for String.Format resolving any
argument placeholders found in them. Subclasses may override this method to plug
in custom processing of default messages.
The default message.
The array of agruments that will be filled in for parameter
placeholders within the message, or null if none.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The rendered default message (with resolved arguments)
Format the given default message String resolving any
agrument placeholders found in them.
The message to format.
The array of agruments that will be filled in for parameter
placeholders within the message, or null if none.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The formatted message (with resolved arguments)
Search through the given array of objects, find any
MessageSourceResolvable objects and resolve them.
Allows for messages to have MessageSourceResolvables as arguments.
The array of arguments for a message.
The with which the
resource is associated.
An array of arguments with any IMessageSourceResolvables resolved
Gets the specified resource (e.g. Icon or Bitmap).
The name of the resource to resolve.
The to resolve the
code for.
The resource if found. otherwise.
Applies resources from the given name on the specified object.
An object that contains the property values to be applied.
The base name of the object to use for key lookup.
The with which the
resource is associated.
Subclasses must implement this method to resolve a message.
The code to lookup up, such as 'calculator.noRateSet'.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The resolved message from the backing store of message data.
Resolves an object (typically an icon or bitmap).
Subclasses must implement this method to resolve an object.
The code of the object to resolve.
The to resolve the
code for.
The resolved object or if not found.
Applies resources to object properties.
Subclasses must implement this method to apply resources
to an arbitrary object.
An object that contains the property values to be applied.
The base name of the object to use for key lookup.
The with which the
resource is associated.
Gets or Sets a value indicating whether to use the message code as
default message instead of throwing a NoSuchMessageException.
Useful for development and debugging. Default is "false".
Note: In case of a IMessageSourceResolvable with multiple codes
(like a FieldError) and a MessageSource that has a parent MessageSource,
do not activate "UseCodeAsDefaultMessage" in the parent:
Else, you'll get the first code returned as message by the parent,
without attempts to check further codes.
To be able to work with "UseCodeAsDefaultMessage" turned on in the parent,
AbstractMessageSource contains special checks
to delegate to the internal GetMessageInternal method if available.
In general, it is recommended to just use "UseCodeAsDefaultMessage" during
development and not rely on it in production in the first place, though.
Alternatively, consider overriding the GetDefaultMessage
method to return a custom fallback message for an unresolvable code.
true if use the message code as default message instead of
throwing a NoSuchMessageException; otherwise, false.
The parent message source used to try and resolve messages that
this object can't resolve.
If the value of this property is then no
further resolution is possible.
Convenient abstract superclass for
implementations that
draw their configuration from XML documents containing object
definitions as understood by an
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerGriffin Caprio (.NET)
The instance for this class.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes
no public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
with the given parent context.
This is an class, and as such exposes
no public constructors.
The application context name.
Flag specifying whether to make this context case sensitive or not.
The parent context.
Instantiates and populates the underlying
with the object
definitions yielded up by the
In the case of errors encountered while refreshing the object factory.
In the case of errors encountered reading any of the resources
yielded by the method.
Initialize the object definition reader used for loading the object
definitions of this context.
The default implementation of this method is a no-op; i.e. it does
nothing. Can be overridden in subclasses to provide custom
initialization of the supplied
; for example, a derived
class may want to turn off XML validation.
The object definition reader used by this context.
Load the object definitions with the given
The lifecycle of the object factory is handled by
therefore this method is just supposed to load and / or register
object definitions.
The reader containing object definitions.
In case of object registration errors.
In the case of errors encountered reading any of the resources
yielded by the method.
Loads the object definitions into the given object factory, typically through
delegating to one or more object definition readers.
The object factory to lead object definitions into
Customizes the internal object factory used by this context.
Called for each attempt.
The default implementation is empty. Can be overriden in subclassses to customize
DefaultListableBeanFatory's standard settings.
The newly created object factory for this context
Create an internal object factory for this context.
Called for each attempt.
This default implementation creates a
with the internal object factory of this context's parent serving
as the parent object factory. Can be overridden in subclasse,s
for example to customize DefaultListableBeanFactory's settings.
The object factory for this context.
An array of resource locations, referring to the XML object
definition files that this context is to be built with.
Examples of the format of the various strings that would be
returned by accessing this property can be found in the overview
documentation of with the
An array of resource locations, or if none.
Subclasses must return their internal object factory here.
The internal object factory for the application context.
implementation that passes the application context to object that
implement the
, and
If an object's class implements more than one of the
, and
interfaces, then the
order in which the interfaces are satisfied is as follows...
Application contexts will automatically register this with their
underlying object factory. Applications should thus never need to use
this class directly.
Juergen HoellerGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The that this
instance will work with.
Apply this
to the given new object instance before any object
initialization callbacks.
The new object instance.
The name of the object.
The the object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
In case of errors.
Apply this to the
given new object instance after any object initialization
The new object instance.
The name of the object.
The object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
In case of errors.
Convenient superclass for application objects that want to be aware of
the application context, e.g. for custom lookup of collaborating object
or for context-specific resource access.
It saves the application context reference and provides an
initialization callback method. Furthermore, it offers numerous
convenience methods for message lookup.
There is no requirement to subclass this class: it just makes things
a little easier if you need access to the context, e.g. for access to
file resources or to the message source. Note that many application
objects do not need to be aware of the application context at all,
as they can receive collaborating objects via object references.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerGriffin Caprio (.NET)
To be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified
of the that it runs in.
Implementing this interface makes sense when an object requires access
to a set of collaborating objects. Note that configuration via object
references is preferable to implementing this interface just for object
lookup purposes.
This interface can also be implemented if an object needs access to
file resources, i.e. wants to call
, or access to
the . However, it is
preferable to implement the more specific
interface to receive a reference to the
object in that scenario.
Note that dependencies can also
be exposed as object properties of the
type, populated via strings with
automatic type conversion performed by an object factory. This obviates
the need for implementing any callback interface just for the purpose
of accessing a specific file resource.
is a convenience implementation of this interface for your
application objects.
For a list of all object lifecycle methods, see the overview for the
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
Sets the that this
object runs in.
Normally this call will be used to initialize the object.
Invoked after population of normal object properties but before an
init callback such as
or a custom init-method. Invoked after the setting of any
In the case of application context initialization errors.
If thrown by any application context methods.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no
public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no
public constructors.
The that this
object runs in.
Intializes the wrapped
This is a template method that subclasses can override for custom
initialization behavior.
Gets called by the
instance directly after setting the context instance.
Does not get called on reinitialization of the context.
In the case of any initialization errors.
If thrown by application context methods.
The context class that any context passed to the
must be an instance of.
The .
Return a for the
application context used by this object, for easy message access.
Gets or sets the that this
object runs in.
When passed an unexpected
instance that is not compatible with the
defined by the value of the
property. Also, thrown when trying to re-initialize with a
different than was
originally used.
If thrown by any application context methods.
Creates an instance
using context definitions supplied in a custom configuration and
configures the with that instance.
Implementations of the
interface must provide the following two constructors:
A constructor that takes a string array of resource locations.
A constructor that takes a reference to a parent application context
and a string array of resource locations (and in that order).
Note that if the type attribute is not present in the declaration
of a particular context, then a default
is assumed. This default
is currently the ; please note the exact
of this default is an
implementation detail, that, while unlikely, may do so in the future.
This is an example of specifying a context that reads its resources from
an embedded Spring.NET XML object configuration file...
This is an example of specifying a context that reads its resources from
a custom configuration section within the same application / web
configuration file and uses case insensitive object lookups.
Please note that you must adhere to the naming
of the various sections (i.e. '<sectionGroup name="spring">' and
'<section name="context">'.
And this is an example of specifying a hierarchy of contexts. The
hierarchy in this case is only a simple parent->child hierarchy, but
hopefully it illustrates the nesting of context configurations. This
nesting of contexts can be arbitrarily deep, and is one way... child
contexts know about their parent contexts, but parent contexts do not
know how many child contexts they have (if any), or have references
to any such child contexts.
Mark PollackAleksandar SeovicRick Evans
Creates an instance
using the context definitions supplied in a custom
configuration section.
This instance is
also used to configure the .
The configuration settings in a corresponding parent
configuration section.
The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET
configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and
is .
The for the section.
An instance
populated with the object definitions supplied in the configuration
Create all child-contexts in the given for the given context.
The parent context to use
The current configContext
The list of child context elements
Instantiates a new context.
Gets the context's name specified in the name attribute of the context element.
The current configContext
The context element
Extracts the context-type from the context element.
If none is specified, returns the parent's type.
Extracts the case-sensitivity attribute from the context element
Gets the context specified in the type
attribute of the context element.
If this attribute is not defined it defaults to the
If the context type does not implement the
Returns the array of resources containing object definitions for
this context.
Returns the array of child contexts for this context.
The of
created if no type attribute is specified on a context element.
Get the context's case-sensitivity to use if none is specified
Derived handlers may override this property to change their default case-sensitivity.
Defaults to 'true'.
Returns if the context should be lazily
Constants defining the structure and values associated with the
schema for laying out Spring.NET contexts in XML.
Defines a single
Specifies a context name.
Specifies if context should be case sensitive or not. Default is true.
Specifies a .
Does not have to be fully assembly qualified, but its generally regarded
as better form if the names of one's objects
are specified explicitly.
Specifies whether context should be lazy initialized.
Defines an
Specifies the URI for an
Provides access to a central registry of
A singleton implementation to access one or more application contexts. Application
context instances are cached.
Note that the use of this class or similar is unnecessary except (sometimes) for
a small amount of glue code. Excessive usage will lead to code that is more tightly
coupled, and harder to modify or test. Consider refactoring your code to use standard
Dependency Injection techniques or implement the interface IApplicationContextAware to
obtain a reference to an application context.
Mark PollackAleksandar Seovic
The shared instance for this class (and derived classes).
Creates a new instance of the ContextRegistry class.
Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler
not to mark type as beforefieldinit.
Registers an instance of an
This is usually called via a
inside a .NET
application configuration file.
The application context to be registered.
If a context has previously been registered using the same name
Handles events raised by an application context.
Removes the context from the registry
Has no effect if the context wasn't registered
´the context to remove from the registry
Returns the root application context.
The first call to GetContext will create the context
as specified in the .NET application configuration file
under the location spring/context.
The root application context.
Returns context based on specified name.
The first call to GetContext will create the context
as specified in the .NET application configuration file
under the location spring/context.
The context name.
The specified context, or null, if context with that name doesn't exists.
If the context name is null or empty
Removes all registered
s from this
Raises the event while still holding a lock on
Allows to check, if a context is already registered
The context name.
true, if the context is already registered. false otherwise
This event is fired, if ContextRegistry.Clear() is called.
Clients may register to get informed
This event is fired while still holding a lock on the Registry.
'sender' parameter is sent as typeof(ContextRegistry), EventArgs are not used
Gets an object that should be used to synchronize access to ContextRegistry
from the calling code.
Default implementation of the
Provides easy ways to store all the necessary values needed to resolve
messages from an .
Juergen HoellerGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Describes objects that are suitable for message resolution in a
Spring.NET's own validation error classes implement this interface.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Return the codes to be used to resolve this message, in the order
that they are to be tried.
The last code will therefore be the default one.
A array of codes which are associated
with this message.
Return the array of arguments to be used to resolve this message.
An array of objects to be used as parameters to replace
placeholders within the message text.
Return the default message to be used to resolve this message.
The default message, or if there is no
Creates a new instance of the
using a single code.
The message code to be resolved.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The codes to be used to resolve this message
Creates a new instance of the
using multiple codes.
The message codes to be resolved.
The arguments used to resolve the supplied .
Creates a new instance of the
using multiple codes and a default message.
The message codes to be resolved.
The arguments used to resolve the supplied .
The default message used if no code could be resolved.
Creates a new instance of the
from another resolvable.
This is the copy constructor for the
The to be copied.
If the supplied is .
Returns a representation of this
A representation of this
Calls the visit method on the supplied
to output a version of this class.
The visitor to use.
A representation of this
Return the codes to be used to resolve this message, in the order
that they are to be tried.
A array of codes which are associated
with this message.
Return the array of arguments to be used to resolve this message.
An array of objects to be used as parameters to replace
placeholders within the message text.
Return the default code for this resolvable.
The default code of this resolvable; this will be the last code in
the codes array, or if this instance has no
Return the default message to be used to resolve this message.
The default message, or if there is no
Default section handler that can handle any configuration section.
Simply returns the configuration section as an .
Aleksandar Seovic
Returns the configuration section as an
The configuration settings in a corresponding parent
configuration section.
The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET
configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and
is a null reference.
The for the section.
Config section as XmlElement.
Empty implementation that
simply delegates all method calls to it's parent
If no parent is available,
no messages will be resolved (and a
will be thrown).
Used as placeholder by the
if the context definition doesn't define its own
. Not intended for direct use
in applications.
Juergan HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The parent message source used to try and resolve messages that
this object can't resolve.
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the message could not be resolved.
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the message could not be resolved.
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the message could not be resolved.
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the message could not be resolved.
Resolve the message identified by the supplied
The name of the message to resolve.
The default message.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The array of arguments that will be filled in for parameters within
the message, or if there are no parameters
within the message. Parameters within a message should be
referenced using the same syntax as the format string for the
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the message could not be resolved.
Resolve the message using all of the attributes contained within
the supplied
The value object storing those attributes that are required to
properly resolve a message.
The that represents
the culture for which the resource is localized.
The resolved message if the lookup was successful (see above for
the return value in the case of an unsuccessful lookup).
If the message could not be resolved.
If the message could not be resolved.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The resolved object, or if not found.
Gets a localized resource object identified by the supplied
The name of the resource object to resolve.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The resolved object, or if not found.
Applies resources to object properties.
An object that contains the property values to be applied.
The base name of the object to use for key lookup.
The with which the
resource is associated.
The parent message source used to try and resolve messages that
this object can't resolve.
Generic ApplicationContext implementation that holds a single internal
instance and does not
assume a specific object definition format.
Implements the interface in order
to allow for aplying any object definition readers to it.
Typical usage is to register a variety of object definitions via the
interface and then call
to initialize those
objects with application context semantics (handling
, auto-detecting
ObjectFactoryPostProcessors, etc).
In contrast to other IApplicationContext implementations that create a new internal
IObjectFactory instance for each refresh, the internal IObjectFactory of this context
is available right from the start, to be able to register object definitions on it.
may only be called onceUsage examples
GenericApplicationContext ctx = new GenericApplicationContext();
Mark Pollack
Interface for registries that hold object definitions, i.e.
Typically implemented by object factories that work with the
hierarchy internally.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Return the names of all objects defined in this registry.
The names of all objects defined in this registry, or an empty array
if none defined
Check if this registry contains a object definition with the given name.
The name of the object to look for.
True if this object factory contains an object definition with the
given name.
Returns the
for the given object name.
The name of the object to find a definition for.
The for
the given name (never null).
If the object definition cannot be resolved.
In case of errors.
Register a new object definition with this registry.
Must support
and .
The name of the object instance to register.
The definition of the object instance to register.
Must support
If the object definition is invalid.
Return the aliases for the given object name, if defined.
the object name to check for aliases
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this
factory instance.
The aliases, or an empty array if none.
If there's no such object definition.
Given a object name, create an alias. We typically use this method to
support names that are illegal within XML ids (used for object names).
The name of the object.
The alias that will behave the same as the object name.
If there is no object with the given name.
If the alias is already in use.
Return the number of objects defined in the registry.
The number of objects defined in the registry.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
if set to true names in the context are case sensitive.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object factory instance to use for this context.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The parent application context.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name of the application context.
if set to true names in the context are case sensitive.
The parent application context.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object factory to use for this context
The parent applicaiton context.
Do nothing operation. We hold a single internal ObjectFactory and rely on callers
to register objects throug our public methods (or the ObjectFactory's).
In the case of errors encountered while refreshing the object factory.
Returns the
for the given object name.
The name of the object to find a definition for.
The for
the given name (never null).
If the object definition cannot be resolved.
In case of errors.
Register a new object definition with this registry.
Must support
and .
The name of the object instance to register.
The definition of the object instance to register.
Must support
If the object definition is invalid.
Given a object name, create an alias. We typically use this method to
support names that are illegal within XML ids (used for object names).
The name of the object.
The alias that will behave the same as the object name.
If there is no object with the given name.
If the alias is already in use.
Gets the parent context, or if there is no
parent context. Set the parent of this application context also setting
the parent of the interanl ObjectFactory accordingly.
The parent context
The parent context, or if there is no
Return the internal object factory of this application context.
Gets the underlying object factory of this context, available for
registering object definitions.
You need to call Refresh to initialize the
objects factory and its contained objects with application context
semantics (autodecting IObjectFactoryPostProcessors, etc).The internal object factory (as DefaultListableObjectFactory).
Helper class for easy access to messages from an
, providing various
overloaded GetMessage methods.
Available from
, but also
reusable as a standalone helper to delegate to in application objects.
Juergen HoellerGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
that uses the current
for all locale specific lookups.
The to use to locate messages.
Creates a new instance of the
The to use to locate
The to use for
locale specific messages.
Retrieve the message for the given code and the default
The code of the message.
The message.
Retrieve the message for the given code and the given
The code of the message.
The to use for
The message.
Retrieve the message for the given code and the default
The code of the message.
The arguments for the message, or if none.
The message.
If the message could not be found.
Retrieve the message for the given code and the given
The code of the message.
The to use for
The arguments for the message, or if none.
The message.
If the message could not be found.
Retrieve a mesage using the given
The .
The message.
If the message could not be found.
Retrieve a mesage using the given
in the given
The .
The to use for
The message
If the message could not be found.
Visitor class to represent
Used in the first instance to supply stringified versions of
Other methods can be added here to return different representations,
including XML, CSV, etc..
Griffin Caprio (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Outputs the supplied
as a nicely formatted .
The to output.
Configuration section handler for the (recommended, Spring.NET standard) parsers
config section.
Spring.NET allows the registration of custom configuration parsers that
can be used to create simplified configuration schemas that better
describe object definitions.
For example, Spring.NET uses this facility internally in order to
define simplified schemas for various AOP, Data and Services definitions.
The following example shows how to configure both this section handler
and how to define custom configuration parsers within a Spring.NET
config section.
Aleksandar Seovic
Registers parsers specified in the (recommended, Spring.NET standard)
parsers config section with the .
The configuration settings in a corresponding parent
configuration section.
The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET
configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and
is .
The for the section.
This method always returns , because parsers
are registered as a side-effect of this object's execution and there
is thus no need to return anything.
An that doesn't do a whole lot.
is an implementation of
the NullObject pattern. It should be used in those situations where a
needs to be passed (say to a
method) but where the resolution of messages is not required.
There should not (typically) be a need to instantiate instances of this class;
does not maintan any state
and the instance is
thus safe to pass around.
Aleksandar Seovic
The canonical instance of the
Creates a new instance of the class.
Consider using
Simply returns the supplied message as-is.
The code of the message to resolve.
The to resolve the
code for.
The supplied message as-is.
Always returns .
The code of the object to resolve.
The to resolve the
code for.
Does nothing.
An object that contains the property values to be applied.
The base name of the object to use for key lookup.
The with which the
resource is associated.
Handler for Spring.NET resourceHandlers config section.
Spring allows registration of custom resource handlers that can be used to load
object definitions from.
For example, if you wanted to store your object definitions in a database instead
of in the config file, you could write a custom implementation
and register it with Spring using 'db' as a protocol name.
Afterwards, you would simply specify resource URI within the context config element
using your custom resource handler.
The following example shows how to configure both this section handler,
how to define custom resource within Spring config section, and how to load
object definitions using custom resource handler:
Aleksandar Seovic
Registers resource handlers that are specified in
the resources config section with the .
The configuration settings in a corresponding parent
configuration section. Ignored.
The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET
configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and
is .
The for the section.
This method always returns null, because resource handlers are registered
as a sideffect of its execution and there is no need to return anything.
An implementation that
accesses resources from .resx / .resource files.
Note that for the method
GetResourceObject if the resource name resolves to null, then in
.NET 1.1 the return value will be String.Empty whereas
in .NET 2.0 it will return null.Griffin Caprio (.NET)Mark Pollack (.NET)Aleksandar Seovic (.NET)
Defines a simple initialization callback for objects that need to to some
post-initialization logic after all of their dependencies have been injected.
An implementation of the
method might perform some additional custom initialization (over and above that
performed by the constructor), or merely check that all mandatory properties
have been set (this last example is a very typical use case of this interface).
The use of the
by non-Spring.NET framework code can be avoided (and is generally
discouraged). The Spring.NET container provides support for a generic
initialization method given to the object definition in the object
configuration store (be it XML, or a database, etc). This requires
slightly more configuration (one attribute-value pair in the case of
XML configuration), but removes any dependency on Spring.NET from the
class definition.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Invoked by an
after it has injected all of an object's dependencies.
This method allows the object instance to perform the kind of
initialization only possible when all of it's dependencies have
been injected (set), and to throw an appropriate exception in the
event of misconfiguration.
Please do consult the class level documentation for the
interface for a
description of exactly when this method is invoked. In
particular, it is worth noting that the
callbacks will have been invoked prior to this method being
In the event of misconfiguration (such as the failure to set a
required property) or if initialization fails.
Creates a new instance of the
Resolves a given code by searching through each assembly name in
the base names array.
The code to resolve.
The to use for lookups.
The message from the resource set.
Resolves a given code by searching through each assembly name in the array.
The code to resolve.
The to use for lookups.
The object from the resource set.
Uses a System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager
to apply resources to object properties.
Resource key names are of the form objectName.propertyName
This feature is not currently supported on version 1.0 of the .NET platform.
An object that contains the property values to be applied.
The base name of the object to use for the key lookup.
The to use for lookups.
If , uses the
This feature is not currently supported on version 1.0 of the .NET platform.
Resolves a code into an object given a base name.
The to search.
The code to resolve.
The to use for lookups.
The object from the resource file.
Returns a representation of the
A representation of the
Invoked by an
after it has set all object properties supplied.
The list may contain objects of type or
. types
are converted to instances using the notation
resourcename, assembly partial name.
If the conversion from a to a
can't be performed.
The collection of s
in this .
that allows concrete registration of
objects and messages in code, rather than from external configuration sources.
Mainly useful for testing.
Rod JohnsonGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the StaticApplicationContext class.
Creates a new instance of the StaticApplicationContext class.
The parent application context.
Do nothing: we rely on callers to update our public methods.
Register a singleton object with the default object factory.
The name of the object.
The of the object.
The property values for the singleton instance.
Registers a prototype object with the default object factory.
The name of the prototype object.
The of the prototype object.
The property values for the prototype instance.
Associate the given message with the given code.
The lookup code.
The that the message should be found within.
The message associated with the lookup code.
Simple implementation of
that allows messages to be held in an object and added programmatically.
Mainly useful for testing.
This supports internationalization.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Returns a format string.
The code of the message to resolve.
The to resolve the
code for.
A format string or if not found.
Resolves an object (typically an icon or bitmap).
The code of the object to resolve.
The to resolve the
code for.
The resolved object or if not found.
Applies resources to object properties.
Uses a System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager
internally to apply resources to object properties. Resource key
names are of the form objectName.propertyName.
This feature is not currently supported on version 1.0 of the .NET platform.
An object that contains the property values to be applied.
The base name of the object to use for key lookup.
The with which the
resource is associated.
This feature is not currently supported on version 1.0 of the .NET platform.
Associate the supplied with the
supplied .
The lookup code.
The to resolve the
code for.
The message format associated with this lookup code.
Associate the supplied with the
supplied .
The lookup code.
The to resolve the
code for.
The object associated with this lookup code.
Returns a representation of this
message source.
A containing all of this message
source's messages.
Configuration section handler for the Spring.NET typeAliases
config section.
Type aliases can be used instead of fully qualified type names anywhere
a type name is expected in a Spring.NET configuration file.
This includes type names specified within an object definition, as well
as values of the properties or constructor arguments that expect
The following example shows how to configure both this section handler and
how to define type aliases within a Spring.NET config section:
Aleksandar Seovic
Populates using values specified in
the typeAliases config section.
The configuration settings in a corresponding parent
configuration section.
The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET
configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and
is .
The for the section.
This method always returns , because the
is populated as a side-effect of this
object's execution and thus there is no need to return anything.
Configuration section handler for the Spring.NET typeConverters
config section.
Type converters are used to convert objects from one type into another
when injecting property values, evaluating expressions, performing data
binding, etc.
They are a very powerful mechanism as they allow Spring.NET to automatically
convert string-based property values from the configuration file into the appropriate
type based on the target property's type or to convert string values submitted
via a web form into a type that is used by your data model when Spring.NET data
binding is used. Because they offer such tremendous help, you should always provide
a type converter implementation for your custom types that you want to be able to use
for injected properties or for data binding.
The standard .NET mechanism for specifying type converter for a particular type is
to decorate the type with a , passing the type
of the -derived class as a parameter.
This mechanism will still work and is a preferred way of defining type converters if
you control the source code for the type that you want to define a converter for. However,
this configuration section allows you to specify converters for the types that you don't
control and it also allows you to override some of the standard type converters, such as
the ones that are defined for some of the types in the .NET Base Class Library.
The following example shows how to configure both this section handler and
how to define type converters within a Spring.NET config section:
Aleksandar Seovic
Populates using values specified in
the typeConverters config section.
The configuration settings in a corresponding parent
configuration section.
The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET
configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and
is .
The for the section.
This method always returns , because the
is populated as a side-effect of
its execution and thus there is no need to return anything.
An implementation that
reads context definitions from XML based resources.
Currently, the resources that are supported are the file,
http, ftp, config and assembly resource
You can provide custom implementations of the
interface and and register them
with any that inherits
from the
In case of multiple config locations, later object definitions will
override ones defined in previously loaded resources. This can be
leveraged to deliberately override certain object definitions via an
extra XML file.
Find below some examples of instantiating an
using a
variety of different XML resources.
// an XmlApplicationContext that reads its object definitions from an
// XML file that has been embedded in an assembly...
IApplicationContext context = new XmlApplicationContext
// an XmlApplicationContext that reads its object definitions from a
// number of disparate XML resources...
IApplicationContext context = new XmlApplicationContext
// from an XML file that has been embedded in an assembly...
// and from a (relative) filesystem-based resource...
// and from an App.config / Web.config resource...
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerGriffin Caprio (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
loading the definitions from the supplied XML resource locations.
The created context will be case sensitive.
Any number of XML based object definition resource locations.
Creates a new instance of the
loading the definitions from the supplied XML resource locations.
Flag specifying whether to make this context case sensitive or not.
Any number of XML based object definition resource locations.
Creates a new instance of the
loading the definitions from the supplied XML resource locations.
The application context name.
Flag specifying whether to make this context case sensitive or not.
Any number of XML based object definition resource locations.
Creates a new instance of the
loading the definitions from the supplied XML resource locations,
with the given .
The parent context (may be ).
Any number of XML based object definition resource locations.
Creates a new instance of the
loading the definitions from the supplied XML resource locations,
with the given .
Flag specifying whether to make this context case sensitive or not.
The parent context (may be ).
Any number of XML based object definition resource locations.
Creates a new instance of the
loading the definitions from the supplied XML resource locations,
with the given .
The application context name.
Flag specifying whether to make this context case sensitive or not.
The parent context (may be ).
Any number of XML based object definition resource locations.
Creates a new instance of the
loading the definitions from the supplied XML resource locations,
with the given .
This constructor is meant to be used by derived classes. By passing =false, it is
the responsibility of the deriving class to call to initialize the context instance.
if true, is called automatically.
The application context name.
Flag specifying whether to make this context case sensitive or not.
The parent context (may be ).
Any number of XML based object definition resource locations.
An array of resource locations, referring to the XML object
definition files that this context is to be built with.
An array of resource locations, or if none.
Exception thrown during application context initialization.Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
Thrown on an unrecoverable problem encountered in the
objects namespace or sub-namespaces, e.g. bad class or field.
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
Superclass for all exceptions thrown in the Objects namespace and sub-namespaces.
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class. with the specified message.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class with the specified message
and root cause.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Creates a new instance of the FatalObjectException class.
Creates a new instance of the FatalObjectException class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the FatalObjectException class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the FatalObjectException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Creates a new instance of the
class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Marks an interface as being an application event listener.
Griffin Caprio
Creates a new instance of the
The callback for application events.
To be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified
of the associated with it.
In the current implementation, the
will typically be the
associated that
spawned the implementing object.
The can usually also be
passed on as an object reference to arbitrary object properties or
constructor arguments, because a
is typically defined as an
object with the well known name "messageSource" in the
associated application context.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Sets the associated
with this object.
Invoked after population of normal object properties but
before an initializing callback such as the
method of the
or a custom init-method.
It is also invoked before the
property of any
The associated
with this object.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified
of the (typically the
) that it runs in.
Note that dependencies can also
be exposed as object properties of type
, populated via strings with
automatic type conversion by the object factory. This obviates the
need for implementing any callback interface just for the purpose of
accessing a specific resource.
You typically need an
when your application object has to access a variety of file resources
whose names are calculated. A good strategy is to make the object use
a default resource loader but still implement the
interface to allow
for overriding when running in an
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Sets the
that this object runs in.
Invoked after population of normal objects properties but
before an init callback such as
or a custom init-method. Invoked before setting
Thrown when a message cannot be resolved.
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being
that contains contextual information about the source or
Creates a new instance of the
The code that could not be resolved for given culture.
The that was used
to search for the code.
Creates a new instance of the
The code that could not be resolved for the current UI culture.
Convenience base class for
implementations, pre-implementing typical behavior.
The method will
check whether a or
can be opened;
will always return
throw an exception;
and will
return the value of the
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)Aleksandar Seovic (.NET)
The central abstraction for Spring.NET's access to resources such as
This interface encapsulates a resource descriptor that abstracts away
from the underlying type of resource; possible resource types include
files, memory streams, and databases (this list is not exhaustive).
A can definitely be opened and accessed
for every such resource; if the resource exists in a physical form (for
example, the resource is not an in-memory stream or one that has been
extracted from an assembly or ZIP file), a or
can also be accessed. The actual
behavior is implementation-specific.
This interface, when used in tandem with the
interface, forms the backbone of
Spring.NET's resource handling. Third party extensions or libraries
that want to integrate external resources with Spring.NET's IoC
container are encouraged expose such resources via this abstraction.
Interfaces cannot obviously mandate implementation, but derived classes
are strongly encouraged to expose a constructor that takes a
single as it's sole argument (see example).
Exposing such a constructor will make your custom
implementation integrate nicely
with the class.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Simple interface for objects that are sources for
This is the base interface for the abstraction encapsulated by
Spring.NET's interface.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Return an for this resource.
Clients of this interface must be aware that every access of this
property will create a fresh;
it is the responsibility of the calling code to close any such
An .
If the stream could not be opened.
Creates a resource relative to this resource.
The path (always resolved as relative to this resource).
The relative resource.
If the relative resource could not be created from the supplied
If the resource does not support the notion of a relative path.
Does this resource represent a handle with an open stream?
If , the
cannot be read multiple times, and must be read and then closed to
avoid resource leaks.
Will be for all usual resource descriptors.
if this resource represents a handle with an
open stream.
Returns the handle for this resource.
For safety, always check the value of the
property prior to
accessing this property; resources that cannot be exposed as
a will typically return
from a call to the
The handle for this resource.
If the resource is not available or cannot be exposed as a
Returns a handle for this resource.
For safety, always check the value of the
property prior to
accessing this property; resources that cannot be exposed as
a will typically return
from a call to the
The handle for this resource.
If the resource is not available on a filesystem, or cannot be
exposed as a handle.
Returns a description for this resource.
The description is typically used for diagnostics and other such
logging when working with the resource.
Implementations are also encouraged to return this value from their
A description for this resource.
Does this resource actually exist in physical form?
An example of a resource that physically exists would be a
file on a local filesystem. An example of a resource that does not
physically exist would be an in-memory stream.
if this resource actually exists in physical
form (for example on a filesystem).
The default special character that denotes the base (home, or root)
Will be resolved (by those
implementations that support it) to the home (or root) path for
the specific implementation.
For example, in the case of a web application this will (probably)
resolve to the virtual directory of said web application.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no
public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no
public constructors.
A string representation of the resource.
If the supplied is
or contains only whitespace character(s).
Strips any protocol name from the supplied
If the supplied does not
have any protocol associated with it, then the supplied
will be returned as-is.
// returns www.mycompany.com/resource.txt
The name of the resource.
The name of the resource without the protocol name.
Resolves the supplied to its value
sans any leading protocol.
The name of the resource.
The name of the resource without the protocol name.
Resolves the presence of the
in the supplied into a path.
The default implementation simply returns the supplied
as is.
The name of the resource.
The string that is a placeholder for a base path.
The name of the resource with any
value having been resolved into an actual path.
This implementation returns the
of this resource.
Determines whether the specified is
equal to the current .
This implementation compares values.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use
in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
This implementation returns the hashcode of the
Factory Method. Create a new instance of the current resource type using the given resourceName
The ResourceLoader to be used for resolving relative resources
Does the supplied relative ?
The name of the resource to test.
if resource name is relative;
otherwise .
Creates a new resource that is relative to this resource based on the
supplied .
This method can accept either a fully qualified resource name or a
relative resource name as it's parameter.
A fully qualified resource is one that has a protocol prefix and
all elements of the resource name. All other resources are treated
as relative to this resource, and the following rules are used to
locate a relative resource:
If the starts with '..',
the current resource path is navigated backwards before the
is concatenated to the current
this resource.
If the starts with '/', the
current resource path is ignored and a new resource name is
appended to the
this resource.
If the starts with '.' or a
letter, a new path is appended to the current
this resource.
The name of the resource to create.
The relative resource.
If the process of resolving the relative resource yielded an
invalid URI.
If this resource does not support the resolution of relative
resources (as determined by the value of the
Calculates a new resource path based on the supplied
The relative path to evaluate.
The newly calculated resource path.
The special character that denotes the base (home, or root)
Will be resolved (by those
implementations that support it) to the home (or root) path for
the specific implementation.
For example, in the case of a web application this will (probably)
resolve to the virtual directory of said web application.
Return an for this resource.
An .
If the stream could not be opened.
Returns a description for this resource.
A description for this resource.
Returns the protocol associated with this resource (if any).
The value of this property may be if no
protocol is associated with the resource type (for example if the
resource is a memory stream).
The protocol associated with this resource (if any).
Does this resource represent a handle with an open stream?
This, the default implementation, always returns
if this resource represents a handle with an
open stream.
Returns the handle for this resource.
Returns a handle for this resource.
This, the default implementation, always throws a
, assuming that the
resource cannot be resolved to an absolute file path.
The handle for this resource.
This implementation always throws a
Does this resource actually exist in physical form?
This implementation checks whether a
can be opened, falling back to whether a
can be opened.
This will cover both directories and content resources.
This implementation will also return if
permission to the (file's) path is denied.
if this resource actually exists in physical
form (for example on a filesystem).
Does this support relative
resource retrieval?
This property is generally to be consulted prior to attempting
to attempting to access a resource that is relative to this
resource (via a call to
This, the default implementation, always returns
if this
supports relative resource
Gets the root location of the resource.
Where root resource can be taken to mean that part of the resource
descriptor that doesn't change when a relative resource is looked
up. Examples of such a root location would include a drive letter,
a web server name, an assembly name, etc.
The root location of the resource.
This, the default implementation, always throws a
Gets the current path of the resource.
An example value of this property would be the name of the
directory containing a filesystem based resource.
The current path of the resource.
This, the default implementation, always throws a
Gets those characters that are valid path separators for the
resource type.
An example value of this property would be the
values for a
filesystem based resource.
Any derived classes that override this method are expected to
return a new array for each access of this property.
Those characters that are valid path separators for the resource
This, the default implementation, always throws a
An implementation for
resources stored within assemblies.
This implementation expects any resource name passed to the
constructor to adhere to the following format:
Aleksandar Seovic (.NET)Federico Spinazzi (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the assembly resource.
If the supplied did not conform
to the expected format.
If the assembly specified in the supplied
was loaded twice with two
different evidences.
If the assembly specified in the supplied
could not be found.
If the caller does not have the required permission to load
the assembly specified in the supplied
Does the supplied relative ?
The name of the resource to test.
if resource name is relative;
otherwise .
Return an for this resource.
An .
If the stream could not be opened.
If the caller does not have the required permission to load
the underlying assembly's manifest.
Does the embedded resource specified in the value passed to the
constructor exist?
if this resource actually exists in physical
form (for example on a filesystem).
Does this support relative
resource retrieval?
This implementation does support relative resource retrieval, and
so will always return .
if this
supports relative resource
Gets the root location of the resource (the assembly name in this
The root location of the resource.
Gets the current path of the resource (the namespace in which the
target resource was embedded in this case).
The current path of the resource.
Gets those characters that are valid path separators for the
resource type.
Those characters that are valid path separators for the resource
Returns a description for this resource.
A description for this resource.
Returns the handle for this resource.
Used when retrieving information from the standard .NET configuration
files (App.config / Web.config).
If created with the name of a configuration section, then all methods
aside from the description return ,
, or throw an exception. If created with an
, then the
will return a corresponding to parse.
Mark PollackRick Evans
Creates new instance of the
The actual XML configuration section.
If the supplied is .
Creates new instance of the
The name of the configuration section.
If the supplied is
or contains only whitespace character(s).
Returns the handle for this resource.
This implementation always returns .
Returns a handle for this resource.
This implementation always returns .
Returns a description for this resource (the name of the
configuration section in this case).
A description for this resource.
Does this resource actually exist in physical form?
This implementation always returns .
Return an for this resource.
An .
If the stream could not be opened.
Exposes the actual for the
configuration section.
Introduced to accomodate line info tracking during parsing.
A backed resource.
Supports resolution as both a and a
Also supports the use of the ~ character. If the ~ character
is the first character in a resource path (sans protocol), the ~
character will be replaced with the value of the
System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory property (an example of
this can be seen in the examples below).
Consider the example of an application that is running (has been launched
from) the C:\App\ directory. The following resource paths will map
to the following resources on the filesystem...
strings.txt C:\App\strings.txt
~/strings.txt C:\App\strings.txt
file://~/strings.txt C:\App\strings.txt
file://~/../strings.txt C:\strings.txt
../strings.txt C:\strings.txt
~/../strings.txt C:\strings.txt
// note that only a leading ~ character is resolved to the executing directory...
stri~ngs.txt C:\App\stri~ngs.txt
Juergen HoellerLeonardo Susatyo (.NET)Aleksandar Seovic (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the file system resource.
If the supplied is
or contains only whitespace character(s).
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the file system resource.
Supresses initialization of this instance. Used from derived classes.
If the supplied is
or contains only whitespace character(s).
Initializes this instance.
Resolves the handle
for the supplied .
The name of the file system resource.
The handle for this resource.
Resolves the root location for the supplied .
The name of the file system resource.
The root location of the resource.
Resolves the path for the supplied .
The name of the file system resource.
The current path of the resource.
Resolves the presence of the
in the supplied into a path.
The name of the resource.
The string that is a placeholder for a base path.
The name of the resource with any
value having been resolved into an actual path.
Does the supplied relative ?
The name of the resource to test.
if resource name is relative;
otherwise .
Returns the underlying handle for
this resource.
The handle for this resource.
Does this support relative
resource retrieval?
This implementation does support relative resource retrieval, and
so will always return .
if this
supports relative resource
Gets the root location of the resource (a drive or UNC file share
name in this case).
The root location of the resource.
Gets the current path of the resource.
The current path of the resource.
Gets those characters that are valid path separators for the
resource type.
Those characters that are valid path separators for the resource
Return an for this resource.
An .
If the stream could not be opened.
If the underlying file could not be found.
Returns a description for this resource.
A description for this resource.
Returns the handle for this resource.
The handle for this resource.
If the resource is not available or cannot be exposed as a
adapter implementation for a
Should only be used if no other
implementation is applicable.
In contrast to other
implementations, this is an adapter for an already opened
resource - the
therefore always returns . Do not use this class
if you need to keep the resource descriptor somewhere, or if you need
to read a stream multiple times.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The input to use.
Where the input comes from.
If the supplied is
The input to use.
If the underlying has already
been read.
Returns a description for this resource.
A description for this resource.
This implementation always returns true
This implemementation always returns true
Custom type converter for instances.
A resource path may contain placeholder variables of the form ${...}
that will be expended to environment variables.
Currently only supports conversion from a
On Win9x boxes, this resource path, ${userprofile}\objects.xml will
be expanded at runtime with the value of the 'userprofile' environment
variable substituted for the '${userprofile}' portion of the path.
// assuming a user called Rick, running on a plain vanilla Windows XP setup...
// this resource path...
// will become (after expansion)...
C:\Documents and Settings\Rick\objects.xml
Mark Pollack
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
class using the specified resourceLoader.
the underlying IResourceLoader to be used to resolve resources
Returns whether this converter can convert an object of one
to a
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a string value to a
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
An if successful.
If the resource name objectained form the supplied
is malformed.
In the case of any errors arising from the instantiation of the
returned instance.
Resolve the given path, replacing placeholder values with
corresponding property values if necessary.
This implementation resolves environment variables only.
The original resource path.
The resolved resource path.
Return the used to
resolve the string.
The used to resolve
the string.
Registry class that allows users to register and retrieve protocol handlers.
Resource handler is an implementation of interface
that should be used to process resources with the specified protocol.
They are used throughout the framework to access resources from various
sources. For example, application context loads object definitions from the resources
that are processed using one of the registered resource handlers.
Following resource handlers are registered by default:ProtocolHandler TypeDescriptionconfigResolves the resources by loading specified configuration section from the standard .NET config file.fileResolves filesystem resources.httpResolves remote web resources.httpsResolves remote web resources via HTTPS.ftpResolves ftp resources.assemblyResolves resources that are embedded into an assembly.webSpring.Core.IO.WebResource, Spring.Web*Resolves resources relative to the web application's virtual directory.
* only available in web applications.
Users can create and register their own protocol handlers by implementing interface
and mapping custom protocol name to that implementation. See for details
on how to register custom protocol handler.
Aleksandar Seovic
Name of the .Net config section that contains definitions
for custom resource handlers.
Registers standard and user-configured resource handlers.
Returns resource handler for the specified protocol name.
This method returns object that should be used
to create an instance of the -derived type by passing
resource location as a parameter.
Name of the protocol to get the handler for.
Resource handler constructor for the specified protocol name.If is null.
Returns true if a handler is registered for the specified protocol,
false otherwise.
Name of the protocol.
true if a handler is registered for the specified protocol, false otherwise.
If is null.
Registers resource handler and maps it to the specified protocol name.
If the mapping already exists, the existing mapping will be
silently overwritten with the new mapping.
The protocol to add (or override).
The type name of the concrete implementation of the
interface that will handle
the specified protocol.
If the supplied is
or contains only whitespace character(s); or
if the supplied is
If the supplied is not a
that derives from the
interface; or (having passed
this first check), the supplied
does not expose a constructor that takes a single
Registers resource handler and maps it to the specified protocol name.
If the mapping already exists, the existing mapping will be
silently overwritten with the new mapping.
The protocol to add (or override).
The concrete implementation of the
interface that will handle
the specified protocol.
If the supplied is
or contains only whitespace character(s); or
if the supplied is
If the supplied is not a
that derives from the
interface; or (having passed
this first check), the supplied
does not expose a constructor that takes a single
Allows to create any arbitrary Url format
A adapter implementation encapsulating a simple string.
Erich Eichinger
Creates a new instance of the class.
Creates a new instance of the class.
Creates a new instance of the class.
Get the to
for accessing this resource.
Returns a description for this resource.
A description for this resource.
This implementation always returns true
This implemementation always returns true
Gets the encoding used to create a byte stream of the string.
Gets the content encapsulated by this .
A backed resource
on top of
Obviously supports resolution as a , and also
as a in the case of the "file:"
Some examples of the strings that can be used to initialize a new
instance of the class
Juergen HoellerLeonardo Susatyo (.NET)Aleksandar Seovic (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Some examples of the values that the
can typically be expected to hold include...
A string representation of the resource.
Does the supplied relative ?
The name of the resource to test.
if resource name is relative;
otherwise .
Returns the instance
used for the resource resolution.
A instance.
Return an for this resource.
An .
If the stream could not be opened.
Returns the handle for this resource.
The handle for this resource.
If the resource is not available or cannot be exposed as a
Returns a handle for this resource.
The handle for this resource.
If the resource is not available on a filesystem.
Does this support relative
resource retrieval?
This implementation does support relative resource retrieval, and
so will always return .
if this
supports relative resource
Gets the root location of the resource.
The root location of the resource.
Gets the current path of the resource.
The current path of the resource.
Gets those characters that are valid path separators for the
resource type.
Those characters that are valid path separators for the resource
Returns a description for this resource.
A description for this resource.
Converts string representation of a credential for Web client authentication
into an instance of .
Find below some examples of the XML formatted strings that this
converter will sucessfully convert.
Bruno Baia
Can we convert from the sourcetype
to a instance ?
Currently only supports conversion from a instance.
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a value to an
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A instance if successful.
A custom for any
primitive numeric type such as ,
, , etc.
Can use a given for
(locale-specific) parsing and rendering.
This is not meant to be used as a system
but rather as a
locale-specific number converter within custom controller code, to
parse user-entered number strings into number properties of objects,
and render them in a UI form.
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The primitive numeric to convert to.
The to use for
(locale-specific) parsing and rendering
Is an empty string allowed to be converted? If
, an empty string value will be converted to
numeric 0.
Id the supplied is not a primitive
Returns whether this converter can convert an object of one
to a
Currently only supports conversion from a
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
if the conversion is possible.
Converts the specified object (a string) to the required primitive
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A primitive representation of the string value.
Converter for instances.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Returns whether this converter can convert an object of one
to a
Currently only supports conversion from a
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
True if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a string value to a instance.
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A if successful.
Custom implementation for
Handles conversion from an XML formatted string to a
(see below for an example of the expected XML format).
