# Qonfig · [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/qonfig.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/qonfig) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/0exp/qonfig.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/0exp/qonfig) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/0exp/qonfig/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/0exp/qonfig?branch=master) Config. Defined as a class. Used as an instance. Support for inheritance and composition. Lazy instantiation. Thread-safe. Command-style DSL. Validation layer. **DOT-NOTATION**! And pretty-print :) Support for **YAML**, **TOML**, **JSON**, **\_\_END\_\_**, **ENV**. Extremely simple to define. Extremely simple to use. That's all? **NOT** :) ## Installation ```ruby gem 'qonfig' ``` ```shell $ bundle install # --- or --- $ gem install 'qonfig' ``` ```ruby require 'qonfig' ``` ## Usage - [Definition](#definition) - [Definition and Settings Access](#definition-and-access) - [access via method](#access-via-method) - [access via index-method \[\]](#access-via-index-method-) - [.dig](#dig) - [.slice](#slice) - [.slice_value](#slice_value) - [.subset](#subset) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [configure via proc](#configure-via-proc) - [configure via settings object (by option name)](#configure-via-settings-object-by-option-name) - [configure via settings object (by setting key)](#configure-via-settings-object-by-setting-key) - [instant configuration via proc](#instant-configuration-via-proc) - [using a hash](#using-a-hash) - [using both hash and proc](#using-both-hash-and-proc-proc-has-higher-priority) - [Inheritance](#inheritance) - [Composition](#composition) - [Hash representation](#hash-representation) - [Smart Mixin](#smart-mixin) (`Qonfig::Configurable`) - [Instantiation without class definition](#instantiation-without-class-definition) (`Qonfig::DataSet.build(&definitions)`) - [Compacted config](#compacted-config) - [Definition and instantiation](#definition-and-instantiation) - [by raw initialization](#by-raw-initialization) - [by existing Qonfig::DataSet class](#by-existing-qonfigdataset-class) - [by existing Qonfig::DataSet instance](#by-existing-qonfigdataset-instance) - [instantiation without class definition](#instantiation-without-class-definition-1) - [validation API](#validation-api-see-full-documentation) - [Setting readers and writers](#setting-readers-and-writers) - [reading](#reading-by-setting-name-and-index-method-with-dot-notation-support-and-indifferent-access) - [writing](#writing-by-setting-name-and-index-method-with-dot-notation-support-and-indifferent-access) - [precitaes](#predicates-see-full-documentation) - [Interaction](#interaction) - [Iteration over setting keys](#iteration-over-setting-keys) (`#each_setting`, `#deep_each_setting`) - [List of config keys](#list-of-config-keys) (`#keys`, `#root_keys`) - [Config reloading](#config-reloading) (reload config definitions and option values) - [Clear options](#clear-options) (set to `nil`) - [Frozen state](#frozen-state) (`.freeze_state!`, `#freeze!`, `#frozen?`) - [Settings as Predicates](#settings-as-predicates) - [Setting key existence](#setting-key-existence) (`#key?`/`#option?`/`#setting?`) - [Run arbitrary code with temporary settings](#run-arbitrary-code-with-temporary-settings) (`#with(configs = {}, &arbitrary_code)`) - [Import settings / Export settings](#import-settings--export-settings) - [Import config settings](#import-config-settings) (`as instance methods`) - [Import a set of setting keys (simple dot-noated key list)](#import-a-set-of-setting-keys-simple-dot-noated-key-list) - [Import with custom method names (mappings)](#import-with-custom-method-names-mappings) - [Prexify method name](#prexify-method-name) - [Import nested settings as raw Qonfig::Settings objects](#import-nested-settings-as-raw-qonfigsettings-objects) - [Import with pattern-matching](#import-with-pattern-matching) - [Support for predicate-like methods](#support-for-predicate-like-methods) - [Export config settings](#export-config-settings) (`as singleton methods`) - [Validation](#validation) - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Key search pattern](#key-search-pattern) - [Proc-based validation](#proc-based-validation) - [Method-based validation](#method-based-validation) - [Predefined validations](#predefined-validations) - [Custom predefined validators](#custom-predefined-validators) - [Validation of potential setting values](#validation-of-potential-setting-values) - [Work with files](#work-with-files) - **Setting keys definition** - `(DSL methods for dynamic setting keys definition by reading them from a file)` - [Load from YAML file](#load-from-yaml-file) - [Expose YAML](#expose-yaml) (`Rails`-like environment-based YAML configs) - [Load from JSON file](#load-from-json-file) - [Expose JSON](#expose-json) (`Rails`-like environment-based JSON configs) - [Load from ENV](#load-from-env) - [Load from \_\_END\_\_](#load-from-__end__) (aka `.load_from_self`) - [Expose \_\_END\_\_](#expose-__end__) (aka `.expose_self`) - **Setting values** - `(instance methods for loading the setting values from a file to existing config object with already defined setting keys)` - [Default setting values file](#default-setting-values-file) - [Load setting values from YAML file](#load-setting-values-from-yaml-file-by-instance) - [Load setting values from JSON file](#load-setting-values-from-json-file-by-instance) - [Load setting values from \_\_END\_\_](#load-setting-values-from-__end__-by-instance) - [Load setting values from file manually](#load-setting-values-from-file-manually-by-instance) - **Daily work** - [Save to JSON file](#save-to-json-file) (`#save_to_json`) - [Save to YAML file](#save-to-yaml-file) (`#save_to_yaml`) - [Plugins](#plugins) - [toml](#plugins-toml) (support for `TOML` format) - [pretty_print](#plugins-pretty_print) (beautified/prettified console output) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) - [Build](#build) --- ## Definition - [Definition and Settings Access](#definition-and-access) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Inheritance](#inheritance) - [Composition](#composition) - [Hash representation](#hash-representation) - [Smart Mixin](#smart-mixin) (`Qonfig::Configurable`) --- ### Definition and Access - `setting(name, value = nil)` - define setting with corresponding name and value; - `setting(name) { setting(name, value = nil); ... }` - define nested settings OR reopen existing nested setting and define some new nested settings; - `re_setting(name, value = nil)`, `re_setting(name) { ... }` - re-define existing setting (or define new if the original does not exist); - accessing: [access via method](#access-via-method), [access via index-method \[\]](#access-via-index-method-), [.dig](#dig), [.slice](#slice), [.slice_value](#slice_value), [.subset](#subset); ```ruby # --- definition --- class Config < Qonfig::DataSet # nil by default setting :project_id # nested setting setting :vendor_api do setting :host, 'vendor.service.com' end setting :enable_graphql, false # nested setting reopening setting :vendor_api do setting :user, 'simple_user' end # re-definition of existing setting (drop the old - make the new) re_setting :vendor_api do setting :domain, 'api.service.com' setting :login, 'test_user' end # deep nesting setting :credentials do setting :user do setting :login, 'D@iVeR' setting :password, 'test123' end end end config = Config.new # your configuration object instance ``` #### access via method ```ruby # get option value via method config.settings.project_id # => nil config.settings.vendor_api.domain # => 'app.service.com' config.settings.vendor_api.login # => 'test_user' config.settings.enable_graphql # => false ``` #### access via index-method [] - without dot-notation: ```ruby # get option value via index (with indifferent (string / symbol / mixed) access) config.settings[:project_id] # => nil config.settings[:vendor_api][:domain] # => 'app.service.com' config.settings[:vendor_api][:login] # => 'test_user' config.settings[:enable_graphql] # => false # get option value via index (with indifferent (string / symbol / mixed) access) config.settings['project_id'] # => nil config.settings['vendor_api']['domain'] # => 'app.service.com' config.settings['vendor_api']['login'] # => 'test_user' config.settings['enable_graphql'] # => false # get option value directly via index (with indifferent access) config['project_id'] # => nil config['enable_graphql'] # => false config[:project_id] # => nil config[:enable_graphql] # => false ``` - with dot-notation: ```ruby config.settings['vendor_api.domain'] # => 'app.service.com' config.settings['vendor_api.login'] # => 'test_user' config['vendor_api.domain'] # => 'app.service.com' config['vendor_api.login'] # => 'test_user' ``` #### .dig - without dot-notation: ```ruby # get option value in Hash#dig manner (and fail when the required key does not exist); config.dig(:vendor_api, :domain) # => 'app.service.com' # (key exists) config.dig(:vendor_api, :login) # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # (key does not exist) ``` - with dot-notation: ```ruby config.dig('vendor_api.domain') # => 'app.service.com' # (key exists) config.dig('vendor_api.login') # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # (key does not exist) ``` #### .slice - without dot-notation: ```ruby # get a hash slice of setting options (and fail when the required key does not exist); config.slice(:vendor_api) # => { 'vendor_api' => { 'domain' => 'app_service', 'login' => 'test_user' } } config.slice(:vendor_api, :login) # => { 'login' => 'test_user' } config.slice(:project_api) # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # (key does not exist) config.slice(:vendor_api, :port) # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # (key does not exist) ``` - with dot-notation: ```ruby config.slice('vendor_api.login') # => { 'loign' => 'test_user' } config.slice('vendor_api.port') # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # (key does not exist) ``` #### .slice_value - without dot-notaiton: ```ruby # get value from the slice of setting options using the given key set # (and fail when the required key does not exist) (works in slice manner); config.slice_value(:vendor_api) # => { 'domain' => 'app_service', 'login' => 'test_user' } config.slice_value(:vendor_api, :login) # => 'test_user' config.slice_value(:project_api) # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # (key does not exist) config.slice_value(:vendor_api, :port) # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # (key does not exist) ``` - with dot-notation: ```ruby config.slice_value('vendor_api.login') # => 'test_user' config.slice_value('vendor_api.port') # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # (key does not exist) ``` #### .subset - without dot-notation: ```ruby # - get a subset (a set of sets) of config settings represented as a hash; # - each key (or key set) represents a requirement of a certain setting key; config.subet(:vendor_api, :enable_graphql) # => { 'vendor_api' => { 'login' => ..., 'domain' => ... }, 'enable_graphql' => false } config.subset(:project_id, [:vendor_api, :domain], [:credentials, :user, :login]) # => { 'project_id' => nil, 'domain' => 'app.service.com', 'login' => 'D@iVeR' } ``` - with dot-notation: ```ruby config.subset('project_id', 'vendor_api.domain', 'credentials.user.login') # => { 'project_id' => nil, 'domain' => 'app.service.com', 'login' => 'D@iVeR' } ``` --- ### Configuration ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :testing do setting :engine, :rspec setting :parallel, true end setting :geo_api do setting :provider, :google_maps end setting :enable_middlewares, false end config = Config.new ``` #### configure via proc ```ruby config.configure do |conf| conf.enable_middlewares = true conf.geo_api.provider = :yandex_maps conf.testing.engine = :mini_test end ``` #### configure via settings object (by option name) ```ruby config.settings.enable_middlewares = false config.settings.geo_api.provider = :apple_maps config.settings.testing.engine = :ultra_test ``` #### configure via settings object (by setting key) ```ruby config.settings[:enable_middlewares] = true config.settings[:geo_api][:provider] = :rambler_maps config.settings[:testing][:engine] = :mega_test ``` #### instant configuration via proc ```ruby config = Config.new do |conf| conf.enable_middlewares = false conf.geo_api.provider = :amazon_maps conf.testing.engine = :crypto_test end ``` #### using a hash ```ruby config = Config.new( testing: { engine: :mini_test, parallel: false }, geo_api: { provider: :rambler_maps }, enable_middlewares: true ) config.configure(enable_middlewares: false) ``` #### using both hash and proc (proc has higher priority) ```ruby config = Config.new(enable_middlewares: true) do |conf| conf.testing.parallel = true end config.configure(geo_api: { provider: nil }) do |conf| conf.testing.engine = :rspec end ``` --- ### Inheritance ```ruby class CommonConfig < Qonfig::DataSet setting :uploader, :fog end class ProjectConfig < CommonConfig setting :auth_provider, :github end project_config = ProjectConfig.new # inherited setting project_config.settings.uploader # => :fog # own setting project_config.settings.auth_provider # => :github ``` --- ### Composition ```ruby class SharedConfig < Qonfig::DataSet setting :logger, Logger.new end class ServerConfig < Qonfig::DataSet setting :port, 12345 setting :address, '' end class DatabaseConfig < Qonfig::DataSet setting :user, 'test' setting :password, 'testpaswd' end class ProjectConfig < Qonfig::DataSet compose SharedConfig setting :server do compose ServerConfig end setting :db do compose DatabaseConfig end end project_config = ProjectConfig.new # fields from SharedConfig project_config.settings.logger # => # # fields from ServerConfig project_config.settings.server.port # => 12345 project_config.settings.server.address # => '' # fields from DatabaseConfig project_config.settings.db.user # => 'test' project_config.settings.db.password # => 'testpaswd' ``` --- ### Hash representation ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :serializers