page = require('webpage').create() system = require('system') fs = require('fs') thisFile = system.args[0] graphType = system.args[1] graphFormat = false dependencies = ['d3.min.js', 'json2.js'] scriptPath = fs.absolute(thisFile).replace(/[\w\s\-\.]+?\.(js|coffee)$/i, '') vendorPath = "#{scriptPath}../vendor/" defsPath = "#{scriptPath}../lib/graph-definitions/" userDefsPath = system.env['EXT_GRAPHT_DEFINITIONS_HOME'] niceDirPathRX = /\/$|$/ naughtyPathRX = /(?:\.{1,2}\/)+/ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helper Functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fns = # Logs the supplied message (and, optionally, the trace) to STDERR; then, # exits the process with the supplied code. # # Return Codes: # 0 - Success # 1 - Naughty Type Path Error # 2 - Graph Defintion Not Found Error # 3 - Graph Dependency Load Error # 4 - Graph Data Not Found Error # 5 - Graph Data Parse Error # 99 - Unexpected Error # logError: (message, code, trace) -> fs.write '/dev/stderr', " #{message}\n" fs.write '/dev/stderr', formattedTrace(trace) if trace phantom.exit(code || 99) # Returns a formatted version of the trace object so it can # be sent to std out. # formattedTrace: (trace) -> traceString = (t) -> "\t#{t.file}: on line: #{t.line}" traceString.join('\n') # Scrubs-out any leading '/' characters from the type, and raises an error # if any naughtier path manipulation is detected. # sanitizeType: (type) -> if naughtyPathRX.test(type) @logError('Naughty! There will be no backing out of the definition directory!', 1) type.replace(/^\/+/, '') # Searchs for a valid graph definition in the supplied definition paths. If # no definition is found, we log an error to STDERR. # findDef: (type, defPaths...) -> type = @sanitizeType(type) for dir in defPaths when dir? dir = dir.replace(niceDirPathRX, '/') path = "#{dir}#{type}.js" return path if fs.exists(path) @logError("No graph definition could be found for '#{type}'", 2) # Reads in the graph defintion file. # loadDef: (def) -> # Wraps the supplied graph definition in a function that executes the definition # and returns the resulting content of the document body. This function is intended # to minimize boiler-plate in graph definitions, and reduce the likelihood of user # error. # wrapDef: (def) -> "function() { (#{def}).apply(this, arguments); return document.body.innerHTML; }" # Returns a hash composed of any optional arguments sent # with a command. # getOptions: -> optionsIn = system.args[2..] optionsOut = {} slice = 2 for i in [0...optionsIn.length] by slice [key, value] = optionsIn[i...i+slice] optionsOut[key] = value optionsOut # Returns the value of the format option (nil if not # provided) # getFormat: -> options = @getOptions() options['-f'] || options['--format'] # Returns the value of the include option (nil if not # provided) # getInclude: -> options = @getOptions() options['-i'] || options['--include'] # Reads in json data for the graph. # readDataIn: -> try if (data ='/dev/stdin')).length data else fns.logError('No graph data was received!') catch err @logError(err, 4) # Renders the graph output based on the arguments and # options provided. # renderGraph: -> # Load all dependencies. dependencies.forEach (dp) -> page.injectJs(dp) || fns.logError("Dependency could not be loaded: #{dp}", 3) # Load and evaluate the graph definition within the context of the # arguments supplied via STDIN. graphData = fns.readDataIn() graphDef = fns.wrapDef fns.loadDef fns.findDef(graphType, userDefsPath, defsPath) parsedData = try JSON.parse(graphData) catch err fns.logError(err, 5) # Configure page to remove extraneous whitespace that comes out # of WebKit. # # The viewport size eliminates a minimum height of 300px that # seems to be enforced. It does so by requiring all drawings to # exapnd the viewport to actual size. page.viewportSize = { width: 1, height: 1 }; # Set the content. page.content = content = page.evaluate(graphDef, parsedData) # Write resulting content to stdout. if graphFormat = fns.getFormat() page.render '/dev/stdout', { format: graphFormat, quality: 100 } else fs.write '/dev/stdout', "#{content}\n" # Exit with success code phantom.exit(0) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Core Graph Generation Logic #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Configure the page context. page.libraryPath = vendorPath page.onError = fns.logError # Render the graph to std out. If include option provided, pull that # in and render graph via callback. if included_file = fns.getInclude() page.includeJs(included_file, fns.renderGraph) else fns.renderGraph()