This converter must be registered before it will be available. Standard
converters in this namespace are automatically registered by the
Find below some examples of the XML formatted strings that this
converter will sucessfully convert. Note that the name of the top level
(document) element is quite arbitrary... it is only the content that
matters (and which must be in the format
<add key="..." value="..."/>. For your continued sanity
though, you may wish to standardize on the top level name of
'dictionary' (although you are of course free to not do so).
The following example uses a different top level (document) element
name, but is equivalent to the first example.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Returns whether this converter can convert an object of one
to a
Currently only supports conversion from an
XML formatted instance.
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
True if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a string value to a
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
if successful.
Converts string representation of a regular expression into an instance of .
Aleksandar Seovic
Can we convert from the sourcetype to a ?
Currently only supports conversion from a instance.
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a value to an
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A if successful.
Converts string representation of the registry key
into instance.
Aleksandar Seovic
Can we convert from a the sourcetype to a ?
Currently only supports conversion from a instance.
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a value to an
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A array if successful.
Generates partial registry key name.
Key elements.
Index of the last element to use.
Friendly key name containing key element from
0 to , inclusive.
Returns for the specified
root hive name.
Root hive name.
Registry key for the specified name.
Converts a two part string, (resource name, assembly name)
to a ResourceManager instance.
This constant represents the name of the folder/assembly containing global resources.
Creates a new instance of the
Returns whether this converter can convert an object of one
to a
Currently only supports conversion from a
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
True if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a string value to a
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
if successful.
If the specified does not denote a valid resource
Converter for from a comma separated
list of RBG values.
Please note that this class does not implement converting
to a comma separated list of RBG values from a
Federico Spinazzi
Returns whether this converter can convert an object of one
to a
Currently only supports conversion from a
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
if the conversion is possible.
Converts the specified object (a string) a
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture: currently ignored.
The value that is to be converted, in "R,G,B", "A,R,G,B", or
symbolic color name ().
A representation of the string value.
If the input string is not in a supported format, or is not one of the
predefined system colors ().
A custom for
runtime type references.
Currently only supports conversion to and from a
Rick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Returns whether this converter can convert an object of one
to the
of this converter.
Currently only supports conversion from a
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
True if the conversion is possible.
Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert to.
True if the conversion is possible.
Converts the given value to the type of this converter.
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
An that represents the converted value.
Converts the given value object to the specified type,
using the specified context and culture information.
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
The to convert the
parameter to.
An that represents the converted value.
Converter for to directly set a
Jurgen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Create a new StreamConverter using the default
Create a new StreamConverter using the given
The to use.
Returns whether this converter can convert an object of one
to a
Currently only supports conversion from a
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
True if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a string value to a instance.
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A if successful.
Converts a separated to a
Defaults to using the , (comma) as the list separator. Note that the value
of the current is
not used.
If you want to provide your own list separator, you can set the value of the
property to the value that you want. Please note that this value will be used
for all future conversions in preference to the default list separator.
Please note that the individual elements of a string will be passed
through as is (i.e. no conversion or trimming of surrounding
whitespace will be performed).
This should be
automatically registered with any
public class StringArrayConverterExample
public static void Main()
StringArrayConverter converter = new StringArrayConverter();
string csvWords = "This,Is,It";
string[] frankBoothWords = converter.ConvertFrom(csvWords);
// the 'frankBoothWords' array will have 3 elements, namely
// "This", "Is", "It".
// please note that extraneous whitespace is NOT trimmed off
// in the current implementation...
string csv = " Cogito ,ergo ,sum ";
string[] descartesWords = converter.ConvertFrom(csv);
// the 'descartesWords' array will have 3 elements, namely
// " Cogito ", "ergo ", "sum ".
// notice how the whitespace has NOT been trimmed.
Can we convert from a the sourcetype to a array?
Currently only supports conversion from a instance.
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a value to a
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A array if successful.
The value that will be used as the list separator when performing
A 'single' string character that will be used as the list separator
when performing conversions.
If the supplied value is not and is an empty
string, or has more than one character.
Converter for instances.
Bruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the
Convert from a string value to a instance.
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A if successful.
Utility methods that are used to convert objects from one type into another.
Aleksandar Seovic
Convert the value to the required (if necessary from a string).
The proposed change value.
The we must convert to.
Property name, used for error reporting purposes...
If there is an internal error.
The new value, possibly the result of type conversion.
Utility method to create a property change event.
The full name of the property that has changed.
The property old value
The property new value
A new .
Registry class that allows users to register and retrieve type converters.
Aleksandar Seovic
Name of the .Net config section that contains Spring.Net type aliases.
Registers standard and configured type converters.
Returns for the specified type.
Type to get the converter for.
a type converter for the specified type.If is null.
Registers for the specified type.
Type to register the converter for.
Type converter to register.
If either of arguments is null.
Registers for the specified type.
This is a convinience method that accepts the names of both
type to register converter for and the converter itself,
resolves them using , creates an
instance of type converter and calls overloaded
Type name of the type to register the converter for (can be a type alias).
Type name of the type converter to register (can be a type alias).
If either of arguments is null or empty string.
If either of arguments fails to resolve to a valid .
If type converter does not derive from or if it cannot be instantiated.
Converts between instances of and their string representations.
Erich Eichinger
Can we convert from the sourcetype to a ?
Currently only supports conversion from a instance.
A that provides a format context.
A that represents the you want to convert from.
if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a value to an instance.
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A if successful, otherwise.
The conversion cannot be performed.
Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type, using the specified context.
An that provides a format context.
A that represents the type you want to convert to.
true if this converter can perform the conversion; otherwise, false.
At the moment only conversion to string is supported.
Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the specified context and culture information.
An that represents the converted value.
A . If null is passed, the current culture is assumed.
An that provides a format context.
The to convert the value parameter to.
The to convert.
The conversion cannot be performed. The destinationType parameter is null.
Converter for instances.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Returns whether this converter can convert an object of one
to a
Currently only supports conversion from a
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
True if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a string value to a instance.
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A if successful.
Resolves (instantiates) a by it's (possibly
assembly qualified) name, and caches the
instance against the type name.
Rick EvansBruno BaiaErich Eichinger
Resolves a by name.
The rationale behind the creation of this interface is to centralise
the resolution of type names to instances
beyond that offered by the plain vanilla
method call.
Rick Evans
Resolves the supplied to a
The (possibly partially assembly qualified) name of a
A resolved instance.
If the supplied could not be resolved
to a .
The cache, mapping type names ( instances) against
Creates a new instance of the class.
The that this instance will delegate
actual resolution to if a
cannot be found in this instance's cache.
If the supplied is .
Resolves the supplied to a
The (possibly partially assembly qualified) name of a
A resolved instance.
If the supplied could not be resolved
to a .
Holder for the generic arguments when using type parameters.
Type parameters can be applied to classes, interfaces,
structures, methods, delegates, etc...
The generic arguments prefix.
The generic arguments suffix.
The generic arguments prefix.
The generic arguments suffix.
The character that separates a list of generic arguments.
Creates a new instance of the GenericArgumentsHolder class.
The string value to parse looking for a generic definition
and retrieving its generic arguments.
Returns the array declaration portion of the definition, e.g. "[,]"
Returns an array of unresolved generic arguments types.
A empty string represents a type parameter that
did not have been substituted by a specific type.
An array of strings that represents the unresolved generic
arguments types or an empty array if not generic.
The (unresolved) generic type name portion
of the original value when parsing a generic type.
The (unresolved) generic method name portion
of the original value when parsing a generic method.
Is the string value contains generic arguments ?
A generic argument can be a type parameter or a type argument.
Is generic arguments only contains type parameters ?
Is this an array type definition?
Resolves a generic by name.
Bruno Baia
Resolves a by name.
Rick EvansAleksandar SeovicBruno Baia
Resolves the supplied to a
The unresolved (possibly partially assembly qualified) name
of a .
A resolved instance.
If the supplied could not be resolved
to a .
to load an and then the attendant
referred to by the
deprecated in .NET 2.0, but is still used here (even when this class is
compiled for .NET 2.0);
still resolve (non-.NET Framework) local assemblies when given only the
display name of an assembly (the behaviour for .NET Framework assemblies
and strongly named assemblies is documented in the docs for the
The assembly and type to be loaded.
A , or .
to load the attendant referred to by
the parameter.
The type to be loaded.
A , or .
Creates a new instance
from the given
Creates a new instance
from the given with the given inner
Resolves the supplied generic to a
The unresolved (possibly generic) name of a .
A resolved instance.
If the supplied could not be resolved
to a .
Holds data about a and it's
attendant .
The string that separates a name
from the name of it's attendant
in an assembly qualified type name.
Creates a new instance of the TypeAssemblyHolder class.
The unresolved name of a .
The (unresolved) type name portion of the original type name.
The (unresolved, possibly partial) name of the attandant assembly.
Is the type name being resolved assembly qualified?
Provides access to a central registry of aliased s.
Simplifies configuration by allowing aliases to be used instead of
fully qualified type names.
Comes 'pre-loaded' with a number of convenience alias' for the more
common types; an example would be the 'int' (or 'Integer'
for Visual Basic.NET developers) alias for the
Aleksandar Seovic
Name of the .Net config section that contains Spring.Net type aliases.
The alias around the 'int' type.
The alias around the 'Integer' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'int[]' array type.
The alias around the 'Integer()' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'decimal' type.
The alias around the 'Decimal' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'decimal[]' array type.
The alias around the 'Decimal()' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'char' type.
The alias around the 'Char' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'char[]' array type.
The alias around the 'Char()' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'long' type.
The alias around the 'Long' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'long[]' array type.
The alias around the 'Long()' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'short' type.
The alias around the 'Short' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'short[]' array type.
The alias around the 'Short()' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'unsigned int' type.
The alias around the 'unsigned long' type.
The alias around the 'ulong[]' array type.
The alias around the 'uint[]' array type.
The alias around the 'unsigned short' type.
The alias around the 'ushort[]' array type.
The alias around the 'double' type.
The alias around the 'Double' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'double[]' array type.
The alias around the 'Double()' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'float' type.
The alias around the 'Single' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'float[]' array type.
The alias around the 'Single()' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'DateTime' type.
The alias around the 'DateTime' type (C# style).
The alias around the 'DateTime' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'DateTime[]' array type.
The alias around the 'DateTime[]' array type.
The alias around the 'DateTime()' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'bool' type.
The alias around the 'Boolean' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'bool[]' array type.
The alias around the 'Boolean()' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'string' type.
The alias around the 'string' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'string[]' array type.
The alias around the 'string[]' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'object' type.
The alias around the 'object' type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'object[]' array type.
The alias around the 'object[]' array type (Visual Basic.NET style).
The alias around the 'int?' type.
The alias around the 'int?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'decimal?' type.
The alias around the 'decimal?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'char?' type.
The alias around the 'char?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'long?' type.
The alias around the 'long?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'short?' type.
The alias around the 'short?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'unsigned int?' type.
The alias around the 'unsigned long?' type.
The alias around the 'ulong?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'uint?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'unsigned short?' type.
The alias around the 'ushort?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'double?' type.
The alias around the 'double?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'float?' type.
The alias around the 'float?[]' array type.
The alias around the 'bool?' type.
The alias around the 'bool?[]' array type.
Registers standard and user-configured type aliases.
Registers an alias for the specified .
This overload does eager resolution of the
referred to by the parameter. It will throw a
if the referred
to by the parameter cannot be resolved.
A string that will be used as an alias for the specified
The (possibly partially assembly qualified) name of the
to register the alias for.
If either of the supplied parameters is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
If the referred to by the supplied
cannot be loaded.
Registers short type name as an alias for
the supplied .
The to register.
If the supplied is .
Registers an alias for the supplied .
The alias for the supplied .
The to register the supplied under.
If the supplied is ; or if
the supplied is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
Resolves the supplied to a .
The alias to resolve.
The the supplied was
associated with, or if no
was previously registered for the supplied .
If the supplied is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
Returns a flag specifying whether TypeRegistry contains
specified alias or not.
Alias to check.
true if the specified type alias is registered,
false otherwise.
Helper methods with regard to type resolution.
Not intended to be used directly by applications.
Bruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the class.
This is a utility class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Resolves the supplied type name into a
If you require special resolution, do
not use this method, but rather instantiate
your own .
The (possibly partially assembly qualified) name of a
A resolved instance.
If the type cannot be resolved.
Resolves a string array of interface names to
a array.
An array of valid interface names. Each name must include the full
interface and assembly name.
An array of interface s.
If any of the interfaces can't be loaded.
If any of the s specified is not an interface.
If (or any of its elements ) is
Match a method against the given pattern.
the pattern to match against.
the method to match.
if the method matches the given pattern; otherwise .
If the supplied is invalid.
Exception thrown when the ObjectFactory cannot load the specified type of a given object.
Mark Pollack
Thrown on an unrecoverable problem encountered in the
objects namespace or sub-namespaces, e.g. bad class or field.
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
Superclass for all exceptions thrown in the Objects namespace and sub-namespaces.
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class. with the specified message.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class with the specified message
and root cause.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Creates a new instance of the FatalObjectException class.
Creates a new instance of the FatalObjectException class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the FatalObjectException class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the FatalObjectException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The resource description that the object definition came from.
Name of the object requested
Name of the object type.
The root cause.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
Gets he name of the object we are trying to load.
The name of the object.
Gets the name of the object type we are trying to load.
The name of the object type.
Gets the resource description that the object definition came from
The resource description.
A implementation that represents
a composed collection of instances.
The criteria for an arbitrary filter.
Rick Evans
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria
encapsulated by this instance?
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
if the supplied
satisfies the criteria encapsulated by this instance;
if not, or the supplied
is .
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
A user-defined (child) criteria that will be composed into this instance.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
The data to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
Adds the supplied into the criteria
composed within this instance.
The to be added.
The list of composing this
Factory class to conceal any default implementation.
Rod JohnsonSimon White (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
implementation provided by this factory.
A new instance of the
implementation provided by this factory.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can return information about
the current call stack.
Useful in AOP (as an expression of the AspectJ cflow concept) but not AOP-specific.
Rod JohnsonAleksandar Seovic (.Net)
Detects whether the caller is under the supplied ,
according to the current stacktrace.
The to look for.
if the caller is under the supplied .
Detects whether the caller is under the supplied
and , according to the current stacktrace.
The to look for.
The name of the method to look for.
if the caller is under the supplied
and .
Does the current stack trace contain the supplied ?
The token to match against.
if the current stack trace contains the supplied
Creates a new instance of the
Detects whether the caller is under the supplied ,
according to the current stacktrace.
Detects whether the caller is under the supplied
and , according to the current stacktrace.
Matches the whole method name.
Does the current stack trace contain the supplied ?
This leaves it up to the caller to decide what matches, but is obviously less of
an abstraction because the caller must know the exact format of the underlying
stack trace.
Provides methods to support various naming and other conventions used throughout the framework.
Mainly for internal use within the framework.
Rob HarropJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET) Convert Strings in attribute name format (lowercase, hyphens separating words)
into property name format (camel-cased). For example, transaction-manager is
converted into transactionManager.
Convenience class that exposes a signature that matches the
Useful when filtering members via the
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
Returns true if the supplied instance
satisfies the supplied (which must be an
The instance that will be checked to see if
it matches the supplied .
The criteria against which to filter the supplied
True if the supplied instance
satisfies the supplied (which must be an
implementation); false if not or the
supplied is not an
implementation or is null.
Interface that can be implemented by exceptions etc that are error coded.
The error code is a , rather than a number, so it can
be given user-readable values, such as "object.failureDescription".
Rod JohnsonAleksandar Seovic (.Net)
Return the error code associated with this failure.
The GUI can render this anyway it pleases, allowing for I18n etc.
The error code associated with this failure,
or the empty string instance if not error-coded.
Thrown in response to referring to an invalid property (most often via reflection).
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
The that is (or rather was) the source of the
offending property.
The name of the offending property.
Creates a new instance of the
The that is (or rather was) the source of the
offending property.
The name of the offending property.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the InvalidPropertyException class.
The that is (or rather was) the source of the
offending property.
The name of the offending property.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
The that is (or rather was) the source of the
offending property.
The name of the offending property.
Criteria that is satisfied if the of each of the
arguments matches each of the parameter s of a given
If no array is passed to the overloaded constructor,
any method that has no parameters will satisfy an instance of this
class. The same effect could be achieved by passing the
array to the overloaded constructor.
Rick EvansBruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
If the supplied array is null, then this
constructor uses the array.
The array that this criteria will use to
check parameter s.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
This implementation respects the inheritance chain of any parameter
s... i.e. methods that have a base type (or
interface) that is assignable to the in the
same corresponding index of the parameter types will satisfy this
criteria instance.
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
Criteria that is satisfied if the number of generic arguments to a given
matches an arbitrary number.
This class supports checking the generic arguments count of both
generic methods and constructors.
Bruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the
This constructor sets the
property to zero (0).
Creates a new instance of the
The number of generic arguments that a
must have to satisfy this criteria.
If the supplied is less
than zero.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
The number of generic arguments that a
must have to satisfy this criteria.
If the supplied value is less than zero.
Thrown when a method (typically a property getter or setter invoked via reflection)
throws an exception, analogous to a .
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
Superclass for exceptions related to a property access, such as a
mismatch or a target invocation exception.
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
Create a new instance of the PropertyAccessException class.
A message about the exception.
Describes the change attempted on the property.
Create a new instance of the PropertyAccessException class.
A message about the exception.
Describes the change attempted on the property.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the PropertyAccessException class.
Creates a new instance of the PropertyAccessException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the PropertyAccessExceptionsException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the PropertyAccessExceptionsException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Returns the PropertyChangeEventArgs that resulted in the problem.
The string error code used to classify the error.
Creates a new instance of the MethodInvocationException class.
Creates a new instance of the MethodInvocationException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the MethodInvocationException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Constructor to use when an exception results from a
The raised by the invoked property.
The that
resulted in an exception.
Creates a new instance of the MethodInvocationException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
The error code string for this exception.
Criteria that is satisfied if the method Name of an
instance matches a
supplied string pattern.
Supports the following simple pattern styles:
"xxx*", "*xxx" and "*xxx*" matches, as well as direct equality.
Bruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the
This constructor sets the
property to * (any method name).
Creates a new instance of the
The pattern that names
must match against in order to satisfy this criteria.
If the supplied is null or resolve to an empty string.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
The number of parameters that a
must have to satisfy this criteria.
If the supplied value is null or resolve to an empty string.
Helper class that encapsulates the specification of a method parameter, i.e.
a MethodInfo or ConstructorInfo plus a parameter index.
Useful as a specification object to pass along.
Juergen HoellerRob HarropMark Pollack (.NET)
Initializes a new instance of the class for the given
The MethodInfo to specify a parameter for.
Index of the parameter.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The ConstructorInfo to specify a parameter for.
Index of the parameter.
Create a new MethodParameter for the given method or donstructor.
This is a convenience constructor for scenarios where a
Method or Constructor reference is treated in a generic fashion.
The method or constructor to specify a parameter for.
Index of the parameter.
the corresponding MethodParameter instance
Parameters the name of the method/constructor parameter.
the parameter name.
Gets the type of the method/constructor parameter.
The type of the parameter. (never null)
Gets the wrapped MethodInfo, if any. Note Either MethodInfo or ConstructorInfo is available.
The MethodInfo, or null if none.
Gets wrapped ConstructorInfo, if any. Note Either MethodInfo or ConstructorInfo is available.
The ConstructorInfo, or null if none
Criteria that is satisfied if the number of parameters to a given
matches an arbitrary number.
This class supports checking the parameter count of both methods and
Default parameters, etc need to taken into account.
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
This constructor sets the
property to zero (0).
Creates a new instance of the
The number of parameters that a
must have to satisfy this criteria.
If the supplied is less
than zero.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
The number of parameters that a
must have to satisfy this criteria.
If the supplied value is less than zero.
Criteria that is satisfied if the of each of the
parameters of a given matches each
of the parameter s of a given
If no array is passed to the overloaded constructor,
any method that has no parameters will satisfy an instance of this
class. The same effect could be achieved by passing the
array to the overloaded constructor.
Rick EvansBruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
If the supplied array is null, then this
constructor uses the array.
The array that this criteria will use to
check parameter s.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
Criteria that is satisfied if the return of a given
matches a given .
Rick Evans
The return to match against if no
is provided explictly.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The that the return type of a given
must match in order to satisfy
this criteria.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
The that the return type of a given
must match in order to satisfy
this criteria.
Thrown in response to a failed attempt to read a property.
Typically thrown when attempting to read the value of a write-only
property via reflection.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
The that is (or rather was) the source of the
offending property.
The name of the offending property.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Thrown in response to a failed attempt to write a property.
Mark Pollack (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the NotWritablePropertyException class.
Creates a new instance of the NotWritablePropertyException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the NotWritablePropertyException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the NotWritablePropertyException class.
The that is (or rather was) the source of the
offending property.
The name of the offending property.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the NotWritablePropertyException class
summarizing what property was not writable.
The name of the property that is not writable.
The in which the property is not writable.
Creates new NotWritablePropertyException with a root cause.
The name of the property that is not writable.
The in which the property is not writable.
The root cause indicating why the property was not writable.
Creates a new instance of the NotWritablePropertyException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Thrown in response to encountering a value
when traversing a nested path expression.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
The of the object where the property was not found.
The name of the property not found.
Creates a new instance of the
The of the object where the property was not found.
The name of the property not found.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
The name of the offending property.
The of the class where the property was last looked for.
Comparator implementation for objects, sorting by
order value ascending (resp. by priority descending).
Non- objects are treated as greatest order values,
thus ending up at the end of a list, in arbitrary order (just like same order values of
Juergen HoellerAleksandar Seovic (.Net)
Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than,
equal to or greater than the other.
Uses direct evaluation instead of
to avoid unnecessary boxing.
The first object to compare.
The second object to compare.
-1 if first object is less then second, 1 if it is greater, or 0 if they are equal.
Handle the case when both objects have equal sort order priority. By default returns 0,
but may be overriden for handling special cases.
The first object to compare.
The second object to compare.
-1 if first object is less then second, 1 if it is greater, or 0 if they are equal.
Provides additional data for the PropertyChanged event.
Provides some additional properties over and above the name of the
property that has changed (which is inherited from the
base class).
This allows calling code to determine whether or not a property has
actually changed (i.e. a PropertyChanged event may have been
raised, but the value itself may be equivalent).
Create a new instance of the
The name of the property that was changed.
The old value of the property.
the new value of the property.
Get the old value for the property.
Get the new value of the property.
A base class for all
implementations that are regular expression based.
Rick Evans
The default pattern... matches absolutely anything.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The regular expression pattern to be applied.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
Convenience method that calls the
on the supplied .
The input to match against.
True if the matches.
The regular expression pattern to be applied.
The regular expression options to be applied.
The regular expression to be applied.
Criteria that is satisfied if the Name property of an
instance matches a
supplied regular expression pattern.
Rick Evans
The default event name pattern... matches pretty much any event name.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The pattern that names
must match against in order to satisfy this criteria.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
Criteria that is satisfied if the Name property of an
instance matches a
supplied regular expression pattern.
Rick Evans
The default method name pattern... matches pretty much any method name.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The pattern that names
must match against in order to satisfy this criteria.
Does the supplied satisfy the criteria encapsulated by
this instance?
The datum to be checked by this criteria instance.
True if the supplied satisfies the criteria encapsulated
by this instance; false if not or the supplied is null.
Exception thrown on a mismatch when trying to set a property
or resolve an argument to a method invocation.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the TypeMismatchException class.
Creates a new instance of the TypeMismatchException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the TypeMismatchException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the TypeMismatchException class describing the
property and required type that could not used to set a property on the target object.
The description of the property that was to be changed.
The target conversion type.
Creates a new instance of the TypeMismatchException class describing the
property, required type, and underlying exception that could not be used
to set a property on the target object.
The description of the property that was to be changed.
The target conversion type.
The underlying exception.
Creates a new instance of the TypeMismatchException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
The string error code used to classify the exception.
Abstract base class for implementations.
Aleksandar Seovic
An interface that defines the methods that have to be implemented by all data bindings.
Aleksandar Seovic
Binds source object to target object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Binds source object to target object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Binds target object to source object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Binds target object to source object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Sets error message that should be displayed in the case
of a non-fatal binding error.
Resource ID of the error message.
List of error providers message should be added to.
The name of the always filled error provider
Gets or sets a flag specifying whether this binding is valid.
true if this binding evaluated without errors;
false otherwise.
Marks this binding's state as invalid for this validationErrors collection.
Returns false if is null.
false, if validationErrors is null
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Binds source object to target object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Binds target object to source object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Binds source object to target object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Binds target object to source object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Sets error message that should be displayed in the case
of a non-fatal binding error.
Resource ID of the error message.
List of error providers message should be added to.
Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false.
The to compare with the current . 2
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
A hash code for the current .
Gets the unique ID of this binding instance.
Gets or sets the .
The binding direction.
Gets the error message.
The error message.
Gets the error providers.
Abstract base class for simple, one-to-one implementations.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initialize a new instance of without any
Initialize a new instance of with the
specified .
Binds source object to target object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Concrete implementation if source to target binding.
The source object.
The target object.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Binds target object to source object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Concrete implementation of target to source binding.
The source object.
The target object.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Gets the source value for the binding.
Source object to extract value from.
Variables for expression evaluation.
The source value for the binding.
Sets the source value for the binding.
The source object to set the value on.
The value to set.
Variables for expression evaluation.
Gets the target value for the binding.
Source object to extract value from.
Variables for expression evaluation.
The target value for the binding.
Sets the target value for the binding.
The target object to set the value on.
The value to set.
Variables for expression evaluation.
Gets or sets the to use.
The formatter to use.
Base implementation of the .
Aleksandar Seovic
An interface that has to be implemented by all data binding containers.
Aleksandar Seovic
Adds the binding.
Binding definition to add.
Added instance.
Adds the binding with a default
binding direction of .
This is a convinience method for adding SimpleExpressionBinding,
one of the most often used binding types, to the bindings list.
The source expression.
The target expression.
Added instance.
Adds the binding.
This is a convinience method for adding SimpleExpressionBinding,
one of the most often used binding types, to the bindings list.
The source expression.
The target expression.
Binding direction.
Added instance.
Adds the binding with a default
binding direction of .
This is a convinience method for adding SimpleExpressionBinding,
one of the most often used binding types, to the bindings list.
The source expression.
The target expression.
to use for value formatting and parsing.
Added instance.
Adds the binding.
This is a convinience method for adding SimpleExpressionBinding,
one of the most often used binding types, to the bindings list.
The source expression.
The target expression.
Binding direction.
to use for value formatting and parsing.
Added instance.
Gets a value indicating whether this data binding container
has bindings.
true if this data binding container has bindings;
false otherwise.
Creates a new instance of .
Adds the binding.
Binding definition to add.
Added instance.
Adds the binding with a default
binding direction of .
The source expression.
The target expression.
Added instance.
Adds the binding.
The source expression.
The target expression.
Binding direction.
Added instance.
Adds the binding with a default
binding direction of .
The source expression.
The target expression.
to use for value formatting and parsing.
Added instance.
Adds the binding.
The source expression.
The target expression.
Binding direction.
to use for value formatting and parsing.
Added instance.
Binds source object to target object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Binds source object to target object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Binds target object to source object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Binds target object to source object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Implemented as a NOOP for containers.
of a non-fatal binding error.
Resource ID of the error message.
List of error providers message should be added to.
Gets a list of bindings for this container.
A list of bindings for this container.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has bindings.
true if this instance has bindings; otherwise, false.
BaseBindingManager keeps track of all registered bindings and
represents an entry point for the binding and unbinding process.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Enumeration that defines possible values for data binding direction.
Aleksandar Seovic
Specifies that value from the control property should be bound to a data model.
Specifies that value from the data model should be bound to control property.
Specifies that binding is bidirectional.
Represents an ErrorMessage specific to a binding instance.
Erich Eichinger
Represents a single validation error message.
Aleksandar SeovicGoran Milosavljevic
Default constructor.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Error message resource identifier.
Parameters that should be used for message resolution.
Initializes a new instance of the class copying values from another instance.
Another Error message instance to copy values from.
This property is reserved, apply the
to the class instead.
that describes the XML representation of the object that
is produced by the
method and consumed by the
Generates an object from its XML representation.
The stream
from which the object is deserialized.
Converts an object into its XML representation.
The stream
to which the object is serialized.
Resolves the message against specified .
Message source to resolve this error message against.
Resolved error message.
Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false.
The to compare with the current . 2
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
A hash code for the current .
Gets or sets the resource identifier for this message.
The resource identifier for this message.
Gets or sets the message parameters.
The message parameters.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
the id of the binding this error message is associated with
the message id
optional parameters to this message
Generates an object from its XML representation.
The stream
from which the object is deserialized.
Converts an object into its XML representation.
The stream
to which the object is serialized.
Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false.
The to compare with the current . 2
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
A hash code for the current .
Get the ID of the binding this message instance relates to.
Interface that should be implemented by data bound objects, such as
web pages, user controls, windows forms, etc.
Aleksandar Seovic
Gets the binding manager.
The binding manager. implementation that allows
data binding between collections that implement
Aleksandar Seovic
Binds source object to target object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Binds target object to source object.
The source object.
The target object.
Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to.
Variables that should be used during expression evaluation.
Simple, expression-based implementation of that
binds source to target one-to-one.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The source expression.
The target expression.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The source expression.
The target expression.
The formatter to use.
Gets the source value for the binding.
Source object to extract value from.
Variables for expression evaluation.
The source value for the binding.
Sets the source value for the binding.
The source object to set the value on.
The value to set.
Variables for expression evaluation.
Gets the target value for the binding.
Source object to extract value from.
Variables for expression evaluation.
The target value for the binding.
Sets the target value for the binding.
The target object to set the value on.
The value to set.
Variables for expression evaluation.
Gets the source expression.
The source expression.
Gets the target expression.
The target expression.
Implementation of the average aggregator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Defines an interface that should be implemented
by all collection processors and aggregators.
Processes a list of source items and returns a result.
The source list to process.
An optional processor arguments array.
The processing result.
Returns the average of the numeric values in the source collection.
The source collection to process.
The average of the numeric values in the source collection.
Converts all elements in the input list to a given target type.
Erich Eichinger
Processes a list of source items and returns a result.
The source list to process.
An optional processor arguments array.
The processing result.
Implementation of the count aggregator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Returns the number of items in the source collection.
The source collection to process.
The number of items in the source collection,
or zero if the collection is empty or null.
Implementation of the distinct processor.
Aleksandar Seovic
Returns distinct items from the collection.
The source collection to process.
0: boolean flag specifying whether to include null
in the results or not. Default is false, which means that
null values will not be included in the results.
A collection containing distinct source collection elements.
If there is more than one argument, or if the single optional argument
is not Boolean.
Implementation of the maximum aggregator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Returns the largest item in the source collection.
The source collection to process.
The largest item in the source collection.
Implementation of the minimum aggregator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Returns the smallest item in the source collection.
The source collection to process.
The smallest item in the source collection.
Implementation of the non-null processor.
Aleksandar Seovic
Returns non-null items from the collection.
The source collection to process.
A collection containing non-null source collection elements.
Implementation of the 'order by' processor.
Aleksandar SeovicErich Eichinger
Sorts the source collection using custom sort criteria.
Please note that your compare function needs to take care about
proper conversion of types to be comparable!
The source collection to sort.
Sort criteria to use.
A sorted array containing collection elements.
Reverts order of elements in the list
Erich Eichinger
Processes a list of source items and returns a result.
The source list to process.
An optional processor arguments array.
The processing result.
Implementation of the sort processor.
Aleksandar Seovic
Sorts the source collection.
Please not that this processor requires that collection elements
are of a uniform type and that they implement
If you want to perform custom sorting based on element properties
you should consider using instead.
The source collection to sort.
An array containing sorted collection elements.
If collection is not empty and it is
neither nor .
Implementation of the sum aggregator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Returns the sum of the numeric values in the source collection.
The source collection to process.
The sum of the numeric values in the source collection.
Represents parsed method node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Base type for nodes that accept arguments.
Aleksandar Seovic
Base type for all expression nodes.
Aleksandar Seovic
For internal purposes only. Use for expression node implementations.
This class is only required to enable serialization of parsed Spring expressions since antlr.CommonAST
unfortunately is not marked as [Serializable].
Note:Since SpringAST implements , deriving classes
have to explicitely override if they need to persist additional
data during serialization.
The global SpringAST node factory
Create an instance
Create an instance from a token
initialize this instance from an AST
initialize this instance from an IToken
initialize this instance from a token type number and a text
sets the text of this node
gets the text of this node
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
populate SerializationInfo from this instance
gets or sets the token type of this node
gets or sets the text of this node
Interface that all navigation expression nodes have to implement.
Aleksandar Seovic
Returns expression value.
Value of the expression.
Returns expression value.
Object to evaluate expression against.
Value of the expression.
Returns expression value.
Object to evaluate expression against.
Expression variables map.
Value of the expression.
Sets expression value.
Object to evaluate expression against.
New value for the last node of the expression.
Sets expression value.
Object to evaluate expression against.
Expression variables map.
New value for the last node of the expression.
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns node's value.
Node's value.
Returns node's value for the given context.
Object to evaluate node against.
Node's value.
Returns node's value for the given context.
Object to evaluate node against.
Expression variables map.
Node's value.
This is the entrypoint into evaluating this expression.
Called internally during expression evaluation
Object to evaluate node against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Returns node's value for the given context.
Node's value.
Sets node's value for the given context.
Object to evaluate node against.
New value for this node.
Sets node's value for the given context.
Object to evaluate node against.
Expression variables map.
New value for this node.
This is the entrypoint into evaluating this expression.
Called internally during expression evaluation.
Sets node's value for the given context.
This is a default implementation of Set method, which
simply throws .
This was done in order to avoid redundant Set method implementations,
because most of the node types do not support value setting.
Returns a string representation of this node instance.
Holds the state during evaluating an expression.
Gets/Sets the root context of the current evaluation
Gets/Sets the current context of the current evaluation
Gets/Sets global variables of the current evaluation
Gets/Sets local variables of the current evaluation
Initializes a new EvaluationContext instance.
The root context for this evaluation
dictionary of global variables used during this evaluation
Switches current ThisContext.
Switches current LocalVariables.
Gets the type of the
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Initializes the node.
Asserts the argument count.
The required count.
Resolves the arguments.
Current expression evaluation context.
An array of argument values
Resolves the named arguments.
Current expression evaluation context.
A dictionary of argument name to value mappings.
Resolves the argument.
Argument position.
Current expression evaluation context.
Resolved argument value.
Resolves the named argument.
Argument name.
Current expression evaluation context.
Resolved named argument value.
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Creates new instance of the type defined by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed assignment node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Assigns value of the right operand to the left one.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed attribute node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Represents parsed method node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Creates new instance of the type defined by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Determines the type of object that should be instantiated.
The type name to resolve.
The type of object that should be instantiated.
If the type cannot be resolved.
Initializes this node by caching necessary constructor and property info.
Sets the named arguments (properties).
Instance to set property values on.
Argument (property) name to value mappings.
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Tries to determine attribute type based on the specified
attribute type name.
Attribute type name to resolve.
Resolved attribute type.
If type cannot be resolved.
Base class for unary operators.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Gets the left operand.
The left operand.
Gets the right operand.
The right operand.
Represents parsed boolean literal node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the boolean literal node.
This is the entrypoint into evaluating this expression.
Node's value.
Represents parsed node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns node's value for the given context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed default node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns left operand if it is not null, or the right operand if it is.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Container object for the parsed expression.
Preparing this object once and reusing it many times for expression
evaluation can result in significant performance improvements, as
expression parsing and reflection lookups are only performed once.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class
by parsing specified expression string.
Expression to parse.
Registers lambda expression under the specified .
Function name to register expression as.
Lambda expression to register.
Variables dictionary that the function will be registered in.
Initializes a new instance of the class
by parsing specified primary expression string.
Primary expression to parse.
Initializes a new instance of the class
by parsing specified property expression string.
Property expression to parse.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Evaluates this expression for the specified root object and returns
value of the last node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Value of the last node.
Evaluates this expression for the specified root object and sets
value of the last node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Value to set last node to.
If navigation expression is empty.
Evaluates this expression for the specified root object and returns
of the last node, if possible.
Context to evaluate expression against.
Expression variables map.
Value of the last node.
Contains a list of reserved variable names.
You must not use any variable names with the reserved prefix!
Variable Names using this prefix are reserved for internal framework use
variable name of the currently processed object factory, if any
Converts string representation of expression into an instance of .
Aleksandar Seovic
Can we convert from a the sourcetype to a ?
Currently only supports conversion from a instance.
that provides a format context.
A that represents the
you want to convert from.
if the conversion is possible.
Convert from a value to an
that provides a format context.
The to use
as the current culture.
The value that is to be converted.
A array if successful.
Utility class that enables easy expression evaluation.
This class allows users to get or set properties, execute methods, and evaluate
logical and arithmetic expressions.
Methods in this class parse expression on every invocation.
If you plan to reuse the same expression many times, you should prepare
the expression once using the static method,
and then call to evaluate it.
This can result in significant performance improvements as it avoids expression
parsing and node resolution every time it is called.
Aleksandar Seovic
Parses and evaluates specified expression.
Root object.
Expression to evaluate.
Value of the last node in the expression.
Parses and evaluates specified expression.
Root object.
Expression to evaluate.
Expression variables map.
Value of the last node in the expression.
Parses and specified expression and sets the value of the
last node to the value of the newValue parameter.
Root object.
Expression to evaluate.
Value to set last node to.
Parses and specified expression and sets the value of the
last node to the value of the newValue parameter.
Root object.
Expression to evaluate.
Expression variables map.
Value to set last node to.
Represents parsed expression list node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a result of the last expression in a list.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Result of the last expression in a list
Represents parsed function node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Evaluates function represented by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Result of the function evaluation.
Represents parsed hexadecimal integer literal node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the hexadecimal integer literal node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed indexer node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns node's value for the given context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Sets node's value for the given context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
New value for this node.
Utility method that is needed by ObjectWrapper and AbstractAutowireCapableObjectFactory.
Context to resolve property against.
Expression variables map.
PropertyInfo for this node.
Represents parsed integer literal node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the integer literal node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents lambda expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
caches argumentNames of this instance
caches body expression of this lambda function
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Assigns value of the right operand to the left one.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Returns Lambda Expression's value for the given context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
A dictionary containing argument map for this lambda expression.
Node's value.
Gets argument names for this lambda expression.
Represents parsed list initializer node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Creates new instance of the list defined by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents local function node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Evaluates function represented by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Result of the function evaluation.
Represents parsed variable node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns value of the local variable represented by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Sets value of the local variable represented by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
New value for this node.
Represents parsed map entry node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates a new instance of .
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Creates new instance of the map entry defined by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed map initializer node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates a new instance of .
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Creates new instance of the map defined by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed method node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Static constructor. Initializes a map of special collection processor methods.
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns node's value for the given context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Gets the best method given the name, argument values, for a given type.
The type on which to search for the method.
Name of the method.
The binding flags.
The arg values.
Best matching method or null if none found.
Represents parsed named argument node in the expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns the value of the named argument defined by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed null literal node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the null literal node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents arithmetic addition operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the arithmetic addition operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical AND operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical AND operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical BETWEEN operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical IN operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
true if the left operand is contained within the right operand, false otherwise.
Represents arithmetic division operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the arithmetic division operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical equality operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical equality operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical "greater than" operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical "greater than" operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical "greater than or equal" operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical "greater than or equal" operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical IN operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical IN operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
true if the left operand is contained within the right operand, false otherwise.
Represents logical IS operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical IS operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
true if the left operand is contained within the right operand, false otherwise.
Represents logical "less than" operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical "less than" operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical "less than or equal" operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical "less than or equal" operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents VB-style logical LIKE operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical LIKE operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
true if the left operand matches the right operand, false otherwise.
Represents logical MATCHES operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical MATCHES operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
true if the left operand matches the right operand, false otherwise.
Represents arithmetic modulus operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the arithmetic modulus operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents arithmetic multiplication operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the arithmetic multiplication operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical NOT operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Base class for unary operators.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Gets the operand.
The operand.
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical NOT operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical inequality operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical inequality operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents logical OR operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the logical OR operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents arithmetic exponent operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the arithmetic exponent operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents arithmetic subtraction operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the arithmetic subtraction operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents unary minus operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the unary plus operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents unary plus operator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the unary plus operator node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed projection node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a containing results of evaluation
of projection expression against each node in the context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents node that navigates to object's property or public field.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Initializes the node.
The parent.
Attempts to resolve property or field.
Type to search for a property or a field.
Property or field name.
Binding flags to use.
Resolved property or field accessor, or null
if specified cannot be resolved.
Returns node's value for the given context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Sets node's value for the given context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
New value for this node.
Retrieves property or field value.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Property or field value.
Sets property value, doing any type conversions that are necessary along the way.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
New value for this node.
Sets property or field value using either dynamic or standard reflection.
Object to evaluate node against.
New value for this node, converted to appropriate type.
In the case of read only collections or custom collections that are not assignable from
IList, try to add to the collection.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
New value for this node.
true if was able add to IList, IDictionary, or ISet
Utility method that is needed by ObjectWrapper and AbstractAutowireCapableObjectFactory.
We try as hard as we can, but there are instances when we won't be able to obtain PropertyInfo...
Context to resolve property against.
PropertyInfo for this node.
Gets a value indicating whether this node represents a property.
true if this node is a property; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether this node represents a field.
true if this node is a field; otherwise, false.
Represents parsed named argument node in the expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns the value of the named argument defined by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Overrides getText to allow easy way to get fully
qualified identifier.
Fully qualified identifier as a string.
Represents parsed real literal node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the real literal node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents a reference to a Spring-managed object.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the integer literal node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed selection node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns the first context item that matches selection expression.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed selection node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns the last context item that matches selection expression.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed selection node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a containing results of evaluation
of selection expression against each node in the context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed string literal node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the string literal node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Exception thrown when detecting invalid SpEL syntax
Erich Eichinger
Gets a message that provides details on the syntax error.
The expression that caused the error
Represents ternary expression node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns a value for the string literal node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Represents parsed type node in the navigation expression.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns node's value for the given context.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Overrides getText to allow easy way to get fully
qualified typename.
Fully qualified typename as a string.
Represents parsed variable node.
Aleksandar Seovic
Create a new instance
Create a new instance from SerializationInfo
Returns value of the variable represented by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
Node's value.
Sets value of the variable represented by this node.
Context to evaluate expressions against.
Current expression evaluation context.
New value for this node.
Implementation of that can be used to
format and parse boolean values.
Erich Eichinger
Interface that should be implemented by all formatters.
Formatters assume that source value is a string, and make no assumptions
about the target value's type, which means that Parse method can return
object of any type.
Aleksandar Seovic
Formats the specified value.
The value to format.
Formatted .
Parses the specified value.
The value to parse.
Parsed .
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default values
Initializes a new instance of the class
Formats the specified boolean value.
The value to format.
Formatted boolean value.If is null.If is not of type .
Parses the specified boolean value according to settings of and
The boolean value to parse.
Parsed boolean value as a .If does not match or .
Set/Get value to control casesensitivity of
Defaults to true
Set/Get value to recognize as boolean "true" value
Defaults to
Set/Get value to recognize as boolean "false" value
Defaults to
Implementation of that can be used to
format and parse currency values.
CurrencyFormatter uses currency related properties of the
to format and parse currency values.
If you use one of the constructors that accept culture as a parameter
to create an instance of CurrencyFormatter, default NumberFormatInfo
for the specified culture will be used.
You can also use properties exposed by the CurrencyFormatter in order
to override some of the default currency formatting parameters.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the current thread's culture.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the specified culture.
The culture name.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the specified culture.
The culture.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using specified .
The instance that defines how
currency values are formatted.
Formats the specified currency value.
The value to format.
Formatted currency .If is null.If is not a number.
Parses the specified currency value.
The currency value to parse.
Parsed currency value as a .
Gets or sets the currency decimal digits.
The currency decimal digits.
Gets or sets the currency decimal separator.
The currency decimal separator.
Gets or sets the currency group sizes.
The currency group sizes.
Gets or sets the currency group separator.
The currency group separator.
Gets or sets the currency symbol.
The currency symbol.
Gets or sets the currency negative pattern.
The currency negative pattern.
Gets or sets the currency positive pattern.
The currency positive pattern.
Implementation of that can be used to
format and parse values.
DateTimeFormatter uses properties of the
to format and parse values.
If you use one of the constructors that accept culture as a parameter
to create an instance of DateTimeFormatter, default DateTimeFormatInfo
for the specified culture will be used.
You can also use properties exposed by the DateTimeFormatter in order
to override some of the default formatting parameters.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the current thread's culture.
Date/time format string.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the specified culture.
Date/time format string.
The culture name.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the specified culture.
Date/time format string.
The culture.
Formats the specified value.
The value to format.
Formatted value.If is null.If is not an instance of .
Parses the specified value.
The string to parse.
Parsed value.
Provides base functionality for filtering values before they actually get parsed/formatted.
Erich Eichinger
Creates a new instance of this FilteringFormatter.
an optional underlying formatter
If no underlying formatter is specified, the values
get passed through "as-is" after being filtered
Parses the specified value.
The value to parse.
Parsed .
Formats the specified value.
The value to format.
Formatted .
Allows to rewrite a value before it gets parsed by the underlying formatter
Allows to change a value before it gets formatted by the underlying formatter
Implementation of that can be used to
format and parse floating point numbers.
This formatter allows you to format and parse numbers that conform
to number style (leading and trailing
white space, leading sign, decimal point, exponent).
Aleksandar Seovic
Default format string.
Initializes a new instance of the class,
using default format string of '{0:F}' and current thread's culture.
Initializes a new instance of the class,
using specified format string and current thread's culture.
The format string.
Initializes a new instance of the class,
using default format string of '{0:F}' and specified culture.
The culture.