do setting :json do setting :engine, :ok end setting :hash do setting :engine, :native end end setting :adapter do setting :default, :memory_sync end setting :logger, Logger.new(STDOUT) end Config.new.to_h { "serializers": { "json" => { "engine" => :ok }, "hash" => { "engine" => :native }, }, "adapter" => { "default" => :memory_sync }, "logger" => # } ``` --- ### Smart Mixin - class-level: - `.configuration` - settings definitions; - `.configure` - configuration; - `.config` - config object; - settings definitions are inheritable; - instance-level: - `#configure` - configuration; - `#config` - config object; - `#shared_config` - class-level config object; ```ruby # --- usage --- class Application # make configurable include Qonfig::Configurable configuration do setting :user setting :password end end app = Application.new # class-level config Application.config.settings.user # => nil Application.config.settings.password # => nil # instance-level config app.config.settings.user # => nil app.config.settings.password # => nil # access to the class level config from an instance app.shared_config.settings.user # => nil app.shared_config.settings.password # => nil # class-level configuration Application.configure do |conf| conf.user = '0exp' conf.password = 'test123' end # instance-level configuration app.configure do |conf| conf.user = 'admin' conf.password = '123test' end # class has own config object Application.config.settings.user # => '0exp' Application.config.settings.password # => 'test123' # instance has own config object app.config.settings.user # => 'admin' app.config.settings.password # => '123test' # access to the class level config from an instance app.shared_config.settings.user # => '0exp' app.shared_config.settings.password # => 'test123' # and etc... (all Qonfig-related features) ``` ```ruby # --- inheritance --- class BasicApplication # make configurable include Qonfig::Configurable configuration do setting :user setting :pswd end configure do |conf| conf.user = 'admin' conf.pswd = 'admin' end end class GeneralApplication < BasicApplication # extend inherited definitions configuration do setting :db do setting :adapter end end configure do |conf| conf.user = '0exp' # .user inherited from BasicApplication conf.pswd = '123test' # .pswd inherited from BasicApplication conf.db.adapter = 'pg' end end BasicApplication.config.to_h { 'user' => 'admin', 'pswd' => 'admin' } GeneralApplication.config.to_h { 'user' => '0exp', 'pswd' => '123test', 'db' => { 'adapter' => 'pg' } } # and etc... (all Qonfig-related features) ``` --- ### Instantiation without class definition - without inheritance: ```ruby config = Qonfig::DataSet.build do setting :user, 'D@iVeR' setting :password, 'test123' def custom_method 'custom_result' end end config.is_a?(Qonfig::DataSet) # => true config.settings.user # => 'D@iVeR' config.settings.password # => 'test123' config.custom_method # => 'custom_result' ``` - with inheritance: ```ruby class GeneralConfig < Qonfig::DataSet setting :db_adapter, :postgresql end config = Qonfig::DataSet.build(GeneralConfig) do setting :web_api, 'api.google.com' end config.is_a?(Qonfig::DataSet) # => true config.settings.db_adapter # => :postgresql config.settings.web_api # => "api.google.com" ``` --- ## Compacted config - [Definition and instantiation](#definition-and-instantiation) - [by raw initialization](#by-raw-initialization) - [by existing Qonfig::DataSet class](#by-existing-qonfigdataset-class) - [by existing Qonfig::DataSet instance](#by-existing-qonfigdataset-instance) - [instantiation without class definition](#instantiation-without-class-definition-1) - [validation API](#validation-api-see-full-documentation) - [Setting readers and writers](#setting-readers-and-writers) - [reading](#reading-by-setting-name-and-index-method-with-dot-notation-support-and-indifferent-access) - [writing](#writing-by-setting-name-and-index-method-with-dot-notation-support-and-indifferent-access) - [precitaes](#predicates-see-full-documentation) --- - `Qonfig::Compacted`: represents the compacted config object with setting readers, setting writers and setting predicates only - and no any other useful instance-based functionality: - setting keys are represented as direct instace methods (`#settings` invokation does not need); - support for index-like access methods (`[]`,`[]=`); - full support of `Qonfig::DataSet` definition DSL commands: - `setting`, `re_setting` [doc](#definition-and-access) - `validate`, `add_validator` [doc](#validation) - `load_from_self` [doc](#load-from-__end__), `load_from_yaml` [doc](#load-from-yaml-file), `load_from_json` [doc](#load-from-json-file), `load_from_toml` [doc](#plugins-toml); - `expose_self` [doc](#expose-__end__), `expose_yaml` [doc](#expose-yaml), `expose_json` [doc](#expose-json), `expose_toml` [doc](#plugins-toml) - `values_file` [doc](#default-setting-values-file) - support for validation of potential setting values `.valid_with?` [documentation](#validation-of-potential-setting-values); - can be instantiated by: - by existing config object: `Qonfig::DataSet#compacted` or `Qonfig::Compacted.build_from(config, &configuration)`; - from existing `Qonfig::DataSet` class: `Qonfig::DataSet.build_compacted`; - by direct instantiation: `Qonfig::Compacted.new(settings_values = {}, &configuration)`; - by implicit instance building without explicit class definition `Qonfig::Compacted.build(&dsl_commands)`; - you can define your own instance methods too; --- ### Definition and instantiation #### by raw initialization ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::Compacted setting :api, 'google.com' setting :enabled, true setting :queue do setting :engine, :sidekiq end end config = Config.new(api: 'yandex.ru') do |conf| conf.enabled = false end config.api # => 'yandex.ru' config.enabled # => false config.queue.engine # => :sidekiq ``` #### by existing Qonfig::DataSet class ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :api, 'google.com' setting :enabled, true end config = Config.build_compacted # builds Qonfig::Compacted instance config.api # => 'google.com' config.enabled # => true ``` #### by existing Qonfig::DataSet instance - `Qonfig::DataSet#compacted` - (or) `Qonfig::Compacted.build_from(config)` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :api, 'google.com' setting :enabled, true end config = Config.new compacted_config = config.compacted # --- or --- compacted_config = Qonfig::Compacted.build_from(config) compacted_config.api # => 'google.com' compacted_config.enabled # => true ``` #### instantiation without class definition ```ruby config = Qonfig::Compacted.build do setting :api, 'google.ru' setting :enabled, true end config.api # => 'google.ru' config.enabled # => true ``` #### validation API (see [full documentation](#validation)): ```ruby # custom validators Qonfig::Compacted.define_validator(:version_check) do |value| value.is_a?