Typus.setup do |config| # Application name. # config.admin_title = "Typus" # config.admin_sub_title = "" # When mailer_sender is set, password recover is enabled. This email # address will be used in Admin::Mailer. # # Remember to setup the default url options for your specific environment # Here is an example of development environment: # # config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' } # # This is a required Rails configuration. In production it must be the actual # actual host of your application. # # config.mailer_sender = "admin@example.com" # Define paperclip attachment styles. # config.file_preview = :medium # config.file_thumbnail = :thumb # Define authentication: +:none+, +:http_basic+, +:session+ # Run `rails g typus:migration` if want +:session+ # config.authentication = :none # Define username and password for +:http_basic+ authentication. # config.username = "admin" # config.password = "columbia" # Define subdomain to use instead of additional path. # config.subdomain = "admin" end