Initializes a new instance of the class,
using specified format string and current thread's culture.
The format string.
The culture name.
Initializes a new instance of the class,
using specified format string and culture.
The format string.
The culture.
Formats the specified float value.
The value to format.
Formatted floating point number.If is null.If is not a number.
Parses the specified float value.
The float value to parse.
Parsed float value as a .
Replaces input strings with a given default value,
if they are null or contain whitespaces only,
Erich Eichinger
Creates a new instance of this HasTextFilteringFormatter using null as default value.
an optional underlying formatter
If no underlying formatter is specified, the values
get passed through "as-is" after being filtered
Creates a new instance of this HasTextFilteringFormatter.
the default value to be returned, if input text doesn't contain text
an optional underlying formatter
If no underlying formatter is specified, the values
get passed through "as-is" after being filtered
If value contains no text, it will be replaced by a defaultValue.
Implementation of that can be used to
format and parse integer numbers.
This formatter allows you to format and parse numbers that conform
to number style (leading and trailing
white space, leading sign).
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class,
using default format string of '{0:D}'.
Initializes a new instance of the class,
using specified format string.
Formats the specified integer value.
The value to format.
Formatted integer number.If is null.If is not an integer number.
Parses the specified integer value.
The integer value to parse.
Parsed number value as a .
Implementation of that simply calls .
This formatter is a no-operation implementation.
Erich Eichinger
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Converts the passed value to a string by calling .
The value to convert.
to string converted value.
Returns the passed string "as is".
The value to return.
The value passed into this method.
Implementation of that can be used to
format and parse numbers.
NumberFormatter uses number-related properties of the
to format and parse numbers.
This formatter works with both integer and decimal numbers and allows
you to format and parse numbers that conform to
number style (leading and trailing white space and/or sign, thousands separator,
decimal point)
If you use one of the constructors that accept culture as a parameter
to create an instance of NumberFormatter, default NumberFormatInfo
for the specified culture will be used.
You can also use properties exposed by the NumberFormatter in order
to override some of the default number formatting parameters.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the current thread's culture.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the specified culture.
The culture name.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the specified culture.
The culture.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using specified .
The instance that defines how
numbers are formatted and parsed.
Formats the specified number value.
The value to format.
Formatted number .If is null.If is not a number.
Parses the specified number value.
The number value to parse.
Parsed number value as a .
Gets or sets the number of decimal digits.
The number of decimal digits.
Gets or sets the decimal separator.
The decimal separator.
Gets or sets the number group sizes.
The number group sizes.
Gets or sets the number group separator.
The number group separator.
Gets or sets the negative pattern.
The number negative pattern.
Implementation of that can be used to
format and parse numbers.
PercentFormatter uses percent-related properties of the
to format and parse percentages.
If you use one of the constructors that accept culture as a parameter
to create an instance of PercentFormatter, default NumberFormatInfo
for the specified culture will be used.
You can also use properties exposed by the PercentFormatter in order
to override some of the default number formatting parameters.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the current thread's culture.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the specified culture.
The culture name.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using default for the specified culture.
The culture.
Initializes a new instance of the class
using specified .
The instance that defines how
numbers are formatted and parsed.
Formats the specified percentage value.
The value to format.
Formatted percentage.If is null.If is not a number.
Parses the specified percentage value.
The percentage value to parse.
Parsed percentage value as a .
Gets or sets the number of decimal digits.
The number of decimal digits.
Gets or sets the decimal separator.
The decimal separator.
Gets or sets the percent group sizes.
The percent group sizes.
Gets or sets the percent group separator.
The percent group separator.
Gets or sets the negative pattern.
The percent negative pattern.
Gets or sets the positive pattern.
The percent positive pattern.
Gets or sets the percent symbol.
The percent symbol.
Gets or sets the per mille symbol.
The per mille symbol.
Loads a list of resources that should be applied from the .NET .
This implementation will iterate over all resource managers
within the message source and return a list of all the resources whose name starts with '$this'.
All other resources will be ignored, but you can retrieve them by calling one of
GetMessage methods on the message source directly.
Aleksandar Seovic
Abstract base class that all localizers should extend
This class contains the bulk of the localizer logic, including implementation
of the ApplyResources methods that are defined in
All specific localizers need to do is inherit this class and implement
GetResources method that will return a list of
objects that should be applied to a specified target.
Custom implementations can use whatever type of resource storage they want,
such as standard .NET resource sets, custom XML files, database, etc.
Aleksandar Seovic
Defines an interface that localizers have to implement.
Localizers are used to automatically apply resources to object's members
using reflection.
Aleksandar Seovic
Applies resources of the specified culture to the specified target object.
Target object to apply resources to.
instance to retrieve resources from.
Resource culture to use for resource lookup.
Applies resources to the specified target object, using current thread's culture to resolve resources.
Target object to apply resources to.
instance to retrieve resources from.
Gets or sets the resource cache instance.
The resource cache instance.
Applies resources of the specified culture to the specified target object.
Target object to apply resources to.
instance to retrieve resources from.
Resource culture to use for resource lookup.
Applies resources to the specified target object, using current thread's uiCulture to resolve resources.
Target object to apply resources to.
instance to retrieve resources from.
Returns a list of instances that should be applied to the target.
Target to get a list of resources for.
instance to retrieve resources from.
Resource locale.
A list of resources to apply.
Loads resources from the storage and creates a list of instances that should be applied to the target.
Target to get a list of resources for.
instance to retrieve resources from.
Resource locale.
A list of resources to apply.
Gets or sets the resource cache instance.
The resource cache instance.
Loads resources from the storage and creates a list of instances that should be applied to the target.
This feature is not currently supported on version 1.0 of the .NET platform.
Target to get a list of resources for.
instance to retrieve resources from.
Resource locale.
A list of resources to apply. implementation
that simply returns the
value of the
property (if said property value is not ), or the
of the current thread if it is
Aleksandar Seovic
Strategy interface for
Aleksandar Seovic
Resolves the
from some context.
The 'context' is determined by the appropriate implementation class.
An example of such a context might be a thread local bound
, or a
sourced from an HTTP
The that should be used
by the caller.
Sets the .
This is an optional operation and does not need to be implemented
such that it actually does anything useful (i.e. it can be a no-op).
The new or
to clear the current .
Returns the default .
It tries to get the
from the value of the
property and falls back to the of the
current thread if the
is .
The default
Resolves the
from some context.
The 'context' in this implementation is the
value of the
property (if said property value is not ), or the
of the current thread if it is
The that should be used
by the caller.
Sets the .
The new or
to clear the current .
The default .
The default .
Abstract base class that all resource cache implementations should extend.
Aleksandar Seovic
Defines an interface that resource cache adapters have to implement.
Aleksandar Seovic
Gets the list of resources from cache.
Target to get a list of resources for.
Resource culture.
A list of cached resources for the specified target object and culture.
Puts the list of resources in the cache.
Target to cache a list of resources for.
Resource culture.
A list of resources to cache.
A list of cached resources for the specified target object and culture.
Gets the list of resources from the cache.
Target to get a list of resources for.
Resource culture.
A list of cached resources for the specified target object and culture.
Puts the list of resources in the cache.
Target to cache a list of resources for.
Resource culture.
A list of resources to cache.
A list of cached resources for the specified target object and culture.
Crates resource cache key for the specified target object and culture.
Target object to apply resources to.
Resource culture to use for resource lookup.
Gets the list of resources from cache.
Cache key to use for lookup.
A list of cached resources for the specified target object and culture.
Puts the list of resources in the cache.
Cache key to use for the specified resources.
A list of resources to cache.
A list of cached resources for the specified target object and culture.
Resource cache implementation that doesn't cache resources.
Aleksandar Seovic
Gets the list of resources from cache.
Cache key to use for lookup.
Always returns null.
Puts the list of resources in the cache.
Cache key to use for the specified resources.
A list of resources to cache.
Holds mapping between control property and it's value
as read from the resource file.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates instance of resource mapper.
Target property.
Resource value.
Gets parsed target property expression. See
for more information on object navigation expressions.
Value of the resource that target property should be set to.
Utility class to aid in the manipulation of events and delegates.
Griffin Caprio
Returns a new instance of the requested .
Often used to wire subscribers to event publishers.
The of delegate to create.
The target subscriber object that contains the delegate implementation.
referencing the delegate method on the subscriber.
A delegate handler that can be added to an events list of handlers, or called directly.
Queries the input type for a signature matching the input
Typically used to query a potential subscriber to see if they implement an event handler.
to match against
to query
matching input
signature, or if there is no match.
Creates a new instance of the EventManipulationUtilities class.
This is a utility class, and as such has no publicly visible constructors.
Default implementation of the
Griffin Caprio
Creates a new instance of the EventRegistry class.
Adds the input object to the list of publishers.
This publishes all events of the source object to any object
wishing to subscribe
The source object to publish.
Subscribes to all events published, if the subscriber implements
compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use.
Subscribes to published events of all objects of a given type, if the
subscriber implements compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use.
The target to subscribe to.
Unsubscribes to all events published, if the subscriber
implmenets compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use
Unsubscribes to the published events of all objects of a given
, if the subscriber implements
compatible handler methods.
The subscriber to use.
The target to unsubscribe from
The list of event publishers.
The list of event publishers.
To be implemented by any object that wishes to receive a reference to
an .
This interface only applies to objects that have been instantiated
within the context of an
. This interface does
not typically need to be implemented by application code, but is rather
used by classes internal to Spring.NET.
Mark PollackRick Evans
Set the
associated with the
that created this
This property will be set by the relevant
after all of this
object's dependencies have been resolved. This object can use the
immediately to publish or subscribe to one or more events.
Marks a property as being 'required': that is, the setter property
must be configured to be dependency-injected with a value.
Consult the SDK documentation for ,
which, by default, checks for the presence of this annotation.
Rob HarropMark Pollack
A implementation that enforces required properties to have been configured.
Required properties are detected through an attribute, by default, Spring's
The motivation for the existence of this IObjectPostProcessor is to allow
developers to annotate the setter properties of their own classes with an
arbitrary attribute to indicate that the container must check
for the configuration of a dependency injected value. This neatly pushes
responsibility for such checking onto the container (where it arguably belongs),
and obviates the need (in part) for a developer to code a method that
simply checks that all required properties have actually been set.
Please note that an 'init' method may still need to implemented (and may
still be desirable), because all that this class does is enforce that a
'required' property has actually been configured with a value. It does
not check anything else... In particular, it does not check that a
configured value is not null.
Rob HarropJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Adapter that implements all methods on
as no-ops, which will not change normal processing of each object instantiated
by the container. Subclasses may override merely those methods that they are
actually interested in.
Note that this base class is only recommendable if you actually require
functionality. If all you need
is plain functionality, prefer a straight
implementation of that (simpler) interface.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Extension of the interface,
adding a callback for predicting the eventual type of a processed object.
This interface is a special purpose interface, mainly for
internal use within the framework. In general, application-provided
post-processors should simply implement the plain
interface or derive from the
class. New methods might be added to this interface even in point releases.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Subinterface of
that adds a before-instantiation callback.
Typical use cases might include being used to suppress the default
instantiation of specific target objects, perhaps in favour of creating
proxies with special Spring.Aop.ITargetSources (pooling targets,
lazily initializing targets, etc).
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Apply this
before the target object gets instantiated.
The returned object may be a proxy to use instead of the target
object, effectively suppressing the default instantiation of the
target object.
If the object is returned by this method is not
, the object creation process will be
short-circuited. The returned object will not be processed any
further; in particular, no further
callbacks will be applied to it. This mechanism is mainly intended
for exposing a proxy instead of an actual target object.
This callback will only be applied to object definitions with an
object class. In particular, it will not be applied to
objects with a "factory-method" (i.e. objects that are to be
instantiated via a layer of indirection anyway).
The of the target object that is to be
The name of the target object.
The object to expose instead of a default instance of the target
In the case of any errors.
Perform operations after the object has been instantiated, via a constructor or factory method,
but before Spring property population (from explicit properties or autowiring) occurs.
The object instance created, but whose properties have not yet been set
Name of the object.
true if properties should be set on the object; false if property population
should be skipped. Normal implementations should return true. Returning false will also
prevent any subsequent InstantiationAwareObjectPostProcessor instances from being
invoked on this object instance.
Post-process the given property values before the factory applies them
to the given object.
Allows for checking whether all dependencies have been
satisfied, for example based on a "Required" annotation on bean property setters.
Also allows for replacing the property values to apply, typically through
creating a new MutablePropertyValues instance based on the original PropertyValues,
adding or removing specific values.
The property values that the factory is about to apply (never null).
he relevant property infos for the target object (with ignored
dependency types - which the factory handles specifically - already filtered out)
The object instance created, but whose properties have not yet
been set.
Name of the object.
The actual property values to apply to the given object (can be the
passed-in PropertyValues instances0 or null to skip property population.
Predicts the type of the object to be eventually returned from this
processors callback.
The raw Type of the object.
Name of the object.
The type of the object, or null if not predictable.in case of errors
Determines the candidate constructors to use for the given object.
The raw Type of the object.
Name of the object.
The candidate constructors, or null if none specifiedin case of errors
Predicts the type of the object to be eventually returned from this
processors PostProcessBeforeInstantiation callback.
The raw Type of the object.
Name of the object.
The type of the object, or null if not predictable.in case of errors
Determines the candidate constructors to use for the given object.
The raw Type of the object.
Name of the object.
The candidate constructors, or null if none specifiedin case of errors
Apply this
before the target object gets instantiated.
The returned object may be a proxy to use instead of the target
object, effectively suppressing the default instantiation of the
target object.
If the object is returned by this method is not
, the object creation process will be
short-circuited. The returned object will not be processed any
further; in particular, no further
callbacks will be applied to it. This mechanism is mainly intended
for exposing a proxy instead of an actual target object.
This callback will only be applied to object definitions with an
object class. In particular, it will not be applied to
objects with a "factory-method" (i.e. objects that are to be
instantiated via a layer of indirection anyway).
The of the target object that is to be
The name of the target object.
The object to expose instead of a default instance of the target
In the case of any errors.
Perform operations after the object has been instantiated, via a constructor or factory method,
but before Spring property population (from explicit properties or autowiring) occurs.
The object instance created, but whose properties have not yet been set
Name of the object.
true if properties should be set on the object; false if property population
should be skipped. Normal implementations should return true. Returning false will also
prevent any subsequent InstantiationAwareObjectPostProcessor instances from being
invoked on this object instance.
Post-process the given property values before the factory applies them
to the given object.
Allows for checking whether all dependencies have been
satisfied, for example based on a "Required" annotation on bean property setters.
Also allows for replacing the property values to apply, typically through
creating a new MutablePropertyValues instance based on the original PropertyValues,
adding or removing specific values.
The property values that the factory is about to apply (never null).
he relevant property infos for the target object (with ignored
dependency types - which the factory handles specifically - already filtered out)
The object instance created, but whose properties have not yet
been set.
Name of the object.
The actual property values to apply to the given object (can be the
passed-in PropertyValues instances0 or null to skip property population.
Apply this
to the given new object instance before any object initialization callbacks.
The object will already be populated with property values.
The returned object instance may be a wrapper around the original.
The new object instance.
The name of the object.
The object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
In case of errors.
Apply this to the
given new object instance after any object initialization callbacks.
The object will already be populated with property values. The returned object
instance may be a wrapper around the original.
The new object instance.
The name of the object.
The object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
In case of errors.
Cache for validated object names, skipping re-validation for the same object
Post-process the given property values before the factory applies them
to the given object. Checks for the attribute specified by this PostProcessor's RequiredAttributeType.
The property values that the factory is about to apply (never null).
The relevant property infos for the target object (with ignored
dependency types - which the factory handles specifically - already filtered out)
The object instance created, but whose properties have not yet
been set.
Name of the object.
The actual property values to apply to the given object (can be the
passed-in PropertyValues instances or null to skip property population.
If a required property value has not been specified
in the configuration metadata.
Determines whether the supplied property is required to have a value, that is to be dependency injected.
This implementation looks for the existence of a "required" attribute on the supplied PropertyInfo and that
the property has a setter method.
The target PropertyInfo
true if the supplied property has been marked as being required;; otherwise, false if
not or if the supplied property does not have a setter method
Builds an exception message for the given list of invalid properties.
The list of names of invalid properties.
Name of the object.
The exception message
Sets the type of the required attribute, to be used on a property setter
The default required attribute type is the Spring-provided attribute.
This setter property exists so that developers can provide their own
(non-Spring-specific) annotation type to indicate that a property value is required.
The type of the required attribute.
Base class that provides common functionality needed for several IObjectFactoryPostProcessor
Mark Pollack
Allows for custom modification of an application context's object
definitions, adapting the object property values of the context's
underlying object factory.
Application contexts can auto-detect
IObjectFactoryPostProcessor objects in their object definitions and
apply them before any other objects get created.
Useful for custom config files targeted at system administrators that
override object properties configured in the application context.
See PropertyResourceConfigurer and its concrete implementations for
out-of-the-box solutions that address such configuration needs.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.Net)
Modify the application context's internal object factory after its
standard initialization.
All object definitions will have been loaded, but no objects will have
been instantiated yet. This allows for overriding or adding properties
even to eager-initializing objects.
The object factory used by the application context.
In case of errors.
Modify the application context's internal object factory after its
standard initialization.
The object factory used by the application context.
All object definitions will have been loaded, but no objects will have
been instantiated yet. This allows for overriding or adding properties
even to eager-initializing objects.
In case of errors.
Resolves the supplied into a
The object that is to be resolved into a
The error context source.
The error context string.
A resolved .
This (default) implementation supports resolving
s and s.
Only override this method if you want to key your type alias
on something other than s
and s.
If the supplied is ,
or the supplied cannot be resolved.
Return the order value of this object, with a higher value meaning
greater in terms of sorting.
The order value.
Simple template superclass for
implementations that allows for the creation of a singleton or a prototype
instance (depending on a flag).
If the value of the
property is (this is the default), this class
will create a single instance of it's object upon initialization and
subsequently return the singleton instance; else, this class will
create a new instance each time (prototype mode). Subclasses must
implement the
template method to actually create objects.
Juergen HoellerKeith DonaldSimon White (.NET)
Interface to be implemented by objects used within an
that are themselves
If an object implements this interface, it is used as a factory,
not directly as an object. s
can support singletons and prototypes
please note that an
itself can only ever be a singleton. It is a logic error to configure an
itself to be a prototype.
An object that implements this interface cannot be used as a normal object.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object
managed by this factory.
If this method is being called in the context of an enclosing IoC container and
returns , the IoC container will consider this factory
object as not being fully initialized and throw a corresponding (and most
probably fatal) exception.
An instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object managed by
this factory.
Return the of object that this
creates, or
if not known in advance.
Is the object managed by this factory a singleton or a prototype?
Invoked by an
after it has injected all of an object's dependencies.
In the event of misconfiguration (such as the failure to set a
required property) or if initialization fails.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object
managed by this factory.
An instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object managed by
this factory.
Template method that subclasses must override to construct
the object returned by this factory.
Invoked once immediately after the initialization of this
in the case of
a singleton; else, on each call to the
If an exception occured during object creation.
A distinct instance of the object created by this factory.
Performs cleanup on any cached singleton object.
Only makes sense in the context of a singleton object.
Is the object managed by this factory a singleton or a prototype?
Please note that changing the value of this property after
this factory object instance has been created by an enclosing
Spring.NET IoC container really is a programming error. This
property should really only be set once, prior to the invocation
of the
callback method.
Return the of object that this
creates, or
if not known in advance.
The various autowiring modes.
Rick Evans
Do not autowire.
Autowire by name.
Autowire by .
Autowiring by constructor.
The autowiring strategy is to be determined by introspection
of the object's .
Implementation of that
resolves variable name against command line arguments.
Aleksandar Seovic
Defines contract that different variable sources have to implement.
The "variable sources" are objects containing name-value pairs
that allow a variable value to be retrieved for the given name.
Out of the box, Spring.NET supports a number of variable sources,
that allow users to obtain variable values from .NET config files,
Java-style property files, environment, registry, etc.
Users can always write their own variable sources implementations,
that will allow them to load variable values from the database or
other proprietary data source.
Aleksandar Seovic
Resolves variable value for the specified variable name.
The name of the variable to resolve.
The variable value if able to resolve, null otherwise.
Default constructor.
Initializes command line arguments from the environment.
Constructor that allows arguments to be passed externally.
Useful for testing.
Resolves variable value for the specified variable name.
The name of the variable to resolve.
The variable value if able to resolve, null otherwise.
Initializes command line arguments dictionary.
Gets or sets a prefix that should be used to
identify arguments to extract values from.
A prefix that should be used to identify arguments
to extract values from. Defaults to slash ("/").
Gets or sets a character that should be used to
separate argument name from its value.
A character that should be used to separate argument
name from its value. Defaults to colon (":").
Implementation of that
resolves variable name against name-value sections in
the standard .NET configuration file.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of
Initializes a new instance of from the given
Initializes a new instance of from the given
Resolves variable value for the specified variable name.
The name of the variable to resolve.
The variable value if able to resolve, null otherwise.
Initializes properties based on the specified
property file locations.
Gets or sets a list of section names variables should be loaded from.
All sections specified need to be handled by the
in order to be processed successfully.
A list of section names variables should be loaded from.
Convinience property. Gets or sets a single section
to read properties from.
The section specified needs to be handled by the
in order to be processed successfully.
A section to read properties from.
Various utility methods for .NET style .config files.
Currently supports reading custom configuration sections and returning them as
Simon WhiteMark Pollack
Reads the specified configuration section into a
The resource to read.
The section name.
A newly populated
If any errors are encountered while attempting to open a stream
from the supplied .
If any errors are encountered while loading or reading (this only applies to
v1.1 and greater of the .NET Framework) the actual XML.
If any errors are encountered while loading or reading (this only applies to
v1.0 of the .NET Framework).
If the configuration section was otherwise invalid.
Reads the specified configuration section into the supplied
The resource to read.
The section name.
The collection that is to be populated. May be
A newly populated
If any errors are encountered while attempting to open a stream
from the supplied .
If any errors are encountered while loading or reading (this only applies to
v1.1 and greater of the .NET Framework) the actual XML.
If any errors are encountered while loading or reading (this only applies to
v1.0 of the .NET Framework).
If the configuration section was otherwise invalid.
Reads the specified configuration section into the supplied
The resource to read.
The section name.
The collection that is to be populated. May be
If a key already exists, is its value to be appended to the current
value or replaced?
The populated
If any errors are encountered while attempting to open a stream
from the supplied .
If any errors are encountered while loading or reading (this only applies to
v1.1 and greater of the .NET Framework) the actual XML.
If any errors are encountered while loading or reading (this only applies to
v1.0 of the .NET Framework).
If the configuration section was otherwise invalid.
Read from the specified configuration from the supplied XML
into a
Does not support section grouping. The supplied XML
must already be loaded.
The to read from.
The configuration section name to read.
A newly populated
If any errors are encountered while reading (this only applies to
v1.1 and greater of the .NET Framework).
If any errors are encountered while reading (this only applies to
v1.0 of the .NET Framework).
If the configuration section was otherwise invalid.
Populates the supplied with values from
a .NET application configuration file.
to add any key-value pairs to.
The configuration section name in the a .NET application configuration
If a key already exists, is its value to be appended to the current
value or replaced?
if the supplied
was found.
Creates a new instance of the ConfigurationReader class.
This is a utility class, and as such has no publicly visible
Implementation of that
resolves variable name connection strings defined in
the standard .NET configuration file.
When the <connectionStrings> configuration section is processed by this class,
two variables are defined for each connection string: one for connection string and
the second one for the provider name.
Variable names are generated by appending '.connectionString' and '.providerName'
literals to the value of the name attribute of the connection string element.
For example:
will result in two variables being created: myConn.connectionString and myConn.providerName.
You can reference these variables within your object definitions, just like any other variable.
Aleksandar Seovic
Resolves variable value for the specified variable name.
The name of the variable to resolve.
The variable value if able to resolve, null otherwise.
Initializes properties based on the specified
property file locations.
Holder for constructor argument values for an object.
Supports values for a specific index or parameter name (case
insensitive) in the constructor argument list, and generic matches by
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Can be used as an argument filler for the
overload when one is not looking for an argument by index.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
to be used to populate this instance.
Copy all given argument values into this object.
to be used to populate this instance.
Add argument value for the given index in the constructor argument list.
The index in the constructor argument list.
The argument value.
Add argument value for the given index in the constructor argument list.
The index in the constructor argument list.
The argument value.
The of the argument
Add argument value for the given name in the constructor argument list.
The name in the constructor argument list.
The argument value.
If the supplied is
or is composed wholly of whitespace.
Get argument value for the given index in the constructor argument list.
The index in the constructor argument list.
The required of the argument.
for the argument, or if none set.
Get argument value for the given name in the constructor argument list.
The name in the constructor argument list.
for the argument, or if none set.
Does this set of constructor arguments contain a named argument matching the
supplied name?
The comparison is performed in a case-insensitive fashion.
The named argument to look up.
if this set of constructor arguments
contains a named argument matching the supplied
Add generic argument value to be matched by type.
The argument value.
Add generic argument value to be matched by type.
The argument value.
The of the argument
Look for a generic argument value that matches the given
The to match.
for the argument, or if none set.
Look for a generic argument value that matches the given
The to match.
A of
objects that have already been used in the current resolution
process and should therefore not be returned again; this allows one
to return the next generic argument match in the case of multiple
generic argument values of the same type.
for the argument, or if none set.
Look for an argument value that either corresponds to the given index
in the constructor argument list or generically matches by
The index in the constructor argument list.
The to match.
for the argument, or if none is set.
Look for an argument value that either corresponds to the given index
in the constructor argument list or generically matches by
The index in the constructor argument list.
The to match.
A of
objects that have already been used in the current resolution
process and should therefore not be returned again; this allows one
to return the next generic argument match in the case of multiple
generic argument values of the same type.
for the argument, or if none is set.
Look for an argument value that either corresponds to the given index
in the constructor argument list or generically matches by
The name of the argument in the constructor argument list. May be
, in which case generic matching by
is assumed.
The to match.
for the argument, or if none is set.
Look for an argument value that either corresponds to the given index
in the constructor argument list or generically matches by
The name of the argument in the constructor argument list. May be
, in which case generic matching by
is assumed.
The to match.
A of
objects that have already been used in the current resolution
process and should therefore not be returned again; this allows one
to return the next generic argument match in the case of multiple
generic argument values of the same type.
for the argument, or if none is set.
Look for an argument value that either corresponds to the given index
in the constructor argument list, or to the named argument, or
generically matches by .
The index of the argument in the constructor argument list. May be
negative, to denote the fact that we are not looking for an
argument by index (see
The name of the argument in the constructor argument list. May be
The to match.
A of
objects that have already been used in the current resolution
process and should therefore not be returned again; this allows one
to return the next generic argument match in the case of multiple
generic argument values of the same type.
for the argument, or if none is set.
Return the map of indexed argument values.
An with
indices as keys and
as values.
Return the map of named argument values.
An with
named arguments as keys and
as values.
Return the set of generic argument values.
A of
Return the number of arguments held in this instance.
Returns true if this holder does not contain any argument values,
neither indexed ones nor generic ones.
Holder for a constructor argument value, with an optional
attribute indicating the target
of the actual constructor argument.
Creates a new instance of the ValueHolder class.
The value of the constructor argument.
Creates a new instance of the ValueHolder class.
The value of the constructor argument.
The of the argument
. Can also be one of the common
aliases (int, bool,
float, etc).
A that represents the current
A that represents the current
Gets and sets the value for the constructor argument.
Only necessary for manipulating a registered value, for example in
Return the of the constructor
implementation that allows for convenient registration of custom
The use of this class is typically not required; the .NET
mechanism of associating a
with a
via the use of the
is the
recommended (and standard) way. This class primarily exists to cover
those cases where third party classes to which one does not have the
source need to be exposed to the type conversion mechanism.
Because the
class implements the
interface, instances of this class that have been exposed in the
scope of an
automatically be picked up by the application context and made
available to the IoC container whenever type conversion is required. If
one is using a
object definition within the scope of an
, no such automatic
pickup of the
is performed (custom converters will have to be added manually using the
method). For most application scenarios, one will get better
mileage using the
The following examples all assume XML based configuration, and use
inner object definitions to define the custom
objects (nominally to
avoid polluting the object name space, but also because the
configuration simply reads better that way).
The following example illustrates a complete (albeit naieve) use case
for this class, including a custom
implementation, said
converters domain class, and the XML configuration that hooks the
converter in place and makes it available to a Spring.NET container for
use during object resolution.
The domain class is a simple data-only object that contains the data
required to send an email message (such as the host and user account
name). A developer would prefer to use a string of the form
UserName=administrator,Password=r1l0k1l3y,Host=localhost to
configure the mail settings and just let the container take care of the
namespace ExampleNamespace
public sealed class MailSettings
private string _userName;
private string _password;
private string _host;
public string Host
get { return _host; }
set { _host = value; }
public string UserName
get { return _userName; }
set { _userName = value; }
public string Password
get { return _password; }
set { _password = value; }
public sealed class MailSettingsConverter : TypeConverter
public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType)
if (typeof (string) == sourceType)
return true;
return base.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType);
public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value)
string text = value as string;
if(text != null)
MailSettings mailSettings = new MailSettings();
string[] tokens = text.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; ++i)
string token = tokens[i];
string[] settings = token.Split('=');
.SetValue(mailSettings, settings[1], null);
return mailSettings;
return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value);
// a very naieve class that uses the MailSettings class...
public sealed class ExceptionLogger
private MailSettings _mailSettings;
public MailSettings MailSettings {
set { _mailSettings = value; }
public void Log(object value)
Exception ex = value as Exception;
if(ex != null)
// use _mailSettings instance...
The attendant XML configuration for the above classes would be...
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Registers any custom converters with the supplied
The object factory to register the converters with.
In case of errors.
Resolves the supplied into a
The object that is to be resolved into a
A resolved instance.
If the supplied is ,
or the supplied cannot be resolved.
The custom converters to register.
The uses the type name
of the class that requires conversion as the key, and an
instance of the
that will effect
the conversion. Alternatively, the actual
of the class that requires conversion
can be used as the key.
IDictionary converters = new Hashtable();
converters.Add( "System.Date", new MyCustomDateConverter() );
// a System.Type instance can also be used as the key...
converters.Add( typeof(Color), new MyCustomRBGColorConverter() );
implementation that
creates delegates.
Supports the creation of s for both
instance and methods.
Rick Evans
Callback method called once all factory properties have been set.
In the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential
property) or if initialization fails.
Creates the delegate.
If an exception occured during object creation.
The object returned by this factory.
The of
created by this factory.
Returns the
if accessed prior to the method
being called.
The of the
created by this factory.
The name of the method that is to be invoked by the created
The target if the
refers to a method.
The target object if the
refers to an instance method.
Descriptor for a specific dependency that is about to be injected.
Wraps a constructor parameter, a method parameter or a field,
allowing unified access to their metadata.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack
Initializes a new instance of the class for a method or constructor parameter.
Considers the dependency as 'eager'
The MethodParameter to wrap.
if set to true if the dependency is required.
Initializes a new instance of the class for a method or a constructor parameter.
The MethodParameter to wrap.
if set to true the dependency is required.
if set to true the dependency is 'eager' in the sense of
eagerly resolving potential target objects for type matching.
Gets a value indicating whether this dependency is required.
true if required; otherwise, false.
Determine the declared (non-generic) type of the wrapped parameter/field.
The type of the dependency (never null
Gets a value indicating whether this is eager in the sense of
eagerly resolving potential target beans for type matching.
true if eager; otherwise, false.
Gets the wrapped MethodParameter, if any.
The method parameter.
Simple factory for shared instances.
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Constructs a new instance of the target dictionary.
The new instance.
Set the source .
This value will be used to populate the
returned by this factory.
Set the of the
implementation to use.
The default is the .
If the value is .
If the value is an .
If the value is an interface.
The of objects created by this factory.
Always returns the .
Specifies how instances of the
class must apply environment variables when replacing values.
Mark Pollack
Never replace environment variables.
If properties are not specified via a resource,
then resolve using environment variables.
Apply environment variables first before applying properties from a
Implementation of that
resolves variable name against environment variables.
Aleksandar Seovic
Resolves variable value for the specified variable name.
The name of the variable to resolve.
The variable value if able to resolve, null otherwise.
Holder for event handler values for an object.
Rick Evans (.NET)
The empty array of s.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
to be used to populate this instance.
Copy all given argument values into this object.
to be used to populate this instance.
Adds the supplied handler to the collection of event handlers.
The handler to be added.
The mapping of event names to an
Gets the of events
that have handlers associated with them.
Gets the of
s for the supplied
event name.
Immutable placeholder class used for the value of a
object when it's a reference
to a Spring that should be evaluated at runtime.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates a new instance of the
The expression to resolve.
Returns a string representation of this instance.
A string representation of this instance.
Gets or sets the expression string. Setting the expression string will cause
the expression to be parsed.
The expression string.
Return the expression.
Properties for this expression node.
implementation that
retrieves a static or non-static public field value.
Typically used for retrieving public constants.
The following example retrieves the field value...
The previous example could also have been written using the convenience
property, like so...
This class also implements the
If the id (or name) of one's
object definition is set to the
of the field to be retrieved, then the id (or
name) of one's object definition will be used for the name of the
field lookup. See below for an example of this
concise style of definition.
The usage for retrieving instance fields is similar. No example is shown
because public instance fields are generally bad practice; but if
you have some legacy code that exposes public instance fields, or if you
just really like coding public instance fields, then you can use this
implementation to
retrieve such field values.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Interface to be implemented by objects that wish to be aware of their object
name in an .
Note that most objects will choose to receive references to collaborating
objects via respective properties.
For a list of all object lifecycle methods, see the
API documentation.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Set the name of the object in the object factory that created this object.
The name of the object in the factory.
Invoked after population of normal object properties but before an init
callback like 's
method or a custom init-method.
Invoked by an
after it has set all object properties supplied
(and satisfied
and ApplicationContextAware).
This method allows the object instance to perform initialization only
possible when all object properties have been set and to throw an
exception in the event of misconfiguration.
In the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential
property) or if initialization fails.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object
managed by this factory.
An instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object managed by
this factory.
The of the
field to be retrieved.
Set the name of the object in the object factory that created this object.
The name of the object in the factory.
In the context of the
class, the
value will be interepreted as the value of the
property if no value has been explicitly assigned to the
property. This allows for concise object definitions with just an id or name;
see the class documentation for
for an example of this style of usage.
The name of the field the value of which is to be retrieved.
If the
has been set (and is not ), then the value of this property
refers to an instance field name; it otherwise refers to a
field name.
The object instance on which the field is defined.
The on which the field is defined.
The of object that this
creates, or
if not known in advance.
Is the object managed by this factory a singleton or a prototype?
Extension of the
interface to be implemented by object factories that are capable of
autowiring and expose this functionality for existing object instances.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Create a new object instance of the given class with the specified
autowire strategy.
The of the object to instantiate.
The desired autowiring mode.
Whether to perform a dependency check for objects (not applicable to
autowiring a constructor, thus ignored there).
The new object instance.
If the wiring fails.
Autowire the object properties of the given object instance by name or
The existing object instance.
The desired autowiring mode.
Whether to perform a dependency check for the object.
If the wiring fails.
Apply s
to the given existing object instance, invoking their
The returned object instance may be a wrapper around the original.
The existing object instance.
The name of the object.
The object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
If any post-processing failed.
Apply s
to the given existing object instance, invoking their
The returned object instance may be a wrapper around the original.
The existing object instance.
The name of the object.
The object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
If any post-processing failed.
Resolve the specified dependency against the objects defined in this factory.
The descriptor for the dependency.
Name of the object which declares the present dependency.
A list that all names of autowired object (used for
resolving the present dependency) are supposed to be added to.
the resolved object, or null if none foundif dependency resolution failed
Extension of the interface
that injects dependencies into the object managed by the factory.
Bruno Baia
Gets the template object definition that should be used
to configure the instance of the object managed by this factory.
SPI interface to be implemented by most if not all listable object factories.
Allows for framework-internal plug'n'play, e.g. in
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Configuration interface to be implemented by most if not all object
Provides the means to configure an object factory in addition to the
object factory client methods in the
Allows for framework-internal plug'n'play even when needing access to object
factory configuration methods.
When disposed, it will destroy all cached singletons in this factory. Call
when you want to shutdown
the factory.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Interface that defines a registry for shared object instances.
Can be implemented by
implementations in order to expose their singleton management facility
in a uniform manner.
The interface extends this interface.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Registers the given existing object as singleton in the object registry,
under the given object name.
The given instance is supposed to be fully initialized; the registry
will not perform any initialization callbacks (in particular, it won't
call IInitializingObject's AfterPropertiesSet method).
The given instance will not receive any destruction callbacks
(like IDisposable's Dispose method) either.
If running within a full IObjectFactory: Register an object definition
instead of an existing instance if your object is supposed to receive
initialization and/or destruction callbacks.
Typically invoked during registry configuration, but can also be used
for runtime registration of singletons. As a consequence, a registry
implementation should synchronize singleton access; it will have to do
this anyway if it supports a BeanFactory's lazy initialization of singletons.
Name of the object.
The singleton object.
Return the (raw) singleton object registered under the given name.
Only checks already instantiated singletons; does not return an Object
for singleton object definitions which have not been instantiated yet.
The main purpose of this method is to access manually registered singletons
. Can also be used to access a singleton
defined by an object definition that already been created, in a raw fashion.
Name of the object to look for.
the registered singleton object, or null if none found
Check if this registry contains a singleton instance with the given name.
Only checks already instantiated singletons; does not return true
for singleton bean definitions which have not been instantiated yet.
The main purpose of this method is to check manually registered singletons
. Can also be used to check whether a
singleton defined by an object definition has already been created.
To check whether an object factory contains an object definition with a given name,
use ListableBeanFactory's ContainsObjectDefinition. Calling both
ContainsObjectDefinition and ContainsSingleton answers
whether a specific object factory contains an own object with the given name.
Use IObjectFactory's ContainsObject for general checks whether the
factory knows about an object with a given name (whether manually registered singleton
instance or created by bean definition), also checking ancestor factories.
Name of the object to look for.
true if this bean factory contains a singleton instance with the given name; otherwise, false.
Gets the names of singleton objects registered in this registry.
Only checks already instantiated singletons; does not return names
for singleton bean definitions which have not been instantiated yet.
The main purpose of this method is to check manually registered singletons
. Can also be used to check which
singletons defined by an object definition have already been created.
The list of names as String array (never null).
Gets the number of singleton beans registered in this registry.
Only checks already instantiated singletons; does not count
singleton object definitions which have not been instantiated yet.
The main purpose of this method is to check manually registered singletons
. Can also be used to count the number of
singletons defined by an object definition that have already been created.
The number of singleton objects.
Ignore the given dependency type for autowiring.
To be invoked during factory configuration.
This will typically be used for dependencies that are resolved
in other ways, like
through .
The to be ignored.
Determines whether the specified object name is currently in creation..
Name of the object.
true if the specified object name is currently in creation; otherwise, false.
Add a new
that will get applied to objects created by this factory.
To be invoked during factory configuration.
to register.
Given an object name, create an alias.
This is typically used to support names that are illegal within
XML ids (which are used for object names).
Typically invoked during factory configuration, but can also be
used for runtime registration of aliases. Therefore, a factory
implementation should synchronize alias access.
The name of the object.
The alias that will behave the same as the object name.
If there is no object with the given name.
If the alias is already in use.
Register the given custom
for all properties of the given .
To be invoked during factory configuration.
The required of the property.
The to register.
Set the parent of this object factory.
Note that the parent shouldn't be changed: it should only be set outside
a constructor if it isn't available when an object of this class is
Returns the current number of registered
The current number of registered
Return the registered
for the
given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
argument values.
The name of the object.
The registered
If there is no object with the given name.
In the case of errors.
Return the registered
for the
given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
argument values.
The name of the object.
Whether to search parent object factories.
The registered
If there is no object with the given name.
In the case of errors.
Register a new object definition with this registry.
Must support
and .
The name of the object instance to register.
The definition of the object instance to register.
Must support
If the object definition is invalid.
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the supplied .
The object instance that is to be so configured.
The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
be injected into the supplied instance.
An object definition that should be used to configure object.
Ensure that all non-lazy-init singletons are instantiated, also
considering s.
Typically invoked at the end of factory setup, if desired.
As this is a startup method, it should destroy already created singletons if
it fails, to avoid dangling resources. In other words, after invocation
of that method, either all or no singletons at all should be
If one of the singleton objects could not be created.
Register a special dependency type with corresponding autowired value.
This is intended for factory/context references that are supposed
to be autowirable but are not defined as objects in the factory:
e.g. a dependency of type ApplicationContext resolved to the
ApplicationContext instance that the object is living in.
Note there are no such default types registered in a plain IObjectFactory,
not even for the BeanFactory interface itself.
Type of the dependency to register.
This will typically be a base interface such as IObjectFactory, with extensions of it resolved
as well if declared as an autowiring dependency (e.g. IListableBeanFactory),
as long as the given value actually implements the extended interface.
The autowired value. This may also be an
implementation o the interface,
which allows for lazy resolution of the actual target value.
Determines whether the specified object qualifies as an autowire candidate,
to be injected into other beans which declare a dependency of matching type.
This method checks ancestor factories as well.
Name of the object to check.
The descriptor of the dependency to resolve.
true if the object should be considered as an autowire candidate; otherwise, false.
if there is no object with the given name.
Subinterface of
that adds
a before-destruction callback.
The typical usage will be to invoke custom destruction callbacks on
specific object types, matching corresponding initialization callbacks.
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Apply this
to the
given new object instance before its destruction. Can invoke custom
destruction callbacks.
The new object instance.
The name of the object.
In case of errors.
Describes an object instance, which has property values, constructor
argument values, and further information supplied by concrete implementations.
This is just a minimal interface: the main intention is to allow
(like PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer) to access and modify property values.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Return the property values to be applied to a new instance of the object.
Return the constructor argument values for this object.
Return the event handlers for any events exposed by this object.
Return a description of the resource that this object definition
came from (for the purpose of showing context in case of errors).
Is this object definition a "template", i.e. not meant to be instantiated
itself but rather just serving as an object definition for configuration
templates used by .
if this object definition is a "template".
Is this object definition "abstract", i.e. not meant to be instantiated
itself but rather just serving as parent for concrete child object
if this object definition is "abstract".
Return whether this a Singleton, with a single, shared instance
returned on all calls.
If , an object factory will apply the Prototype
design pattern, with each caller requesting an instance getting an
independent instance. How this is defined will depend on the
object factory implementation. Singletons are the commoner type.
Is this object lazily initialized?
Only applicable to a singleton object.
If , it will get instantiated on startup by object factories
that perform eager initialization of singletons.
The name of the parent definition of this object definition, if any.
The target scope for this object.
Returns the of the object definition (if any).
A resolved object .
If the of the object definition is not a
resolved or .
Returns the of the
of the object definition.
Note that this does not have to be the actual type name used at runtime,
in case of a child definition overrding/inheriting the the type name from its
parent. It can be modifed during object factory post-processing, typically
replacing the original class name with a parsed variant of it.
Hence, do not consider this to be the definitive bean type at runtime
but rather only use it for parsing purposes at the individual object
definition level.
The autowire mode as specified in the object definition.
This determines whether any automagical detection and setting of
object references will happen. Default is
which means there's no autowire.
The object names that this object depends on.
The object factory will guarantee that these objects get initialized
Note that dependencies are normally expressed through object properties
or constructor arguments. This property should just be necessary for
other kinds of dependencies like statics (*ugh*) or database
preparation on startup.
The name of the initializer method.
The default is , in which case there is no initializer method.
Return the name of the destroy method.
The default is , in which case there is no destroy method.
The name of the factory method to use (if any).
This method will be invoked with constructor arguments, or with no
arguments if none are specified. The static method will be invoked on
the specified .
The name of the factory object to use (if any).
Gets a value indicating whether this instance a candidate for getting autowired into some other
true if this instance is autowire candidate; otherwise, false.
Simple factory for shared instances.
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Constructs a new instance of the target dictionary.
The new instance.
Set the source .
This value will be used to populate the
returned by this factory.
Set the of the
implementation to use.
The default is the .
The of objects created by this factory.
Always returns the .
implementation that
creates instances of the class.
Typically used for retrieving shared
instances for common topics (such as the 'DAL', 'BLL', etc). The
property determines the name of the
Common.Logging logger.
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the instance served up by
this factory.
If the supplied is
or contains only whitespace character(s).
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object
managed by this factory.
An instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object
managed by this factory.
Invoked by an
after it has set all object properties supplied
(and satisfied the
In the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential
property) or if initialization fails.
The name of the instance served up by
this factory.
The name of the instance served up by
this factory.
If the supplied to the setter is
or contains only whitespace character(s).
Return the type of object that this
creates, or
if not known in advance.
Is the object managed by this factory a singleton or a prototype?
An that returns a value
that is the result of a or instance method invocation.
Note that this class generally is expected to be used for accessing factory methods,
and as such defaults to operating in singleton mode. The first request to
by the owning object factory will cause a method invocation, the return
value of which will be cached for all subsequent requests. The
property may be set to
, to cause this factory to invoke the target method each
time it is asked for an object.
A target method may be specified by setting the
property to a string representing
the method name, with specifying
the that the method is defined on.
Alternatively, a target instance method may be specified, by setting the
property as the target object, and
the property as the name of the
method to call on that target object. Arguments for the method invocation may be
specified by setting the property.
Another (esoteric) use case for this factory object is when one needs to call a method
that doesn't return any value (for example, a class method to
force some sort of initialization to happen)... this use case is not supported by
factory-methods, since a return value is needed to become the object.
This class depends on the
method being called after all properties have been set, as per the
contract. If you are
using this class outside of a Spring.NET IoC container, you must call one of either
yourself to ready the object's internal
state, or you will get a nasty .
The following example uses an instance of this class to call a
factory method...