(Integer) && value < 100 end class Config < Qonfig::Compacted setting :api, 'google.ru' setting :enabled, true setting :version, 2 setting :queue { setting :engine, :sidekiq } # full support of original validation api validate :api, :string, strict: true validate :enabled, :boolean, strict: true validate :version, :version_check # custom validator validate 'queue.#', :symbol end # potential values validation Config.valid_with?(api: :yandex) # => false Config.valid_with?(enabled: nil) # => false Config.valid_with?(version: nil) # => false Config.valid_with?(api: 'yandex.ru', enabled: false, version: 3) # => true config = Config.new # instance validation config.api = :yandex # => Qonfig::ValidationError (should be a type of string) config.version = nil # => Qonfig::ValidationError (can not be nil) config.queue.engine = 'sneakers' # => Qonfig::ValidationError (should be a type of symbol) ``` --- ### Setting readers and writers ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::Compcated setting :api, 'google.ru' setting :enabled, true setting :queue do setting :engine, :sidekiq setting :workers_count, 10 end end config = Config.new ``` #### reading (by setting name and index method with dot-notation support and indifferent access) ```ruby # by setting name config.api # => 'google.ru' config.enabled # => true config.queue.engine # => :sidekiq config.queue.workers_count # => 10 # by index method with dot-notation support and indiffernt access config[:api] # => 'google.ru' config['enabled'] # => true config[:queue][:engine] # => :sidekiq config['queue.workers_count'] # => 10 ``` #### writing (by setting name and index method with dot-notation support and indifferent access) ```ruby # by setting name config.api = 'yandex.ru' config.queue.engine = :sidekiq # and etc # by index method with dot-notaiton support and indifferent access config['api'] = 'yandex.ru' config['queue.engine'] = :sidekiq config[:queue][:workers_count] = 5 ``` #### predicates ([see full documentation](#settings-as-predicates)) ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::Compcated setting :enabled, true setting :api, 'yandex.ru' setting :queue do setting :engine, :sidekiq end end config = Config.new config.enabled? # => true config.enabled = nil config.enabled? # => false config.queue.engine? # => true config.queue.engine = nil config.queue.engine? # => false config.queue? # => true ``` --- ## Interaction - [Iteration over setting keys](#iteration-over-setting-keys) (`#each_setting`, `#deep_each_setting`) - [List of config keys](#list-of-config-keys) (`#keys`, `#root_keys`) - [Config reloading](#config-reloading) (reload config definitions and option values) - [Clear options](#clear-options) (set to `nil`) - [Frozen state](#frozen-state) (`.freeze_state!`, `#freeze!`, `#frozen?`) - [Settings as Predicates](#settings-as-predicates) - [Setting key existence](#setting-key-existence) (`#key?`/`#option?`/`#setting?`) - [Run arbitrary code with temporary settings](#run-arbitrary-code-with-temporary-settings) --- ### Iteration over setting keys - `#each_setting { |key, value| }` - iterates over the root setting keys; - `#deep_each_setting(yield_all: false) { |key, value| }` - iterates over all setting keys (deep inside); - key object is represented as a string of `.`-joined setting key names; - `yield_all:` means "yield all config objects" (end values and root setting objects those have nested settings) (`false` by default); ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :db do setting :creds do setting :user, 'D@iVeR' setting :password, 'test123', setting :data, test: false end end setting :telegraf_url, 'udp://localhost:8094' setting :telegraf_prefix, 'test' end config = Config.new ``` #### .each_setting ```ruby config.each_setting { |key, value| { key => value } } # result of each step: { 'db' => } { 'telegraf_url' => 'udp://localhost:8094' } { 'telegraf_prefix' => 'test' } ``` #### .deep_each_setting ```ruby config.deep_each_setting { |key, value| { key => value } } # result of each step: { 'db.creds.user' => 'D@iveR' } { 'db.creds.password' => 'test123' } { 'db.creds.data' => { test: false } } { 'telegraf_url' => 'udp://localhost:8094' } { 'telegraf_prefix' => 'test' } ``` #### .deep_each_setting(yield_all: true) ```ruby config.deep_each_setting(yield_all: true) { |key, value| { key => value } } # result of each step: { 'db' => } # (yield_all: true) { 'db.creds' => } # (yield_all: true) { 'db.creds.user' => 'D@iVeR' } { 'db.creds.password' => 'test123' } { 'db.crds.data' => { test: false } } { 'telegraf_url' => 'udp://localhost:8094' } { 'telegraf_prefix' => 'test' } ``` --- ### List of config keys - `#keys` - returns a list of all config keys in dot-notation format; - `all_variants:` - get all possible variants of the config's keys sequences (`false` by default); - `only_root:` - get only the root config keys (`false` by default); - `#root_keys` - returns a list of root config keys (an alias for `#keys(only_root: true)`); ```ruby # NOTE: suppose we have the following config class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :credentials do setting :social do setting :service, 'instagram' setting :login, '0exp' end setting :admin do setting :enabled, true end end setting :server do setting :type, 'cloud' setting :options do setting :os, 'CentOS' end end end config = Config.new ``` #### Default behavior ```ruby config.keys # the result: [ "credentials.social.service", "credentials.social.login", "credentials.admin.enabled", "server.type", "server.options.os" ] ``` #### All key variants ```ruby config.keys(all_variants: true) # the result: [ "credentials", "credentials.social", "credentials.social.service", "credentials.social.login", "credentials.admin", "credentials.admin.enabled", "server", "server.type", "server.options", "server.options.os" ] ``` #### Only root keys ```ruby config.keys(only_root: true) # the result: ['credentials', 'server'] ``` ```ruby config.root_keys # the result: ['credentials', 'server'] ``` --- ### Config reloading - method signature: `#reload!(configurations = {}, &configuration)`; ```ruby # -- config example --- class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :db do setting :adapter, 'postgresql' end setting :logger, Logger.new(STDOUT) end config = Config.new config.settings.db.adapter # => 'postgresql' config.settings.logger # => # ``` ```ruby # --- redefine some settings (or add a new one) -- config.configure { |conf| conf.logger = nil } # redefine some settings (will be reloaded) # re-define and append settings class Config setting :db do setting :adapter, 'mongoid' # re-define defaults end setting :enable_api, false # append new setting end ``` ```ruby # --- reload --- # reload settings config.reload! config.settings.db.adapter # => 'mongoid' config.settings.logger # => # (reloaded from defaults) config.settings.enable_api # => false (new setting) # reload with instant configuration config.reload!(db: { adapter: 'oracle' }) do |conf| conf.enable_api = true # changed instantly end config.settings.db.adapter # => 'oracle' config.settings.logger = # => # config.settings.enable_api # => true # value from instant change ``` --- ### Clear options - set all config's settings to `nil`; - method signature: `#clear!