1st2ndand 3rd arguments
The following example is similar to the preceding example; the only pertinent difference is the fact that
a number of different objects are passed as arguments, demonstrating that not only simple value types
are valid as elements of the argument list...
Named parameters are also supported... this next example yields the same results as
the preceding example (that did not use named arguments).
1stand 3rd arguments2nd
Similarly, the following example uses an instance of this class to call an instance method...
The above example could also have been written using an anonymous inner object definition... if the
object on which the method is to be invoked is not going to be used outside of the factory object
definition, then this is the preferred idiom because it limits the scope of the object on which the
method is to be invoked to the surrounding factory object.
Colin SampaleanuJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)Simon White (.NET)
Specialisation of the class that tries
to convert the given arguments for the actual target method via an
appropriate implementation.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans
Helper class allowing one to declaratively specify a method call for later invocation.
Typically not used directly but via its subclasses such as
Usage: specify either the and
or the
properties respectively, and
(optionally) any arguments to the method. Then call the
method to prepare the invoker.
Once prepared, the invoker can be invoked any number of times.
The following example uses the class to invoke the
ToString() method on the Foo class using a mixture of both named and unnamed
public class Foo
public string ToString(string name, int age, string address)
return string.Format("{0}, {1} years old, {2}", name, age, address);
public static void Main()
Foo foo = new Foo();
MethodInvoker invoker = new MethodInvoker();
invoker.Arguments = new object [] {"Kaneda", "18 Kaosu Gardens, Nakatani Drive, Okinanawa"};
invoker.AddNamedArgument("age", 29);
// at this point, the arguments that will be passed to the method invocation
// will have been resolved into the following ordered array : {"Kaneda", 29, "18 Kaosu Gardens, Nakatani Drive, Okinanawa"}
string details = (string) invoker.Invoke();
Console.WriteLine (details);
// will print out 'Kaneda, 29 years old, 18 Kaosu Gardens, Nakatani Drive, Okinanawa'
Colin SampaleanuJuergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
The used to search for
the method to be invoked.
The value returned from the invocation of a method that returns void.
The method that will be invoked.
Creates a new instance of the class.
Prepare the specified method.
The method can be invoked any number of times afterwards.
If all required properties are not set, or a matching argument could not be found
for a named argument (typically down to a typo).
If the specified method could not be found.
Searches for and returns the method that is to be invoked.
The return value of this method call will subsequently be returned from the
The method that is to be invoked.
If no method could be found.
If more than one method was found.
Adds the named argument to this instances mapping of argument names to argument values.
The name of an argument on the method that is to be invoked.
The value of the named argument on the method that is to be invoked.
Returns the prepared object that
will be invoked.
A possible use case is to determine the return of the method.
The prepared object that
will be invoked.
Invoke the specified method.
The invoker needs to have been prepared beforehand (via a call to the
The object returned by the method invocation, or
if the method returns void.
If at least one of the arguments passed to this
was incompatible with the signature of the invoked method.
The target on which to call the target method.
Only necessary when the target method is ;
else, a target object needs to be specified.
The target object on which to call the target method.
Only necessary when the target method is not ;
else, a target class is sufficient.
The name of the method to be invoked.
Refers to either a method
or a non- method, depending on
whether or not a target object has been set.
Arguments for the method invocation.
Ordering is significant... the order of the arguments in this
property must match the ordering of the various parameters on the target
method. There does however exist a small possibility for confusion when
the arguments in this property are supplied in addition to one or more named
arguments. In this case, each named argument is slotted into the index position
corresponding to the named argument... once once all named arguments have been
resolved, the arguments in this property are slotted into any remaining (empty)
slots in the method parameter list (see the example in the overview of the
class if this is not clear).
If this property is not set, or the value passed to the setter invocation
is or a zero-length array, a method with no (un-named) arguments is assumed.
The resolved arguments for the method invocation.
This property is not set until the target method has been resolved via a call to the
method). It is a combination of the
named and plain vanilla arguments properties, and it is this object array that
will actually be passed to the invocation of the target method.
Setting the value of this property to results in basically clearing out any
previously prepared arguments... another call to the
method will then be required to prepare the arguments again (or the prepared arguments
can be set explicitly if so desired).
Named arguments for the method invocation.
The keys of this dictionary are the () names of the
method arguments, and the () values are the actual
argument values themselves.
If this property is not set, or the value passed to the setter invocation
is a reference, a method with no named arguments is assumed.
Creates a new instance of the
Prepare the specified method.
The method can be invoked any number of times afterwards.
If all required properties are not set.
If the specified method could not be found.
Register the given custom
for all properties of the given .
The of property.
The to register.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object
managed by this factory.
Returns the return value of the method that is to be invoked.
Will return the same value each time if the
property value is .
An instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object managed by
this factory.
Prepares this method invoker.
If all required properties are not set.
If the specified method could not be found.
If a singleton should be created, or a new object on each request.
Defaults to .
Return the return value of the method
that this factory invokes, or if not
known in advance.
If the return value of the method that this factory is to invoke is
, then the will be returned (in accordance with the
contract that
treats a value as a configuration error).
Holder for an with
name and aliases.
Recognized by
for inner object definitions. Registered by
which also uses it as general holder for a parsed object definition.
Can also be used for programmatic registration of inner object
definitions. If you don't care about the functionality offered by the
interface and the like,
or is good enough.
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The object definition to be held by this instance.
The name of the object definition.
Creates a new instance of the
The object definition to be held by this instance.
The name of the object.
Any aliases for the supplied
The held by this
The name of the object definition.
Any aliases for the object definition.
Guaranteed to never return ; if the associated
does not have any aliases associated with it, then an empty
array will be returned.
Visitor class for traversing objects, in particular
the property values and constructor arguments contained in them resolving
object metadata values.
Used by and
to parse all string values contained in a ObjectDefinition, resolving any placeholders found.
Mark Pollack
Initializes a new instance of the class,
applying the specified IVariableSource to all object metadata values.
The variable source.
Initializes a new instance of the class
for subclassing
Subclasses should override the ResolveStringValue method
Traverse the given ObjectDefinition object and the MutablePropertyValues
and ConstructorArgumentValues contained in them.
The object definition to traverse.
Visits the ObjectDefinition property ObjectTypeName, replacing string values using
the specified IVariableSource.
The object definition.
Visits the property values of the ObjectDefinition, replacing string values
using the specified IVariableSource.
The object definition.
Visits the indexed constructor argument values, replacing string values using the
specified IVariableSource.
The indexed argument values.
Visits the named constructor argument values, replacing string values using the
specified IVariableSource.
The named argument values.
Visits the generic constructor argument values, replacing string values using
the specified IVariableSource.
The genreic argument values.
Configures the constructor argument ValueHolder.
The vconstructor alue holder.
Resolves the given value taken from an object definition according to its type
the value to resolve
the resolved value
Visits the ManagedList property ElementTypeName and
calls for list element.
Visits the ManagedSet property ElementTypeName and
calls for list element.
Visits the ManagedSet properties KeyTypeName and ValueTypeName and
calls for dictionary's value element.
Visits the elements of a NameValueCollection and calls
for value of each element.
Looks up the value of the given variable name in the configured .
The name of the variable to be looked up
The value of this variable, as returned from the passed
into the constructor If no has been configured.
Returns a value that is an
returns an object from an
The primary motivation of this class is to avoid having a client object
directly calling the
method to get a prototype object out of an
, which would be a
violation of the inversion of control principle. With the use of this
class, the client object can be fed an
as a property
that directly returns one target prototype object.
The object referred to by the value of the
property does not have to be a prototype object, but there is little
to no point in using this class in conjunction with a singleton object.
The following XML configuration snippet illustrates the use of this
Colin SampaleanuSimon White (.NET)
Interface to be implemented by objects that wish to be aware of their owning
For example, objects can look up collaborating objects via the factory.
Note that most objects will choose to receive references to collaborating
objects via respective properties and / or an appropriate constructor.
For a list of all object lifecycle methods, see the
API documentation.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Callback that supplies the owning factory to an object instance.
(may not be ). The object can immediately
call methods on the factory.
Invoked after population of normal object properties but before an init
callback like 's
method or a custom init-method.
In case of initialization errors.
Returns an instance of the object factory.
The object factory.
Invoked by an
after it has set all supplied object properties.
In the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential
property) or if initialization fails.
Sets the name of the target object.
The target factory that will be used to perform the lookup
of the object referred to by the
The owning
(will never be ).
In case of initialization errors.
The of object created by this factory.
Interface defining a factory which can return an object instance
(possibly shared or independent) when invoked.
This interface is typically used to encapsulate a generic factory
which returns a new instance (prototype) on each invocation.
It is similar to the , but
implementations of the aforementioned interface are normally meant to be defined
as instances by the user in an ,
while implementations of this class are normally meant to be fed as a property to
other objects; as such, the
has different exception handling behavior.
Colin SampaleanuSimon White (.NET)
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent)
of the object managed by this factory.
An instance of the object (should never be ).
Creates a new instance of the GenericObjectFactory class.
The enclosing
Returns the object created by the enclosed object factory.
The created object.
An implementation
that exposes an arbitrary target object under a different name.
Usually, the target object will reside in a different object
definition file, using this
to link it in
and expose it under a different name. Effectively, this corresponds
to an alias for the target object.
For XML based object definition files, a <alias>
tag is available that effectively achieves the same.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object
managed by this factory.
An instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object managed by
this factory.
The name of the target object.
The target object may potentially be defined in a different object
definition file.
The name of the target object.
Return the type of object that this
creates, or
if not known in advance.
Is the object managed by this factory a singleton or a prototype?
Callback that supplies the owning factory to an object instance.
The owning
(may not be ). The object can immediately
call methods on the factory.
In case of initialization errors.
Implementation of that
resolves variable name against Java-style property file.
Aleksandar Seovic
Resolves variable value for the specified variable name.
The name of the variable to resolve.
The variable value if able to resolve, null otherwise.
Initializes properties based on the specified
property file locations.
Gets or sets the locations of the property files
to read properties from.
The locations of the property files
to read properties from.
Convinience property. Gets or sets a single location
to read properties from.
A location to read properties from.
Overrides default values in one or more object definitions.
Instances of this class override already existing values, and is
thus best suited to replacing defaults. If you need to replace
placeholder values, consider using the
class instead.
In contrast to the
class, the original object definition can have default
values or no values at all for such object properties. If an overriding
configuration file does not have an entry for a certain object property,
the default object value is left as is. Also note that it is not
immediately obvious to discern which object definitions will be mutated by
one or more
simply by looking at the object configuration.
Each line in a referenced configuration file is expected to take the
following form...
The name.property key refers to the object name and the
property that is to be overridden; and the value is the overridding
value that will be inserted into the appropriate object definition's
named property.
Please note that in the case of multiple
that define different values for the same object definition value, the
last overridden value will win (due to the fact that the values
supplied by previous
will be overridden).
The following XML context definition defines an object that has a number
of properties, all of which have default values...
What follows is a .NET config file snippet for the above example (assuming
the need to override one of the default values)...
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Allows for the configuration of individual object property values from
a .NET .config file.
Useful for custom .NET .config files targetted at system administrators
that override object properties configured in the application context.
Two concrete implementations are provided in the Spring.NET core library:
for <add key="placeholderKey" value="..."/> style
overriding (pushing values from a .NET .config file into object
for replacing "${...}" placeholders (pulling values from a .NET .config
file into object definitions).
Please refer to the API documentation for the concrete implementations
listed above for example usage.
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
The default configuration section name to use if none is explictly supplied.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no
public constructors.
Modify the application context's internal object factory after its
standard initialization.
The object factory used by the application context.
In case of errors.
Loads properties from the configuration sections
specified in into .
The instance to be filled with properties.
Apply the given properties to the supplied
used by the application context.
The properties to apply.
If an error occured.
Validates the supplied .
Basically, if external locations are specified, ensure that either
one or a like number of config sections are also specified.
The to be validated.
Simply initializes the supplied
collection with this instances default
(if any).
The collection to be so initialized.
The policy for resolving conflicting property overrides from
several resources.
When merging conflicting property overrides from several resources,
should append an override with the same key be appended to the
current value, or should the property override from the last resource
processed override previous values?
The default value is ; i.e. a property
override from the last resource to be processed overrides previous
if the property override from the last resource
processed overrides previous values.
Return the order value of this object, where a higher value means greater in
terms of sorting.
The order value.
The default properties to be applied.
These are to be considered defaults, to be overridden by values
loaded from other resources.
The location of the .NET .config file that contains the property
overrides that are to be applied.
The locations of the .NET .config files containing the property
overrides that are to be applied.
The configuration sections to look for within the .config files.
Should a failure to find a .config file be ignored?
is only appropriate if the .config file is
completely optional. The default is .
if a failure to find a .config file is to be
Apply the given properties to the supplied
used by the application context.
The properties to apply.
If an error occured.
Process the given key as 'name.property' entry.
The object factory containing the object definitions that are to be
The key.
The value.
If an error occurs.
If the property was not well formed (i.e. not in the format "name.property").
implementation that
evaluates a property path on a given target object.
The target object can be specified directly or via an object name (see
example below).
Please note that the
is an implementation, and as such has
to comply with the contract of the
interface; more specifically, this means that the end result of the property lookup path
evaluation cannot be (
implementations are not permitted to return ). If the resut of a
property lookup path evaluates to , an exception will be thrown.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object
managed by this factory.
An instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object managed by
this factory.
The target object that the property path lookup is to be applied to.
This would most likely be an inner object, but can of course be
any object reference.
The target object that the property path lookup is to be applied to.
The (object) name of the target object that the property path lookup
is to be applied to.
Please note that any leading or trailing whitespace will be
trimmed from this name prior to resolution. The implication of this is that
one cannot use the
class in conjunction with object names that start or end with whitespace.
The (object) name of the target object that the property path lookup
is to be applied to.
The property (lookup) path to be applied to the target object.
Please note that any leading or trailing whitespace will be
trimmed from this path prior to resolution. Whitespace is not a valid
identifier for property names (in part or whole) in CLS-based languages,
so this is a not unreasonable action. Please also note that whitespace
that is embedded within the property path will be left as-is (which may
or may not result in an error being thrown, depending on the context of
the whitespace).
Examples of such property lookup paths can be seen below; note that
property lookup paths can be nested to an arbitrary level.
accountManager.account['the key'].name
The property (lookup) path to be applied to the target object.
The 'expected' of the result from evaluating the
property path.
This is not necessary for directly specified target objects, or
singleton target objects, where the can
be determined via reflection. Just specify this in case of a
prototype target, provided that you need matching by type (for
example, for autowiring).
It is permissable to set the value of this property to
(which in any case is the default value).
The 'expected' of the result from evaluating the
property path.
Return the of object that this
creates, or
if not known in advance.
Is the object managed by this factory a singleton or a prototype?
Set the name of the object in the object factory that created this object.
The object name of this
will be interpreted as "objectName.property" pattern, if neither the
have been supplied (set).
This allows for concise object definitions with just an id or name.
The name of the object in the factory.
Callback that supplies the owning factory to an object instance.
(may not be ). The object can immediately
call methods on the factory.
In case of initialization errors.
Resolves placeholder values in one or more object definitions.
The default placeholder syntax follows the NAnt style: ${...}.
Instances of this class can be configured in the same way as any other
object in a Spring.NET container, and so custom placeholder prefix
and suffix values can be set via the
and properties.
The following example XML context definition defines an object that has
a number of placeholders. The placeholders can easily be distinguished
by the presence of the ${} characters.
The associated XML configuration file for the above example containing the
values for the placeholders would contain a snippet such as ..
The preceding XML snippet listing the various property keys and their
associated values needs to be inserted into the .NET config file of
your application (or Web.config file for your ASP.NET web application,
as the case may be), like so...
checks simple property values, lists, dictionaries, sets, constructor
values, object type name, and object names in
runtime object references (
Furthermore, placeholder values can also cross-reference other
placeholders, in the manner of the following example where the
rootPath property is cross-referenced by the subPath
In contrast to the
class, this configurer only permits the replacement of explicit
placeholders in object definitions. Therefore, the original definition
cannot specify any default values for its object properties, and the
placeholder configuration file is expected to contain an entry for each
defined placeholder. That is, if an object definition contains a
placeholder ${foo}, there should be an associated
<add key="foo" value="..."/> entry in the
referenced placeholder configuration file. Default property values
can be defined via the inherited
collection to overcome any perceived limitation of this feature.
If a configurer cannot resolve a placeholder, and the value of the
property is currently set to , an
will be thrown. If you want to resolve properties from multiple configuration
resources, simply specify multiple resources via the
property. Finally, please note that you can also define multiple
instances, each with their own custom placeholder syntax.
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
The default placeholder prefix.
The default placeholder suffix.
Apply the given properties to the supplied
used by the application context.
The properties to apply.
If an error occured.
Parse values recursively to be able to resolve cross-references between
placeholder values.
The map of constructor arguments / property values.
The string to be resolved.
The placeholders that have already been visited
during the current resolution attempt (used to detect circular references
between placeholders). Only non-null if we're parsing a nested placeholder.
If an error occurs.
The resolved string.
Resolve the given placeholder using the given name value collection,
performing an environment variables check according to the given mode.
The default implementation delegates to
before/afer the environment variable check. Subclasses can override
this for custom resolution strategies, including customized points
for the environment properties check.
The placeholder to resolve
The merged name value collection of this configurer.
The environment variable mode.
The resolved value or if none.
Resolve the given placeholder using the given name value collection.
This (the default) implementation simply looks up the value of the
supplied key.
Subclasses can override this for customized placeholder-to-key
mappings or custom resolution strategies, possibly just using the
given name value collection as fallback.
The placeholder to resolve.
The merged name value collection of this configurer.
The resolved value.
The placeholder prefix (the default is ${).
The placeholder suffix (the default is })
Indicates whether unresolved placeholders should be ignored.
Controls how environment variables will be used to
replace property placeholders.
See the overview of the
enumeration for the available options.
implementation that
retrieves a or non-static public property value.
Typically used for retrieving public property values.
Rick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Invoked by an
after it has set all object properties supplied
(and satisfied
and ApplicationContextAware).
In the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential
property) or if initialization fails.
Template method that subclasses must override to construct the object
returned by this factory.
If an exception occured during object creation.
The object returned by this factory.
The of the static property
to be retrieved.
Arguments for the property invocation.
If this property is not set, or the value passed to the setter invocation
is a null or zero-length array, a property with no arguments is assumed.
The name of the property the value of which is to be retrieved.
Refers to either a property or a non-static property,
depending on a target object being set.
The object instance on which the property is defined.
The on which the property is defined.
Return the type of object that this
creates, or
if not known in advance.
Implementation of that
resolves variable name against registry key.
Aleksandar Seovic
Resolves variable value for the specified variable name.
The name of the variable to resolve.
This implementation resolves REG_SZ as well as REG_MULTI_SZ values. In case of a REG_MULTI_SZ value,
strings are concatenated to a comma-separated list following
The variable value if able to resolve, null otherwise.
Gets or sets the registry key to obtain variable values from.
The registry key to obtain variable values from.
implementation that allows for convenient registration of custom
IResource implementations.
Because the
class implements the
interface, instances of this class that have been exposed in the
scope of an
automatically be picked up by the application context and made
available to the IoC container whenever resolution of IResources is required.
Mark Pollack
Registers custom IResource implementations. The supplied
is not used since IResourse implementations
are registered with a global
The object factory.
In case of errors.
The IResource implementations, i.e. resource handlers, to register.
The has the
contains the resource protocol name as the key and type as the value.
The key name can either be a string or an object, in which case
ToString() will be used to obtain the string name.
The value can be the fully qualified name of the IResource
implementation, a string, or
an actual of the IResource class
A convenience class to create a
given the resource base
name and assembly name.
This is currently the preferred way of injecting resources into view
tier components (such as Windows Forms GUIs and ASP.NET ASPX pages).
A GUI component (typically a Windows Form) is injected with
an instance, and can
then proceed to use the various GetXxx() methods on the
to retrieve images,
strings, custom resources, etc.
Mark Pollack
Creates a .
If an exception occured during object creation.
The object returned by this factory.
Invoked by an
after it has set all object properties supplied
(and satisfied the
In the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential
property) or if initialization fails.
The root name of the resources.
For example, the root name for the resource file named
"MyResource.en-US.resources" is "MyResource".
The namespace is also prefixed before the resource file name.
The string representation of the assembly that contains the resource.
The .
Immutable placeholder class used for the value of a
object when it's a reference
to another object in this factory to be resolved at runtime.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
This does not mark this object as being a reference to
another object in any parent factory.
The name of the target object.
Creates a new instance of the
This variant constructor allows a client to specifiy whether or not
this object is a reference to another object in a parent factory.
The name of the target object.
Whether this object is an explicit reference to an object in a
parent factory.
Returns a string representation of this instance.
A string representation of this instance.
Return the target object name.
Is this is an explicit reference to an object in the parent
if this is an explicit reference to an
object in the parent factory.
Simple factory object for shared instances.
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Constructs a new instance of the target set.
The new instance.
Set the source .
This value will be used to populate the
returned by this factory.
Set the of the
implementation to use.
The default is the .
The of objects created by this factory.
Always returns the .
Configure all ISharedStateAware objects, delegating concrete handling to the list of .
Creates a new empty instance.
Creates a new preconfigured instance.
priority value affecting order of invocation of this processor. See interface.
Iterates over configured list of s until
the first provider is found that
a) true == provider.CanProvideState( instance, name )
b) null != provider.GetSharedState( instance, name )
A NoOp for this processor
The new object instance.
The name of the object.
the original .
Return the order value of this object, where a higher value means greater in
terms of sorting.
Normally starting with 0 or 1, with indicating
greatest. Same order values will result in arbitrary positions for the affected
Higher value can be interpreted as lower priority, consequently the first object
has highest priority.
The order value.
Get/Set the (already ordererd!) list of instances.
If this list is not set, the containing object factory will automatically
be scanned for instances.
Implementation of that
resolves variable name against special folders (as defined by
Aleksandar Seovic
Resolves specified special folder to its full path.
The name of the special folder to resolve. Should be one of the values
defined by the enumeration.
The folder path if able to resolve, null otherwise.
implementation that allows for convenient registration of custom
type aliases.
Type aliases can be used instead of fully qualified type names anywhere
a type name is expected in a Spring.NET configuration file.
Because the
class implements the
interface, instances of this class that have been exposed in the
scope of an
automatically be picked up by the application context and made
available to the IoC container whenever resolution of type aliases is required.
Mark Pollack
Registers any type aliases. The supplied
is not used since type aliases
are registered with a global
The object factory.
In case of errors.
The type aliases to register.
The has the
contains the alias name as the key and type as the value.
The key name can either be a string or an object, in which case
ToString() will be used to obtain the string name.
the value can be the fully qualified name of the type as a string or
an actual of the class that
being aliased.
Holder for a typed value.
Can be added to object definitions to explicitly specify
a target type for a value,
for example for collection
This holder just stores the value and the target
. The actual conversion will be performed by
the surrounding object factory.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The value.
Creates a new instance of the
The value that is to be converted.
The to convert to.
If the supplied is
The value that is to be converted.
Obviously if the
is the , no conversion
will actually be performed.
The to convert to.
If the setter is supplied with a value.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has target type.
true if this instance has target type; otherwise, false.
Provides methods for type-safe accessing s.
Erich Eichinger
Initialize a new instance of an
The underlying to read values from.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The expected format of the variable's value
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The expected format of the variable's value
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns an of type that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
An of type that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Returns an of type that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns null.
If false, suppresses exceptions if the result
of cannot be parsed
and returns instead.
An of type that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if cannot be parsed.
Returns a that contains the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be read.
The value to be returned if returns or .
A that contains the value of the specified variable
or , if returns null.
Resolves placeholder values in one or more object definitions
The placeholder syntax follows the NAnt style: ${...}.
Placeholders values are resolved against a list of
s. In case of multiple definitions
for the same property placeholder name, the first one in the
list is used.
Variable substitution is performed on simple property values,
lists, dictionaries, sets, constructor
values, object type name, and object names in
runtime object references (
).Furthermore, placeholder values can also cross-reference other
placeholders, in the manner of the following example where the
rootPath property is cross-referenced by the subPath
If a configurer cannot resolve a placeholder, and the value of the
property is currently set to , an
will be thrown. Mark Pollack
The default placeholder prefix.
The default placeholder suffix.
Modify the application context's internal object factory after its
standard initialization.
The object factory used by the application context.
All object definitions will have been loaded, but no objects will have
been instantiated yet. This allows for overriding or adding properties
even to eager-initializing objects.
In case of errors.
Apply the property replacement using the specified s for all
object in the supplied
used by the application context.
If an error occured.
Sets the list of s that will be used to resolve placeholder names.
A list of s.
Sets that will be used to resolve placeholder names.
A instance.
The placeholder prefix (the default is ${).
The placeholder suffix (the default is })
Indicates whether unresolved placeholders should be ignored.
Return the order value of this object, where a higher value means greater in
terms of sorting.
The order value.
Context that gets passed along an object definition reading process,
encapsulating all relevant configuraiton as well as state.
Rob HarropJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The resource.
Gets the resource.
The resource.
Abstract superclass
that implements default object creation.
Provides object creation, initialization and wiring, supporting
autowiring and constructor resolution. Handles runtime object
references, managed collections, and object destruction.
The main template method to be implemented by subclasses is
used for autowiring by type. Note that this class does not implement object
definition registry capabilities
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Abstract superclass for
This class provides singleton / prototype determination, singleton caching,
object definition aliasing,
handling, and object definition merging for child object definitions.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Marker object to be temporarily registered in the singleton cache,
while instantiating an object (in order to be able to detect circular references).
The instance for this class.
Used as value in hashtable that keeps track of singleton names currently in the
process of being created. Would not be necessary if we created a case insensitive implementation of
Creates a new instance of the
This constructor implicitly creates an
that treats the names of objects in this factory in a case-sensitive fashion.
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
if the names of objects in this factory are to be treated in a
case-sensitive fashion.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
if the names of objects in this factory are to be treated in a
case-sensitive fashion.
Any parent object factory; may be .
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a factory method. If there is no factory method and the
supplied array is not , then
match the argument values by type and call the object's constructor.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the object is not of the required type.
If the supplied is .
Apply the property values of the object definition with the supplied
to the supplied .
The object definition can either define a fully self-contained object,
reusing it's property values, or just property values meant to be used
for existing object instances.
The existing object that the property values for the named object will
be applied to.
The name of the object definition associated with the property values that are
to be applied.
In case of errors.
Create an object instance for the given object definition.
The name of the object.
The object definition for the object that is to be instantiated.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a static factory method. It is invalid to use a non- arguments value
in any other case.
Whether eager caching of singletons is allowed... typically true for
singlton objects, but never true for inner object definitions.
Create instance only - suppress injecting dependencies yet.
A new instance of the object.
In case of errors.
The object definition will already have been merged with the parent
definition in case of a child definition.
All the other methods in this class invoke this method, although objects
may be cached after being instantiated by this method. All object
instantiation within this class is performed by this method.
Destroy the target object.
Must destroy objects that depend on the given object before the object itself,
nor throw an exception.
The name of the object.
The target object instance to destroyed.
Does this object factory contain an object definition with the
supplied ?
Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
Invoked by
when no cached singleton instance is found.
The name of the object to look for.
if this object factory contains an object
definition with the supplied .
Adds the supplied (object) to this factory's
singleton cache.
To be called for eager registration of singletons, e.g. to be able to
resolve circular references.
If a singleton has already been registered under the same name as
the supplied , then the old singleton will
be replaced.
The name of the object.
The singleton object.
If the argument is
or consists wholly of whitespace characters; or if the
is .
Return the object name, stripping out the factory dereference prefix if
necessary, and resolving aliases to canonical names.
The transformed name of the object.
Ensures, that the given name is prefixed with
if it incidentially already starts with this prefix. This avoids troubles when dereferencing
the object name during
Determines whether the specified name is defined as an alias as opposed
to the name of an actual object definition.
The object name to check.
true if the specified name is alias; otherwise, false.
Return a ,
even by traversing parent if the parameter is a child definition.
The name of the object.
Are ancestors to be included in the merge?
Will ask the parent object factory if not found in this instance.
A merged
with overridden properties.
Return a ,
even by traversing parent if the parameter is a child definition.
A merged
with overridden properties.
Creates the root object definition.
The template definition to base root definition on.
Root object definition.
Return the registered
for the
given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
argument values.
The name of the object.
The registered
If there is no object with the given name.
In the case of errors.
Return the registered
for the
given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
argument values.
The name of the object.
Whether to search parent object factories.
The registered
If there is no object with the given name.
In the case of errors.
Gets the type for the given FactoryObject.
The factory object instance to check.
the FactoryObject's object type
Gets the object type for the given FactoryObject definition, as far as possible.
Only called if there is no singleton instance registered for the target object already.
The default implementation creates the FactoryObject via GetObject
to call its ObjectType property. Subclasses are encouraged to optimize
this, typically by just instantiating the FactoryObject but not populating it yet,
trying whether its ObjectType property already returns a type.
If no type found, a full FactoryObject creation as performed by this implementation
should be used as fallback.
Name of the object.
The merged object definition for the object.
The type for the object if determinable, or null otherwise
Predict the eventual object type (of the processed object instance) for the
specified object.
Does not need to handle FactoryObjects specifically, since it is only
supposed to operate on the raw object type.
This implementation is simplistic in that it is not able to
handle factory methods and InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors.
It only predicts the object type correctly for a standard object.
To be overridden in subclasses, applying more sophisticated type detection.
Name of the object.
The merged object definition to determine the type for.
The type of the object, or null if not predictable
Get the object for the given object instance, either the object
instance itself or its created object in case of an
The name that may include the factory dereference prefix.
The object instance.
The singleton instance of the object.
Obtain an object to expose from the given IFactoryObject.
The IFactoryObject instance.
Name of the object.
The merged object definition.
The object obtained from the IFactoryObjectIf IFactoryObject object creation failed.
Post-process the given object that has been obtained from the FactoryObject.
The resulting object will be exposed for object references.
The default implementation simply returns the given object
as-is. Subclasses may override this, for example, to apply
The instance obtained from the IFactoryObject.
Name of the object.
The object instance to exposeif any post-processing failed.
Convenience method to pull an
from this factory.
The name of the factory object to be retrieved. If this name is not a valid
name, it will be converted
into one.
The associated with the
supplied .
Is the supplied a factory object dereference?
Determines whether the type of the given object definition matches the
specified target type.
Allows for lazy load of the actual object type, provided that the
type match can be determined otherwise.
The default implementation simply delegates to the standard
ResolveObjectType method. Subclasses may override this to use
a differnt strategy.
Name of the object (for error handling purposes).
The merged object definition to determine the type for.
Type to match against (never null).
true if object definition matches tye specified target type; otherwise, false.
if we failed to load the type."
Resolves the type of the object for the specified object definition resolving
an object type name to a Type (if necessary) and storing the resolved Type
in the object definition for further use.
The merged object definition to dertermine the type for.
Name of the object (for error handling purposes).
Is the object (definition) with the supplied an
The name of the object to be checked.
the object (definition) with the supplied
an ?
Remove the object identified by the supplied
from this factory's singleton cache.
The name of the object that is to be removed from the singleton
If the argument is or
consists wholly of whitespace characters.
Return the names of objects in the singleton cache that match the given
object type (including subclasses).
The class or interface to match, or for all object names.
Will not consider s
as the type of their created objects is not known before instantiation.
Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
The names of objects in the singleton cache that match the given
object type (including subclasses), or an empty array if none.
Determines whether the object with the given name matches the specified type.
More specifically, check whether a GetObject call for the given name
would return an object that is assignable to the specified target type.
Translates aliases back to the corresponding canonical bean name.
Will ask the parent factory if the bean cannot be found in this factory instance.
The name of the object to query.
Type of the target to match against.
true if the object type matches; otherwise, false
if it doesn't match or cannot be determined yet.
Ff there is no object with the given name
Determines the of the object with the
supplied .
More specifically, checks the of object that
would return.
For an , returns the
of object that the
Please note that (prototype) objects created via a factory method or
objects are handled
slightly differently, in that we don't want to needlessly create
instances of such objects just to determine the
of object that they create.
The name of the object to query.
The of the object or
if not determinable.
Determines the of the object defined
by the supplied object .
This, the default, implementation returns
to indicate that the type cannot be determined. Subclasses are
encouraged to try to determine the actual return
here, matching their strategy of resolving
factory methods in the
The name associated with the supplied object .
that the is to be determined for.
The of the object defined by the supplied
object ; or if the
cannot be determined.
Returns the names of the objects in the singleton cache.
Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
The names of the objects in the singleton cache.
Returns the number of objects in the singleton cache.
Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
The number of objects in the singleton cache.
Destroys the named singleton object.
Delegates to
if a corresponding singleton instance is found.
The name of the singleton object that is to be destroyed.
Check the supplied merged object definition for any possible
validation errors.
The object definition to be checked for validation errors.
The name of the object associated with the supplied object definition.
The the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a factory method. If there is no factory method and the
supplied array is not , then
match the argument values by type and call the object's constructor.
In the case of object validation errors.
Parent object factory, for object inheritance support
Dependency types to ignore on dependency check and autowire, as Set of
Type objects: for example, string. Default is none.
ObjectPostProcessors to apply in CreateObject
Indicates whether any IInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors have been registered
Indicates whether any IDestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors have been registered
Set of registered singletons, containing the bean names in registration order
Set that holds all inner objects created by this factory that implement the IDisposable
interface, to be destroyed on call to Dispose.
Determines whether the local object factory contains a bean of the given name,
ignoring object defined in ancestor contexts.
This is an alternative to ContainsObject, ignoring an object
of the given name from an ancestor object factory.
The name of the object to query.
true if objects with the specified name is defined in the local factory; otherwise, false.
Is this object a singleton?
Determines whether the specified object name is prototype. That is, will GetObject
always return independent instances?
The name of the object to query
true if the specified object name will always deliver independent instances; otherwise, false.
This method returning false does not clearly indicate a singleton object.
It indicated non-independent instances, which may correspond to a scoped object as
well. use the IsSingleton property to explicitly check for a shared
singleton instance.
Translates aliases back to the corresponding canonical object name. Will ask the
parent factory if the object can not be found in this factory instance.
if there is no object with the given name.
Does this object factory contain an object with the given name?
This method does not (and it should not) check if the specified
object exists in one of the parent object factories. If it did,
message sources and event registries within application context
hierarchy would have circular references, which would cause stack
overflows during message lookup, for example. (A. Seovic)
Return the aliases for the given object name, if defined.
Return an unconfigured(!) instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
This method will only instantiate the requested object. It does NOT inject any dependencies!
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
This method allows an object factory to be used as a replacement for the
Singleton or Prototype design pattern.
Note that callers should retain references to returned objects. There is no
guarantee that this method will be implemented to be efficient. For example,
it may be synchronized, or may need to run an RDBMS query.
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
The name of the object to return.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a static factory method. If there is no factory method and the
arguments are not null, then match the argument values by type and
call the object's constructor.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the supplied is .
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name,
optionally injecting dependencies.
The name of the object to return.
The the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a factory method. If there is no factory method and the
supplied array is not , then
match the argument values by type and call the object's constructor.
whether to inject dependencies or not.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the object is not of the required type.
If the supplied is .
Checks, if the passed instance is of the required type.
the name of the object
the actual instance
the type contract the given instance must adhere.
the object instance passed in via (for more fluent usage)
if is null or not assignable to .
Creates a singleton instance for the specified object name and definition.
The object name (will be used as the key in the singleton cache key).
The object definition.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a static factory method. If there is no factory method and the
arguments are not null, then match the argument values by type and
call the object's constructor.
The created object instance.
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the named object definition.
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the supplied .
Destroy all cached singletons in this factory.
Ignore the given dependency type for autowiring
Determines whether the specified object name is currently in creation..
Name of the object.
true if the specified object name is currently in creation; otherwise, false.
Add a new
that will get applied to objects created by this factory.
to register.
Given an object name, create an alias.
Register the given existing object as singleton in the object factory,
under the given object name.
Register the given custom
for all properties of the given .
Does this object factory contains a singleton instance with the
supplied ?
Tries to find a cached object for the specified name.
Teh object name to look for.
The cached object if found, otherwise.
Determines whether the given object name is already in use within this factory,
i.e. whether there is a local object or alias registered under this name or
an inner object created with this name.
Name of the object to check.
true if is object name in use; otherwise, false.
Returns, whether this factory treats object names case sensitive or not.
Gets the of
that will be applied to objects created by this factory.
Gets the set of classes that will be ignored for autowiring.
The elements of this are
Returns, whether this object factory instance contains objects.
Returns, whether this object factory instance contains objects.
Gets the temporary object that is placed
into the singleton cache during object resolution.
Set that holds all inner objects created by this factory that implement the IDisposable
interface, to be destroyed on call to Dispose.
The parent object factory, or if there is none.
The parent object factory, or if there is none.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
Returns the current number of registered
The current number of registered
Gets the names of singleton objects registered in this registry.
The list of names as String array (never null).
Only checks already instantiated singletons; does not return names
for singleton bean definitions which have not been instantiated yet.
The main purpose of this method is to check manually registered singletons
. Can also be used to check which
singletons defined by an object definition have already been created.
Gets the number of singleton beans registered in this registry.
The number of singleton objects.
Only checks already instantiated singletons; does not count
singleton object definitions which have not been instantiated yet.
The main purpose of this method is to check manually registered singletons
. Can also be used to count the number of
singletons defined by an object definition that have already been created.
Makes a distinction between sort order and object identity.
This is important when used with , since most
implementations assume Order == Identity
Handle the case when both objects have equal sort order priority. By default returns 0,
but may be overriden for handling special cases.
The first object to compare.
The second object to compare.
-1 if first object is less then second, 1 if it is greater, or 0 if they are equal.
The used during the invocation and
searching for of methods.
The instance for this class.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Flag specifying whether to make this object factory case sensitive or not.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Flag specifying whether to make this object factory case sensitive or not.
The parent object factory, or if none.
Predict the eventual object type (of the processed object instance) for the
specified object.
Name of the object.
The merged object definition to determine the type for.
The type of the object, or null if not predictable
Determines the of the object defined
by the supplied object .
The name associated with the supplied object .
that the is to be determined for.
The of the object defined by the supplied
object ; or if the
cannot be determined.
Apply the property values of the object definition with the supplied
to the supplied .
The existing object that the property values for the named object will
be applied to.
The name of the object definition associated with the property values that are
to be applied.
Apply any
The returned instance may be a wrapper around the original.
The of the object that is to be
The name of the object that is to be instantiated.
An instance to use in place of the original instance.
In case of errors.
Apply the given property values, resolving any runtime references
to other objects in this object factory.
The object name passed for better exception information.
The definition of the named object.
The wrapping the target object.
The new property values.
Must use deep copy, so that we don't permanently modify this property.
Return an array of object-type property names that are unsatisfied.
These are probably unsatisfied references to other objects in the
factory. Does not include simple properties like primitives or
An array of object-type property names that are unsatisfied.
The definition of the named object.
The wrapping the target object.
Destroy all cached singletons in this factory.
To be called on shutdown of a factory.
Populate the object instance in the given
with the property values from the
object definition.
The name of the object.
The definition of the named object.
The wrapping the target object.
Wires up any exposed events in the object instance in the given
with any event handler
values from the .
The name of the object.
The definition of the named object.
The wrapping the target object.
Fills in any missing property values with references to
other objects in this factory if autowire is set to
The object name to be autowired by .
The definition of the named object to update through autowiring.
The wrapping the target object (and
from which we can rip out information concerning the object).
The property values to register wired objects with.
Defines "autowire by type" (object properties by type) behavior.
This is like PicoContainer default, in which there must be exactly one object
of the property type in the object factory. This makes object factories simple
to configure for small namespaces, but doesn't work as well as standard Spring
behavior for bigger applications.
The object name to be autowired by .
The definition of the named object to update through autowiring.
The wrapping the target object (and
from which we can rip out information concerning the object).
The property values to register wired objects with.
Ignore the given dependency type for autowiring
This will typically be used by application contexts to register
dependencies that are resolved in other ways, like IOjbectFactory through
IObjectFactoryAware or IApplicationContext through IApplicationContextAware.
By default, IObjectFactoryAware and IObjectName interfaces are ignored.
For further types to ignore, invoke this method for each type.
Create an object instance for the given object definition.
The name of the object.
The object definition for the object that is to be instantiated.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a static factory method. It is invalid to use a non- arguments value
in any other case.
Whether eager caching of singletons is allowed... typically true for
singlton objects, but never true for inner object definitions.
Suppress injecting dependencies yet.
A new instance of the object.
In case of errors.
The object definition will already have been merged with the parent
definition in case of a child definition.
All the other methods in this class invoke this method, although objects
may be cached after being instantiated by this method. All object
instantiation within this class is performed by this method.
Add the created, but yet unpopulated singleton to the singleton cache
to be able to resolve circular references
the name of the object to add to the cache.
the definition used to create and populated the object.
the raw object instance.
Derived classes may override this method to select the right cache based on the object definition.
Remove the specified singleton from the singleton cache that has
been added before by a call to
the name of the object to remove from the cache.
the definition used to create and populated the object.
Derived classes may override this method to select the right cache based on the object definition.
Creates an instance from the passed in
using constructor
The name of the object to create - used for error messages.
The describing the object to be created.
optional arguments to pass to the constructor
An wrapping the already instantiated object
Instantiates the given object using its default constructor
Name of the object.
The definition.
IObjectWrapper for the new instance
Determines candidate constructors to use for the given bean, checking all registered
Raw type of the object.
Name of the object.
the candidate constructors, or null if none specifiedIn case of errors
Instantiate an object instance using a named factory method.
The method may be static, if the
parameter specifies a class, rather than a
instance, or an
instance variable on a factory object itself configured using Dependency
Implementation requires iterating over the static or instance methods
with the name specified in the supplied
(the method may be overloaded) and trying to match with the parameters.
We don't have the types attached to constructor args, so trial and error
is the only way to go here.
The name associated with the supplied .
The definition describing the instance that is to be instantiated.
Any arguments to the factory method that is to be invoked.
The result of the factory method invocation (the instance).
"autowire constructor" (with constructor arguments by type) behaviour.
The name of the object to autowire by type.
The object definition to update through autowiring.
The chosen candidate constructors.
The argument values passed in programmatically via the GetObject method,
or null if none (-> use constructor argument values from object definition)
An for the new instance.
Also applied if explicit constructor argument values are specified,
matching all remaining arguments with objects from the object factory.
This corresponds to constructor injection: in this mode, a Spring.NET
object factory is able to host components that expect constructor-based
dependency resolution.
Perform a dependency check that all properties exposed have been set, if desired.
Dependency checks can be objects (collaborating objects), simple (primitives
and ), or all (both).
The name of the object.
The definition of the named object.
The wrapping the target object.
The property values to be checked.
If all of the checked dependencies were not satisfied.
Extract a filtered set of PropertyInfos from the given IObjectWrapper, excluding
ignored dependency types.
The object wrapper the object was created with.
The filtered PropertyInfos
Determine whether the given bean property is excluded from dependency checks.
This implementation excludes properties whose type matches an ignored dependency type
or which are defined by an ignored dependency interface.
the of the object property
whether the object property is excluded
Give an object a chance to react now all its properties are set,
and a chance to know about its owning object factory (this object).
This means checking whether the object implements
and / or
, and invoking the
necessary callback(s) if it does.
Custom init methods are resolved in a case-insensitive manner.
The new object instance we may need to initialise.
The name the object has in the factory. Used for logging output.
The definition of the target object instance.
Invoke the specified custom destroy method on the given object.
This implementation invokes a no-arg method if found, else checking
for a method with a single boolean argument (passing in "true",
assuming a "force" parameter), else logging an error.
Can be overridden in subclasses for custom resolution of destroy
methods with arguments.
Custom destroy methods are resolved in a case-insensitive manner.
Destroy the target object.
Must destroy objects that depend on the given object before the object itself.
Should not throw any exceptions.
The name of the object.
The target object instance to destroyed.
Destroys all of the objects registered as dependant on the
object (definition) identified by the supplied .
The name of the root object (definition) that is itself being destroyed.
Resolve a reference to another object in the factory.
The name of the object that is having the value of one of its properties resolved.
The definition of the named object.
The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
The runtime reference containing the value of the property.
A reference to another object in the factory.
Find object instances that match the required .
Called by autowiring. If a subclass cannot obtain information about object
names by , a corresponding exception should be thrown.
The of the objects to look up.
An of object names and object
instances that match the required , or
if none are found.
In case of errors.
Return the names of the objects that depend on the given object.
Called by DestroyObject, to be able to destroy depending objects first.
The name of the object to find depending objects for.
The array of names of depending objects, or the empty string array if none.
In case of errors.
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the named object definition.
The object instance that is to be so configured.
The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
be injected into the supplied instance.
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the supplied .
The object instance that is to be so configured.
The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
be injected into the supplied instance.
An object definition that should be used to configure object.
Configures object instance by injecting dependencies, satisfying Spring lifecycle
interfaces and applying object post-processors.
The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
be injected into the supplied instance.
An object definition that should be used to configure object.
A wrapped object instance that is to be so configured.
Applies the PostProcessAfterInitialization callback of all
registered IObjectPostProcessors, giving them a chance to post-process
the object obtained from IFactoryObjects (for example, to auto-proxy them)
The instance obtained from the IFactoryObject.
Name of the object.
The object instance to exposeif any post-processing failed.
Create a new object instance of the given class with the specified
autowire strategy.
The of the object to instantiate.
The desired autowiring mode.
Whether to perform a dependency check for objects (not applicable to
autowiring a constructor, thus ignored there).
The new object instance.
If the wiring fails.
Autowire the object properties of the given object instance by name or
The existing object instance.
The desired autowiring mode.
Whether to perform a dependency check for the object.
If the wiring fails.
If the supplied is not one of the
Apply s
to the given existing object instance, invoking their
The existing object instance.
The name of the object.
The object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
If any post-processing failed.
Apply s
to the given existing object instance, invoking their
The existing object instance.
The name of the object.
The object instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one.
If any post-processing failed.
Resolve the specified dependency against the objects defined in this factory.
The descriptor for the dependency.
Name of the object which declares the present dependency.
A list that all names of autowired object (used for
resolving the present dependency) are supposed to be added to.
the resolved object, or null if none found
if dependency resolution failed
Cache of filtered PropertyInfos: object Type -> PropertyInfo array
Dependency interfaces to ignore on dependency check and autowire, as Set of
Class objects. By default, only the IObjectFactoryAware and IObjectNameAware
interfaces are ignored.
implementation to be used to instantiate managed objects.
implementation that provides some convenience support for
derived classes.
This class is reserved for internal use within the framework; it is
not intended to be used by application developers using Spring.NET.
Rick Evans
Permits the (re)implementation of an arbitrary method on a Spring.NET
IoC container managed object.
Encapsulates the notion of the Method-Injection form of Dependency
Methods that are dependency injected with implementations of this
interface may be (but need not be) , in which
case the container will create a concrete subclass of the
class prior to instantiation.
Do not use this mechanism as a means of AOP. See the reference
manual for examples of appropriate usages of this interface.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Reimplement the supplied .
The instance whose is to be
The method that is to be (re)implemented.
The target method's arguments.
The result of the (re)implementation of the method call.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such has no
publicly visible constructors.
The object definition that is the target of the method replacement.
The enclosing IoC container with which the above
is associated.
If either of the supplied arguments is .
Is ; derived classes must supply an implementation.
The instance whose is to be
The method that is to be (re)implemented.
The target method's arguments.
The result of the object lookup.
Helper method for subclasses to retrieve the appropriate
for the
supplied .
The to use to retrieve
the appropriate
The appropriate
Helper method for subclasses to lookup an object from an enclosing
IoC container.
The name of the object that is to be looked up.
The named object.
Common base class for object definitions, factoring out common
functionality from
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Describes a configurable object instance, which has property values,
constructor argument values, and further information supplied by concrete
Rick Evans
Return the property values to be applied to a new instance of the object.
Return the constructor argument values for this object.
The method overrides (if any) for this object.
The method overrides (if any) for this object; may be an
empty collection but is guaranteed not to be
Return the event handlers for any events exposed by this object.
Return a description of the resource that this object definition
came from (for the purpose of showing context in case of errors).
Is this object definition "abstract", i.e. not meant to be instantiated
itself but rather just serving as parent for concrete child object
if this object definition is "abstract".
Returns the of the object definition (if any).
A resolved object .
If the of the object definition is not a
resolved or .
Returns the of the
of the object definition (if any).
Return whether this a Singleton, with a single, shared instance
returned on all calls.
If , an object factory will apply the Prototype
design pattern, with each caller requesting an instance getting an
independent instance. How this is defined will depend on the
object factory implementation. Singletons are the commoner type.
Is this object lazily initialized?
Only applicable to a singleton object.
If , it will get instantiated on startup by object factories
that perform eager initialization of singletons.
The autowire mode as specified in the object definition.
This determines whether any automagical detection and setting of
object references will happen. Default is
which means there's no autowire.
The dependency check code.
The object names that this object depends on.
The object factory will guarantee that these objects get initialized
Note that dependencies are normally expressed through object properties
or constructor arguments. This property should just be necessary for
other kinds of dependencies like statics (*ugh*) or database
preparation on startup.
The name of the initializer method.
The default is , in which case there is no initializer method.
Return the name of the destroy method.
The default is , in which case there is no destroy method.
The name of the factory method to use (if any).
This method will be invoked with constructor arguments, or with no
arguments if none are specified. The static method will be invoked on
the specified .
The name of the factory object to use (if any).
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance a candidate for getting autowired into some other
true if this instance is autowire candidate; otherwise, false.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no
public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no
public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
The object definition used to initialise the member fields of this
This is an class, and as such exposes no
public constructors.
Resolves the type of the object, resolving it from a specified
object type name if necessary.
A resolved instance.
If the type cannot be resolved.
Validate this object definition.
In the case of a validation failure.
Validates all
Validate the supplied .
to be validated.
Override settings in this object definition from the supplied
object definition.
The object definition used to override the member fields of this instance.
Returns a that represents the current
A that represents the current
The name of the parent definition of this object definition, if any.
The property values that are to be applied to the object
upon creation.
Setting the value of this property to
will merely result in a new (and empty)
collection being assigned to the property value.
The property values (if any) for this object; may be an
empty collection but is guaranteed not to be
Does this definition have any
if this definition has at least one
The constructor argument values for this object.
Setting the value of this property to
will merely result in a new (and empty)
collection being assigned.
The constructor argument values (if any) for this object; may be an
empty collection but is guaranteed not to be
The event handler values for this object.
Setting the value of this property to
will merely result in a new (and empty)
collection being assigned.
The event handler values (if any) for this object; may be an
empty collection but is guaranteed not to be
The method overrides (if any) for this object.
Setting the value of this property to
will merely result in a new (and empty)
collection being assigned to the property value.
The method overrides (if any) for this object; may be an
empty collection but is guaranteed not to be
The name of the target scope for the object.
Defaults to "singleton", ootb alternative is "prototype". Extended object factories
might support further scopes.
Is this definition a singleton, with
a single, shared instance returned on all calls to an enclosing
container (typically an
If , an object factory will apply the
prototype design pattern, with each caller requesting an
instance getting an independent instance. How this is defined
will depend on the object factory implementation. singletons
are the commoner type.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is prototype, with an independent instance
returned for each call.
true if this instance is prototype; otherwise, false.
Is this object lazily initialized?
Only applicable to a singleton object.
If , it will get instantiated on startup
by object factories that perform eager initialization of
Is this object definition a "template", i.e. not meant to be instantiated
itself but rather just serving as an object definition for configuration
templates used by .
if this object definition is a "template".
Is this object definition "abstract", i.e. not meant to be
instantiated itself but rather just serving as a parent for concrete
child object definitions.
if this object definition is "abstract".
The of the object definition (if any).
A resolved object .
If the of the object definition is not a
resolved or .
Is the of the object definition a resolved
Returns the of the
of the object definition (if any).
A description of the resource that this object definition
came from (for the purpose of showing context in case of errors).
The autowire mode as specified in the object definition.
This determines whether any automagical detection and setting of
object references will happen. The default is
which means that no autowiring will be performed.
Gets the resolved autowire mode.
This resolves
to one of
The dependency checking mode.
The default is
The object names that this object depends on.
The object factory will guarantee that these objects get initialized
before this object definition.
Dependencies are normally expressed through object properties
or constructor arguments. This property should just be necessary for
other kinds of dependencies such as statics (*ugh*) or database
preparation on startup.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance a candidate for getting autowired into some other
true if this instance is autowire candidate; otherwise, false.
The name of the initializer method.
The default value is the constant,
in which case there is no initializer method.
Return the name of the destroy method.
The default value is the constant,
in which case there is no destroy method.
The name of the factory method to use (if any).
This method will be invoked with constructor arguments, or with no
arguments if none are specified. The
method will be invoked on the specified
The name of the factory object to use (if any).
Does this object definition have any constructor argument values?
if his object definition has at least one
element in it's
Abstract base class for object definition readers.
Provides common properties like the object registry to work on.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Simple interface for object definition readers.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans
Load object definitions from the supplied .
The resource for the object definitions that are to be loaded.
The number of object definitions found
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Load object definitions from the supplied .
The resources for the object definitions that are to be loaded.
The number of object definitions found
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Loads the object definitions from the specified resource location.
The resource location, to be loaded with the
IResourceLoader location .
The number of object definitions found
Loads the object definitions from the specified resource locations.
The the resource locations to be loaded with the
IResourceLoader of this object definition reader.
The number of object definitions found
Gets the
instance that this reader works on.
The against which any class names
will be resolved into instances.
The to use for anonymous
objects (wihtout explicit object name specified).
Gets the resource loader to use for resource locations.
There is also a method
available for loading object definitions from a resource location. This is
a convenience to avoid explicit ResourceLoader handling.The resource loader.
The shared instance for this class (and derived classes).
Creates a new instance of the
instance that this reader works on.
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
instance that this reader works on.
The against which any class names
will be resolved into instances.
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Load object definitions from the supplied .
The resource for the object definitions that are to be loaded.
The number of object definitions that were loaded.
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Load object definitions from the supplied .
The resources for the object definitions that are to be loaded.
The number of object definitions found
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Loads the object definitions from the specified resource location.
The resource location, to be loaded with the
IResourceLoader location .
The number of object definitions found
Loads the object definitions from the specified resource locations.
The the resource locations to be loaded with the
IResourceLoader of this object definition reader.
The number of object definitions found
Gets the
instance that this reader works on.
The to use for anonymous
objects (wihtout explicit object name specified).
The against which any class names
will be resolved into instances.
Gets or sets the resource loader to use for resource locations.
The resource loader.
Utility class that contains various methods useful for the implementation of
autowire-capable object factories.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the AutowireUtils class.
This is a utility class, and as such has no publicly
visible constructors.
Gets those s
that are applicable for autowiring the supplied .
(definition) that is being autowired by constructor.
The absolute minimum number of arguments that any returned constructor
must have. If this parameter is equal to zero (0), then all constructors
are valid (regardless of their argument count), including any default
Those s
that are applicable for autowiring the supplied .
Determine a weight that represents the class hierarchy difference between types and
A direct match, i.e. type MyInteger -> arg of class MyInteger, does not increase
the result - all direct matches means weight zero (0). A match between the argument type
and a MyInteger instance argument would increase the weight by
1, due to the superclass () being one (1) steps up in the
class hierarchy being the last one that still matches the required type.
Therefore, with an argument of type , a
constructor taking a argument would be
preferred to a constructor taking an argument
which would be preferred to a constructor taking an
argument which would in turn be preferred
to a constructor taking an argument.
All argument weights get accumulated.
The argument s to match.
The arguments to match.
The accumulated weight for all arguments.
Algorithm that judges the match between the declared parameter types of a candidate method
and a specific list of arguments that this method is supposed to be invoked with.
Determines a weight that represents the class hierarchy difference between types and
arguments. The following a an example based on the Java class hierarchy for Integer.
A direct match, i.e. type Integer -> arg of class Integer, does not increase
the result - all direct matches means weight 0. A match between type Object and arg of
class Integer would increase the weight by 2, due to the superclass 2 steps up in the
hierarchy (i.e. Object) being the last one that still matches the required type Object.
Type Number and class Integer would increase the weight by 1 accordingly, due to the
superclass 1 step up the hierarchy (i.e. Number) still matching the required type Number.
Therefore, with an arg of type Integer, a constructor (Integer) would be preferred to a
constructor (Number) which would in turn be preferred to a constructor (Object).
All argument weights get accumulated.
The param types.
The args.
Determines whether the given object property is excluded from dependency checks.
The PropertyInfo of the object property.
true if is excluded from dependency check; otherwise, false.
Sorts the supplied , preferring
public constructors and "greedy" ones (that have lots of arguments).
The result will contain public constructors first, with a decreasing number
of arguments, then non-public constructors, again with a decreasing number
of arguments.
The array to be sorted.
Determines whether the setter property is defined in any of the given interfaces.
The PropertyInfo of the object property
The ISet of interfaces.
true if setter property is defined in interface; otherwise, false.
Creates the autowire candidate resolver.
A SimpleAutowireCandidateResolver
Object definition for definitions that inherit settings from their
parent (object definition).
Will use the
of the parent object definition if none is specified, but can also
override it. In the latter case, the child's
must be compatible with the parent, i.e. accept the parent's property values
and constructor argument values (if any).
A will
inherit all of the ,
, and
from it's parent
object definition, with the option to add new values. If the
and / or
properties are specified, they will override the corresponding parent settings.
The remaining settings will always be taken from the child definition:
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the parent object.
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the parent object.
The additional property values (if any) of the child.
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the parent object.
to be applied to a new instance of the object.
The additional property values (if any) of the child.
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the parent object.
The class of the object to instantiate.
to be applied to a new instance of the object.
The additional property values (if any) of the child.
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the parent object.
The of the object to
to be applied to a new instance of the object.
The additional property values (if any) of the child.
Validate this object definition.
A common cause of validation failures is a missing value for the
property; by
their very nature require that the
be set.
In the case of a validation failure.
A that represents the current
A that represents the current
The name of the parent object definition.
This value is required.
The name of the parent object definition.
Helper class for resolving constructors and factory methods.
Performs constructor resolution through argument matching.
Operates on a and an .
Used by .
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack
Initializes a new instance of the class for the given factory
and instantiation strategy.
The object factory to work with.
The object factory as IAutowireCapableObjectFactory.
The instantiation strategy for creating objects.
"autowire constructor" (with constructor arguments by type) behavior.
Also applied if explicit constructor argument values are specified,
matching all remaining arguments with objects from the object factory.
This corresponds to constructor injection: In this mode, a Spring
object factory is able to host components that expect constructor-based
dependency resolution.
Name of the object.
The merged object definition for the object.
The chosen chosen candidate constructors (or null if none).
The explicit argument values passed in programmatically via the getBean method,
or null if none (-> use constructor argument values from object definition)
An IObjectWrapper for the new instance
Instantiate an object instance using a named factory method.
The method may be static, if the
parameter specifies a class, rather than a
instance, or an
instance variable on a factory object itself configured using Dependency
Implementation requires iterating over the static or instance methods
with the name specified in the supplied
(the method may be overloaded) and trying to match with the parameters.
We don't have the types attached to constructor args, so trial and error
is the only way to go here.
The name associated with the supplied .
The definition describing the instance that is to be instantiated.
Any arguments to the factory method that is to be invoked.
The result of the factory method invocation (the instance).
Create an array of arguments to invoke a constructor or static factory method,
given the resolved constructor arguments values.
When return value is null the out parameter UnsatisfiedDependencyExceptionData will contain
information for use in throwing a UnsatisfiedDependencyException by the caller. This avoids using
exceptions for flow control as in the original implementation.
Resolves the
of the supplied .
The name of the object that is being resolved by this factory.
The rod.
The wrapper.
The cargs.
Where the resolved constructor arguments will be placed.
The minimum number of arguments that any constructor for the supplied
must have.
'Resolve' can be taken to mean that all of the s
constructor arguments is resolved into a concrete object that can be plugged
into one of the s constructors. Runtime object
references to other objects in this (or a parent) factory are resolved,
type conversion is performed, etc.
These resolved values are plugged into the supplied
object, because we wouldn't want to touch
the s constructor arguments in case it (or any of
its constructor arguments) is a prototype object definition.
This method is also used for handling invocations of static factory methods.
Returns an array of all of those
methods exposed on the
that match the supplied criteria.
Methods that have this name (can be in the form of a regular expression).
Methods that have exactly this many arguments.
Methods that are static / instance.
The on which the methods (if any) are to be found.
An array of all of those
methods exposed on the
that match the supplied criteria.
Concrete implementation of the
This class is a full-fledged object factory based on object definitions
that is usable straight out of the box.
Can be used as an object factory in and of itself, or as a superclass
for custom object factory implementations. Note that readers for
specific object definition formats are typically implemented separately
rather than as object factory subclasses.
For an alternative implementation of the
have a look at the
class, which manages existing object instances rather than creating new
ones based on object definitions.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
Flag specifying whether to make this object factory case sensitive or not.
Creates a new instance of the
The parent object factory.
Creates a new instance of the
Flag specifying whether to make this object factory case sensitive or not.
The parent object factory.
Find object instances that match the .
Called by autowiring. If a subclass cannot obtain information about object
names by , a corresponding exception should be thrown.
The type of the objects to look up.
An of object names and object
instances that match the , or
if none is found.
In case of errors.
Return the names of the objects that depend on the given object.
Called by the
so that dependant objects are able to be disposed of first.
The name of the object to find depending objects for.
The array of names of depending objects, or the empty string array if none.
In case of errors.
Check whether the specified object matches the supplied .
The name of the object to check.
The to check for.
if the object matches the supplied ,
or if the supplied is .
The instance for this class.
Whether to allow re-registration of a different definition with the
same name.
The mapping of object definition objects, keyed by object name.
List of object definition names, in registration order.
Resolver to use for checking if an object definition is an autowire candidate
IDictionary from dependency type to corresponding autowired value
Check if this registry contains a object definition with the given
The name of the object to look for.
if this object factory contains an object
definition with the given name.
Register a new object definition with this registry.
The name of the object instance to register.
The definition of the object instance to register.
If the object definition is invalid.
Ensure that all non-lazy-init singletons are instantiated, also
considering s.
If one of the singleton objects could not be created.
Register a special dependency type with corresponding autowired value.
Type of the dependency to register.
This will typically be a base interface such as IObjectFactory, with extensions of it resolved
as well if declared as an autowiring dependency (e.g. IListableBeanFactory),
as long as the given value actually implements the extended interface.
The autowired value. This may also be an
implementation o the interface,
which allows for lazy resolution of the actual target value.
This is intended for factory/context references that are supposed
to be autowirable but are not defined as objects in the factory:
e.g. a dependency of type ApplicationContext resolved to the
ApplicationContext instance that the object is living in.
Note there are no such default types registered in a plain IObjectFactory,
not even for the BeanFactory interface itself.
Return the registered
for the
given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
argument values.
The name of the object.
The registered ,
or null, if specified object definitions does not exist.
If is null or empty string.
Return the registered
for the
given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
argument values.
The name of the object.
Whether to search parent object factories.
The registered ,
or null, if specified object definitions does not exist.
If is null or empty string.
Return the names of all objects defined in this factory.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons (also applies to
Whether to include s too
or just normal objects.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the object instances that match the given object
(including subclasses), judging from either object
definitions or the value of
in the case of
The (class or interface) to match.
A of the matching objects,
containing the object names as keys and the corresponding object instances
as values.
If the objects could not be created.
Return the object instances that match the given object
(including subclasses).
The (class or interface) to match.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons (also applies to
Whether to include s too
or just normal objects.
An of the matching objects,
containing the object names as keys and the corresponding object instances
as values.
If any of the objects could not be created.
Return the object instances that match the given object
(including subclasses).
The (class or interface) to match.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons (also applies to
Whether to include s too
or just normal objects.
An of the matching objects,
containing the object names as keys and the corresponding object instances
as values.
If any of the objects could not be created.
Check whether the specified bean would need to be eagerly initialized
in order to determine its type.
a factory-bean reference that the bean definition defines a factory method for
whether eager initialization is necessary
Check whether the given bean is defined as a .
the name of the object
the corresponding object definition
Resolve the specified dependency against the objects defined in this factory.
The descriptor for the dependency.
Name of the object which declares the present dependency.
A list that all names of autowired object (used for
resolving the present dependency) are supposed to be added to.
the resolved object, or null if none found
if dependency resolution failed
Raises the no such object definition exception for an unresolvable dependency
The type.
The dependency description.
The descriptor.
Determines whether the specified object qualifies as an autowire candidate,
to be injected into other beans which declare a dependency of matching type.
This method checks ancestor factories as well.
Name of the object to check.
The descriptor of the dependency to resolve.
true if the object should be considered as an autowire candidate; otherwise, false.
if there is no object with the given name.
Determine whether the specified object definition qualifies as an autowire candidate,
to be injected into other beans which declare a dependency of matching type.
Name of the object definition to check.
The merged object definiton to check.
The descriptor of the dependency to resolve.
true if the object should be considered as an autowire candidate; otherwise, false.
Should object definitions registered under the same name as an
existing object definition be allowed?
If , then the new object definition will
replace (override) the existing object definition. If
, an exception will be thrown when
an attempt is made to register an object definition under the same
name as an already existing object definition.
The default is .
is the registration of an object definition
under the same name as an existing object definition is allowed.
Get or set custom autowire candidate resolver for this IObjectFactory to use
when deciding whether a bean definition should be considered as a
candidate for autowiring. Never null
Return the number of objects defined in this registry.
The number of objects defined in this registry.
Default implementation of the
Does not support per loading.
Aleksandar Seovic
Central interface for factories that can create
Allows for replaceable object definition factories using the Strategy
Aleksandar Seovic
Factory style method for getting concrete
The FullName of the of the defined object.
The name of the parent object definition (if any).
The against which any class names
will be resolved into instances. It can be null to register the
object class just by name.
Factory style method for getting concrete
/// If no parent is specified, a RootObjectDefinition is created, otherwise a
The of the defined object.
The name of the parent object definition (if any).
The against which any class names
will be resolved into instances.
Default implementation of the interface, deleagting to
's GenerateObjectName.
Note that this implementation is only able to handle
subclasses such as
and Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Strategy interface for generating object names for object definitions
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Generates an object name for the given object definition.
The object definition to generate a name for.
The object definitions registry that the given definition is
supposed to be registerd with
the generated object name
Generates an object name for the given object definition.
The object definition to generate a name for.
The object definitions registry that the given definition is
supposed to be registerd with
the generated object name
implementation that delegates to an
that is
obtained as the result of a lookup in an associated IoC container.
This class is reserved for internal use within the framework; it is
not intended to be used by application developers using Spring.NET.
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
The object definition that is the target of the method replacement.
The enclosing IoC container with which the above
is associated.
If either of the supplied arguments is .
Reimplements the supplied by delegating to
looked up in an enclosing IoC container.
The instance whose is to be
The method that is to be (re)implemented.
The target method's arguments.
The result of the delegated call to the looked up
The various modes of dependency checking.
Rick Evans (.NET)
DO not do any dependency checking.
Check object references.
Just check primitive (string, int, etc) values.
Check everything.
GenericObjectDefinition is a one-stop shop for standard object definition purposes.
Like any object definition, it allows for specifying a class plus optionally
constructor argument values and property values. Additionally, deriving from a
parent bean definition can be flexibly configured through the "parentName" property.
In general, use this class for the purpose of
registering user-visible object definitions (which a post-processor might operate on,
potentially even reconfiguring the parent name).
Use /
where parent/child relationships happen to be pre-determined.
Juergen HoellerErich Eichinger
Creates a new to be configured through its
object properties and configuration methods.
Creates a new as deep copy of the given
object definition.
the original object definition to copy from
Returns a representation of this
for debugging purposes.
The name of the parent object definition.
This value is required.
The name of the parent object definition.
Strategy interface for determining whether a specific object definition
qualifies as an autowire candidate for a specific dependency.
Mark FisherJuergen hoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Determines whether the given object definition qualifies as an
autowire candidate for the given dependency.
The object definition including object name and aliases.
The descriptor for the target method parameter or field.
true if the object definition qualifies as autowire candidate; otherwise, false.
Responsible for creating instances corresponding to a
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the null
or zero length string if we're autowiring an object that doesn't belong
to the supplied .
The owning
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the null
or zero length string if we're autowiring an object that doesn't belong
to the supplied .
The owning
The to be used to instantiate
the object.
Any arguments to the supplied . May be null.
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the null
or zero length string if we're autowiring an object that doesn't belong
to the supplied .
The owning
The to be used to get the object.
Any arguments to the supplied . May be null.
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
Denotes a special placeholder collection that may contain
s or
other placeholder objects that will need to be resolved.
'A special placeholder collection' means that the elements of this
collection can be placeholders for objects that will be resolved later by
a Spring.NET IoC container, i.e. the elements themselves will be
resolved at runtime by the enclosing IoC container.
The core Spring.NET library already provides three implementations of this interface
straight out of the box; they are...
If you have a custom collection class (i.e. a class that either implements the
directly or derives from a class that does)
that you would like to expose as a special placeholder collection (i.e. one that can
have s as elements
that will be resolved at runtime by an appropriate Spring.NET IoC container, just
implement this interface.
Lets say one has a Bag class (i.e. a collection that supports bag style semantics).
using System;
using Spring.Objects.Factory.Support;
namespace MyNamespace
public sealed class Bag : ICollection
// ICollection implementation elided for clarity...
public void Add(object o)
// implementation elided for clarity...
public class ManagedBag : Bag, IManagedCollection
public ICollection Resolve(
string objectName, RootObjectDefinition definition,
string propertyName, ManagedCollectionElementResolver resolver)
Bag newBag = new Bag();
string elementName = propertyName + "[bag-element]";
foreach(object element in this)
object resolvedElement = resolver(objectName, definition, elementName, element);
return newBag;
Rick Evans
Resolves this managed collection at runtime.
The name of the top level object that is having the value of one of it's
collection properties resolved.
The definition of the named top level object.
The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
The callback that will actually do the donkey work of resolving
this managed collection.
A fully resolved collection.
Resolves a single element value of a managed collection.
If the does not need to be resolved or
converted to an appropriate , the
will be returned as-is.
The name of the top level object that is having the value of one of it's
collection properties resolved.
The definition of the named top level object.
The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
That element of a managed collection that may need to be resolved
to a concrete value.
A fully resolved element.
Represents an override of a method that looks up an object in the same IoC context.
Methods eligible for lookup override must not have arguments.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Represents the override of a method on a managed object by the IoC container.
Note that the override mechanism is not intended as a generic means of
inserting crosscutting code: use AOP for that.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no
public constructors.
The name of the method that is to be overridden.
If the supplied is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
Does this
match the supplied ?
By 'match' one means does this particular
instance apply to the supplied ?
This allows for argument list checking as well as method name checking.
The method to be checked.
if this override matches the supplied
The name of the method that is to be overridden.
Is the method that is ot be injected
to be considered as overloaded?
If (the default), then argument type matching
will be performed (because one would not want to override the wrong
Setting the value of this property to can be used
to optimize runtime performance (ever so slightly).
Creates a new instance of the
Methods eligible for lookup override must not have arguments.
The name of the method that is to be overridden.
The name of the object in the current IoC context that the
dependency injected method must return.
If either of the supplied arguments is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
Does this
match the supplied ?
The method to be checked.
if this override matches the supplied .
If the supplied is .
A that represents the current
A that represents the current
The name of the object in the current IoC context that the
dependency injected method must return.
implementation that simply returns the result of a lookup in an
associated IoC container.
This class is Spring.NET's implementation of Dependency Lookup via
Method Injection.
This class is reserved for internal use within the framework; it is
not intended to be used by application developers using Spring.NET.
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
The object definition that is the target of the method replacement.
The enclosing IoC container with which the above
is associated.
If either of the supplied arguments is .
Reimplements the supplied by returning the
result of an object lookup in an enclosing IoC container.
The instance whose is to be
The method that is to be (re)implemented.
The target method's arguments.
The result of the object lookup.
Tag subclass used to hold a dictionary of managed elements.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Resolves this managed collection at runtime.
The name of the top level object that is having the value of one of it's
collection properties resolved.
The definition of the named top level object.
The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
The callback that will actually do the donkey work of resolving
this managed collection.
A fully resolved collection.
Gets or sets the unresolved name for the
of the keys of this managed dictionary.
The unresolved name for the type of the keys of this managed dictionary.
Gets or sets the unresolved name for the
of the values of this managed dictionary.
The unresolved name for the type of the values of this managed dictionary.
Tag subclass used to hold a list of managed elements.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Resolves this managed collection at runtime.
The name of the top level object that is having the value of one of it's
collection properties resolved.
The definition of the named top level object.
The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
The callback that will actually do the donkey work of resolving
this managed collection.
A fully resolved collection.
Gets or sets the unresolved name for the
of the elements of this managed list.
The unresolved name for the type of the elements of this managed list.
Tag subclass used to hold a set of managed elements.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Resolves this managed collection at runtime.
The name of the top level object that is having the value of one of it's
collection properties resolved.
The definition of the named top level object.
The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
The callback that will actually do the donkey work of resolving
this managed collection.
A fully resolved collection.
Gets or sets the unresolved name for the
of the elements of this managed set.
The unresolved name for the type of the elements of this managed set.
implementation that supports method injection.
Classes that want to take advantage of method injection must meet some
stringent criteria. Every method that is to be method injected
must be defined as either or
. An
will be thrown if these criteria are not met.
Rick Evans
Simple object instantiation strategy for use in
Does not support method injection, although it provides hooks for subclasses
to override to add method injection support, for example by overriding methods.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
The shared instance for this class (and derived classes).
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the null
or zero length string if we're autowiring an object that doesn't belong
to the supplied .
The owning
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
Gets the zero arg ConstructorInfo object, if the type offers such functionality.
The type.
Zero argument ConstructorInfo
If the type does not have a zero-arg constructor.
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the null
or zero length string if we're autowiring an object that doesn't belong
to the supplied .
The owning
The to be used to instantiate
the object.
Any arguments to the supplied . May be null.
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the null
or zero length string if we're autowiring an object that doesn't belong
to the supplied .
The owning
The to be used to get the object.
Any arguments to the supplied . May be null.
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied ,
injecting methods as appropriate.
The default implementation of this method is to throw a
Derived classes can override this method if they can instantiate an object
with the Method Injection specified in the supplied
. Instantiation should use a no-arg constructor.
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be a
or zero length string if we're autowiring an object that
doesn't belong to the supplied .
The owning
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied ,
injecting methods as appropriate.
The default implementation of this method is to throw a
Derived classes can override this method if they can instantiate an object
with the Method Injection specified in the supplied
. Instantiation should use the supplied
and attendant .
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the null
or zero length string if we're autowiring an object that doesn't belong
to the supplied .
The owning
The to be used to instantiate
the object.
Any arguments to the supplied . May be null.
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
The name of the dynamic assembly that holds dynamically created code
A cache of generated instances, keyed on
the object name for which the was generated.
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied ,
injecting methods as appropriate.
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the
or zero length string if we're autowiring an
object that doesn't belong to the supplied
The owning
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied ,
injecting methods as appropriate.
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the
or zero length string if we're autowiring an
object that doesn't belong to the supplied
The owning
The to be used to instantiate
the object.
Any arguments to the supplied . May be null.
An instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied .
Instantiate an instance of the object described by the supplied
from the supplied ,
injecting methods as appropriate.
This method dynamically generates a subclass that supports method
injection for the supplied . It then
instantiates an new instance of said type using the constructor
identified by the supplied ,
passing the supplied to said
constructor. It then manually injects (generic) method replacement
and method lookup instances (of ) into
the new instance: those methods that are 'method-injected' will
then delegate to the approriate
instance to effect the actual method injection.
The definition of the object that is to be instantiated.
The name associated with the object definition. The name can be the
or zero length string if we're autowiring an
object that doesn't belong to the supplied
The owning
The parameter s to use to find the
appropriate constructor to invoke.
The aguments that are to be passed to the appropriate constructor
when the object is being instantiated.
A new instance of the defined by the
supplied .
A factory that generates subclasses of those
classes that have been configured for the Method-Injection form of
Dependency Injection.
This class is designed as for one-shot usage; i.e. it must
be used to generate exactly one method injected subclass and
then discarded (it maintains state in instance fields).
The name of the generated
property (for method replacement).
Exists so that clients of this class can use this name to set properties reflectively
on the dynamically generated subclass.
The name of the generated
property (for method lookup).
Exists so that clients of this class can use this name to set properties reflectively
on the dynamically generated subclass.
Creates a new instance of the
The in which
the generated is to be defined.
The object definition that is the target of the method injection.
If either of the supplied arguments is .
Builds a suitable for Method-Injection.
A suitable for Method-Injection.
Defines overrides for those methods that are configured with an appropriate
The overarching that is defining
the generated .
Override the supplied with the logic
encapsulated by the
defined by the supplied .
The builder for the subclass that is being generated.
The method on the superclass that is to be overridden.
The field defining the
that the overridden method will delegate to to do the 'actual'
method injection logic.
Defines the parameters to the method that is being overridden.
Since we are simply overridding a method (in this method
injection context), all we do here is simply copy the
parameters (since we want a method with the exact same parameters).
The parameters to the original method that is being overridden.
The builder we are using to define the new overridden method.
Generates the MSIL for actually returning a return value if the
supplied is not
The definition of the return value; if , it
means that no return value is to required (a void
return type).
The to emit
the MSIL to.
Generates the MSIL for a return value if the supplied
returns a value.
The method to be checked.
The to emit
the MSIL to.
The return value, or if the method does not
return a value (has a void return type).
Pushes (sets up) the arguments for a call to the
method of an appropriate
The parameters to the original method (will be bundled
up into a generic object[] and passed as the third
argument to the
The to emit
the MSIL to.
Simply generates the IL for a write only property for the
The in which the property is defined.
The name of the (to be) generated property.
The (instance) field that the property is to 'set'.
A collection (with set semantics) of method overrides, determining which, if any,
methods on a managed object the Spring.NET IoC container will override at runtime.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
Deep copy constructoe.
The instance supplying initial overrides for this new instance.
Copy all given method overrides into this object.
The overrides to be copied into this object.
Adds the supplied to the overrides contained
within this instance.
The to be
Adds the supplied to the overloaded method names
contained within this instance.
The overloaded method name to be added.
Returns true if the supplied is present within
the overloaded method names contained within this instance.
The overloaded method name to be checked.
True if the supplied is present within
the overloaded method names contained within this instance.
Return the override for the given method, if any.
The method to check for overrides for.
the override for the given method, if any.
Returns an that can iterate
through a collection.
The returned is the
exposed by the
An that can iterate through a
The collection of method overrides.
Returns true if this instance contains no overrides.
Programmatic means of constructing a using the builder pattern. Intended primarily
for use when implementing custom namespace parsers.
Set methods are used instead of properties, so that chaining of methods can be used to create
'one-liner'definitions that set multiple properties at one.Rod JohnsonRob HarropJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Initializes a new instance of the class, private
to force use of factory methods.
Creates a new used to construct a .
Creates a new used to construct a .
the of the object that the definition is being created for
Creates a new used to construct a .
the name of the of the object that the definition is being created for
Create a new ObjectDefinitionBuilder used to construct a root object definition.
The object definition factory.
The type name of the object.
A new ObjectDefinitionBuilder instance.
Create a new ObjectDefinitionBuilder used to construct a root object definition.
The object definition factory.
Name of the object type.
Name of the factory method.
A new ObjectDefinitionBuilder instance.
Create a new ObjectDefinitionBuilder used to construct a root object definition.
The object definition factory.
Type of the object.
A new ObjectDefinitionBuilder instance.
Create a new ObjectDefinitionBuilder used to construct a root object definition.
The object definition factory.
Type of the object.
Name of the factory method.
A new ObjectDefinitionBuilder instance.
Create a new ObjectDefinitionBuilder used to construct a child object definition..
The object definition factory.
Name of the parent object.
Adds the property value under the given name.
The name.
The value.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Adds a reference to the specified object name under the property specified.
The name.
Name of the object.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Adds an index constructor arg value. The current index is tracked internally and all addtions are
at the present point
The constructor arg value.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Adds a reference to the named object as a constructor argument.
Name of the object.
Sets the name of the factory method to use for this definition.
The factory method.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Sets the name of the factory object to use for this definition.
The factory object.
The factory method.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Sets whether or not this definition describes a singleton object.
if set to true [singleton].
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Sets whether objects or not this definition is abstract.
if set to true [flag].
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Sets whether objects for this definition should be lazily initialized or not.
if set to true [lazy].
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Sets the autowire mode for this definition.
The autowire mode.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Sets the dependency check mode for this definition.
The dependency check.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Sets the name of the destroy method for this definition.
Name of the method.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Sets the name of the init method for this definition.
Name of the method.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Sets the resource description for this definition.
The resource description.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Adds the specified object name to the list of objects that this definition depends on.
Name of the object.
The current ObjectDefinitionBuilder.
Gets the current object definition in its raw (unvalidated) form.
The raw object definition.
Validate and gets the object definition.
The object definition.
Utility methods that are useful for
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
The string used as a separator in the generation of synthetic id's
for those object definitions explicitly that aren't assigned one.
If a name or parent object definition
name is not unique, "#1", "#2" etc will be appended, until such
time that the name becomes unique.
Registers the supplied with the
supplied .
This is a convenience method that registers the
of the supplied under the
property value of said . If the
supplied has any
then those aliases will also be registered with the supplied
The object definition holder containing the
is to be registered.
The registry that the supplied
is to be registered with.
If either of the supplied arguments is .
If the could not be registered
with the .
Generates an object definition name for the supplied
that is guaranteed to be unique
within the scope of the supplied .
that requires a generated name.
that the supplied is to be
registered with (needed so that the uniqueness of any generated
name can be guaranteed).
if set to true if the given object
definition will be registed as an inner object or as a top level objener objects
verses top level objects.
An object definition name for the supplied
that is guaranteed to be unique
within the scope of the supplied and
never .
If either of the or
arguments is .
If a unique name cannot be generated.
Generates the name of the object for a top-level object definition unique within the given object factory.
The object definition to generate an object name for.
The registry to check for existing names.
The generated object nameif no unique name can be generated for the given
object definition
Factory method for getting concrete
The name of the event handler method. This may be straight text, a regular
expression, , or empty.
The name of the event being wired. This too may be straight text, a regular
expression, , or empty.
A concrete
Creates a new instance of the
This is a utility class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Thrown when the validation of an object definition failed.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The detail message.
Creates a new instance of the
The detail message.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionValidationException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Helper class for use in object factory implementations,
resolving values contained in object definition objects
into the actual values applied to the target object instance.
Used by .
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object factory.
Name of the object.
The object definition.
Given a property value, return a value, resolving any references to other
objects in the factory if necessary.
The value could be :
An ,
which leads to the creation of a corresponding new object instance.
Singleton flags and names of such "inner objects" are always ignored: inner objects
are anonymous prototypes.
A , which must
be resolved.
An . This is a
special placeholder collection that may contain
s or
collections that will need to be resolved.
An ordinary object or , in which case it's left alone.
The name of the object that is having the value of one of its properties resolved.
The definition of the named object.
The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
The value of the property that is being resolved.
Resolve the target type of the passed .
The who's target type is to be resolved
The resolved target type, if any. otherwise.
Resolves an inner object definition.
The name of the object that surrounds this inner object definition.
The name of the inner object definition... note: this is a synthetic
name assigned by the factory (since it makes no sense for inner object
definitions to have names).
The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
The definition of the inner object that is to be resolved.
if the owner of the property is a singleton.
The resolved object as defined by the inner object definition.
Checks the given bean name whether it is unique. If not already unique,
a counter is added, increasing the counter until the name is unique.
Original Name of the inner object.
The Adapted name for the inner object
Resolve a reference to another object in the factory.
The name of the object that is having the value of one of its properties resolved.
The definition of the named object.
The name of the property the value of which is being resolved.
The runtime reference containing the value of the property.
A reference to another object in the factory.
Object definition reader for a simple properties format.
Provides object definition registration methods for
instances. Typically applied to a
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Value of a T/F attribute that represents true.
Anything else represents false. Case seNsItive.
Separator between object name and property name.
Prefix for the class property of a root object definition.
Special string added to distinguish if the object will be
a singleton.
Default is true.
Special string added to distinguish if the object will be
lazily initialised.
Default is false.
Reserved "property" to indicate the parent of a child object definition.
Property suffix for references to other objects in the current
: e.g.
Whether this is a reference to a singleton or a prototype
will depend on the definition of the target object.
Prefix before values referencing other objects.
Creates a new instance of the
instance that this reader works on.
Load object definitions from the supplied .
The resource for the object definitions that are to be loaded.
The number of object definitions that were loaded.
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Load object definitions from the specified properties file.
The resource descriptor for the properties file.
The match or filter for object definition names, e.g. 'objects.'
in case of loading or parsing errorsthe number of object definitions found
Register object definitions contained in a
, using all property keys (i.e.
not filtering by prefix).
The containing object definitions.
In case of loading or parsing errors.
The number of object definitions registered.
Register object definitions contained in a
Similar syntax as for an .
This method is useful to enable standard .NET internationalization support.
The containing object definitions.
The match or filter for object definition names, e.g. 'objects.'
In case of loading or parsing errors.
The number of object definitions registered.
Register object definitions contained in an
, using all property keys
(i.e. not filtering by prefix).
The containing object definitions.
In case of loading or parsing errors.
The number of object definitions registered.
Registers object definitions contained in an
using all property keys ( i.e. not filtering by prefix )
The containing
object definitions.
In case of loading or parsing errors.
The number of object definitions registered.
Register object definitions contained in a
Ignores ineligible properties.
IDictionary name -> property (String or Object). Property values
will be strings if coming from a Properties file etc. Property names
(keys) must be strings. Type keys must be strings.
The match or filter within the keys in the map: e.g. 'objects.'
In case of loading or parsing errors.
The number of object definitions found.
Register object definitions contained in a
Ignores ineligible properties.
IDictionary name -> property (String or Object). Property values
will be strings if coming from a Properties file etc. Property names
(keys) must be strings. Type keys must be strings.
The match or filter within the keys in the map: e.g. 'objects.'
The description of the resource that the
came from (for logging purposes).
In case of loading or parsing errors.
The number of object definitions found.
Get all property values, given a prefix (which will be stripped)
and add the object they define to the factory with the given name
The name of the object to define.
The containing string pairs.
The prefix of each entry, which will be stripped.
The description of the resource that the
came from (for logging purposes).
In case of loading or parsing errors.
Name of default parent object
Gets or sets object definition factory to use.
Represents the replacement of a method on a managed object by the IoC
Note that this mechanism is not intended as a generic means of
inserting crosscutting code: use AOP for that.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the method that is to be overridden.
The object name of the
instance in the surrounding IoC container.
If either of the supplied arguments is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
Add a fragment of a instance's
such as 'Exception or System.Excep to identify an argument
for a dependency injected method.
A (sub) string of a instance's .
If the supplied is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
Does this
match the supplied ?
The method to be checked.
if this override matches the supplied .
If the supplied is .
A that represents the current
A that represents the current
The object name of the
instance in the surrounding IoC container.
A plain-vanilla object definition.
This is the most common type of object definition;
do not derive from a parent
, and usually
(but not always - see below) have an
and (optionally) some
Note that
instances do not have to specify an
This can be useful for deriving
from such definitions, each with it's own
inheriting common property values and other settings from the parent.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The of the object to instantiate.
Creates a new instance of the
The of the object to instantiate.
if this object definition defines a singleton object.
Creates a new instance of the
for a singleton, providing property values and constructor arguments.
The of the object to instantiate.
to be applied to a new instance of the object.
The to be applied to
a new instance of the object.
Creates a new instance of the
for a singleton using the supplied
The of the object to instantiate.
The autowiring mode.
Creates a new instance of the
for a singleton using the supplied
The of the object to instantiate.
The autowiring mode.
Whether to perform a dependency check for objects (not
applicable to autowiring a constructor, thus ignored there)
Creates a new instance of the
with the given singleton status, providing property values.
The of the object to instantiate.
The to be applied to
a new instance of the object.
Creates a new instance of the
with the given singleton status, providing property values.
The of the object to instantiate.
The to be applied to
a new instance of the object.
if this object definition defines a singleton object.
Creates a new instance of the
for a singleton, providing property values and constructor arguments.
Takes an object class name to avoid eager loading of the object class.
The assembly qualified of the object to instantiate.
The to be applied to
a new instance of the object.
to be applied to a new instance of the object.
Creates a new instance of the
Deep copy constructor.
The definition that is to be copied.
Validate this object definition.
In the case of a validation failure.
A that represents the current
A that represents the current
Is always null for a .
It is safe to request this property's value. Setting any other value than null will
raise an .
Raised on any attempt to set a non-null value on this property.
A implementation to use that checks
the object definitions only (no attributes)
Mark FisherMark Pollack (.NET)
Determines whether the given object definition qualifies as an
autowire candidate for the given dependency.
The object definition including object name and aliases.
The descriptor for the target method parameter or field.
true if the object definition qualifies as autowire candidate; otherwise, false.
Static factory that permits the registration of existing singleton instances.
Does not have support for prototype objects, aliases, and post startup object
Serves as a simple example implementation of the
interface, that manages existing object instances as opposed to creating new ones
based on object definitions.
method is not supported by this class; this class deals exclusively with
existing singleton instances, thus the methods mentioned previously make little sense in this context.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
Map from object name to object instance.
This method is not supported by .
Return an instance of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The instance of the object. is not currently supported.
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
This method allows an object factory to be used as a replacement for the
Singleton or Prototype design pattern.
Note that callers should retain references to returned objects. There is no
guarantee that this method will be implemented to be efficient. For example,
it may be synchronized, or may need to run an RDBMS query.
Will ask the parent factory if the object cannot be found in this factory
The name of the object to return.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a static factory method. If there is no factory method and the
arguments are not null, then match the argument values by type and
call the object's constructor.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the supplied is .
Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The arguments to use if creating a prototype using explicit arguments to
a factory method. If there is no factory method and the
supplied array is not , then
match the argument values by type and call the object's constructor.
The instance of the object.
If there's no such object definition.
If the object could not be created.
If the object is not of the required type.
If the supplied is .
Return an instance of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
the object may match. Can be an interface or
superclass of the actual class. For example, if the value is the
class, this method will succeed whatever the
class of the returned instance.
The instance of the object.
Does this object factory contain an object with the given name?
The name of the object to query.
True if an object with the given name is defined.
Is this object a singleton?
That is, will
always return the same object?
The name of the object to query.
True if the named object is a singleton.
If there's no such object definition.
Determines whether the specified object name is prototype. That is, will GetObject
always return independent instances?
This method returning false does not clearly indicate a singleton object.
It indicated non-independent instances, which may correspond to a scoped object as
well. use the IsSingleton property to explicitly check for a shared
singleton instance.
Translates aliases back to the corresponding canonical object name. Will ask the
parent factory if the object can not be found in this factory instance.
The name of the object to query
true if the specified object name will always deliver independent instances; otherwise, false.
if there is no object with the given name.
Determine the type of the object with the given name.
More specifically, checks the type of object that
would return.
For an , returns the type
of object that the creates.
The name of the object to query.
The of the object or if
not determinable.
Determines whether the object with the given name matches the specified type.
The name of the object to query.
Type of the target to match against.
true if the object type matches; otherwise, false
if it doesn't match or cannot be determined yet.
Ff there is no object with the given name
Return the aliases for the given object name, if defined.
The object name to check for aliases.
The aliases, or an empty array if none.
If there's no such object definition.
Not supported.
The name of the object.
The registered
Always, as object definitions are not supported by this
Return the registered
for the
given object, allowing access to its property values and constructor
argument values.