`; ```ruby class Config setting :database do setting :user setting :password end setting :web_api do setting :endpoint end end config = Config.new do |conf| conf.database.user = '0exp' conf.database.password = 'test123' conf.web_api.endpoint = '/api/' end config.settings.database.user # => '0exp' config.settings.database.password # => 'test123' config.settings.web_api.endpoint # => '/api' # clear all options config.clear! config.settings.database.user # => nil config.settings.database.password # => nil config.settings.web_api.endpoint # => nil ``` --- ### Frozen state #### Instance-level - method signature: `#freeze!`; ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :logger, Logger.new(STDOUT) setting :worker, :sidekiq setting :db do setting :adapter, 'postgresql' end end config = Config.new config.freeze! config.settings.logger = Logger.new(StringIO.new) # => Qonfig::FrozenSettingsError config.settings.worker = :que # => Qonfig::FrozenSettingsError config.settings.db.adapter = 'mongoid' # => Qonfig::FrozenSettingsError config.reload! # => Qonfig::FrozenSettingsError config.clear! # => Qonfig::FrozenSettingsError ``` #### Definition-level - DSL-method signature: `freeze_state!` - indicaes that all your config instances should be frozen; - `freeze_state!` DSL command is not inherited (your child and composed config classes will not have this declaration); ```ruby # --- base class --- class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :test, true freeze_state! end config = Config.new config.frozen? # => true config.settings.test = false # => Qonfig::FrozenSettingsError # --- child class --- class InheritedConfig < Config end inherited_config = InheritedConfig.new config.frozen? # => false config.settings.test = false # ok :) ``` --- ### Settings as Predicates - predicate form: `?` at the end of setting name; - `nil` and `false` setting values indicates `false`; - other setting values indicates `true`; - setting roots always returns `true`; ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :database do setting :user setting :host, 'google.com' setting :engine do setting :driver, 'postgres' end end end config = Config.new # predicates config.settings.database.user? # => false (nil => false) config.settings.database.host? # => true ('google.com' => true) config.settings.database.engine.driver? # => true ('postgres' => true) # setting roots always returns true config.settings.database? # => true config.settings.database.engine? # => ture config.configure do |conf| conf.database.user = '0exp' conf.database.host = false conf.database.engine.driver = true end # predicates config.settings.database.user? # => true ('0exp' => true) config.settings.database.host? # => false (false => false) config.settings.database.engine.driver? # => true (true => true) ``` --- ### Setting key existence - supports **dynamic array-like format** and **canonical dot-notation format**; - returns `true` if the concrete key is exist; - returns `false` if the concrete key does not exist; - **dynamic array-like format**: - `#key?(*key_path)` / `#option?(*key_path)` / `#setting?(*key_path)`; - `*key_path` - an array of symbols and strings that represents a path to the concrete setting key; - (for example, `config.key?(:credentials, :user)` tries to check that `config.settings.credentials.user` is exist); - **dot-notation format**: - `#key?(key)` / `#option?(key)` / `#setting?(key)`; - `key` - string in dot-notated format - (for example: `config.key?('credentials.user')` tries to check that `config.settings.crednetials.user` is exist); ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :credentials do setting :user, 'D@iVeR' setting :password, 'test123' end end config = Config.new # --- array-like format --- config.key?('credentials', 'user') # => true config.key?('credentials', 'token') # => false (key does not exist) # --- dot-notation format --- config.key?('credentials.user') # => true config.key?('credentials.token') # => false (key does not exist) config.key?('credentials') # => true config.key?('que_adapter') # => false (key does not exist) # aliases config.setting?('credentials') # => true config.option?(:credentials, :password) # => true config.option?('credentials.password') # => true ``` --- ### Run arbitrary code with temporary settings - provides a way to run an arbitrary code with temporarily specified settings; - your arbitrary code can temporary change any setting too - all settings will be returned to the original state; - (it is convenient to run code samples by this way in tests (with substitued configs)); - it is fully thread-safe `:)`; ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :queue do setting :adapter, :sidekiq setting :options, {} end end config = Config.new # run a block of code with temporary queue.adapter setting config.with(queue: { adapter: 'que' }) do # your changed settings config.settings.queue.adapter # => 'que' # you can temporary change settings by your code too config.settings.queue.options = { concurrency: 10 } # ...your another code... end # original settings has not changed :) config.settings.queue.adapter # => :sidekiq config.settings.queue.options # => {} ``` --- ## Import settings / Export settings - [Import config settings](#import-config-settings) (`as instance methods`) - [Export config settings](#export-config-settings) (`as singleton methods`) Sometimes the nesting of configs in your project is quite high, and it makes you write the rather "cumbersome" code (`config.settings.web_api.credentials.account.auth_token` for example). Frequent access to configs in this way is inconvinient - so developers wraps such code by methods or variables. In order to make developer's life easer `Qonfig` provides a special Import API simplifies the config importing (gives you `.import_settings` DSL) and gives an ability to instant config setting export from a config object (gives you `#export_settings` config's method). You can use RabbitMQ-like pattern matching in setting key names: - if the setting key name at the current nesting level does not matter - use `*`; - if both the setting key name and nesting level does not matter - use `#` - examples: - `db.settings.user` - matches to `db.settings.user` setting; - `db.settings.*` - matches to all setting keys inside `db.settings` group of settings; - `db.*.user` - matches to all `user` setting keys at the first level of `db` group of settings; - `#.user` - matches to all `user` setting keys; - `service.#.password` - matches to all `password` setting keys at all levels of `service` group of settings; - `#` - matches to ALL setting keys; - `*` - matches to all setting keys at the root level; - and etc; --- ### Import config settings - `Qonfig::Imports` - a special mixin that provides the convenient DSL to work with config import features (`.import_settings` method); - `.import_settings` - DSL method for importing configuration settings (from a config instance) as instance methods of a class; - (**IMPORTANT**) `import_settings` imports config settings as access methods to config's settings (creates `attr_reader`s for your config); - generated methods can be used as predicates (with trailing `?