The name of the object.
Whether to search parent object factories.
The registered
If there is no object with the given name.
In the case of errors.
Return the names of all objects defined in this factory.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
Will not consider s,
as the type of their created objects is not known before instantiation.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
Does consider objects created by s,
or rather it considers the type of objects created by
(which means that
s will be instantiated).
Does not consider any hierarchy this factory may participate in.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Return the names of objects matching the given
(including subclasses), judging from the object definitions.
Since this implementation of the
interface does not support the notion of ptototype objects, the
parameter is ignored.
The (class or interface) to match, or
for all object names.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons (also applies to
s). Ignored.
Whether to include s too
or just normal objects.
The names of all objects defined in this factory, or an empty array if none
are defined.
Tests whether this object factory contains an object definition for the
specified object name.
The object name to query.
True if an object defintion is contained within this object factory.
Return the object instances that match the given object
(including subclasses), judging from either object
definitions or the value of
in the case of
This version of the
method matches all kinds of object definitions, be they singletons, prototypes, or
s. Typically, the results
of this method call will be the same as a call to
IListableObjectFactory.GetObjectsOfType(type,true,true) .
The (class or interface) to match.
A of the matching objects,
containing the object names as keys and the corresponding object instances
as values.
If the objects could not be created.
Return the object instances that match the given object
(including subclasses), judging from either object
definitions or the value of
in the case of
The (class or interface) to match.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons (also applies to
Whether to include s too
or just normal objects.
A of the matching objects,
containing the object names as keys and the corresponding object instances
as values.
If the objects could not be created.
Add a new singleton object.
The name to be associated with the object name.
The singleton object.
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the named object definition.
The object instance that is to be so configured.
The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
be injected into the supplied instance.
This feature is not currently supported.
Injects dependencies into the supplied instance
using the supplied .
The object instance that is to be so configured.
The name of the object definition expressing the dependencies that are to
be injected into the supplied instance.
An object definition that should be used to configure object.
Defines a method to release allocated unmanaged resources.
Return the number of objects defined in the factory.
The number of objects defined in the factory.
Return an instance of the given object name.
The name of the object to return.
The instance of the object.
Abstract implementation providing
a number of convenience methods and a
template method
that subclasses must override to provide the actual parsing logic.
Use this implementation when you want
to parse some arbitrarily complex XML into one or more
ObjectDefinitions. If you just want to parse some
XML into a single IObjectDefinition, you may wish to consider
the simpler convenience extensions of this class, namely
Rob HarropJuergen HoellerRick EvansMark Pollack (.NET)
Interface used to handle custom, top-level tags.
Implementations are free to turn the metadata in the custom tag into as
many as required.
Rob HarropMark Pollack (.NET)
Parse the specified XmlElement and register the resulting
ObjectDefinitions with the IObjectDefinitionRegistry
embedded in the supplied
This method is never invoked if the parser is namespace aware
and was called to process the root node.
The element to be parsed.
TThe object encapsulating the current state of the parsing process.
Provides access to a IObjectDefinitionRegistry
The primary object definition.
Constant for the ID attribute
Parse the specified XmlElement and register the resulting
ObjectDefinitions with the IObjectDefinitionRegistry
embedded in the supplied
The element to be parsed.
TThe object encapsulating the current state of the parsing process.
Provides access to a IObjectDefinitionRegistry
The primary object definition.
This method is never invoked if the parser is namespace aware
and was called to process the root node.
Resolves the ID for the supplied .
When using generation, a name is generated automatically.
Otherwise, the ID is extracted from the "id" attribute, potentially with a
fallback to a generated id.
The element that the object definition has been built from.
The object definition to be registered.
The the object encapsulating the current state of the parsing process;
provides access to a the resolved id
if no unique name could be generated for the given object definition
Registers the supplied with the supplied
Subclasses can override this method to control whether or not the supplied
is actually even registered, or to
register even more objects.
The default implementation registers the supplied
with the supplied only if the IsNested
parameter is false, because one typically does not want inner objects
to be registered as top level objects.
The object definition to be registered.
The registry that the bean is to be registered with.
Returns the value of the element's attribute or null, if the attribute is not specified.
This is a helper for bypassing the behavior of
to return if the attribute does not exist.
Returns the value of the element's attribute or ,
if the attribute is not specified.
This is a helper for bypassing the behavior of
to return if the attribute does not exist.
Central template method to actually parse the supplied XmlElement
into one or more IObjectDefinitions.
The element that is to be parsed into one or more s
The the object encapsulating the current state of the parsing process;
provides access to a The primary IObjectDefinition resulting from the parsing of the supplied XmlElement
Gets a value indicating whether an ID should be generated instead of read
from the passed in XmlElement.
Note that this flag is about always generating an ID; the parser
won't even check for an "id" attribute in this case.
true if should generate id; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether an ID should be generated instead if the
passed in XmlElement does not specify an "id" attribute explicitly.
Disabled by default; subclasses can override this to enable ID generation
as fallback: The parser will first check for an "id" attribute in this case,
only falling back to a generated ID if no value was specified.true if should generate id if no value was specified; otherwise, false.
Convenient base class for when there exists a one-to-one mapping
between attribute names on the element that is to be parsed and
the property names on the Type being configured.
Mark Pollack
Base Type for those implementations that
need to parse and define just a single IObjectDefinition.
Extend this parser Type when you want to create a single object definition
from an arbitrarily complex XML element. You may wish to consider extending
the when you want to create a
single Object definition from a relatively simple custom XML element.
The resulting ObjectDefinition will be automatically registered
with the ObjectDefinitionRegistry. Your job simply is to parse the
custom XML element into a single ObjectDefinitionRob HarropJuergen HoellerRick EvansMark Pollack (.NET)
Central template method to actually parse the supplied XmlElement
into one or more IObjectDefinitions.
The element that is to be parsed into one or more s
The the object encapsulating the current state of the parsing process;
provides access to a
The primary IObjectDefinition resulting from the parsing of the supplied XmlElement
Determine the name for the parent of the currently parsed object,
in case of the current object being defined as a child object.
The default implementation returns null
indicating a root object definition.
the name of the parent object for the currently parsed object.
Gets the type of the object corresponding to the supplied XmlElement.
Note that, for application classes, it is generally preferable to override
GetObjectTypeName instad, in order to avoid a direct
dependence on the object implementation class. The ObjectDefinitionParser
and its IXmlObjectDefinitionParser (namespace parser) can be used within an
IDE add-in then, even if the application classses are not available in the add-ins
The element.
The Type of the class that is being defined via parsing the supplied
Gets the name of the object type name (FullName) corresponding to the supplied XmlElement.
The element.
The type name of the object that is being defined via parsing the supplied
Parse the supplied XmlElement and populate the supplied ObjectDefinitionBuilder as required.
The default implementation delegates to the DoParse version without
ParameterContext argument.
The element.
The parser context.
The builder used to define the IObjectDefinition.
Parse the supplied XmlElement and populate the supplied ObjectDefinitionBuilder as required.
The default implementation does nothing.
The element.
The builder used to define the IObjectDefinition.
XML resource reader.
Navigates through an XML resource and invokes parsers registered
with the .
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
SPI for parsing an XML document that contains Spring object definitions.
Used by for actually parsing a DOM
Instantiated per document to parse: Implementations can hold state in
instance variables during the execution of the RegisterObjectDefinitions
method, for example global settings that are defined for all object definitions
in the document.
Juergen HoellerRob HarropMark Pollack (.NET)
Read object definitions from the given DOM element, and register
them with the given object registry.
The DOM element containing object definitions, usually the
root (document) element.
The current context of the reader. Includes
the resource being parsed
The number of object definitions that were loaded.
In case of parsing errors.
The shared instance for this class (and derived classes).
Creates a new instance of the DefaultObjectDefinitionDocumentReader class.
Read object definitions from the given DOM element, and register
them with the given object registry.
The DOM element containing object definitions, usually the
root (document) element.
The current context of the reader. Includes
the resource being parsed
The number of object definitions that were loaded.
In case of parsing errors.
Parses object definitions starting at the given
using the passed .
The root element to start parsing from.
The instance to use.
in case an error happens during parsing and registering object definitions
Process an alias element.
Process the object element
Loads external XML object definitions from the resource described by the supplied
The XML element describing the resource.
If the resource could not be imported.
Parses the given alias element, registering the alias with the registry.
The alias element.
The registry.
Parse an object definition and register it with the object factory..
The element containing the object definition.
The helper.
Allow the XML to be extensible by processing any custom element types last,
after we finished processing the objct definitions. This method is a natural
extension point for any other custom post-processing of the XML.
The default implementation is empty. Subclasses can override this method to
convert custom elements into standard Spring object definitions, for example.
Implementors have access to the parser's object definition reader and the
underlying XML resource, through the corresponding properties.
The root.
Allow the XML to be extensible by processing any custom element types first,
before we start to process the object definitions.
This method is a natural
extension point for any other custom pre-processing of the XML.
The default implementation is empty. Subclasses can override this method to
convert custom elements into standard Spring object definitions, for example.
Implementors have access to the parser's object definition reader and the
underlying XML resource, through the corresponding properties.
The root element of the XML document.
Creates an instance for the given and element.
the to create the
the root to start reading from
a new instance
Gets the reader context.
The reader context.
Simple class that holds the defaults specified at the <objects>
level in a standard Spring XML object definition document:
default-lazy-init, default-autowire, etc.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Gets or sets the autowire setting for the document that's currently parsed.
The autowire.
Gets or sets the dependency-check setting for the document that's currently parsed
The dependency check.
Gets or sets the lazy-init flag for the document that's currently parsed.
The lazy init.
Strategy interface for parsing XML object definitions.
Used by
for actually parsing a DOM document or
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)Sandu Turcan (.NET)
Invoked by after construction but before any
elements have been parsed.
Parse the specified element and register any resulting
IObjectDefinitions with the IObjectDefinitionRegistry that is
embedded in the supplied ParserContext.
Implementations should return the primary IObjectDefinition
that results from the parse phase if they wish to used nested
inside (for example) a <property> tag.
Implementations may return null if they will not
be used in a nested scenario.
The element to be parsed into one or more IObjectDefinitions
The object encapsulating the current state of the parsing
The primary IObjectDefinition (can be null as explained above)
Parse the specified XmlNode and decorate the supplied ObjectDefinitionHolder,
returning the decorated definition.
The XmlNode may either be an XmlAttribute or an XmlElement, depending on
whether a custom attribute or element is being parsed.
Implementations may choose to return a completely new definition,
which will replace the original definition in the resulting IApplicationContext/IObjectFactory.
The supplied ParserContext can be used to register any additional objects needed to support
the main definition.
The source element or attribute that is to be parsed.
The current object definition.
The object encapsulating the current state of the parsing
The decorated definition (to be registered in the IApplicationContext/IObjectFactory),
or simply the original object definition if no decoration is required. A null value is strickly
speaking invalid, but will leniently treated like the case where the original object definition
gets returned.
Attribute that should be used to specify the default namespace
and schema location for a custom namespace parser.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates a new instance of .
Gets or sets the default namespace for the configuration parser.
The default namespace for the configuration parser.
Gets or sets the default schema location for the configuration parser.
The default schema location for the configuration parser.
If the property is set, the will always resolve to an assembly-resource
and the set will be interpreted relative to this assembly.
Gets or sets a type from the assembly containing the schema
If this property is set, the will always resolve to an assembly-resource
and the will be interpreted relative to this assembly.
Provides a resolution mechanism for configuration parsers.
The uses this registry
class to find the parser handling a specific namespace.
Aleksandar Seovic
Name of the .Net config section that contains definitions
for custom config parsers.
Creates a new instance of the NamespaceParserRegistry class.
Reset the list of registered parsers to "factory"-setting
use for unit tests only
Registers the type for wellknown namespaces
true if the parser could be registered, false otherwise
Constructs a "assembly://..." qualified schemaLocation url using the given type
to obtain the assembly name.
Returns a parser for the given namespace.
The namespace for which to lookup the parser implementation.
A parser for a given , or
if no parser was found.
Returns a schema collection containing validation schemas for all registered parsers.
A schema collection containing validation schemas for all registered parsers.
Pegisters parser, using default namespace and schema location
as defined by the .
The of the parser that will be activated
when an element in its default namespace is encountered.
If is .
Associates a parser with a namespace.
Parsers registered with the same as that
of a parser that has previously been registered will overwrite the existing
The of the parser that will be activated
when the attendant is
The namespace with which to associate instance of the parser.
The location of the XML schema that should be used for validation
of the XML elements that belong to the specified namespace
(can be any valid Spring.NET resource URI).
If the is not a
that implements the
If is .
Pegisters parser, using default namespace and schema location
as defined by the .
The parser instance.
If is .
Associates a parser with a namespace.
Parsers registered with the same as that
of a parser that has previously been registered will overwrite the existing
The namespace with which to associate instance of the parser.
The parser instance.
The location of the XML schema that should be used for validation
of the XML elements that belong to the specified namespace
(can be any valid Spring.NET resource URI).
If is , or if
is not specified and parser class
does not have default value defined using .
Register a schema as well-known
Returns default values for the parser namespace and schema location as
defined by the .
A type of the parser.
A instance containing
default values for the parser namsepace and schema location
Resolves xml entities by using the infrastructure.
Adapts the interface to .
Only for smooth transition between 1.x and 2.0 style namespace handling, will be dropped for 2.0
Support class for implementing custom namespace parsers.
Parsing of individual elements is done via a ObjectDefintionParser.
Provides the RegisterObjectDefinitionParser for registering a ObjectDefintionParser
to handle a specific element.Rob HarropJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Invoked by after construction but before any
elements have been parsed.
Parses an element under the root node, typically
an object definition or import statement.
The element to be parsed.
The parser context.
The number of object defintions created from this element.
Parse the specified XmlNode and decorate the supplied ObjectDefinitionHolder,
returning the decorated definition.
The XmlNode may either be an XmlAttribute or an XmlElement, depending on
whether a custom attribute or element is being parsed.
Implementations may choose to return a completely new definition,
which will replace the original definition in the resulting IApplicationContext/IObjectFactory.
The supplied ParserContext can be used to register any additional objects needed to support
the main definition.
The source element or attribute that is to be parsed.
The current object definition.
The object encapsulating the current state of the parsing
The decorated definition (to be registered in the IApplicationContext/IObjectFactory),
or simply the original object definition if no decoration is required. A null value is strickly
speaking invalid, but will leniently treated like the case where the original object definition
gets returned.
Register the specified for the given
Constants defining the structure and values associated with the
Spring.NET XML object definition format.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Value of a boolean attribute that represents
Anything else represents .
Signifies that a default value is to be applied.
Defines an external XML object definition resource.
Specifies the relative path to an external XML object definition
Defines an alias for an object definition.
Specifies the alias of an object definition.
Specifies the default lazy initialization mode.
Specifies the default dependency checking mode.
Specifies the default autowire mode.
Defines a single named object.
Element containing informative text describing the purpose of the
enclosing element.
Always optional.
Used primarily for user documentation of XML object definition
Specifies a .
Does not have to be fully assembly qualified, but it is recommended
that the names of one's objects are
specified explicitly.
The name or alias of the parent object definition that a child
object definition inherits from.
Objects can be identified by an id, to enable reference checking.
There are constraints on a valid XML id: if you want to reference
your object in .NET code using a name that's illegal as an XML id,
use the optional "name" attribute
If neither given, the objects name is
used as id.
Can be used to create one or more aliases illegal in an id.
Multiple aliases can be separated by any number of spaces,
semicolons, or commas
Always optional.
Is this object a "singleton" (one shared instance, which will
be returned by all calls to
with the id), or a
"prototype" (independent instance resulting from each call to
Singletons are most commonly used, and are ideal for multi-threaded
service objects.
Controls object scope. Only applicable to ASP.NET web applications.
Scope can be defined as either application, session or request. It
defines when "singleton" instances are initialized, but has no
effect on prototype definitions.
The names of the objects that this object depends on being
The object factory will guarantee that these objects
get initialized before this object definition.
Dependencies are normally expressed through object properties or
constructor arguments. This property should just be necessary for
other kinds of dependencies such as statics (*ugh*) or database
preparation on startup.
Optional attribute for the name of the custom initialization method
to invoke after setting object properties.
The method must have no arguments.
Optional attribute for the name of the custom destroy method to
invoke on object factory shutdown.
Valid destroy methods have either of the following signatures...
void MethodName()void MethodName(bool force)
Only invoked on singleton objects!
A constructor argument : the constructor-arg tag can have an
optional type attribute, to specify the exact type of the
constructor argument
Only needed to avoid ambiguities, e.g. in case of 2 single
argument constructors that can both be converted from a
The constructor-arg tag can have an optional index attribute,
to specify the exact index in the constructor argument list.
Only needed to avoid ambiguities, e.g. in case of 2 arguments of
the same type.
The constructor-arg tag can have an optional named parameter
attribute, to specify a named parameter in the constructor
argument list.
Is this object "abstract", i.e. not meant to be instantiated itself
but rather just serving as parent for concrete child object
Default is . Specify
to tell the object factory to not try to instantiate that
particular object in any case.
A property definition : object definitions can have zero or more
Spring.NET supports primitives, references to other objects in the
same or related factories, lists, dictionaries, and name value
A reference to another managed object or static
ID refs must specify a name of the target object.
A reference to the name of another managed object in the same
A reference to the name of another managed object in the same
Local references, using the "local" attribute, have to use object
ids; they can be checked by a parser, thus should be preferred for
references within the same object factory XML file.
Alternative to type attribute for factory-method usage.
If this is specified, no type attribute should be used. This should
be set to the name of an object in the current or ancestor
factories that contains the relevant factory method. This allows
the factory itself to be configured using Dependency Injection, and
an instance (rather than static) method to be used.
Optional attribute specifying the name of a factory method to use
to create this object.
Use constructor-arg elements to specify arguments to the factory
method, if it takes arguments. Autowiring does not apply to
factory methods.
If the "type" attribute is present, the factory method will be a
static method on the type specified by the "type" attribute on
this object definition. Often this will be the same type as that
of the constructed object - for example, when the factory method
is used as an alternative to a constructor. However, it may be on
a different type. In that case, the created object will *not* be
of the type specified in the "type" attribute. This is analogous
to behaviour.
If the "factory-object" attribute is present, the "type" attribute
is not used, and the factory method will be an instance method on
the object returned from a
call with the specified object name. The factory object may be
defined as a singleton or a prototype.
The factory method can have any number of arguments. Use indexed
constructor-arg elements in conjunction with the factory-method
Setter Injection can be used in conjunction with a factory method.
Method Injection cannot, as the factory method returns an instance,
which will be used when the container creates the object.
A list can contain multiple inner object, ref, collection, or
value elements.
Lists are untyped, pending generics support, although references
will be strongly typed.
A list can also map to an array type. The necessary conversion is
automatically performed by the
A set can contain multiple inner object, ref, collection, or value
Sets are untyped, pending generics support, although references
will be strongly typed.
A Spring.NET map is a mapping from a string key to object (a .NET
Dictionaries may be empty.
A lookup key (for a dictionary or name / value collection).
A lookup key (for a dictionary or name / value collection).
Contains a string representation of a value.
This is used by name-value, ctor argument, and property elements.
Contains delimiters that should be used to split delimited string values.
This is used by name-value element.
A reference to another objects.
Used as a convenience shortcut on property and constructor-arg
elements to refer to other objects.
Contains a string representation of an expression.
This is used by ctor argument and property elements.
A map entry can be an inner object, ref, collection, or value.
The name of the property is given by the "key" attribute.
Contains a string representation of a property value.
The property may be a string, or may be converted to the
required using the
machinery. This makes it possible for application developers to
write custom
implementations that can convert strings to objects.
This is recommended for simple objects only. Configure more complex
objects by setting properties to references to other objects.
Contains a string representation of an expression.
Denotes value.
Necessary because an empty "value" tag will resolve to an empty
, which will not be resolved to
value unless a special
does so.
'name-values' elements differ from dictionary elements in that
values must be strings.
May be empty.
Element content is the string value of the property.
The "key" attribute is the name of the property.
The lazy initialization mode for an individual object definition.
The dependency checking mode for an individual object definition.
Defines a subscription to one or more events published by one or
more event sources.
The name of an event handling method.
Defaults to On${event}.
Note : this default will probably change before the first 1.0
The name of an event.
The autowiring mode for an individual object definition.
Shortcut alternative to specifying a key element in a
dictionary entry element with <ref object="..."/>.
Shortcut alternative to specifying a value element in a
dictionary entry element with <ref object="..."/>.
The string of characters that delimit object names.
A lookup method causes the IoC container to override a given method and return
the object with the name given in the attendant object attribute.
This is a form of Method Injection.
It's particularly useful as an alternative to implementing the
in order to be able to make
calls for non-singleton instances at runtime. In this case, Method Injection
is a less invasive alternative.
The name of a lookup method. This method must take no arguments.
The name of the object in the IoC container that the lookup method
must resolve to.
Often this object will be a prototype, in which case the lookup method
will return a distinct instance on every invocation. This is useful
for single-threaded objects.
A replaced method causes the IoC container to override a given method
with an (arbitrary) implementation at runtime.
This (again) is a form of Method Injection.
Name of the method whose implementation should be replaced by the
IoC container.
If this method is not overloaded, there's no need to use arg-type
If this method is overloaded, arg-type subelements must be
used for all override definitions for the method.
The object name of an implementation of the
This may be a singleton or prototype. If it's a prototype, a new
instance will be used for each method replacement. Singleton usage
is the norm.
Subelement of replaced-method identifying an argument for a
replaced method in the event of method overloading.
Specification of the of an overloaded method
argument as a .
For convenience, this may be a substring of the FQN. E.g. all the following would match
Check everything.
Just check primitive (string, int, etc) values.
Check object references.
Autowire by name.
Autowire by .
Autowiring by constructor.
The autowiring strategy is to be determined by introspection
of the object's .
Creates a new instance of the
This is a utility class, and as such has no publicly visible
Stateful class used to parse XML object definitions.
Not all parsing code has been refactored into this class. See
BeanDefinitionParserDelegate in Java for how this class should evolve.Rob HarropJuergen HoellerRod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
The shared instance for this class (and derived classes).
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The reader context.
Initialize the default lazy-init, dependency check, and autowire settings.
The root element
Determines whether the Spring object namespace is equal to the the specified namespace URI.
The namespace URI.
true if is the default Spring namespace; otherwise, false.
Decorates the object definition if required.
The element.
The holder.
Parse a standard object definition into a
including object name and aliases.
The element containing the object definition.
The parsed object definition wrapped within an
Object elements specify their canonical name via the "id" attribute
and their aliases as a delimited "name" attribute.
If no "id" is specified, uses the first name in the "name" attribute
as the canonical name, registering all others as aliases.
Parse a standard object definition into a
including object name and aliases.
The element containing the object definition.
The containing object definition if is a nested element.
The parsed object definition wrapped within an
Object elements specify their canonical name via the "id" attribute
and their aliases as a delimited "name" attribute.
If no "id" is specified, uses the first name in the "name" attribute
as the canonical name, registering all others as aliases.
Parses an element in a custom namespace.
the parsed object definition or null if not supported by the corresponding parser.
Parses an element in a custom namespace.
if a nested element, the containing object definition
the parsed object definition or null if not supported by the corresponding parser.
Given a string containing delimited object names, returns
a string array split on the object name delimeter.
The string containing delimited object names.
A string array split on the object name delimeter.
Determines whether the string represents a 'true' boolean value.
The value.
true if is 'true' string value; otherwise, false.
Convenience method to create a builder for a root object definition.
Name of the object type.
A builder for a root object definition.
Convenience method to create a builder for a root object definition.
Type of the object.
a builder for a root object definition
Returns the value of the element's attribute or null, if the attribute is not specified.
This is a helper for bypassing the behavior of
to return if the attribute does not exist.
Returns the value of the element's attribute or ,
if the attribute is not specified.
This is a helper for bypassing the behavior of
to return if the attribute does not exist.
Report a parser error.
Gets the defaults definition object, or null if the
default have not yet been initialized.
The defaults.
Gets the reader context.
The reader context.
Creates an instance
populated with the object definitions supplied in the configuration
Applications will typically want to use an
, and instantiate it
via the use of the
class (which is similar in functionality to this class). This class is
provided for those times when only an
is required.
Creates an instance of the class XmlObjectFactory
Mark Pollack (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a
instance populated with the object definitions supplied in the
configuration section.
The configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration
The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET
configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and
is .
The for the section.
A instance
populated with the object definitions supplied in the configuration
Default implementation of the
Parses object definitions according to the standard Spring.NET schema.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
The namespace URI for the standard Spring.NET object definition schema.
The shared instance for this class (and derived classes).
Invoked by after construction but before any
elements have been parsed.
This is a NoOp
Parse the specified XmlElement and register the resulting
ObjectDefinitions with the IObjectDefinitionRegistry
embedded in the supplied
The element to be parsed.
TThe object encapsulating the current state of the parsing process.
Provides access to a IObjectDefinitionRegistry
The primary object definition.
This method is never invoked if the parser is namespace aware
and was called to process the root node.
Parse the specified element and register any resulting
IObjectDefinitions with the IObjectDefinitionRegistry that is
embedded in the supplied ParserContext.
The element to be parsed into one or more IObjectDefinitions
The object encapsulating the current state of the parsing
The primary IObjectDefinition (can be null as explained above)
Implementations should return the primary IObjectDefinition
that results from the parse phase if they wish to used nested
inside (for example) a <property> tag.
Implementations may return null if they will not
be used in a nested scenario.
Parse the specified XmlNode and decorate the supplied ObjectDefinitionHolder,
returning the decorated definition.
The XmlNode may either be an XmlAttribute or an XmlElement, depending on
whether a custom attribute or element is being parsed.
Implementations may choose to return a completely new definition,
which will replace the original definition in the resulting IApplicationContext/IObjectFactory.
The supplied ParserContext can be used to register any additional objects needed to support
the main definition.
The source element or attribute that is to be parsed.
The current object definition.
The object encapsulating the current state of the parsing
The decorated definition (to be registered in the IApplicationContext/IObjectFactory),
or simply the original object definition if no decoration is required. A null value is strickly
speaking invalid, but will leniently treated like the case where the original object definition
gets returned.
Loads external XML object definitions from the resource described by the supplied
The XML element describing the resource.
The parser context.
If the resource could not be imported.
Parses an event listener definition.
The name associated with the object that the event handler is being defined on.
The events being populated.
The element containing the event listener definition.
The namespace-aware parser.
Parse an object definition and register it with the object factory..
The element containing the object definition.
The parser context.
Parse an object definition and register it with the object factory..
The element containing the object definition.
The parser context.
Parse an object definition and register it with the object factory..
The element containing the object definition.
The parser context.
Parse a standard object definition into a
including object name and aliases.
The element containing the object definition.
The parser context.
if set to true if we are processing an inner
object definition.
The object (definition) wrapped within an
Object elements specify their canonical name via the "id" attribute
and their aliases as a delimited "name" attribute.
If no "id" is specified, uses the first name in the "name" attribute
as the canonical name, registering all others as aliases.
Calculates an id for an object definition.
Called when an object definition has not been explicitly defined
with an id.
The element containing the object definition.
The list of names defined for the object; may be
or even empty.
A calculated object definition id.
Parse a standard object definition.
The element containing the object definition.
The id of the object definition.
parsing state holder
The object (definition).
Parse method override argument subelements of the given object element.
Parse element and add parsed element to
Parse element and add parsed element to
Parse constructor argument subelements of the given object element.
Parse event handler subelements of the given object element.
Parse property value subelements of the given object element.
The name of the object (definition) associated with the property element (s)
The element containing the top level object definition.
The namespace-aware parser.
The property (s) associated with the object (definition).
Parse a constructor-arg element.
The name of the object (definition) associated with the ctor arg.
The list of constructor args associated with the object (definition).
The name of the element containing the ctor arg definition.
The namespace-aware parser.
Parse a property element.
The name of the object (definition) associated with the property.
The list of properties associated with the object (definition).
The name of the element containing the property definition.
The namespace-aware parser.
Get the value of a property element (may be a list).
Please note that even though this method is named GetPropertyValue,
it is called by both the property and constructor argument element
The property element.
The name of the object associated with the property.
The namespace-aware parser.
Parse a value, ref or collection subelement of a property element.
Subelement of property element; we don't know which yet.
The name of the object (definition) associated with the top level property.
The namespace-aware parser.
Gets a list definition.
The element describing the list definition.
The name of the object (definition) associated with the list definition.
The namespace-aware parser.
The list definition.
Gets a set definition.
The element describing the set definition.
The name of the object (definition) associated with the set definition.
The namespace-aware parser.
The set definition.
Gets a dictionary definition.
The element describing the dictionary definition.
The name of the object (definition) associated with the dictionary definition.
The namespace-aware parser.
The dictionary definition.
Selects sub-elements with a given
Uses a namespace manager if necessary.
The element to be searched in.
The name of the child nodes to look for.
The child s of the supplied
with the supplied
Selects a single sub-element with a given
Uses a namespace manager if necessary.
The element to be searched in.
The name of the child node to look for.
The first child of the supplied
with the supplied
Gets a name value collection mapping definition.
The element describing the name value collection mapping definition.
The name of the object (definition) associated with the
name value collection mapping definition.
The name value collection definition.
Returns the text of the supplied ,
or the empty string value if said is empty.
If the supplied is ,
then the empty string value will be returned.
Strips the dependency check value out of the supplied string.
If the supplied is an invalid dependency
checking mode, the invalid value will be logged and this method will
return the value.
No exception will be raised.
The string containing the dependency check value.
The dependency check value.
Strips the autowiring mode out of the supplied string.
If the supplied is an invalid autowiring mode,
the invalid value will be logged and this method will return the
value. No exception will be raised.
The string containing the autowiring mode definition.
The autowiring mode.
Given a string containing delimited object names, returns
a string array split on the object name delimeter.
The string containing delimited object names.
A string array split on the object name delimeter.
Context that gets passed along an object definition parsing process, encapsulating
all relevant configuraiton as well as state.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The parser helper.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The parser helper.
The containing object definition.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The reader context.
The parser helper.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The reader context.
The parser helper.
The containing object definition.
Gets the reader context.
The reader context.
Gets the registry.
The registry.
Gets the parser helper.
The parser helper.
Gets the containing object definition.
The containing object definition.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is nested.
true if this instance is nested; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is default lazy init.
true if this instance is default lazy init; otherwise, false.
Object definition reader for Spring's default XML object definition format.
Typically applied to a
This class registers each object definition with the given object factory superclass,
and relies on the latter's implementation of the
It supports singletons, prototypes, and references to either of these kinds of object.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
instance that this reader works on.
Creates a new instance of the
instance that this reader works on.
The to be used for parsing.
Load object definitions from the supplied XML .
The XML resource for the object definitions that are to be loaded.
The number of object definitions that were loaded.
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Actually load object definitions from the specified XML file.
The input stream to read from.
The resource for the XML data.
Validation callback for a validating XML reader.
The source of the event.
Any data pertinent to the event.
Register the object definitions contained in the given DOM document.
The DOM document.
The original resource from where the
was read.
The number of object definitions that were registered.
In case of parsing errors.
Creates the to use for actually
reading object definitions from an XML document.
Default implementation instantiates the specified 'documentReaderType'.
Creates the to be passed along
during the object definition reading process.
The underlying that is currently processed.
A new
The to be used for parsing.
Sets the IObjectDefinitionDocumentReader implementation to use, responsible for
the actual reading of the XML object definition document.stype of the document reader.
The type of the document reader.
For retrying the parse process
Convenience extension of
that reads object definitions from an XML document or element.
Delegates to
underneath; effectively equivalent to using a
for a
objects doesn't need to be the root element of
the XML document: this class will parse all object definition elements in the
XML stream.
This class registers each object definition with the
superclass, and relies on the latter's implementation of the
interface. It supports
singletons, prototypes and references to either of these kinds of object.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the class,
with the given resource, which must be parsable using DOM.
The XML resource to load object definitions from.
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Creates a new instance of the class,
with the given resource, which must be parsable using DOM.
The XML resource to load object definitions from.
Flag specifying whether to make this object factory case sensitive or not.
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Creates a new instance of the class,
with the given resource, which must be parsable using DOM, and the
given parent factory.
The XML resource to load object definitions from.
The parent object factory (may be ).
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Creates a new instance of the class,
with the given resource, which must be parsable using DOM, and the
given parent factory.
The XML resource to load object definitions from.
Flag specifying whether to make this object factory case sensitive or not.
The parent object factory (may be ).
In the case of loading or parsing errors.
Gets object definition reader to use.
Extension of specific to use with an
In future will contain access to IXmlParserRegistry
The maximum length of any XML fragment displayed in the error message
Hopefully this will display enough context so that a user
can pinpoint the cause of the error.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The resource.
The reader.
Generates the name of the object.
The object definition.
the generated object name
Registers the name of the with generated.
The object definition.
the generated object name
Reports a parse error by loading a
with helpful contextual
information and throwing said exception.
Derived classes can of course override this method in order to implement
validators capable of displaying a full list of errors found in the
The node that triggered the parse error.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
A message about the exception.
Always throws an instance of this exception class, that will
contain helpful contextual infomation about the parse error.
Reports a parse error by loading a
with helpful contextual
information and throwing said exception.
Derived classes can of course override this method in order to implement
validators capable of displaying a full list of errors found in the
The node that triggered the parse error.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
A message about the error.
The root cause of the parse error (if any - may be ).
Always throws an instance of this exception class, that will
contain helpful contextual infomation about the parse error.
This method can be overwritten in order to implement validators
capable of displaying a full list of errors found in the definition.
The node that triggered the parse error.
A message about the exception.
Gets the reader.
The reader.
Gets the resource loader.
The resource loader.
Gets the registry.
The registry.
Gets or sets the object definition factory.
The object definition factory.
Exception thrown if an
is not fully
initialized, for example if it is involved in a circular reference.
This is usually indicated by any of the variants of the
method returning .
A circular reference with an
cannot be solved by eagerly caching singleton instances (as is the
case with normal objects. The reason is that every
needs to be fully
initialized before it can return the created object, while only specific
normal objects need to be initialized - that is, if a collaborating object
actually invokes them on initialization instead of just storing the reference.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Thrown when an
encounters an error when attempting to create an object from an object
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
The description of the resource associated with the object.
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
The description of the resource associated with the object.
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
The name of the object that triggered the exception (if any).
The description of the resource associated with the object (if any).
Describes the creation failure trace of this exception.
Creates a new instance of the
FactoryObjectNotInitializedException class.
Creates a new instance of the FactoryObjectNotInitializedException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the FactoryObjectNotInitializedException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
FactoryObjectCircularReferenceException class.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the FactoryObjectCircularReferenceException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Exception thrown when an
is asked for an object instance name for which it cannot find a definition.
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
Name of the missing object.
A further, detailed message describing the problem.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The required type of the object.
A description of the originating dependency.
A message describing the problem.
Creates a new instance of the
The of the missing object.
A further, detailed message describing the problem.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
Return the required of object, if it was a
lookup by that failed.
Return the name of the missing object, if it was a lookup by name that
Thrown in case of a reference to an object that is currently in creation.
Typically happens when constructor autowiring matches the currently
constructed object.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans
The default error message text to be used, if none is specified.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
The description of the resource associated with the object.
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
The description of the resource associated with the object.
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectCurrentlyInCreationException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Exception thrown when an
encounters an error when attempting to parse an object
Federico Spinazzi (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionException class.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionException class.
The value of the xml class attribute thet can be resolved
as a type
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
The message about the exception.
Thrown when an
encounters an internal error, and its definitions are invalid.
An example of a situation when this exception would be thrown is
in the case of an XML document containing object definitions being
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionStoreException class.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionStoreException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionStoreException class.
The description of the resource that the object definition came from
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
A message about the exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The description of the resource that the object definition came from
The detail message (used as exception message as-is)
The root cause. (may be null
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionStoreException class.
The resource location (e.g. an XML object definition file) associated
with the offending object definition.
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionStoreException class.
The resource location (e.g. an XML object definition file) associated
with the offending object definition.
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionStoreException class.
The description of the resource that the object definition came from
A message about the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionStoreException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectDefinitionStoreException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
The description of the resource associated with the object
The name of the object that trigger the exception.
The name of the object that triggered the exception (if any).
The description of the resource associated with the object (if any).
Convenience methods operating on object factories, returning object instances,
names, or counts.
The nesting hierarchy of an object factory is taken into account by the various methods
exposed by this class.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Used to dereference an
and distinguish it from managed objects created by the factory.
For example, if the managed object identified as foo is a
factory, getting &foo will return the factory, not the
instance returned by the factory.
The string used as a separator in the generation of synthetic id's
for those object definitions explicitly that aren't assigned one.
If a name or parent object definition
name is not unique, "#1", "#2" etc will be appended, until such
time that the name becomes unique.
Creates a new instance of the
This is a utility class, and as such has no publicly visible
Count all object definitions in any hierarchy in which this
factory participates.
Includes counts of ancestor object factories.
Objects that are "overridden" (specified in a descendant factory
with the same name) are counted only once.
The object factory.
The count of objects including those defined in ancestor factories.
Return all object names in the factory, including ancestor factories.
The object factory.
The array of object names, or an empty array if none.
Get all object names for the given type, including those defined in ancestor
Will return unique names in case of overridden object definitions.
Does consider objects created by s
if is set to true,
which means that s will get initialized.
If this isn't also an
this method will return the same as it's own
The that objects must match.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons
(also applies to instances).
Whether to include instances
too or just normal objects.
The array of object names, or an empty array if none.
Get all object names for the given type, including those defined in ancestor
Will return unique names in case of overridden object definitions.
Does consider objects created by s,
or rather it considers the type of objects created by
(which means that
s will be instantiated).
If this isn't also an
this method will return the same as it's own
The that objects must match.
The array of object names, or an empty array if none.
Return all objects of the given type or subtypes, also picking up objects
defined in ancestor object factories if the current object factory is an
The return list will only contain objects of this type.
Useful convenience method when we don't care about object names.
The object factory.
The of object to match.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons
(also applies to instances).
Whether to include instances
too or just normal objects.
If the objects could not be created.
The of object instances, or an
empty if none.
Return a single object of the given type or subtypes, also picking up objects defined
in ancestor object factories if the current object factory is an
Useful convenience method when we expect a single object and don't care
about the object name.
The object factory.
The of object to match.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons
(also applies to instances).
Whether to include instances
too or just normal objects.
If the object could not be created.
If more than one instance of an object was found.
A single object of the given type or subtypes.
Return a single object of the given type or subtypes, not looking in
ancestor factories.
Useful convenience method when we expect a single object and don't care
about the object name.
The object factory.
The of object to match.
Whether to include prototype objects too or just singletons
(also applies to instances).
Whether to include instances
too or just normal objects.
If the object could not be created.
If not exactly one instance of an object was found.
A single object of the given type or subtypes.
Return a single object of the given type or subtypes, not looking in
ancestor factories.
Useful convenience method when we expect a single object and don't care
about the object name.
This version of ObjectOfType automatically includes prototypes and
The object factory.
The of object to match.
If the object could not be created.
If not exactly one instance of an object was found.
A single object of the given type or subtypes.
Return the object name, stripping out the factory dereference prefix if necessary.
The name of the object.
The object name sans any factory dereference prefix.
Given an (object) name, builds a corresponding factory object name such that
the return value can be used as a lookup name for a factory object.
The name to be used to build the resulting factory object name.
The transformed into its factory object name
Is the supplied a factory dereference?
That is, does the supplied begin with
The name to check.
if the supplied is a
factory dereference; if not, or the
aupplied is or
consists solely of the
Exception that an object implementation is suggested to throw if its own
factory-aware initialization code fails.
thrown by object factory methods
themselves should simply be propagated as-is.
Note that non-factory-aware initialization methods like AfterPropertiesSet ()
or a custom "init-method" can throw any exception.
Juergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the ObjectInitializationException class.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectInitializationException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectInitializationException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectInitializationException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Thrown in response to an attempt to lookup a factory object, and
the object identified by the lookup key is not a factory.
An object is a factory if it implements (either directly or indirectly
via inheritance) the
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Thrown when an object doesn't match the required .
Rod JohnsonRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the ObjectNotOfRequiredTypeException class.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectNotOfRequiredTypeException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectNotOfRequiredTypeException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ObjectNotOfRequiredTypeException class.
Name of the object requested.
The required of the actual object
instance that was retrieved.
The instance actually returned, whose class did not match the
expected .
Creates a new instance of the ObjectNotOfRequiredTypeException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
The actual of the actual object
instance that was retrieved.
The required of the actual object
instance that was retrieved.
The instance actually returned, whose class did not match the
expected .
The name of the object requested.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the object that was being retrieved from the factory.
The object instance that was retrieved.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Exception thrown when an object depends on other objects or simple properties
that were not specified in the object factory definition, although dependency
checking was enabled.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the UnsatisfiedDependencyException class.
Creates a new instance of the UnsatisfiedDependencyException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the UnsatisfiedDependencyException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the UnsatisfiedDependencyException class.
The description of the resource associated with the object.
The name of the object that has the unsatisfied dependency.
The constructor argument index at which the dependency is
The of the constructor argument at
which the dependency is unsatisfied.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the UnsatisfiedDependencyException class.
The description of the resource associated with the object.
The name of the object that has the unsatisfied dependency.
The name identifying the property on which the dependency is
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the UnsatisfiedDependencyException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Base class implementation for classes that describe an event handler.
Rick Evans
Describes an event handler.
Rick Evans
Wires up the specified handler to the named event on the
supplied event source.
The object (an object instance, a , etc)
exposing the named event.
The handler for the event (an object instance, a
, etc).
The source of the event.
The name of the method that is going to handle the event.
The name of the event that is being wired up.
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
The object (possibly unresolved) that is exposing the event.
The name of the method on the handler that is going to handle the event.
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Wires up the specified handler to the named event on the
supplied event source.
The object (an object instance, a , etc)
exposing the named event.
The handler for the event (an object instance, a
, etc).
Returns a stringified representation of this object.
A stringified representation of this object.
The source of the event (may be unresolved, as in the case
of a
The name of the method that is going to handle the event.
The name of the event that is being wired up.
Convenience base class for implementations.
Abstracts the state sharing strategy used
by Erich Eichinger
Indicate, whether the given instance can be served by this factory
the instance to serve state
the name of the instance
a boolean value indicating, whether state can
be served for the given instance or not.
Returns the shared state for the given instance.
the instance to obtain shared state for.
the name of this instance
a dictionary containing shared state for or null.
Gets a dictionary acc. to the type of .
If no dictionary is found, create it according to
the instance to obtain shared state for
the name of the instance.
A dictionary containing the 's state,
or null if no state can be served by this provider.
Creates a dictionary to hold the shared state identified by .
a key to create the dictionary for.
a dictionary according to and .
Indicate, whether the given instance will be served by this provider
the instance to serve state
the name of the instance
a boolean value indicating, whether state shall
be resolved for the given instance or not.
Create the key used for obtaining the state dictionary for .
the instance to create the key for
the name of the instance.
the key identifying the state dictionary to be used for
or null, if this state manager doesn't serve the given instance.
Implementations may choose to return null from this method to indicate,
that they won't serve state for the given instance.
Note:Keys returned by this method are always treated case-sensitive!
Create shared state dictionaries case-sensitive or case-insensitive?
A number indicating the priority of this ( for more).
Base class for all
implemenations that actually perform event wiring.
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Creates a new instance of the
The object (possibly unresolved) that is exposing the event.
The name of the method on the handler that is going to handle the event.
This is an class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Wires up the specified handler to the named event on the
supplied event source.
The object (an object instance, a , etc)
exposing the named event.
The handler for the event (an object instance, a
, etc).
Gets the event handler.
The instance that is registering for the event notification.
Event metadata about the event.
The event handler.
Resolves the method metadata that describes the method that is to be used
as the argument to a delegate constructor.
The exposing the method.
The of the delegate (e.g. System.EventHandler).
The custom binding flags to use when searching for the method.
The method metadata.
If the method could not be found.
Describes an implementation
that autowires events to handler methods.
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
Wires up the specified handler to the named event on the supplied event source.
The object (an object instance, a , etc)
exposing the named event.
The handler for the event (an object instance, a ,
The name of the method that is going to handle the event.
Performs the matching up of handler methods to one or more source events.
This class merely marshals the matching of handler methods to the events exposed
by an event source, and then delegates to a concrete
implementation (such as
) to do the heavy lifting of
actually wiring a handler method to an event.
Note : the order in which handler's are wired up to events is non-deterministic.
Creates a new instance of the
The object exposing the event (s) being wired up.
The name of the event that is being wired up.
The object exposing the method (s) being wired to the event.
The name of the method that is going to handle the event.
Wires up events on the source to methods exposed on the handler.
Wires up the supplied event to any handler methods that match the event
The event being wired up.
Only replaces the first occurrence of the placeholder.
The event whose name is going to be used.
The method name customised for the name of the supplied event.
The object exposing the event (s) being wired up.
The object exposing the method (s) being wired to an event source.
The of the object that is handling any events.
The name of the method that is going to handle the event.
The name of the event that is being wired up.
Serves shared state on a by-type basis.
Creates a new instance matching all types by default.
Creates a new instance matching only specified list of types.
the list of types to serve.
Indicate, whether the given instance will be served by this provider
the instance to serve state
the name of the instance
a boolean value indicating, whether state shall
be resolved for the given instance or not.
Returns the for the given .
the instance to obtain the key for.
the name of the instance (ignored by this provider)
instance.GetType() if it matches the list. Null otherwise.
This method will only be called if returned true previously.
Limit object types to be served by this state manager.
Only objects assignable to one of the types in this list
will be served state by this manager.
Describes an event handler for an object instance.
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The object (possibly unresolved) that is exposing the event.
The name of the method on the handler that is going to handle the event.
Gets the event handler.
The instance that is registering for the event notification.
Event metadata about the event.
The event handler.
Definition for sorting object instances by a property.
Juergen HoellerSimon White (.NET)
The name of the property to sort by.
Whether upper and lower case in string values should be ignored.
True if the sorting should be performed in a case-insensitive fashion.
If the sorting should be ascending or descending.
True if the sorting should be in the ascending order.
Mutable implementation of the
interface that
supports toggling the ascending value on setting the same property again.
Juergen HoellerJean-Pierre PawlakSimon White (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
class using
the specified .
The to use
as a source for initial property values.
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the property to sort by.
Whether upper and lower case in string values should be ignored.
Whether or not the sorting should be ascending or descending.
Creates a new instance of the
Whether or not the
property should be toggled if the same name is set on the
Overrides the default method
The object to test against this instance for equality.
True if the supplied is equal to this instance.
Overrides the default method.
The hashcode for this instance.
The name of the property to sort by.
Whether upper and lower case in string values should be ignored.
True if the sorting should be performed in a case-insensitive fashion.
If the sorting should be ascending or descending.
True if the sorting should be in the ascending order.
Performs a comparison of two objects, using the specified object property via
an .
Juergen HoellerJean-Pierre PawlakSimon White (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The to use for any
If the supplied is .
Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less
than, equal to or greater than the other.
The first object to compare.
The second object to compare.
Get the 's property
value for the given object.
The object to get the property value for.
The property value.
Sort the given according to the
given sort definition.
The to be sorted.
The parameters to sort by.
In the case of a missing property name.
If the supplied is .
Gets the to
use for any sorting.
The to use for
any sorting.
Describes an event handler for a static class method.
Rick Evans
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
The object (possibly unresolved) that is exposing the event.
The name of the method on the handler that is going to handle the event.
Gets the event handler.
The instance that is registering for the event notification.
Event metadata about the event.
The event handler.
The central interface of Spring.NET's low-level object infrastructure.
Typically not directly used by application code but rather implicitly
via an .
Implementing classes have the ability to get and set property values
(individually or in bulk), get property descriptors and query the
readability and writability of properties.
This interface supports nested properties enabling the setting
of properties on subproperties to an unlimited depth.
If a property update causes an exception, a
will be thrown. Bulk
updates continue after exceptions are encountered, throwing an exception
wrapping all exceptions encountered during the update.
implementations can be used
repeatedly, with their "target" or wrapped object changed.
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)Get the value of a property.
The name of the property to get the value of. May be nested.
The value of the property.
if the property isn't readable, or if the getting the value throws
an exception.
Get the for a particular
The property to be retrieved.
The for the particular
Get the for a particular property.
The property the of which is to be retrieved.
The for a particular property..
Get all of the instances for
all of the properties of the wrapped object.
An array of instances.
Set a property value.
This is the preferred way to update an individual property.
The new property value.
Set a property value.
This method is provided for convenience only. The
method is more powerful.
The name of the property to set value of.
The new property value.
Set a number of property values in bulk.
This is the preferred way to perform a bulk update.
Note that performing a bulk update differs from performing a single update,
in that an implementation of this class will continue to update properties
if a recoverable error (such as a vetoed property change or a type
mismatch, but not an invalid property name or the like) is
encountered, throwing a
all the individual errors. This exception can be examined later to see all
binding errors. Properties that were successfully updated stay changed.
Does not allow the setting of unknown fields. Equivalent to
with an argument of false for the second parameter.
The collection of instances to
set on the wrapped object.
Set a number of property values in bulk with full control over behavior.
Note that performing a bulk update differs from performing a single update,
in that an implementation of this class will continue to update properties
if a recoverable error (such as a vetoed property change or a type
mismatch, but not an invalid property name or the like) is
encountered, throwing a
all the individual errors. This exception can be examined later to see all
binding errors. Properties that were successfully updated stay changed.
Does not allow the setting of unknown fields.
The to set on the target object
Should we ignore unknown values (not found in the object!?)
The object wrapped by the wrapper (cannot be ).
Implementations are required to allow the type of the wrapped
object to change.
The object wrapped by this wrapper.
Convenience method to return the
of the wrapped object.
The of the wrapped object.
A collection style container for
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
Return the instance with the
given name.
The name to search for.
the , or null if a
the with the supplied
did not exist in this collection.
Is there a instance for this
property name?
The name to search for.
True if there is a instance for
the supplied .
Return the difference (changes, additions, but not removals) of
property values between the supplied argument and the values
contained in the collection.
Subclasses should also override Equals.
The old property values.
An containing any changes, or
an empty instance if there were
no changes.
Return an array of the objects
held in this object.
An array of the objects held
in this object.
This interface should be implemented by classes that want to
have access to the shared state.
Shared state is very useful if you have data that needs to be shared by all instances
of e.g. the same webform (or other IHttpHandlers).
For example, Spring.Web.UI.Page class implements this interface, which allows
each page derived from it to cache localizalization resources and parsed data binding
expressions only once and then reuse the cached values, regardless of how many instances
of the page are created.
Gets or sets the that should be used
to store shared state for this instance.
Default implementation of the
Allows simple manipulation of properties, and provides constructors to
support deep copy and construction from a number of collection types such as
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)Rick Evans (.NET)
The list of objects.
Creates a new instance of the
The returned instance is initially empty...
s can be added with the various
overloaded ,
Creates a new instance of the
Deep copy constructor. Guarantees
references are independent, although it can't deep copy objects currently
referenced by individual objects.
Creates a new instance of the
The with property values
keyed by property name, which must be a .
Overloaded version of Add that takes a property name and a property value.
The name of the property.
The value of the property.
Add the supplied object,
replacing any existing one for the respective property.
The object to add.
Add all property values from the given
The map of property values, the keys of which must be
Add all property values from the given
The list of s to be added.
Remove the given , if contained.
The to remove.
Removes the named , if contained.
The name of the property.
Modify a object held in this object. Indexed from 0.
Return the property value given the name.
The property name is checked in a case-insensitive fashion.
The name of the property.
The property value.
Does the container of properties contain one of this name.
The name of the property to search for.
True if the property is contained in this collection, false otherwise.
Return the difference (changes, additions, but not removals) of
property values between the supplied argument and the values
contained in the collection.
Another property values collection.
The collection of property values that are different than the supplied one.
Returns an that can iterate
through a collection.
The returned is the
exposed by the
An that can iterate through a
Convert the object to a string representation.
A string representation of the object.
Property to retrieve the array of property values.
Default implementation of the
interface that should be sufficient for all normal uses.
will convert
and array
values to the corresponding target arrays, if necessary. Custom
s that deal with
s or arrays can be written against a
comma delimited as
arrays are converted in such a format if the array itself is not assignable.
Rod JohnsonJuergen Hoeller Jean-Pierre PawlakMark Pollack (.NET)Aleksandar Seovic(.NET)The wrapped object.
The ILog instance for this class. We'll create a lot of these objects,
so we don't want a new instance every time.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The wrapped target instance will need to be set afterwards.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The object wrapped by this .
If the supplied is .
Creates a new instance of the class,
instantiating a new instance of the specified and using
it as the .
Please note that the passed as the
argument must have a no-argument constructor.
If it does not, an exception will be thrown when this class attempts
to instantiate the supplied using it's
(non-existent) constructor.
The to instantiate and wrap.
If the is , or if the
invocation of the s default (no-arg) constructor
fails (due to invalid arguments, insufficient permissions, etc).
Gets the value of a property.
The name of the property to get the value of.
The value of the property.
If there is no such property, if the property isn't readable, or
if getting the property value throws an exception.
Gets the value of a property.
The property expression that should be used to retrieve the property value.
The value of the property.
If there is no such property, if the property isn't readable, or
if getting the property value throws an exception.
Sets a property value.
This method is provided for convenience only. The
method is more powerful.
The name of the property to set value of.
The new value.
Sets a property value.
The property expression that should be used to set the property value.
The new value.
Sets a property value.
This is the preferred way to update an individual property.
The object containing new property value.
Set a number of property values in bulk.
Does not allow unknown fields. Equivalent to
with and for
The to set on the target
If an error is encountered while setting a property.
On a mismatch while setting a property, insufficient permissions, etc.
Perform a bulk update with full control over behavior.
This method may throw a reflection-based exception, if there is a critical
failure such as no matching field... less serious exceptions will be accumulated
and thrown as a single .
The s to set on the target object.
Should we ignore unknown values (not found in the object!?).
If an error is encountered while setting a property (only thrown if the
parameter is set to ).
On a mismatch while setting a property, insufficient permissions, etc.
Returns PropertyInfo for the specified property
The name of the property to search for.
The for the specified property.If cannot be determined.
Get the for a particular property.
The property the of which is to be retrieved.
The for a particular property..
Returns MemberInfo for the specified property or field
The name of the property or field to search for.
The or for the specified property or field.If does not resolve to a property or field.
Get the properties of the wrapped object.
An array of s.
This method is expensive! Only call for diagnostics and debugging reasons,
not in production.
A string describing the state of this object.
Attempts to parse property expression first and falls back to full expression
if that fails. Performance optimization.
Property expression to parse.
Parsed proeprty expression.
The object wrapped by this .
If the object cannot be changed; or an attempt is made to set the
value of this property to .
Convenience method to return the of the wrapped object.
Do not use this (convenience) method prior to setting the
The of the wrapped object.
If the property
is .
Return the collection of property descriptors.
Combined exception, composed of individual binding
An object of this class is created at the beginning of the binding
process, and errors added to it as necessary.
The binding process continues when it encounters application-level
s, applying those changes
that can be applied and storing rejected changes in an instance of this class.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the PropertyAccessExceptionsException class.
Creates a new instance of the PropertyAccessExceptionsException class.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the PropertyAccessExceptionsException class.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Create new empty PropertyAccessExceptionsException.
We'll add errors to it as we attempt to bind properties.
Creates a new instance of the PropertyAccessExceptionsException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Populates a with
the data needed to serialize the target object.
The to populate
with data.
The destination (see )
for this serialization.
The IObjectWrapper wrapping the target object at the root of the exception.
The list of PropertyAccessException objects.
Return the
for the supplied , or
if there isn't one.
Describe the number of exceptions contained in this container class.
A description of the instance contents.
Return the that generated
this exception.
Return the object we're binding to.
If this returns zero (0), no errors were encountered during binding.
Return an array of the s
stored in this object.
Will return the empty array (not ) if there were no errors.
Describe the group of exceptions.
Holds information and value for an individual property.
Using an object here, rather than just storing all properties in a
map keyed by property name, allows for more flexibility, and the
ability to handle indexed properties in a special way if necessary.
Note that the value doesn't need to be the final required
: an
implementation must
handle any necessary conversion, as this object doesn't know anything
about the objects it will be applied to.
Rod JohnsonMark Pollack (.NET)
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the property.
The value of the property (possibly before type conversion).
If the supplied is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
Creates a new instance of the
The name of the property.
The value of the property (possibly before type conversion).
Pre-parsed property name.
If the supplied or
is , or if the name contains only whitespace characters.
Print a string representation of the property.
A string representation of the property.
Determines whether the supplied
is equal to the current .
The other instance.
if they are equal in content.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use
in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
A hash code for the current .
The name of the property.The name of the property.
Parsed property expression.
Return the value of the property.
Note that type conversion will not have occurred here.
It is the responsibility of the
implementation to
perform type conversion.
The (possibly unresolved) value of the property.
A simple pool implementation
Based on the implementation found in Concurrent Programming in Java,
2nd ed., by Doug Lea.
Doug LeaFederico SpinazziMark Pollack
A simple pooling interface for managing and monitoring a pool
of objects.
Based on the Jakarta Commons Pool API.
Federico Spinazzi
Obtain an instance from the pool.
By contract, clients must return the borrowed
instance using
or a related method as defined in an implementation or
An instance from the pool.
In case the pool is unusable.
Return an instance to the pool.
By contract, the object must have been obtained using
or a related method as defined in an implementation or sub-interface.
The instance to be returned to the pool.
Create an object using the factory set by
the property
or other implementation dependent mechanism
and place it into the pool.
This is an optional operation. AddObject is useful for "pre-loading" a
pool with idle objects.
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Close the pool and free any resources associated with it.
Clear objects sitting idle in the pool, releasing any
associated resources.
This is an optional operation.
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Gets the number of instances currently borrowed from the pool.
This is an optional operation.
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Gets the number of instances currently idle in the pool.
This is an optional operation.
This may be considered an approximation of the number of objects
that can be borrowed without creating any new instances.
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Set the factory used to create new instances.
This is an optional operation.
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Set of permits
Creates a new instance of the
The factory used to instantiate and manage the lifecycle of pooled objects.
The initial size of the pool.
If the supplied is .
If the supplied is less than or equal to zero.
Obtain an instance from the pool.
In case the pool is unusable.
Return an instance to the pool.
The instance to be returned to the pool.
Create an object using the factory set by
the property
or other implementation dependent mechanism
and place it into the pool.
This implementation always throws a
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Synchronized borrow logic.
Synchronized release logic.
The object to release to the pool.
if the object was not a busy one.
Instantiates the supplied number of instances and adds
them to the pool.
The initial number of objects to build.
If the supplied number of is
less than or equal to zero.
Close the pool and free any resources associated with it.
Clear objects sitting idle in the pool, releasing any
associated resources.
This implementation always throws a
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Change the state of the pool to unusable.
Gets the number of instances currently borrowed from the pool.
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Gets the number of instances currently idle in the pool.
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Set the factory used to create new instances.
This implementation always throws a
If the implementation does not support the operation.
Defines lifecycle methods for objects that are to be used in an
The following methods summarize the contract between an
and an
an .
is called whenever a new instance is needed.
is invoked on every instance before it is returned from
the pool.
is invoked on every instance when it is returned to the pool.
is invoked on every instance when it is being dropped from the
pool (see
Based on the Jakarta Commons Pool API.
Federico Spinazzi
Creates an instance that can be returned by the pool.
An instance that can be returned by the pool.
Destroys an instance no longer needed by the pool.
Invoked on every instance when it is being "dropped"
from the pool (whether due to the return value from a call to the
method, or for reasons specific to the pool implementation.)
The instance to be destroyed.
Ensures that the instance is safe to be returned by the pool.
Returns false if this object should be destroyed.
Invoked in an implementation-specific fashion to determine if an
instance is still valid to be returned by the pool.
It will only be invoked on an "activated" instance.
The instance to validate.
if this object is not valid and
should be dropped from the pool, otherwise .
Reinitialize an instance to be returned by the pool.
Invoked on every instance before it is returned from the pool.
The instance to be activated.
Uninitialize an instance to be returned to the pool.
Invoked on every instance when it is returned to the pool.
The instance returned to the pool.
Base class for all pooling exceptions.
Federico Spinazzi
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Base class for method builders that contains common functionalities.
Bruno Baia
Defines interface that proxy method builders have to implement.
Aleksandar SeovicBruno Baia
Dynamically builds proxy method.
The method to proxy.
The interface definition of the method, if applicable.
The for the proxy method.
The type builder to use.
The implementation to use.
Indicates whether interfaces should be implemented explicitly.
Creates a new instance of the method builder.
The type builder to use.
The implementation to use.
if the interface is to be
implemented explicitly; otherwise .
Dynamically builds proxy method.
The method to proxy.
The interface definition of the method, if applicable.
The for the proxy method.
Generates the IL instructions that pushes
the proxy instance on stack.
The IL generator to use.
Generates the IL instructions that pushes
the target instance on which calls should be delegated to.
The IL generator to use.
Defines proxy method for the target object.
The method to proxy.
The interface definition of the method, if applicable.
if the supplied is to be
implemented explicitly; otherwise .
The for the proxy method.
Defines method parameters based on proxied method metadata.
The to use.
The method to proxy.
Defines generic method parameters based on proxied method metadata.
The to use.
The method to proxy.
Generates the proxy method.
The IL generator to use.
The method to proxy.
The interface definition of the method, if applicable.
Calls target method directly.
The IL generator to use.
The interface definition of the method, if applicable.
Calls base method directly.
The IL generator to use.
The method to proxy.
Replaces a raw reference with a reference to a proxy.
If the target object returns reference to itself -- 'this' --
we need to treat it as a special case and return a reference
to a proxy object instead.
The IL generator to use.
The location of the return value.
Generates code that throws .
IL generator to use.
the type of the exception to throw
Error message to use.
Base class for proxy builders that can be used
to create a proxy for any class.
This class provides a set of template
methods that derived classes can override to provide custom behaviour
appropriate to the type of proxy that is being generated (one of
inheritance or composition-based proxying).
Aleksandar SeovicBruno Baia
Describes the operations for a generic proxy type builder that can be
used to create a proxy type for any class.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates the proxy type.
The generated proxy class.
The name of the proxy .
The name of the proxy .
The of the target object.
The of the class that the proxy must
inherit from.
Gets or sets the list of interfaces proxy should implement.
Should we proxy target attributes?
by default.
Target type attributes, method attributes, method's return type attributes
and method's parameter attributes are copied to the proxy.
The list of custom s that the proxy
class must be decorated with.
Note that the list is composed of instances of the actual
s that are to be applied, not the
s of the s.
The following code snippets show examples of how to decorate the
the proxied class with one or more s.
// get a concrete implementation of an IProxyTypeBuilder...
IProxyTypeBuilder builder = ... ;
builder.TargetType = typeof( ... );
IDictionary typeAtts = new Hashtable();
builder.TypeAttributes = typeAtts;
// applies a single Attribute to the proxied class...
typeAtts = new Attribute[] { new MyCustomAttribute() });
// applies a number of Attributes to the proxied class...
typeAtts = new Attribute[]
new MyCustomAttribute(),
new AnotherAttribute(),
The custom s that the proxy
members must be decorated with.
This dictionary must use simple s for keys
(denoting the member names that the attributes are to be applied to),
with the corresponding values being
The key may be wildcarded using the '*' character... if so,
then those proxy members that match against the key will be
decorated with the attendant list of
s. This naturally implies that using
the '*' character as a key will result in the attendant list
of s being applied to every member of
the proxied class.
The following code snippets show examples of how to decorate the
members of a proxied class with one or more
// get a concrete implementation of an IProxyTypeBuilder...
IProxyTypeBuilder builder = ... ;
builder.TargetType = typeof( ... );
IDictionary memAtts = new Hashtable();
builder.MemberAttributes = memAtts;
// applies a single Attribute to all members of the proxied class...
memAtts ["*"] = new Attribute[] { new MyCustomAttribute() });
// applies a number of Attributes to all members of the proxied class...
memAtts ["*"] = new Attribute[]
new MyCustomAttribute(),
new AnotherAttribute(),
// applies a single Attribute to those members of the proxied class
// that have identifiers starting with 'Do' ...
memAtts ["Do*"] = new Attribute[] { new MyCustomAttribute() });
// applies a number of Attributes to those members of the proxied class
// that have identifiers starting with 'Do' ...
memAtts ["Do*"] = new Attribute[]
new MyCustomAttribute(),
new AnotherAttribute(),
Describes the operations that generates IL instructions
used to build the proxy type.
Bruno Baia
Generates the IL instructions that pushes
the proxy instance on stack.
The IL generator to use.
Generates the IL instructions that pushes
the target instance on which calls should be delegated to.
The IL generator to use.
The shared instance for this class (and derived classes).
Creates the proxy type.
The generated proxy class.
Generates the IL instructions that pushes
the proxy instance on stack.
The IL generator to use.
Generates the IL instructions that pushes
the target instance on which calls should be delegated to.
The IL generator to use.
Creates an appropriate type builder.
The name to use for the proxy type name.
The type to extends if provided.
The type builder to use.
Applies attributes to the proxy class.
The type builder to use.
The proxied class.
Applies attributes to the proxied method.
The method builder to use.
The proxied method.
Applies attributes to the proxied method's return type.
The method builder to use.
The proxied method.
Applies attributes to proxied method's parameters.
The method builder to use.
The proxied method.
Calculates and returns the list of attributes that apply to the
specified type.
The type to find attributes for.
A list of custom attributes that should be applied to type.
Calculates and returns the list of attributes that apply to the
specified method.
The method to find attributes for.
A list of custom attributes that should be applied to method.
Calculates and returns the list of attributes that apply to the
specified method's return type.
The method to find attributes for.
A list of custom attributes that should be applied to method's return type.
Calculates and returns the list of attributes that apply to the
specified method's parameters.
The method to find attributes for.
The method's parameter to find attributes for.
A list of custom attributes that should be applied to the specified method's parameter.
Check that the specified object is matching the passed attribute type.
The specified object can be of different type :
System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData (Only with .NET 2.0)
The object instance to check.
The attribute type to test against.
if the object instance matches the attribute type;
otherwise .
Defines the types of the parameters for the specified constructor.
The constructor to use.
The types for constructor's parameters.
Implements constructors for the proxy class.
The builder to use.
Generates the proxy constructor.
The constructor builder to use.
The IL generator to use.
The constructor to use.
Implements an interface.
Generates proxy methods that belongs to the interface
using the specified .
The type builder to use.
The implementation to use
The interface to implement.
The of the target object.
Implements an interface.
Generates proxy methods that belongs to the interface
using the specified .
The type builder to use.
The implementation to use
The interface to implement.
The of the target object.
if target virtual methods should not be proxied;
otherwise .
Gets the mapping of the interface to proxy
into the actual methods on the target type
that does not need to implement that interface.
If the target type does not implement the interface,
we return the interfaces methods as the target methods for many reasons :
The target object can change for an object that implements the interface.
(See 'Spring.Aop.Framework.DynamicProxy.IAdvisedProxyMethodBuilder'
implementation in the Spring AOP framework for an example)
Allow Transparent proxies to be proxied.
(See Spring Remoting framework for an example)
Allow null target to be proxied.
(See Spring AOP framework which avoid calls to the target object
by intercepting all methods. Think "dynamic mock")
(See 'Spring.Web.Services.WebServiceProxyFactory' implementation for another example)
The of the target object.
The interface to implement.
An interface mapping for the interface to proxy.
Inherit from a type.
Generates proxy methods for base virtual methods
using the specified .
The builder to use for code generation.
The implementation to use to override base virtual methods.
The to inherit from.
Inherit from a type.
Generates proxy methods for base virtual methods
using the specified .
The builder to use for code generation.
The implementation to use to override base virtual methods.
The to inherit from.
if only members declared at the level
of the supplied 's hierarchy should be proxied;
otherwise .
Implements the specified .
The type builder to use.
The type the property is defined on.
The property to proxy.
The implemented methods map.
Implements the specified event.
The type builder to use.
The type the event is defined on.
The event to proxy.
The implemented methods map.
Returns an array of s that represent
the proxiable interfaces.
An interface is proxiable if it's not marked with the
The array of interfaces from which
we want to get the proxiable interfaces.
An array containing the interface s.
Checks if specified interface is of a special type
that should never be proxied (i.e. ISerializable).
Interface type to check.
true if it is, false otherwise.
The name of the proxy .
The name of the proxy .
The of the target object.
The of the class that the proxy must
inherit from.
The default value of this property is the
Gets or sets the list of interfaces proxy should implement.
The default value of this property is all the interfaces
implemented or inherited by the target type.
Should we proxy target attributes?
The list of custom s that the proxy
class must be decorated with.
The custom s that the proxy
members must be decorated with.
Implementation of IProxyMethodBuilder that delegates method calls to the base class.
Bruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the method builder.
The type builder to use.
The implementation to use.
if the interface is to be
implemented explicitly; otherwise .
Generates the proxy method.
The IL generator to use.
The method to proxy.
The interface definition of the method, if applicable.
Builds a proxy type using composition.
In order for this builder to work, the target must implement
one or more interfaces.
Aleksandar SeovicBruno Baia
Target instance calls should be delegated to.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a proxy that delegates calls to an instance of the
target object.
Only interfaces can be proxied using composition, so the target
must implement one or more interfaces.
The generated proxy class.
If the
does not implement any interfaces.
Generates the IL instructions that pushes
the target instance on which calls should be delegated to.
The IL generator to use.
Deaclares a field that holds the target object instance.
The builder to use for code generation.
Generates the proxy constructor.
This implementation creates instance of the target object for delegation
using constructor arguments.
The constructor builder to use.
The IL generator to use.
The constructor to delegate the creation to.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether interfaces should be implemented explicitly.
if they should be; otherwise, .
Allows easy access to existing and creation of new dynamic proxies.
Aleksandar SeovicBruno Baia
The name of the assembly that defines proxy types created.
The attributes of the proxy type to generate.
Creates an appropriate type builder.
The proxy type name.
The type to extends if provided.
The type builder to use.
Saves dynamically generated assembly to disk.
Can only be called in DEBUG_DYNAMIC mode, per ConditionalAttribute rules.
Builds a proxy type using inheritance.
In order for this builder to work, target methods have to be either
, or belong to an interface.
Aleksandar SeovicBruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a proxy that inherits the proxied object's class.
Only (non-final) methods can be proxied,
unless they are members of one of the interfaces that target class
implements. In that case, methods will be proxied using explicit
interface implementation, which means that client code will have
to cast the proxy to a specific interface in order to invoke the
The generated proxy class.
Generates the IL instructions that pushes
the target instance on which calls should be delegated to.
The IL generator to use.
Generates the proxy constructor.
This implementation delegates the call to a base class constructor.
The constructor builder to use.
The IL generator to use.
The base class constructor to delegate the call to.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether inherited members should be proxied.
if they should be; otherwise, .
This attribute can be used to mark interfaces that should not be proxied
Bruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the
Implementation of IProxyMethodBuilder that delegates method calls to target object.
Bruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the method builder.
The type builder to use.
The implementation to use.
if the interface is to be
implemented explicitly; otherwise .
Generates the proxy method.
The IL generator to use.
The method to proxy.
The interface definition of the method, if applicable.
Base class for dynamic members.
Aleksandar Seovic
Method attributes constant.
Sets up target instance for invocation.
IL generator to use.
Type of target instance.
Sets up invocation argument.
IL generator to use.
Argument type.
Argument position.
Generates method invocation code.
IL generator to use.
Flag specifying whether method is static.
Flag specifying whether method is on the value type.
Method to invoke.
Generates code to process return value if necessary.
IL generator to use.
Type of the return value.
Generates code that throws .
IL generator to use.
Error message to use.
Defines constructors that dynamic constructor class has to implement.
Invokes dynamic constructor.
Constructor arguments.
A constructor value.
Safe wrapper for the dynamic constructor.
will attempt to use dynamic
constructor if possible, but it will fall back to standard
reflection if necessary.
Obtains cached constructor info or creates a new entry, if none is found.
Creates a new instance of the safe constructor wrapper.
Constructor to wrap.
Invokes dynamic constructor.
Constructor arguments.
A constructor value.
Factory class for dynamic constructors.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates dynamic constructor instance for the specified .
Constructor info to create dynamic constructor for.
Dynamic constructor for the specified .
Defines methods that dynamic field class has to implement.
Gets the value of the dynamic field for the specified target object.
Target object to get field value from.
A field value.
Gets the value of the dynamic field for the specified target object.
Target object to set field value on.
A new field value.
Safe wrapper for the dynamic field.
will attempt to use dynamic
field if possible, but it will fall back to standard
reflection if necessary.
Obtains cached fieldInfo or creates a new entry, if none is found.
Creates a new instance of the safe field wrapper.
Field to wrap.
Gets the value of the dynamic field for the specified target object.
Target object to get field value from.
A field value.
Gets the value of the dynamic field for the specified target object.
Target object to set field value on.
A new field value.
Holds cached Getter/Setter delegates for a Field
Factory class for dynamic fields.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates dynamic field instance for the specified .
Field info to create dynamic field for.
Dynamic field for the specified .
Defines methods that dynamic indexer class has to implement.
Gets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to get the indexer value from.
Indexer argument.
A indexer value.
Gets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to get the indexer value from.
Indexer argument.
A indexer value.
Gets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to get the indexer value from.
Indexer arguments.
A indexer value.
Gets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to set the indexer value on.
Indexer argument.
A new indexer value.
Gets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to set the indexer value on.
Indexer argument.
A new indexer value.
Gets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to set the indexer value on.
Indexer arguments.
A new indexer value.
Safe wrapper for the dynamic indexer.
will attempt to use dynamic
indexer if possible, but it will fall back to standard
reflection if necessary.
Creates a new instance of the safe indexer wrapper.
Indexer to wrap.
Gets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to get indexer value from.
Indexer arguments.
A indexer value.
Gets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to get the indexer value from.
Indexer argument.
A indexer value.
Gets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to get indexer value from.
Indexer arguments.
A indexer value.
Sets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to set indexer value on.
Indexer arguments.
A new indexer value.
Sets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to set indexer value on.
Indexer arguments.
A new indexer value.
Sets the value of the dynamic indexer for the specified target object.
Target object to set indexer value on.
Indexer arguments.
A new indexer value.
Internal PropertyInfo accessor.
Factory class for dynamic indexers.
Aleksandar Seovic
Prevent instantiation
Creates dynamic indexer instance for the specified .
Indexer info to create dynamic indexer for.
Dynamic indexer for the specified .
Defines methods that dynamic method class has to implement.
Invokes dynamic method on the specified target object.
Target object to invoke method on.
Method arguments.
A method return value.
Safe wrapper for the dynamic method.
will attempt to use dynamic
method if possible, but it will fall back to standard
reflection if necessary.
Creates a new instance of the safe method wrapper.
Method to wrap.
Invokes dynamic method.
Target object to invoke method on.
Method arguments.
A method return value.
Gets the class, that declares this method
Factory class for dynamic methods.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates dynamic method instance for the specified .
Method info to create dynamic method for.
Dynamic method for the specified .
Defines methods that dynamic property class has to implement.
Gets the value of the dynamic property for the specified target object.
Target object to get property value from.
A property value.
Gets the value of the dynamic property for the specified target object.
Target object to set property value on.
A new property value.
Gets the value of the dynamic property for the specified target object.
Target object to get property value from.
Optional index values for indexed properties. This value should be null reference for non-indexed properties.
A property value.
Gets the value of the dynamic property for the specified target object.
Target object to set property value on.
A new property value.
Optional index values for indexed properties. This value should be null reference for non-indexed properties.
Safe wrapper for the dynamic property.
will attempt to use dynamic
property if possible, but it will fall back to standard
reflection if necessary.
Obtains cached property info or creates a new entry, if none is found.
Creates a new instance of the safe property wrapper.
Property to wrap.
Gets the value of the dynamic property for the specified target object.
Target object to get property value from.
A property value.
Gets the value of the dynamic property for the specified target object.
Target object to get property value from.
Optional index values for indexed properties. This value should be null reference for non-indexed properties.
A property value.
Gets the value of the dynamic property for the specified target object.
Target object to set property value on.
A new property value.
Gets the value of the dynamic property for the specified target object.
Target object to set property value on.
A new property value.
Optional index values for indexed properties. This value should be null reference for non-indexed properties.
Internal PropertyInfo accessor.
Holds cached Getter/Setter delegates for a Property
Factory class for dynamic properties.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates safe dynamic property instance for the specified .
This factory method will create a dynamic property with a "safe" wrapper.
Safe wrapper will attempt to use generated dynamic property if possible,
but it will fall back to standard reflection if necessary.
Property info to create dynamic property for.
Safe dynamic property for the specified .
Creates dynamic property instance for the specified .
Property info to create dynamic property for.
Dynamic property for the specified .
Represents a Get method
the target instance when calling an instance method
the value return by the Get method
Represents a Set method
the target instance when calling an instance method
the value to be set
Represents an Indexer Get method
the target instance when calling an instance method
the value return by the Get method
Represents a Set method
the target instance when calling an instance method
the value to be set
Represents a method
the target instance when calling an instance method
arguments to be passed to the method
the value return by the method. null when calling a void method
Represents a constructor
arguments to be passed to the method
the new object instance
Represents a callback method used to create an from a instance.
Represents a callback method used to create an from a instance.
Represents a callback method used to create an from a instance.
Represents a callback method used to create an from a instance.
Represents a callback method used to create an from a instance.
Allows easy access to existing and creation of new dynamic relection members.
Aleksandar Seovic
The name of the assembly that defines reflection types created.
The attributes of the reflection type to generate.
Cache for dynamic property types.
Cache for dynamic field types.
Cache for dynamic indexer types.
Cache for dynamic method types.
Cache for dynamic constructor types.
Creates an appropriate type builder.
The base name to use for the reflection type name.
The type builder to use.
Returns dynamic property if one exists.
Property to look up.
callback function that will be called to create the dynamic property
An for the given property info.
Returns dynamic field if one exists.
Field to look up.
callback function that will be called to create the dynamic field
An for the given field info.
Returns dynamic indexer if one exists.
Indexer to look up.
callback function that will be called to create the dynamic indexer
An for the given indexer.
Returns dynamic method if one exists.
Method to look up.
callback function that will be called to create the dynamic method
An for the given method.
Returns dynamic constructor if one exists.
Constructor to look up.
callback function that will be called to create the dynamic constructor
An for the given constructor.
Saves dynamically generated assembly to disk.
Can only be called in DEBUG mode, per ConditionalAttribute rules.
Create a new Get method delegate for the specified field using
the field to create the delegate for
a delegate that can be used to read the field
Create a new Set method delegate for the specified field using
the field to create the delegate for
a delegate that can be used to read the field.
If the field's returns true, the returned method
will throw an when called.
Create a new Get method delegate for the specified property using
the property to create the delegate for
a delegate that can be used to read the property.
If the property's returns false, the returned method
will throw an when called.
Create a new Set method delegate for the specified property using
the property to create the delegate for
a delegate that can be used to write the property.
If the property's returns false, the returned method
will throw an when called.
Create a new method delegate for the specified method using
the method to create the delegate for
a delegate that can be used to invoke the method.
Creates a new delegate for the specified constructor.
the constructor to create the delegate for
delegate that can be used to invoke the constructor.
Delegates a Method(object target, params object[] args) call to the actual underlying method.
Generates code to process return value if necessary.
IL generator to use.
Type of the return value.
Converts to an instance of if necessary to
e.g. avoid e.g. double/int cast exceptions.
This method mimics the behavior of the compiler that
automatically performs casts like int to double in "Math.Sqrt(4)".
See about implicit, widening type conversions on MSDN - Type Conversion Tables
Note: is expected to be a value type!
Generates code that throws .
IL generator to use.
Error message to use.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "component".
Such classes are considered as candidates for future features such
as auto-detection when using attribute-based configuration and assembly scanning.
Other class-level annotations may be considered as identifying
a component as well, typically a special kind of component:
e.g. the Repository attribute.
Mark FisherMark Pollack (.NET)
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name of the component.
Gets or sets the name of the component
The name of the component.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Repository" (or "DAO").
A class with this attribute is eligible for Spring DataAccessException translation. A class
with the Repository attribute is also clarified as to its role in the overall application
architecture for the purpose of tools, aspects, etc.
This attribute also serves as a specialization of the ComponentAttribute, allowing implementation
classes to be autodetected in future releases through assembly scanning.
Rod JohnsonJueren HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name of the repository.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Service" (e.g. a business service facade).
This attribute also serves as a specialization of the ComponentAttribute, allowing implementation
classes to be autodetected in future releases through assembly scanning.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack (.NET)
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
Implements by using .
Erich Eichinger
Specifies the contract a strategy must be implement to store and
retrieve data that is specific to the executing thread.
All implementations of this interface must treat keys case-sensitive.
Erich Eichinger
Retrieves an object with the specified .
The name of the item.
The object in the current thread's context associated with the
specified or null if no object has been stored previously
Stores a given object and associates it with the specified .
The name with which to associate the new item.
The object to store in the current thread's context.
Empties a data slot with the specified name.
If the object with the specified is not found, the method does nothing.
The name of the object to remove.
Retrieves an object with the specified name.
The name of the item.
The object in the call context associated with the specified name or null if no object has been stored previously
Stores a given object and associates it with the specified name.
The name with which to associate the new item.
The object to store in the call context.
Empties a data slot with the specified name.
The name of the data slot to empty.
Acquire/Release protocol, base of many concurrency utilities.
objects isolate waiting and notification for particular logical
states, resource availability, events, and the like that are shared
across multiple threads.
Use of s sometimes (but by no means always) adds
flexibility and efficiency compared to the use of plain
.Net monitor methods and locking, and are sometimes (but by no means
always) simpler to program with.
Used for implementation of a
Doug LeaFederico Spinazzi (.Net) Wait (possibly forever) until successful passage.
Fail only upon interuption. Interruptions always result in
`clean' failures. On failure, you can be sure that it has not
been acquired, and that no
corresponding release should be performed. Conversely,
a normal return guarantees that the acquire was successful.
Potentially enable others to pass.
Because release does not raise exceptions,
it can be used in `finally' clauses without requiring extra
embedded try/catch blocks. But keep in mind that
as with any java method, implementations may
still throw unchecked exceptions such as Error or NullPointerException
when faced with uncontinuable errors. However, these should normally
only be caught by higher-level error handlers.
Wait at most msecs to pass; report whether passed.
The method has best-effort semantics:
The msecs bound cannot
be guaranteed to be a precise upper bound on wait time in Java.
Implementations generally can only attempt to return as soon as possible
after the specified bound. Also, timers in Java do not stop during garbage
collection, so timeouts can occur just because a GC intervened.
So, msecs arguments should be used in
a coarse-grained manner. Further,
implementations cannot always guarantee that this method
will return at all without blocking indefinitely when used in
unintended ways. For example, deadlocks may be encountered
when called in an unintended context.
the number of milleseconds to wait
An argument less than or equal to zero means not to wait at all.
However, this may still require
access to a synchronization lock, which can impose unbounded
delay if there is a lot of contention among threads.
true if acquired A latch is a boolean condition that is set at most once, ever.
Once a single release is issued, all acquires will pass.
Sample usage. Here are a set of classes that use
a latch as a start signal for a group of worker threads that
are created and started beforehand, and then later enabled.
class Worker implements IRunnable {
private readonly Latch startSignal;
Worker(Latch l)
startSignal = l;
public void Run() {
void DoWork() { ... }
class Driver { // ...
void Main() {
Latch go = new Latch();
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) // make threads
new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Worker(go)).Start();
DoSomethingElse(); // don't let run yet
go.Release(); // let all threads proceed
Doug LeaFederico Spinazzi (.Net)
can acquire ?
Method mainly used by clients who are trying to get the latch
Wait at most msecs millisconds for a permit
Enable all current and future acquires to pass
An abstraction to safely store "ThreadStatic" data.
By default, is used to store thread-specific data.
You may switch the storage strategy by calling .
NOTE: Access to the underlying storage is not synchronized for performance reasons.
You should call only once at application startup!
Erich Eichinger
Holds the current strategy.
Access to this variable is not synchronized on purpose for performance reasons.
Setting a different strategy should happen only once
at application startup.
Set the new strategy.
Retrieves an object with the specified name.
The name of the item.
The object in the context associated with the specified name or null if no object has been stored previously
Stores a given object and associates it with the specified name.
The name with which to associate the new item.
The object to store in the current thread's context.
Empties a data slot with the specified name.
The name of the data slot to empty.
Base class for counting semaphores based on Semaphore implementation
from Doug Lea.
Conceptually, a semaphore
maintains a set of permits. Each acquire() blocks if
necessary until a permit is available, and then takes it.
Each release adds a permit. However, no actual permit objects are used;
the Semaphore just keeps a count of the number available
and acts accordingly.
A semaphore initialized to 1 can serve as a mutual exclusion lock.
Used for implementation of a Doug LeaFederico Spinazzi (.Net)
current number of available permits
Create a Semaphore with the given initial number of permits.
Using a seed of 1 makes the semaphore act as a mutual
exclusion lock.
Negative seeds are also allowed,
in which case no acquires will proceed until the number of
releases has pushed the number of permits past 0.
Release a permit
Acquire a permit
Wait at most msecs millisconds for a permit
number of ms to wait
true if aquired Release N permits. release(n) is
equivalent in effect to:
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) release();
But may be more efficient in some semaphore implementations.
if n is negative.
Return the current number of available permits.
Returns an accurate, but possibly unstable value,
that may change immediately after returning.
Utility class to use an with the
C# using () {} idiom
Creates a new trying to the given
the to be held
Creates a new trying to the given
the to be held
millisecond to try to acquire the lock
Releases the held
initializes and acquire access to the
Implements by using a hashtable.
Erich Eichinger
Retrieves an object with the specified name.
The name of the item.
The object in the call context associated with the specified name or null if no object has been stored previously
Stores a given object and associates it with the specified name.
The name with which to associate the new item.
The object to store in the call context.
Empties a data slot with the specified name.
The name of the data slot to empty.
Thrown by synchronization classes that report
timeouts via exceptions. The exception is treated
as a form (subclass) of InterruptedException. This both
simplifies handling, and conceptually reflects the fact that
timed-out operations are artificially interrupted by timers.
The approximate time that the operation lasted before
this timeout exception was thrown.
Creates a new instance of the
Creates a new instance of the
class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the
class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Override of GetObjectData to allow for private serialization
serialization info
streaming context
Constructs a TimeoutException with given duration value.
Constructs a TimeoutException with the
specified duration value and detail message.
Gets the approximate time that the operation lasted before
this timeout exception was thrown.
A TimeoutSync is an adaptor class that transforms all
calls to acquire to instead invoke attempt with a predetermined
timeout value.
the adapted sync
timeout value
Create a TimeoutSync using the given Sync object, and
using the given timeout value for all calls to acquire.
Try to acquire the sync before the timeout
In case a time out occurred
Support to account for differences between java nad .NET:
.NET threads have not a method to check if they have been interrupted.
Moreover, differently from java threads, when entering locked
blocks, Monitor, Sleep, SpinWait and so on, a
will be raised by the runtime.
Spring.Threading classes usually call this method before entering a lock block, to mirror java code
Usually this is non issue because the same exception will be raised entering the monitor
associated with the lock ()
if the thread has been interrupted
Normalize the given so that
is is comparable with .
the difference between millisecodns of the first and second date
Returns the number of nanoseconds for the current value of Current number of nanoseconds
Returns the number of nano seconds represented by the to use
Number of nano seconds for
Returns a representing the number of nanoseconds passed in via .
Number of nanoseconds.
representing the number of nanoseconds passed in.
Placeholder for java.lang.System.currentTimeMillisThe current machine time in milliseconds
Has been interrupted this thread
Miscellaneous generic collection utility methods.
Mainly for internal use within the framework.
Mark Pollack (.NET)
Determine whether a given collection only contains
a single unique object
Determines whether the contains the specified .
The collection to check.
The object to locate in the collection.
if the element is in the collection, otherwise.
Determines whether the collection contains all the elements in the specified collection.
The collection to check.
Collection whose elements would be checked for containment.
true if the target collection contains all the elements of the specified collection.
Removes all the elements from the target collection that are contained in the source collection.
Collection where the elements will be removed.
Elements to remove from the target collection.
Various utility methods relating to the manipulation of arrays.
Aleksandar Seovic
Checks if the given array or collection has elements and none of the elements is null.
the collection to be checked.
true if the collection has a length and contains only non-null elements.
Checks if the given array or collection is null or has no elements.
Tests equality of two single-dimensional arrays by checking each element
for equality.
The first array to be checked.
The second array to be checked.
True if arrays are the same, false otherwise.
Returns hash code for an array that is generated based on the elements.
Hash code returned by this method is guaranteed to be the same for
arrays with equal elements.
Array to calculate hash code for.
A hash code for the specified array.
Returns string representation of an array.
Array to return as a string.
String representation of the specified .
Assertion utility methods that simplify things such as argument checks.
Not intended to be used directly by applications.
Aleksandar SeovicErich Eichinger
Checks, whether may be invoked on .
Supports testing transparent proxies.
the target instance or null
the name of the target to be used in error messages
the method to test for
if is null
if it is not possible to invoke on
checks, whether supports the methods of .
Supports testing transparent proxies.
the target instance or null
the name of the target to be used in error messages
the type to test for
if is null
if it is not possible to invoke methods of
type on
Checks the value of the supplied and throws an
if it is .
The object to check.
The argument name.
If the supplied is .
Checks the value of the supplied and throws an
if it is .
The object to check.
The argument name.
An arbitrary message that will be passed to any thrown
If the supplied is .
Checks the value of the supplied string and throws an
if it is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
The string to check.
The argument name.
If the supplied is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
Checks the value of the supplied string and throws an
if it is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
The string to check.
The argument name.
An arbitrary message that will be passed to any thrown
If the supplied is or
contains only whitespace character(s).
Checks the value of the supplied and throws
an if it is or contains no elements.
The array or collection to check.
The argument name.
If the supplied is or
contains no elements.
Checks the value of the supplied and throws
an if it is or contains no elements.
The array or collection to check.
The argument name.
An arbitrary message that will be passed to any thrown .
If the supplied is or
contains no elements.
Checks the value of the supplied and throws
an if it is , contains no elements or only null elements.
The array or collection to check.
The argument name.
If the supplied is ,
contains no elements or only null elements.
Checks whether the specified can be cast
into the .
The argument to check.
The name of the argument to check.
The required type for the argument.
An arbitrary message that will be passed to any thrown
Assert a boolean expression, throwing ArgumentException
if the test result is false.
a boolean expression.
The exception message to use if the assertion fails.
if expression is false
Assert a boolean expression, throwing ArgumentException
if the test result is false.
a boolean expression.
if expression is false
Assert a bool expression, throwing InvalidOperationException
if the expression is false.
a boolean expression.
The exception message to use if the assertion fails
if expression is false
Creates a new instance of the class.
This is a utility class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
General utility methods for working with annotations
Find a single Attribute of the type 'attributeType' from the supplied class,
traversing it interfaces and super classes if no attribute can be found on the
class iteslf.
This method explicitly handles class-level attributes which are not declared as
inherited as well as attributes on interfaces.
The class to look for attributes on .
Type of the attribibute to look for.
the attribute of the given type found, or null
Miscellaneous collection utility methods.
Mainly for internal use within the framework.
Mark Pollack (.NET)
Determine whether a given collection only contains
a single unique object
Determines whether the contains the specified .
The collection to check.
The object to locate in the collection.
if the element is in the collection, otherwise.
Adds the specified to the specified .
The collection to add the element to.
The object to add to the collection.
Determines whether the collection contains all the elements in the specified collection.
The collection to check.