` symbol); - you can generate `attr_accessor`s by specifying `accessor: true` option (be careful: you can get `Qonfig::AmbiguousSettingValueError` when you try to assign a value to config option which have nested settings); - signature: `.import_settings(config_object, *setting_keys, mappings: {}, prefix: '', raw: false)` - `config_object` - an instance of `Qonfig::DataSet` whose config settings should be imported; - `*setting_keys` - an array of dot-notaed config's setting keys that should be imported (dot-notaed key is a key that describes each part of nested setting key as a string separated by `dot`-symbol); - last part of dot-notated key will become a name of the setting access instance method; - `mappings:` - a map of keys that describes custom method names for each imported setting; - `prefix:` - prexifies setting access method name with custom prefix; - `raw:` - use nested settings as objects or hashify them (`false` by default (means "hashify nested settings")); - `accessor:` - generate `attr_accessor` for imported config settigns (`false` by default (means "generate `attr_reader`s only")); --- Suppose we have a config with deeply nested keys: ```ruby # NOTE: (Qonfig::DataSet.build creates a class and instantly instantiates it) AppConfig = Qonfig::DataSet.build do setting :web_api do setting :credentials do setting :account do setting :login, 'DaiveR' setting :auth_token, 'IAdkoa0@()1239uA' end end end setting :graphql_api, false end ``` Let's see what we can to do :) - [Import a set of setting keys (simple dot-noated key list)](#import-a-set-of-setting-keys-simple-dot-noated-key-list) - [Import with custom method names (mappings)](#import-with-custom-method-names-mappings) - [Prexify method name](#prexify-method-name) - [Import nested settings as raw Qonfig::Settings objects](#import-nested-settings-as-raw-qonfigsettings-objects) - [Import with pattern-matching](#import-with-pattern-matching) - [Support for predicate-like methods](#support-for-predicate-like-methods) #### Import a set of setting keys (simple dot-noated key list) - last part of dot-notated key will become a name of the setting access instance method; ```ruby class ServiceObject include Qonfig::Imports import_settings(AppConfig, 'web_api.credentials.account.login', 'web_api.credentials.account' ) end service = ServiceObject.new service.login # => "D@iVeR" service.account # => { "login" => "D@iVeR", "auth_token" => IAdkoa0@()1239uA" } ``` #### Import with custom method names (mappings) - `mappings:` defines a map of keys that describes custom method names for each imported setting; ```ruby class ServiceObject include Qonfig::Imports import_settings(AppConfig, mappings: { account_data: 'web_api.credentials.account', # NOTE: name access method with "account_data" secret_token: 'web_api.credentials.account.auth_token' # NOTE: name access method with "secret_token" }) end service = ServiceObject.new service.account_data # => { "login" => "D@iVeR", "auth_token" => "IAdkoa0@()1239uA" } service.auth_token # => "IAdkoa0@()1239uA" ``` #### Prexify method name - `prefix:` - prexifies setting access method name with custom prefix; ```ruby class ServiceObject include Qonfig::Imports import_settings(AppConfig, 'web_api.credentials.account', mappings: { secret_token: 'web_api.credentials.account.auth_token' }, prefix: 'config_' ) end service = ServiceObject.new service.config_account # => { login" => "D@iVeR", "auth_token" => "IAdkoa0@()1239uA" } service.config_secret_token # => "IAdkoa0@()1239uA" ``` #### Support for predicate-like methods - generated methods can be used as predicates (with trailing `?` symbol); ```ruby class ServiceObject include Qonfig::Imports import_settings(AppConfig, 'web_api.credentials.account', mappings: { secret_token: 'web_api.credentials.account.auth_token' }, ) end service = ServiceObject.new service.account? # => true service.secret_token? # => true ``` #### Import nested settings as raw Qonfig::Settings objects - `raw: false` is used by default (hashify nested settings) ```ruby # NOTE: import nested settings as raw objects (raw: true) class ServiceObject include Qonfig::Imports import_settings(AppConfig, 'web_api.credentials', raw: true) end service = ServiceObject.new service.credentials # => service.credentials.account.login # => "D@iVeR" service.credentials.account.auth_token # => "IAdkoa0@()1239uA" ``` ```ruby # NOTE: import nested settings as converted-to-hash objects (raw: false) (default behavior) class ServiceObject include Qonfig::Imports import_settings(AppConfig, 'web_api.credentials', raw: false) end service = ServiceObject.new service.credentials # => { "account" => { "login" => "D@iVeR", "auth_token" => "IAdkoa0@()1239uA"} } ``` #### Import with pattern-matching - import root keys only: `import_settings(config_object, '*')`; - import all keys: `import_settings(config_object, '#')`; - import the subset of keys: `import_settings(config_object, 'group.*.group.#')` (pattern-mathcing usage); ```ruby class ServiceObject include Qonfig::Imports # import all settings from web_api.credentials subset import_settings(AppConfig, 'web_api.credentials.#') # generated instance methods: # => service.account # => service.login # => service.auth_token # import only the root keys from web_api.credentials.account subset import_settings(AppConfig, 'web_api.credentials.account.*') # generated instance methods: # => service.login # => service.auth_token # import only the root keys import_settings(AppConfig, '*') # generated instance methods: # => service.web_api # => service.graphql_api # import ALL keys import_settings(AppConfig, '#') # generated instance methods: # => service.web_api # => service.credentials # => service.account # => service.login # => service.auth_token # => service.graphql_api end ``` --- ### Export config settings - works in `.import_settings` manner [doc](#import-config-settings) (see examples and documentation above `:)`) - all config objects can export their settings to an arbitrary object as singleton methods; - (**IMPORTANT**) `export_settings` exports config settings as access methods to config's settings (creates `attr_reader`s for your config); - generated methods can be used as predicates (with trailing `?