Collection whose elements would be checked for containment.
true if the target collection contains all the elements of the specified collection.
Removes all the elements from the target collection that are contained in the source collection.
Collection where the elements will be removed.
Elements to remove from the target collection.
Converts an instance to an instance.
The instance to be converted.
An instance in which its elements are the elements of the instance.if the is null.
Copies the elements of the to a
new array of the specified element type.
The instance to be converted.
The element of the destination array to create and copy elements to
An array of the specified element type containing copies of the elements of the .
Finds a value of the given type in the given collection.
The collection to search.
The type to look for.
a value of the given type found, or null if none.If more than one value of the given type is found
Find a value of one of the given types in the given Collection,
searching the Collection for a value of the first type, then
searching for a value of the second type, etc.
The collection to search.
The types to look for, in prioritized order.
a value of the given types found, or null if noneIf more than one value of the given type is found
Determines whether the specified collection is null or empty.
The collection to check.
true if the specified collection is empty or null; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the specified dictionary is null empty.
The dictionary to check.
true if the specified dictionary is empty or null; otherwise, false.
A simple stable sorting routine - far from being efficient, only for small collections.
A simple stable sorting routine - far from being efficient, only for small collections.
Sorting is not(!) done in-place. Instead a sorted copy of the original input is returned.
input collection of items to sort
the for comparing 2 items in .
a new collection of stable sorted items.
A simple stable sorting routine - far from being efficient, only for small collections.
Sorting is not(!) done in-place. Instead a sorted copy of the original input is returned.
input collection of items to sort
the for comparing 2 items in .
a new collection of stable sorted items.
A simple stable sorting routine - far from being efficient, only for small collections.
Sorting is not(!) done in-place. Instead a sorted copy of the original input is returned.
input collection of items to sort
the for comparing 2 items in .
a new collection of stable sorted items.
A callback method used for comparing to items.
the first object to compare
the second object to compare
Value Condition Less than zero x is less than y. Zero x equals y. Greater than zero x is greater than y.
Utility class containing helper methods for object comparison.
Aleksandar SeovicCompares two objects.
First object.
Second object.
0, if objects are equal;
less than zero, if the first object is smaller than the second one;
greater than zero, if the first object is greater than the second one.
Utility class for .NET configuration files management.
Aleksandar Seovic
Parses the configuration section.
Primary purpose of this method is to allow us to parse and
load configuration sections using the same API regardless
of the .NET framework version.
If Microsoft paid a bit more attention to preserving backwards
compatibility we would not even need it, but... :(
Name of the configuration section.
Object created by a corresponding .
Refresh the configuration section.
Primary purpose of this method is to allow us to parse and
load configuration sections using the same API regardless
of the .NET framework version.
If Microsoft paid a bit more attention to preserving backwards
compatibility we would not even need it, but... :(
Name of the configuration section.
Creates the configuration exception.
The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown.
The inner exception.
Name of the configuration file.
The line where exception occured.
Configuration exception.
Creates the configuration exception.
The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown.
Name of the configuration file.
The line where exception occured.
Configuration exception.
Creates the configuration exception.
The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown.
The inner exception.
XML node where exception occured.
Configuration exception.
Creates the configuration exception.
The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown.
XML node where exception occured.
Configuration exception.
Creates the configuration exception.
The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown.
The inner exception.
Configuration exception.
Creates the configuration exception.
The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown.
Configuration exception.
Creates the configuration exception.
Configuration exception.
Determines whether the specified exception is configuration exception.
The exception to check.
true if the specified exception is configuration exception; otherwise, false.
Returns the line number of the specified node.
Node to get the line number for.
The line number of the specified node.
Returns the name of the file specified node is defined in.
Node to get the file name for.
The name of the file specified node is defined in.
An holding information about its original text source location.
Erich Eichinger
Holds text position information for e.g. error reporting purposes.
Gets a string specifying the file/resource name related to the configuration details.
Gets an integer specifying the line number related to the configuration details.
Gets an integer specifying the line position related to the configuration details.
Creates a new instance of , storing a copy of the passed
Creates a duplicate of this node.
true to recursively clone the subtree under the specified node; false to clone only the node itself
The name of the resource this element was read from
The line number within the resource this element was read from
The line position within the resource this element was read from.
An implementation, who's elements retain information
about their location in the original XML text document the were read from.
When loading a document, the used must implement .
Typical XmlReader implementations like support this interface.
Erich Eichinger
Overridden to create a retaining the current
text position information.
Overridden to create a retaining the current
text position information.
Load the document from the given .
Child nodes will store as their property.
the name of the resource
The XML source
Load the document from the given .
Child nodes will store as their property.
the name of the resource
The XML source
Load the document from the given .
Child nodes will store as their property.
the name of the resource
The XML source
Load the document from the given .
Child nodes will store as their property.
the name of the resource
The XML source
Load the document from the given .
Child nodes will store null as their property.
The XML source
Creates an object based on the information in the . The reader must be positioned on a node or attribute.
Child nodes will store as their property.
The new XmlNode or null if no more nodes exist.
the name of the resource
The XML source
The reader is positioned on a node type that does not translate to a valid DOM node (for example, EndElement or EndEntity).
Creates an object based on the information in the . The reader must be positioned on a node or attribute.
Child nodes will store null as their property.
The new XmlNode or null if no more nodes exist.
The XML source
The reader is positioned on a node type that does not translate to a valid DOM node (for example, EndElement or EndEntity).
Get info about the current text position during loading a document.
Outside loading a document, the properties of
will always be null.
Holds the current text position during loading a document
An holding information about its original text source location.
Erich Eichinger
Creates a new instance of , storing a copy of the passed
Creates a duplicate of this node.
true to recursively clone the subtree under the specified node; false to clone only the node itself
The name of the resource this element was read from
The line number within the resource this element was read from
The line position within the resource this element was read from.
Discovers the attributes of a and provides access to the
s metadata.
Rick Evans
The method name associated with a delegate invocation.
Creates a new instance of the
The event used to extract the delegate
if the supplied is
Creates a new instance of the
The delegate .
If the supplied is not a subclass of the
class, or is .
Checks to see if the method encapsulated by the supplied method
metadata is compatible with the method signature associated with
this delegate type.
The method to be checked.
if the method signature is compatible with
the signature of this delegate; if not, or
if the supplied parameter is
Gets the s of the parameters of the
method signature associated with this delegate type.
This method will never return ; the returned
array may be empty, but it most certainly
will not be .
A array of the parameter
s; or the
array if the method signature has no parameters.
Gets the return of the
method signature associated with this delegate type.
The return .
Gets the metadata about the method signature associated
with this delegate type.
The metadata about the method signature associated
with this delegate type.
Determines whether the supplied
is a type.
The to be checked.
if the supplied
is a ;
if not or the supplied
is .
Checks if the signature of the supplied
is compatible with the signature expected by the supplied
The event to be checked against.
The method signature to check for compatibility.
if the signature of the supplied
is compatible with the signature
expected by the supplied ;
if not or either of the supplied
parameters is .
The of the delegate.
Use this class for obtaining instances for dynamic code generation.
The purpose of this class is to provide a simple abstraction for creating and managing dynamic assemblies.
Using this factory you can't define several modules within a single dynamic assembly - only a simple one2one relation between assembly/module is used.
The following excerpt from demonstrates usage:
public class DynamicProxyManager
public const string PROXY_ASSEMBLY_NAME = "Spring.Proxy";
public static TypeBuilder CreateTypeBuilder(string name, Type baseType)
// Generates type name
string typeName = String.Format("{0}.{1}_{2}", PROXY_ASSEMBLY_NAME, name, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
ModuleBuilder module = DynamicCodeManager.GetModuleBuilder(PROXY_ASSEMBLY_NAME);
return module.DefineType(typeName, PROXY_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES);
Erich Eichinger
prevent instantiation
Returns the for the dynamic module within the specified assembly.
If the assembly does not exist yet, it will be created.
This factory caches any dynamic assembly it creates - calling GetModule() twice with
the same name will *not* create 2 distinct modules!
The assembly-name of the module to be returned
the that can be used to define new types within the specified assembly
Persists the specified dynamic assembly to the file-system
the name of the dynamic assembly to persist
Can only be called in DEBUG_DYNAMIC mode, per ConditionalAttribute rules.
Removes all registered s.
A utility class for raising events in a generic and consistent fashion.
Rick Evans
Raises the event encapsulated by the supplied
, passing the supplied
to the event.
The event to be raised.
The arguments to the event.
Invokes the supplied , passing the supplied
to the sink.
The sink to be invoked.
The arguments to the sink.
Raises events defensively.
Raising events defensively means that as the raised event is passed to each handler,
any thrown by a handler will be caught and silently
Rick EvansDefensively invokes the supplied , passing the
supplied to the sink.
The sink to be invoked.
The arguments to the sink.
Utility methods for IO handling
Copies one stream into another.
(Don't forget to call on the destination stream!)
Does not close the input stream!
Reads a stream into a byte array.
Does not close the input stream!
Various utility methods relating to numbers.
Mainly for internal use within the framework.
Aleksandar Seovic
Determines whether the supplied is an integer.
The object to check.
if the supplied is an integer.
Determines whether the supplied is a decimal number.
The object to check.
if the supplied is a decimal number.
Determines whether the supplied is of numeric type.
The object to check.
true if the specified object is of numeric type; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the supplied can be converted to an integer.
The object to check.
if the supplied can be converted to an integer.
Determines whether the supplied can be converted to an integer.
The object to check.
if the supplied can be converted to an integer.
Determines whether the supplied can be converted to a number.
The object to check.
true if the specified object is decimal number; otherwise, false.
Is the supplied equal to zero (0)?
The number to check.
id the supplied is equal to zero (0).
Negates the supplied .
The number to negate.
The supplied negated.
If the supplied is not a supported numeric type.
Adds the specified numbers.
The first number.
The second number.
Subtracts the specified numbers.
The first number.
The second number.
Multiplies the specified numbers.
The first number.
The second number.
Divides the specified numbers.
The first number.
The second number.
Calculates remainder for the specified numbers.
The first number (dividend).
The second number (divisor).
Raises first number to the power of the second one.
The first number.
The second number.
Coerces the types so they can be compared.
The right.
The left.
Creates a new instance of the class.
This is a utility class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Helper methods with regard to objects, types, properties, etc.
Not intended to be used directly by applications.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerRick Evans (.NET)
The instance for this class.
An empty object array.
Creates a new instance of the class.
This is a utility class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Instantiates the type using the assembly specified to load the type.
This is a convenience in the case of needing to instantiate a type but not
wanting to specify in the string the version, culture and public key token.
The assembly.
Name of the type.
If the or is
If cannot load the type from the assembly or the call to InstantiateType(Type) fails.
Convenience method to instantiate a using
its no-arg constructor.
As this method doesn't try to instantiate s
by name, it should avoid loading issues.
The to instantiate*
A new instance of the .
If the is
If the is an abstract class, an interface,
an open generic type or does not have a public no-argument constructor.
Gets the zero arg ConstructorInfo object, if the type offers such functionality.
The type.
Zero argument ConstructorInfo
If the type is an interface, abstract, open generic type, or does not have a zero-arg constructor.
Determines whether the specified type is instantiable, i.e. not an interface, abstract class or contains
open generic type parameters.
The type.
Convenience method to instantiate a using
the given constructor.
As this method doesn't try to instantiate s
by name, it should avoid loading issues.
The constructor to use for the instantiation.
The arguments to be passed to the constructor.
A new instance.
If the is
If the 's declaring type is an abstract class,
an interface, an open generic type or does not have a public no-argument constructor.
Checks whether the supplied is not a transparent proxy and is
assignable to the supplied .
Neccessary when dealing with server-activated remote objects, because the
object is of the type TransparentProxy and regular is testing for assignable
types does not work.
Transparent proxy instances always return when tested
with the 'is' operator (C#). This method only checks if the object
is assignable to the type if it is not a transparent proxy.
The target to be checked.
The value that should be assigned to the type.
if the supplied is not a
transparent proxy and is assignable to the supplied .
Determine if the given is assignable from the
given value, assuming setting by reflection.
Considers primitive wrapper classes as assignable to the
corresponding primitive types.
For example used in an object factory's constructor resolution.
The target .
The value that should be assigned to the type.
True if the type is assignable from the value.
Check if the given represents a
"simple" property,
i.e. a primitive, a , a
, or a corresponding array.
Used to determine properties to check for a "simple" dependency-check.
The to check.
Check if the given class represents a primitive array,
i.e. boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, or double.
Determines whether the specified array is null or empty.
The array to check.
true if the specified array is null empty; otherwise, false.
Determine if the given objects are equal, returning
if both are respectively
if only one is .
The first object to compare.
The second object to compare.
if the given objects are equal.
Returns the first element in the supplied .
The to use to enumerate
The first element in the supplied .
If the supplied did not have any elements.
Returns the first element in the supplied .
The to use to enumerate
The first element in the supplied .
If the supplied did not have any elements.
If the supplied is .
Returns the element at the specified index using the supplied
The to use to enumerate
elements until the supplied is reached.
The index of the element in the enumeration to return.
The element at the specified index using the supplied
If the supplied was less than zero, or the
supplied did not contain enough elements
to be able to reach the supplied .
Returns the element at the specified index using the supplied
The to use to enumerate
elements until the supplied is reached.
The index of the element in the enumeration to return.
The element at the specified index using the supplied
If the supplied was less than zero, or the
supplied did not contain enough elements
to be able to reach the supplied .
If the supplied is .
Gets the qualified name of the given method, consisting of
fully qualified interface/class name + "." method name.
The method.
qualified name of the method.
Return a String representation of an object's overall identity.
The object (may be null).
The object's identity as String representation,
or an empty String if the object was null
Gets a hex String form of an object's identity hash code.
The obj.
The object's identity code in hex notation
Support matching of file system paths in a manner similar to that of the
Any (back)slashes are converted to forward slashes.
// true
PathMatcher.Match("c:/*.bat", @"c:\autoexec.bat");
PathMatcher.Match("c:\fo*\*.bat", @"c:/foobar/autoexec.bat");
PathMatcher.Match("c:\fo?\*.bat", @"c:/foo/autoexec.bat");
// false
PathMatcher.Match("c:\fo?\*.bat", @"c:/fo/autoexec.bat");
Federico Spinazzi
Determines if a given path matches a NAnt-like pattern.
A forward or back-slashed fileset-like pattern.
A forward or back-slashed full path.
should the match consider the case
if the path is matched by the pattern;
otherwise .
Determines if a given path matches a NAnt-like pattern.
A forward or back-slashed fileset-like pattern.
A forward or back-slashed full path.
if the path is matched by the pattern;
otherwise .
Replaces back(slashes) with forward slashes.
The path or the pattern to modify.
A forward-slashed string.
Helper method to convert a NAnt-like pattern into the
appropriate pattern for a regular expression.
The NAnt-like pattern.
A regex-compatible pattern.
Creates a new instance of the class.
This is a utility class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Utility methods for simple pattern matching, in particular for
Spring's typical "xxx*", "*xxx" and "*xxx*" pattern styles.
Juergen HoellerMark Pollack Match a String against the given pattern, supporting the following simple
pattern styles: "xxx*", "*xxx" and "*xxx*" matches, as well as direct equality.
the pattern to match against
the String to match
whether the String matches the given pattern
Match a String against the given patterns, supporting the following simple
pattern styles: "xxx*", "*xxx" and "*xxx*" matches, as well as direct equality.
the patterns to match against
the String to match
whether the String matches any of the given patterns
Convenience method that may be used by derived classes. Iterates over the list of to match against.
the object's type. Must not be null.
the name of the object Must not be null.
the list of patterns, that shall be matched against. Must not be null.
the used for
matching against each pattern in . Must not be null.
the prefix to be used for dereferencing factory object names.
If is null, will always return true, otherwise
if matches any of the patterns specified in .
Signature of callbacks that may be used for matching object names.
the object name to check.
the pattern to match against.
true, if the matches
An implementation of the Java Properties class.
For the complete syntax see java.util.Properties JavaDoc.
This class supports an extended syntax. There may also be sole keys on a line, in that case values are treated as null.
key1 = value
will result in the name/value pairs:
note, that to specify a null value, the key must not be followed by any character except newline.
Simon White
Creates an empty property list with no default values.
Creates a property list with the specified initial properties.
The initial properties.
Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input stream.
The stream to load from.
Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from a text reader.
The text reader to load from.
Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input stream.
the dictionary to put it in
The stream to load from.
Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from a text reader.
the dictionary to put it in
The text reader to load from.
Strips whitespace from the front of the specified string.
The string.
The string with all leading whitespace removed.
Splits the specified string into a key / value pair.
The line to split.
An array containing the key / value pair.
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list.
The key.
The property, or null if the key was not found.
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list.
The key.
The default value to be returned if the key is not found.
The property, or the default value.
Writes this property list out to the specified stream.
The stream to write to.
Sets the specified property key / value pair.
The key.
The value.
Writes the properties in this instance out to the supplied stream.
The stream to write to.
Arbitrary header information.
Removes the key / value pair identified by the supplied key.
The key identifying the key / value pair to be removed.
Adds the specified key / object pair to this collection.
The key.
The value.
Adds the specified key / object pair to this collection.
Various reflection related methods that are missing from the standard library.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerAleksandar Seovic (.NET)Stan Dvoychenko (.NET)Bruno Baia (.NET)
Convenience value that will
match all private and public, static and instance members on a class
in a case inSenSItivE fashion.
Checks, if the specified type is a nullable
Returns signature for the specified , method name and argument
The the method is in.
The method name.
The argument s.
The method signature.
Returns method for the specified , method
name and argument
Searches with BindingFlagsWhen dealing with interface methods, you probable want to 'normalize' method references by calling
The target to find the method on.
The method to find.
The argument s. May be
if the method has no arguments.
The target method.
Resolves a given to the representing the actual implementation.
see article How To Get an Explicit Interface Implementation Method.
the type to lookup
the representing the actual implementation method of the specified
Returns an array of parameter s for the specified method
or constructor.
The method (or constructor).
An array containing the parameter s.
If is .
Returns an array of parameter s for the
specified parameter info array.
The parameter info array.
An array containing parameter s.
If is or any of the
elements is .
Returns an array of s that represent
the names of the generic type parameter.
The method.
An array containing the parameter names.
If is .
Returns an array of s that represent
the names of the generic type parameter.
The parameter info array.
An array containing parameter names.
If is or any of the
elements is .
From a given list of methods, selects the method having an exact match on the given ' types.
the list of methods to choose from
the arguments to the method
the method matching exactly the passed ' types
If more than 1 matching methods are found in the list.
From a given list of methods, selects the method having an exact match on the given ' types.
the type of method (used for exception reporting only)
the list of methods to choose from
the arguments to the method
the method matching exactly the passed ' types
If more than 1 matching methods are found in the list.
From a given list of constructors, selects the constructor having an exact match on the given ' types.
the list of constructors to choose from
the arguments to the method
the constructor matching exactly the passed ' types
If more than 1 matching methods are found in the list.
Packages arguments into argument list containing parameter array as a last argument.
Argument vaklues to package.
Total number of oarameters.
Type of the param array element.
Packaged arguments.
Convenience method to convert an interface
to a array that contains
all the interfaces inherited and the specified interface.
The interface to convert.
An array of interface s.
If the specified is not an interface.
If is .
Is the supplied the default indexer for the
supplied ?
The name of the property on the supplied to be checked.
The to be checked.
if the supplied is the
default indexer for the supplied .
If the supplied is .
Is the supplied declared on one of these interfaces?
The method to check.
The array of interfaces we want to check.
if the method is declared on one of these interfaces.
If any of the s specified is not an interface.
If or any of the specified interfaces is
Returns the default value for the specified
Follows the standard .NET conventions for default values where
relevant; for example, all numeric types default to the value
The to return default value for.
The default value for the specified .
If the supplied is an enumerated type that
has no values.
Returns an array consisting of the default values for the supplied
The array of s to return default values for.
An array consisting of the default values for the supplied
If any of the elements in the supplied
array is an enumerated type that has no values.
Checks that the parameter s of the
supplied match the parameter
s of the supplied
The method to be checked.
The array of parameter s to check against.
if the parameter s
Returns an array containing the s of the
objects in the supplied array.
The objects array for which the corresponding s
are needed.
An array containing the s of the objects
in the supplied array; this array will be empty (but not
if the supplied
is null or has no elements.
Given an array containing the following objects,
[83, "Foo", new object ()], the
array returned from this method call would consist of the following
[Int32, String, Object].
Does the given and/or it's superclasses
have at least one or more methods with the given name (with any
argument types)?
Includes non-public methods in the methods searched.
The to be checked.
The name of the method to be searched for. Case inSenSItivE.
if the given or / and it's
superclasses have at least one or more methods (with any argument types);
if not, or either of the parameters is .
Within , counts the number of overloads for the method with the given (case-insensitive!)
The type to be searched
the name of the method for which overloads shall be counted
The number of overloads for method within type
Creates a .
Note that if a non-
is supplied, any read write properties exposed by the
will be used to overwrite values that may have been passed in via the
. That is, the will be used
to initialize the custom attribute, and then any read-write properties on the
will be plugged in.
The desired .
Any constructor arguments for the attribute (may be
in the case of no arguments).
Source attribute to copy properties from (may be ).
A custom attribute builder.
If the parameter is .
If the parameter is not a
that derives from the class.
Creates a .
The desired .
Source attribute to copy properties from (may be ).
A custom attribute builder.
Creates a .
The source attribute to copy properties from.
A custom attribute builder.
If the supplied is
Creates a .
The desired .
A custom attribute builder.
Creates a .
The desired .
Any constructor arguments for the attribute (may be
in the case of no arguments).
A custom attribute builder.
Creates a .
The to create
the custom attribute builder from.
A custom attribute builder.
Tries to find matching methods in the specified
for each method in the supplied list.
The to look for matching methods in.
The methods to match.
A flag that specifies whether to throw an exception if a matching
method is not found.
A list of the matched methods.
If either of the or
parameters are .
Returns the of the supplied
If the is a
instance, the return value of this method call with be the
parameter cast to a
. If the is
anything other than a , the return value
will be the result of invoking the 's
A or instance.
The argument if it is a
or the result of invoking
on the argument if it
is an .
If the is .
Unwraps the supplied
and returns the inner exception preserving the stack trace.
The to unwrap.
The unwrapped exception.
Is the supplied can be accessed outside the assembly ?
The type to check.
if the type can be accessed outside the assembly;
Otherwise .
Is the supplied can be accessed
from the supplied friendly assembly ?
The type to check.
The friendly assembly name.
if the type can be accessed
from the supplied friendly assembly; Otherwise .
Gets all of the interfaces implemented by
the specified .
The object to get the interfaces of.
All of the interfaces implemented by the
Returns the explicit that is the root cause of an exception.
If the InnerException property of the current exception is a null reference
or a , returns the current exception.
The last exception thrown.
The first explicit exception thrown in a chain of exceptions.
Copies all fields from one object to another.
The types of both objects must be related. This means, that either of the following is true:
fromObject.GetType() == toObject.GetType()fromObject.GetType() is derived from toObject.GetType()toObject.GetType() is derived from fromObject.GetType()
The source object
The object, who's fields will be populated with values from the source object
If the object's types are not related
Creates a .
Bruno Baia
Creates a new instance of the
The custom attribute type.
Creates a new instance of the
The custom attribute type.
The custom attribute constructor arguments.
Adds the specified values to the constructor argument list
used to create the custom attribute.
An array of argument values.
Adds a property value to the custom attribute.
The property name.
The property value.
Creates the .
The created .
Miscellaneous utility methods.
Mainly for internal use within the framework.
Rod JohnsonJuergen HoellerKeith DonaldAleksandar Seovic (.NET)Mark Pollack (.NET)Rick Evans (.NET)Erich Eichinger (.NET)
The string that signals the start of an Ant-style expression.
The string that signals the end of an Ant-style expression.
An empty array of instances.
Creates a new instance of the class.
This is a utility class, and as such exposes no public constructors.
Tokenize the given into a
If is , returns an empty
If is or the empty
, returns a array with one
element: itself.
The to tokenize.
The delimiter characters, assembled as a .
Trim the tokens via .
Omit empty tokens from the result array.
An array of the tokens.
Tokenize the given into a
If is , returns an empty
If is or the empty
, returns a array with one
element: itself.
The to tokenize.
The delimiter characters, assembled as a .
Trim the tokens via .
Omit empty tokens from the result array.
Pairs of quote characters. within a pair of quotes are ignored
An array of the tokens.
Convert a CSV list into an array of s.
Values may also be quoted using doublequotes.
A CSV list.
An array of s, or the empty array
if is .
Take a which is a delimited list
and convert it to a array.
If the supplied is a
or zero-length string, then a single element
array composed of the supplied
will be
eturned. If the supplied is , then an empty,
zero-length array will be returned.
The to be parsed.
The delimeter (this will not be returned). Note that only the first
character of the supplied is used.
An array of the tokens in the list.
Convenience method to return an
as a delimited
(e.g. CSV) .
The to parse.
The delimiter to use (probably a ',').
The delimited string representation.
Convenience method to return an
as a CSV
The to display.
The delimited string representation.
Convenience method to return an array as a CSV
The array to parse. Elements may be of any type (
will be called on each
Convenience method to return a
array as a delimited (e.g. CSV) .
The array to parse. Elements may be of any type (
will be called on each
The delimiter to use (probably a ',').
Checks if a string has length.
The string to check, may be .
if the string has length and is not
StringUtils.HasLength(null) = false
StringUtils.HasLength("") = false
StringUtils.HasLength(" ") = true
StringUtils.HasLength("Hello") = true
Checks if a has text.
More specifically, returns if the string is
not , it's is >
zero (0), and it has at least one non-whitespace character.
The string to check, may be .
if the is not
> zero (0), and does not consist
solely of whitespace.
StringUtils.HasText(null) = false
StringUtils.HasText("") = false
StringUtils.HasText(" ") = false
StringUtils.HasText("12345") = true
StringUtils.HasText(" 12345 ") = true
Checks if a is
or an empty string.
More specifically, returns if the string is
, it's is equal
to zero (0), or it is composed entirely of whitespace
The string to check, may (obviously) be .
if the is
, has a length equal to zero (0), or
is composed entirely of whitespace characters.
StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(null) = true
StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty("") = true
StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(" ") = true
StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty("12345") = false
StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(" 12345 ") = false
Returns , if it contains non-whitespaces. null otherwise.
Strips first and last character off the string.
The string to strip.
The stripped string.
Returns a list of Ant-style expressions from the specified text.
The text to inspect.
A list of expressions that exist in the specified text.
If any of the expressions in the supplied
is empty (${}).
Replaces Ant-style expression placeholder with expression value.
The string to set the value in.
The name of the expression to set.
The expression value.
A new string with the expression value set; the
value if the supplied
is , has a length
equal to zero (0), or is composed entirely of whitespace
Surrounds (prepends and appends) the string value of the supplied
to the supplied .
The return value of this method call is always guaranteed to be non
. If every value passed as a parameter to this method is
, the string will be returned.
The prefix and suffix that respectively will be prepended and
appended to the target . If this value
is not a value, it's attendant
value will be used.
The target that is to be surrounded. If this value is not a
value, it's attendant
value will be used.
The surrounded string.
Surrounds (prepends and appends) the string values of the supplied
and to the supplied
The return value of this method call is always guaranteed to be non
. If every value passed as a parameter to this method is
, the string will be returned.
The value that will be prepended to the . If this value
is not a value, it's attendant
value will be used.
The target that is to be surrounded. If this value is not a
value, it's attendant
value will be used.
The value that will be appended to the . If this value
is not a value, it's attendant
value will be used.
The surrounded string.
Converts escaped characters (for example "\t") within a string
to their real character.
The string to convert.
The converted string.
Utility class containing miscellaneous system-level functionality.
Aleksandar Seovic
Registers assembly resolver that iterates over the
assemblies loaded into the current
in order to find an assembly that cannot be resolved.
This method has to be called if you need to serialize dynamically
generated types in transient assemblies, such as Spring AOP proxies,
because standard .NET serialization engine always tries to load
assembly from the disk.
Returns true if running on Mono
Tests for the presence of the type Mono.Runtime
Gets the thread id for the current thread. Use thread name is available,
otherwise use CurrentThread.GetHashCode() for .NET 1.0/1.1 and
CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId otherwise.
The thread id.
Holds text position information for e.g. error reporting purposes.
Creates a new TextPositionInfo instance.
Creates a new TextPositionInfo instance, copying values from another instance.
The filename related to this text position
The line number related to this text position
The line position related to this text position
UniqueKey allows for generating keys unique to a type or particular instance and a partial name,
that can e.g. be used as keys in .
// shows usage type-scoped keys
UniqueKey classAKey = UniqueKey.GetTypeScoped(typeof(ClassA), "myKey");
UniqueKey classBKey = UniqueKey.GetTypeScoped(typeof(ClassB), "myKey");
HttpContext.Current.Items.Add( classAKey, "some value unqiue for class A having key 'myKey'");
object value = HttpContext.Current.Items[ UniqueKey.GetTypeScoped(typeof(ClassA), "myKey") ];
Assert.AreEqual( "some value unique for class A having key 'myKey'", value);
HttpContext.Current.Items.Add( classBKey, "some value unqiue for class B having key 'myKey'");
object value = HttpContext.Current.Items[ UniqueKey.GetTypeScoped(typeof(ClassB), "myKey") ];
Assert.AreEqual( "some value unique for class B having key 'myKey'", value);
Initialize a new instance of from its string representation.
See and See for details.
The string representation of the new instance.
Compares this instance to another.
Compares this instance to another.
Returns the hash code for this key.
Returns a string representation of this key.
Creates a new key instance unique to the given instance.
The instance the key shall be unique to
The partial key to be made unique
If is of type
Creates a new key instance unique to the given type.
The type the key shall be unique to
The partial key to be made unique
Returns a key unique for the given instance.
The instance the key shall be unique to
The partial key to be made unique
A key formatted as typename[instance-id].partialkey
Returns a key unique for the given type.
The type the key shall be unique to
The partial key to be made unique
A key formatted as typename.partialkey
XML utility methods.
Aleksandar Seovic
Gets an appropriate implementation
for the supplied .
The XML that is going to be read.
XML schemas that should be used for validation.
Validation event handler.
A validating implementation.
Gets an appropriate implementation
for the supplied .
The XML that is going to be read.
to be used for resolving external references
XML schemas that should be used for validation.
Validation event handler.
A validating implementation.
Gets an appropriate implementation
for the supplied .
The XML that is going to be read.
A non-validating implementation.
Implementation of that adds error message
to the validation errors container.
Aleksandar Seovic
Abstract base class that should be extended by all
validation actions.
This class implements template Execute method
and defines OnValid and OnInvalid methods that
can be overriden
by specific validation actions.
Aleksandar Seovic
An action that should be executed after validator is evaluated.
This interface allows us to define the actions that should be executed
after validation in a generic fashion.
For example, addition of error messages to validation errors collection
is performed by one specific implementation of this interface, .
Aleksandar Seovic
Executes the action.
Whether associated validator is valid or not.
Validation context.
Additional context parameters.
Validation errors container.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Executes the action.
Whether associated validator is valid or not.
Validation context.
Additional context parameters.
Validation errors container.
Called when associated validator is valid.
Validation context.
Additional context parameters.
Validation errors container.
Called when associated validator is not valid.
Validation context.
Additional context parameters.
Validation errors container.
Evaluates 'when' expression.
Root context to use for expression evaluation.
Additional context parameters.
True if the condition is true, False otherwise.
Gets or sets the expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Error message resource identifier.
Names of the error providers this message should be added to.
Called when associated validator is invalid.
Validation context.
Additional context parameters.
Validation errors container.
Resolves the error message.
Validation context to resolve message parameters against.
Additional context parameters.
Resolved error message
Resolves the message parameters.
List of parameters to resolve.
Validation context to resolve parameters against.
Additional context parameters.
Resolved message parameters.
Sets the expressions that should be resolved to error message parameters.
The expressions that should be resolved to error message parameters.
Implementation of that allows you
to define Spring.NET expressions that should be evaluated after
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Expression to execute when validator is valid.
Expression to execute when validator is not valid.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Expression to execute when validator is valid.
Expression to execute when validator is not valid.
Called when associated validator is valid.
Validation context.
Additional context parameters.
Validation errors container.
Called when associated validator is invalid.
Validation context.
Additional context parameters.
Validation errors container.
Gets or sets the expression to execute when validator is valid.
The expression to execute when validator is valid.
Gets or sets the expression to execute when validator is not valid.
The expression to execute when validator is not valid.
Implementation of the custom configuration parser for validator definitions.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Parse the specified element and register any resulting
IObjectDefinitions with the IObjectDefinitionRegistry that is
embedded in the supplied ParserContext.
The element to be parsed into one or more IObjectDefinitions
The object encapsulating the current state of the parsing
The primary IObjectDefinition (can be null as explained above)
Implementations should return the primary IObjectDefinition
that results from the parse phase if they wish to used nested
inside (for example) a <property> tag.
Implementations may return null if they will not
be used in a nested scenario.
Parses the validator definition.
Validator's identifier.
The element to parse.
The parser helper.
Validator object definition.
Parses the attribute of the given from the XmlElement and, if available, adds a property of the given with
the parsed value.
Parses and potentially registers a validator.
Only validators that have id attribute specified are registered
as separate object definitions within application context.
Validator XML element.
The parser helper.
Validator object definition.
Gets the name of the object type for the specified element.
The element.
The name of the object type.
Creates an error message action based on the specified message element.
The message element.
The parser helper.
The error message action definition.
Creates a generic action based on the specified element.
The action definition element.
The parser helper.
Generic validation action definition.
Creates object definition for the validator reference.
The action definition element.
The parser helper.
Generic validation action definition.
Evaluates validator test using condition evaluator.
Aleksandar Seovic
Base class that defines common properties for all validators.
Custom validators should always extend this class instead of
simply implementing interface, in
order to inherit common validator functionality.
Aleksandar Seovic
An object that can validate application-specific objects.
The primary motivation for this interface is to enable validation to be
decoupled from the (user) interface and placed in business objects.
Application developers writing their own custom
implementations will
typically not implement this interface directly. In most cases, custom
validators woud be better served deriving from the
class, with the
custom validation ligic being implemented in an override of the
template method.
Aleksandar Seovic
Validates the specified object.
The object to validate.
The instance to add any error
messages to in the case of validation failure.
if validation was successful.
Validates the specified object.
The object to validate.
Additional context parameters.
The instance to add any error
messages to in the case of validation failure.
if validation was successful.
Creates a new instance of the class.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Validates the specified object.
The object to validate.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise.
Validates the specified object.
The object to validate.
Additional context parameters.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise.
Validates test object.
Object to validate.
True if specified object is valid, False otherwise.
Evaluates test expression.
Root context to use for expression evaluation.
Additional context parameters.
Result of the test expression evaluation, or validation context if test is null.
Evaluates when expression.
Root context to use for expression evaluation.
Additional context parameters.
True if the condition is true, False otherwise.
Processes the error messages.
Whether validator is valid or not.
Validation context.
Additional context parameters.
Validation errors container.
Gets or sets the test expression.
The test expression.
Gets or sets the expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Gets or sets the validation actions.
The actions that should be executed after validation.
Creates a new instance of the class.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Evaluates the test using condition evaluator.
Test can be any logical expression that is supported by the Spring.NET logical
expression evaluation engine, and can use any variables that can be resolved
by the variable resolver used by the validation engine.
The object to validate.
if the supplied is valid.
Perform credit card validations.
By default, all supported card types are allowed. You can specify
which credit card type validator should be used by setting
the value of property to a concrete
Creates a new instance of the UrlValidator class.
Creates a new instance of the UrlValidator class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Credit Card type validator to use.
Creates a new instance of the UrlValidator class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Credit Card type validator to use.
Validates the supplied .
In the case of the class,
the test should be a string variable that will be evaluated and the object
obtained as a result of this evaluation will be checked if it is
a valid credit card number.
The object to validate.
if the supplied is valid
credit card number.
Checks if the is a valid credit card number.
The card number to validate.
true if the card number is valid.
Validates card number with the specified validator.
Credit card number to validate.
true if credit card number is a valid number of credit card type specified.
Checks for a valid credit card number.
Credit Card Number.
true if the card number passes the LuhnCheck.
Credit card type validator to use.
Can be concrete implementations of
interface. The following are available implementations:
, , ,
CreditCardType interface defines how validation is performed
for one type/brand of credit card.
Returns true if the card number matches this type of
credit card.
The card number, never null.
true if the number matches.
Visa credit card type validation support.
Indicates, wheter the given credit card number matches a visa number.
American Express credit card type validation support.
Indicates, wheter the given credit card number matches an amex number.
Discover credit card type validation support.
Indicates, wheter the given credit card number matches a discover number.
Mastercard credit card type validation support.
Indicates, wheter the given credit card number matches a mastercard number.
Perform email validations.
This implementation is not guaranteed to catch all possible errors in an
email address. For example, an address like nobody@noplace.nowhere will
pass validator, even though there is no TLD "nowhere".
Goran Milosavljevic
Creates a new instance of the EmailValidator class.
Creates a new instance of the EmailValidator class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Creates a new instance of the EmailValidator class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Validates the supplied .
In the case of the class,
the test should be a string variable that will be evaluated and the object
obtained as a result of this evaluation will be checked if it is
a valid e-mail address.
The object to validate.
if the supplied is valid
e-mail address.
Regular expression used for validation of object passed to this .
Validates that the object is valid ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 value.
Goran Milosavljevic
Creates a new instance of the ISBNValidator class.
Creates a new instance of the ISBNValidator class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Creates a new instance of the ISBNValidator class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Validates the supplied .
In the case of the class,
the test should be a string variable that will be evaluated and the object
obtained as a result of this evaluation will be tested using the ISBN-10 or
ISBN-13 validation rules.
The object to validate.
if the supplied is valid ISBN.
Validates against ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 validation
ISBN string to validate.
true if is a valid ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 code.
ISBN-10 consists of 4 groups of numbers separated by either
dashes (-) or spaces.
The first group is 1-5 characters, second 1-7, third 1-6,
and fourth is 1 digit or an X.
ISBN-13 consists of 5 groups of numbers separated by either
dashes (-) or spaces.
The first group is 978 or 979, the second group is
1-5 characters, third 1-7, fourth 1-6, and fifth is 1 digit.
Validates that object matches specified regular expression.
The test expression must evaluate to a ;
otherwise, an exception is thrown.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates a new instance of the class.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
The regular expression to match against.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
The regular expression to match against.
Validates an object.
Object to validate.
if the supplied
object is valid.
If the supplied is not a
The regular expression text to match against.
The regular expression text.
The for the regular expression evaluation.
The regular expression evaluation options.
Validates that required value is not empty.
This validator uses following rules to determine if target value is valid:
Valid Value
A .
Not or an empty string.
A .
Not and not .
One of the number types.
Not zero.
A .
Not or whitespace.
Any reference type other than .
Not .
You cannot use this validator to validate any value types other than the ones
specified in the table above.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates a new instance of the class.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Validates the supplied .
In the case of the class,
the test should be a variable expression that will be evaluated and the object
obtained as a result of this evaluation will be tested using the rules described
in the class overview of the
The object to validate.
if the supplied is valid.
Validates that the value is valid URL.
Goran Milosavljevic
Creates a new instance of the UrlValidator class.
Creates a new instance of the UrlValidator class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Creates a new instance of the UrlValidator class.
The expression to validate.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Validates the supplied .
In the case of the class,
the test should be a string variable that will be evaluated and the object
obtained as a result of this evaluation will be tested using the URL validation rules.
The object to validate.
if the supplied is valid.
Regular expression used for validation of object passed to this .
implementation that supports grouping of validators.
This validator will be valid when one or more of the validators in the Validators
collection are valid.
ValidationErrors property will return a union of all validation error messages
for the contained validators, but only if this validator is not valid (meaning, when none
of the contained validators are valid).
Aleksandar Seovic implementation that supports grouping of validators.
This validator will be valid only when all of the validators in the Validators
collection are valid.
ValidationErrors property will return a union of all validation error messages
for the contained validators.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Validates the specified object.
The object to validate.
Additional context parameters.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise.
Actual implementation how to validate the specified object.
The object to validate.
Additional context parameters.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise.
Doesn't do anything for validator group as there is no single test.
Object to validate.
True if specified object is valid, False otherwise.
Gets or sets the validators.
The validators.
When set true, shortcircuits evaluation.
The validators within the group will only be validated
in order until the first validator fails.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Validates the specified object.
The object to validate.
Additional context parameters.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise. implementation that supports validating collections.
This validator will be valid only when all of the validators in the Validators
collection are valid for all of the objects in the specified collection.
You can specify if you want to validate all of the collection elements regardless of the errors, by
setting the ValidateAll property to true.
If you set the IncludeElementErrors property to true,
ValidationErrors collection will contain a union of all validation error messages
for the contained validators;
Otherwise it will contain only error messages that were set for this Validator.
Damjan TomicAleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The bool that determines if all elements of the collection should be evaluated.
regardless of the Errors
The bool that determines whether Validate method should collect
all error messages returned by the item validators
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
The bool that determines if this all elements of the collection should be evaluated.
regardless of the Errors
The bool that determines whether Validate method should collect
all error messages returned by the item validators
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
The bool that determines if this all elements of the collection should be evaluated.
regardless of the Errors
The bool that determines whether Validate method should collect
all error messages returned by the item validators
Validates the specified collection of objects.
If the IncludeElementErrors property was set to true,
collection will contain a union of all validation error messages
for the contained validators;
Otherwise it will contain only error messages that were set for this Validator.
The collection to validate.
Additional context parameters.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise.
Actual implementation how to validate the specified object.
The object to validate.
Additional context parameters.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise.
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to validate all elements of the collection
regardless of the errors.
This is just an alias for
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to capture all the errors of the specific
elements of the collection
Gets or sets the expression that should be used to narrow validation context.
The expression that should be used to narrow validation context. implementation that supports grouping of validators.
This validator will be valid when one and only one of the validators in the Validators collection are valid
ValidationErrors property will return a union of all validation error messages
for the contained validators, but only if this validator is not valid (meaning, when none
of the contained validators are valid).
By default, this validator group uses == true semantics.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression that determines if this validator should be evaluated.
Actual implementation how to validate the specified object.
The object to validate.
Additional context parameters.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise.
An interface that validation errors containers have to implement.
Aleksandar Seovic
Adds the supplied to this
instance's collection of errors.
The provider that should be used for message grouping; can't be
The error message to add.
If the supplied or is .
Merges another instance of into this one.
If the supplied is ,
then no errors will be added to this instance, and this method will
(silently) return.
The validation errors to merge; can be .
Gets the list of errors for the supplied error .
If there are no errors for the supplied ,
an empty will be returned.
Error key that was used to group messages.
A list of all s for the supplied lookup .
Gets the list of resolved error messages for the supplied lookup .
If there are no errors for the supplied lookup ,
an empty will be returned.
Error key that was used to group messages.
to resolve messages against.
A list of resolved error messages for the supplied lookup .
Does this instance contain any validation errors?
If this returns , this means that it (obviously)
contains no validation errors.
if this instance is empty.
Gets the list of all error providers.
Allows developers to specify which validator should be used
to validate method argument.
Damjan TomicAleksandar Seovic
Creates an attribute instance.
The name of the validator to use (must be defined within
Spring application context).
Gets the name of the validator to use.
The name of the validator to use.
A container for validation errors.
This class groups validation errors by validator names and allows
access to both the complete errors collection and to the errors for a
certain validator.
Aleksandar SeovicGoran Milosavljevic
Default constructor.
This property is reserved, apply the
to the class instead.
An that describes the
XML representation of the object that is produced by
method and consumed by the
Generates an object from its XML representation.
The stream
from which the object is deserialized.
Converts an object into its XML representation.
The stream
to which the object is serialized.
Adds the supplied to this
instance's collection of errors.
The provider that should be used for message grouping; can't be
The error message to add.
If the supplied or is .
Merges another instance of into this one.
If the supplied is ,
then no errors will be added to this instance, and this method will
(silently) return.
The validation errors to merge; can be .
Gets the list of errors for the supplied lookup .
If there are no errors for the supplied lookup ,
an empty will be returned.
Error key that was used to group messages.
A list of all s for the supplied lookup .
Gets the list of resolved error messages for the supplied lookup .
If there are no errors for the supplied lookup ,
an empty will be returned.
Error key that was used to group messages.
to resolve messages against.
A list of resolved error messages for the supplied lookup .
Does this instance contain any validation errors?
If this returns , this means that it (obviously)
contains no validation errors.
if this instance is empty.
Gets the list of all providers.
Thrown by the validation advice if the method parameters validation fails.
Aleksandar Seovic
Creates a new instance of the ValidationException class.
Creates a new instance of the ValidationException class with
specified validation errors.
Validation errors.
Creates a new instance of the ValidationException class with the
specified message.
A message about the exception.
Creates a new instance of the ValidationException class with the
specified message and validation errors.
A message about the exception.
Validation errors.
Creates a new instance of the ValidationException class with the
specified message and root cause.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Creates a new instance of the ValidationException class with the
specified message, root cause and validation errors.
A message about the exception.
The root exception that is being wrapped.
Validation errors.
Creates a new instance of the ValidationException class.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Implements object serialization.
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
Gets validation errors.
Validation errors.
Represents a reference to an externally defined validator object
This class allows validation groups to reference validators that
are defined outside of the group itself.
It also allows users to narrow the context for the referenced validator
by specifying value for the Context property.
Aleksandar Seovic
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Validates the specified object.
The object to validate.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise.
Validates the specified object.
The object to validate.
Additional context parameters.
instance to add error messages to.
True if validation was successful, False otherwise.
Gets or sets the name of the referenced validator.
The name of the referenced validator.
Gets or sets the expression that should be used to narrow validation context.
The expression that should be used to narrow validation context.
Callback that supplies the owning factory to an object instance.
(may not be ). The object can immediately
call methods on the factory.
Invoked after population of normal object properties but before an init
callback like 's
method or a custom init-method.