` symbol); - you can generate `attr_accessor`s by specifying `accessor: true` option (be careful: you can get `Qonfig::AmbiguousSettingValueError` when you try to assign a value to config option which have nested settings); - signature: `#export_settings(exportable_object, *setting_keys, mappings: {}, prefix: '', raw: false)`: - `exportable_object` - an arbitrary object for exporting; - `*setting_keys` - an array of dot-notaed config's setting keys that should be exported (dot-notaed key is a key that describes each part of nested setting key as a string separated by `dot`-symbol); - last part of dot-notated key will become a name of the setting access instance method; - `mappings:` - a map of keys that describes custom method names for each exported setting; - `prefix:` - prexifies setting access method name with custom prefix; - `raw:` - use nested settings as objects or hashify them (`false` by default (means "hashify nested settings")); - `accessor:` - generate `attr_accessor` for imported config settigns (`false` by default (means "generate `attr_reader`s only")); ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :web_api do setting :credentials do setting :account do setting :login, 'DaiveR' setting :auth_token, 'IAdkoa0@()1239uA' end end end setting :graphql_api, false end class ServiceObject; end config = Config.new service = ServiceObject.new service.config_account # => NoMethodError ``` ```ruby # NOTE: export settings as access methods to config's settings config.export_settings(service, 'web_api.credentials.account', prefix: 'config_') service.config_account # => { "login" => "D@iVeR", "auth_token" => "IAdkoa0@()1239uA" } ``` ```ruby # NOTE: export settings with pattern matching config.export_settings(service, '*') # export root settings service.web_api # => { 'credentials' => { 'account' => { ... } }, 'graphql_api' => false } service.graphql_api # => false ``` ```ruby # NOTE: predicates config.export_settings(service, '*') config.web_api? # => true config.graphql_api? # => false ``` --- ## Validation - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Key Search Pattern](#key-search-pattern) - [Proc-based validation](#proc-based-validation) - [Method-based validation](#method-based-validation) - [Predefined validations](#predefined-validations) - [Custom predefined validators](#custom-predefined-validators) - [Validation of potential setting values](#validation-of-potential-setting-values) --- ### Introduction Qonfig provides a lightweight DSL for defining validations and works in all cases when setting values are initialized or mutated. Settings are validated as keys (matched with a [specific string pattern](#key-search-pattern)). You can validate both a set of keys and each key separately. If you want to check the config object completely you can define a custom validation. **Features**: - validation is invoked on any mutation of any setting: - during dataset instantiation; - when assigning new values; - when calling `#reload!`; - when calling `#clear!`; - provides `strict` and `non-strict` behavior (`strict: true` and `strict: false` respectively): - `strict: false` ignores validations for settings with `nil` (allows `nil` value); - `strict: true` does not ignores validations for settings with `nil`; - `strict: false` is used by default; - provides a special [key search pattern](#key-search-pattern) for matching setting key names; - you can validate potential setting values without any assignment ([documentation](#validation-of-potential-setting-values)) - uses the [key search pattern](#key-search-pattern) for definging what the setting key should be validated; - you can define your own custom validation logic and validate dataset instance completely; - validation logic should return **truthy** or **falsy** value; - supprots two validation techniques (**proc-based** ([documentation](#proc-based-validation)) and **dataset-method-based** ([documentation](#method-based-validation))): - **proc-based** (`setting validation`) ([documentation](#proc-based-validation)) ```ruby validate('db.user', strict: true) do |value| value.is_a?(String) end ``` - **proc-based** (`dataset validation`) ([doc](#proc-based-validation)) ```ruby validate(strict: false) do settings.user == User[1] end ``` - **dataset-method-based** (`setting validation`) ([documentation](#method-based-validation)) ```ruby validate 'db.user', by: :check_user, strict: true def check_user(value) value.is_a?(String) end ``` - **dataset-method-based** (`dataset validation`) ([documentation](#method-based-validation)) ```ruby validate by: :check_config, strict: false def check_config settings.user == User[1] end ``` - provides a **set of standard validations** ([documentation](#predefined-validations)): - DSL: `validate 'key.pattern', :predefned_validator`; - supports `strict` behavior; - you can define your own predefined validators (class-related and global-related) ([documentation](#custom-predefined-validators)); --- ### Key search pattern **Key search pattern** works according to the following rules: - works in `RabbitMQ`-like key pattern ruleses; - has a string format; - nested configs are defined by a set of keys separated by `.`-symbol; - if the setting key name at the current nesting level does not matter - use `*`; - if both the setting key name and nesting level does not matter - use `#` - examples: - `db.settings.user` - matches to `db.settings.user` setting; - `db.settings.*` - matches to all setting keys inside `db.settings` group of settings; - `db.*.user` - matches to all `user` setting keys at the first level of `db` group of settings; - `#.user` - matches to all `user` setting keys; - `service.#.password` - matches to all `password` setting keys at all levels of `service` group of settings; - `#` - matches to ALL setting keys; - `*` - matches to all setting keys at the root level; - and etc; --- ### Proc-based validation - your proc should return truthy value or falsy value; - `nil` values are ignored by default; - set `strict: true` to disable `nil` ignorance (`strict: false` is used by default); - how to validate setting keys: - define proc with attribute: `validate 'your.setting.path' do |value|; end` - proc will receive setting value; - how to validate dataset instance: - define proc without setting key pattern: `validate do; end`; ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :db do setting :user, 'D@iVeR' setting :password, 'test123' end setting :service do setting :address, 'google.ru' setting :protocol, 'https' setting :creds do seting :admin, 'D@iVeR' end end setting :enabled, false setting :token, '1a2a3a', strict: true # validates: # - db.password validate 'db.password' do |value| value.is_a?(String) end # validates: # - service.address # - service.protocol # - service.creds.user validate 'service.#' do |value| value.is_a?(String) end # validates: # - dataset instance validate do # NOTE: no setting key pattern settings.enabled == false end # do not ignore `nil` (strict: true) validate(:token, strict: true) do value.is_a?(String) end end config = Config.new config.settings.db.password = 123 # => Qonfig::ValidationError (should be a string) config.settings.service.address = 123 # => Qonfig::ValidationError (should be a string) config.settings.service.protocol = :http # => Qonfig::ValidationError (should be a string) config.settings.service.creds.admin = :billikota # => Qonfig::ValidationError (should be a string) config.settings.enabled = true # => Qonfig::ValidationError (isnt `true`) config.settings.db.password = nil # ok, nil is ignored (non-strict behavior) config.settings.token = nil # => Qonfig::ValidationError (nil is not ignored, strict behavior) (should be a type of string) ``` --- ### Method-based validation - method should return truthy value or falsy value; - `nil` values are ignored by default; - set `strict: true` to disable `nil` ignorance (`strict: false` is used by default); - how to validate setting keys: - define validation: `validate 'db.*.user', by: :your_custom_method`; - define your method with attribute: `def your_custom_method(setting_value); end` - how to validate config instance - define validation: `validate by: :your_custom_method` - define your method without attributes: `def your_custom_method; end` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :services do setting :counts do setting :google, 2 setting :rambler, 3 end setting :minimals do setting :google, 1 setting :rambler, 0 end end setting :enabled, true setting :timeout, 12345, strict: true # validates: # - services.counts.google # - services.counts.rambler # - services.minimals.google # - services.minimals.rambler validate 'services.#', by: :check_presence # validates: # - dataset instance validate by: :check_state # NOTE: no setting key pattern # do not ignore `nil` (strict: true) validate :timeout, strict: true, by: :check_timeout def check_presence(value) value.is_a?(Numeric) && value > 0 end def check_state settings.enabled.is_a?(TrueClass) || settings.enabled.is_a?(FalseClass) end def check_timeout(value) value.is_a?(Numeric) end end config = Config.new config.settings.counts.google = 0 # => Qonfig::ValidationError (< 0) config.settings.minimals.google = -1 # => Qonfig::ValidationError (< 0) config.settings.minimals.rambler = 'no' # => Qonfig::ValidationError (should be a numeric) config.settings.counts.rambler = nil # ok, nil is ignored (default non-strict behavior) config.settings.enabled = nil # ok, nil is ignored (default non-strict behavior) config.settings.timeout = nil # => Qonfig::ValidationError (nil is not ignored, strict behavior) (should be a type of numeric) ``` --- ### Predefined validations - DSL: `validate 'key.pattern', :predefned_validator` - `nil` values are ignored by default; - set `strict: true` to disable `nil` ignorance (`strict: false` is used by default); - predefined validators: - `:not_nil` - `:integer` - `:float` - `:numeric` - `:big_decimal` - `:array` - `:hash` - `:string` - `:symbol` - `:text` (`string` or `symbol`) - `:boolean` - `:class` - `:module` - `:proc` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :user, 'empty' setting :password, 'empty' setting :service do setting :provider, :empty setting :protocol, :empty setting :on_fail, -> { puts 'atata!' } end setting :ignorance, false validate 'user', :string validate 'password', :string validate 'service.provider', :text validate 'service.protocol', :text validate 'service.on_fail', :proc validate 'ignorance', :not_nil end config = Config.new do |conf| conf.user = 'D@iVeR' conf.password = 'test123' conf.service.provider = :google conf.service.protocol = :https end # NOTE: all right :) config.settings.ignorance = nil # => Qonfig::ValidationError (cant be nil) ``` --- ### Custom predefined validators - DSL: `.define_validator(name, &validation) { |value| ... }` - create your own predefined validator; - **class-level**: define validators related only to the concrete config class; - **global-level**: define validators related to all config classes (`Qonfig::DataSet.define_validator`); - you can re-define any global and inherited validator (at class level); - you can re-define any already registered global validator on `Qonfig::DataSet` (at global-level); #### Define your own class-level validator ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet # NOTE: definition define_validator(:user_type) { |value| value.is_a?(User) } setting :admin # some key # NOTE: usage validate :admin, :user_type end ``` #### Define new global validator ```ruby Qonfig::DataSet.define_validator(:secured_value) do |value| value == '***' end class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :password validate :password, :secured_value end ``` #### Re-definition of existing validators in child classes ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet # NOTE: redefine existing :text validator only in Config class define_validator(:text) { |value| value.is_a?(String) } # NOTE: some custom validator that can be redefined in child classes define_validator(:user) { |value| value.is_a?(User) } end class SubConfig < Qonfig define_validator(:user) { |value| value.is_a?(AdminUser) } # NOTE: redefine inherited :user validator end ``` #### Re-definition of existing global validators ```ruby # NOTE: redefine already existing :numeric validator Qonfig::DataSet.define_validator(:numeric) do |value| value.is_a?(Numeric) || (value.is_a?(String) && value.match?(/\A\d+\.*\d+\z/)) end ``` --- ### Validation of potential setting values - (**instance-level**) `#valid_with?(setting_values = {}, &configuration)` - check that current config instalce will be valid with passed configurations; - (**class-level**) `.valid_with?(setting_values = {}, &configuration)` - check that potential config instancess will be valid with passed configurations; - makes no assignments; #### #valid_with? (instance-level) ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :enabled, false setting :queue do setting :adapter, 'sidekiq' end validate :enabled, :boolean validate 'queue.adapter', :string end config = Config.new config.valid_with?(enabled: true, queue: { adapter: 'que' }) # => true config.valid_with?(enabled: 123) # => false (should be a type of boolean) config.valid_with?(enabled: true, queue: { adapter: Sidekiq }) # => false (queue.adapter should be a type of string) # do-config notation is supported too config.valid_with?(enabled: true) do |conf| conf.queue.adapter = :sidekiq end # => false (queue.adapter should be a type of string) ``` #### .valid_with? (class-level) ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :enabled, false setting :queue do setting :adapter, 'sidekiq' end validate :enabled, :boolean validate 'queue.adapter', :string end Config.valid_with?(enabled: true, queue: { adapter: 'que' }) # => true Config.valid_with?(enabled: 123) # => false (should be a type of boolean) Config.valid_with?(enabled: true, queue: { adapter: Sidekiq }) # => false (queue.adapter should be a type of string) # do-config notation is supported too Config.valid_with?(enabled: true) do |config| config.queue.adapter = :sidekiq end # => false (queue.adapter should be a type of string) ``` --- ## Work with files - **Setting keys definition** - [Load from YAML file](#load-from-yaml-file) - [Expose YAML](#expose-yaml) (`Rails`-like environment-based YAML configs) - [Load from JSON file](#load-from-json-file) - [Expose JSON](#expose-json) (`Rails`-like environment-based JSON configs) - [Load from ENV](#load-from-env) - [Load from \_\_END\_\_](#load-from-__end__) (aka `load_from_self`) - [Expose \_\_END\_\_](#expose-__end__) (aka `expose_self`) - **Setting values** - [Default setting values file](#default-setting-values-file) - [Load setting values from YAML file](#load-setting-values-from-yaml-file-by-instance) - [Load setting values from JSON file](#load-setting-values-from-json-file-by-instance) - [Load setting values from \_\_END\_\_](#load-setting-values-from-__end__-by-instance) - [Load setting values from file manually](#load-setting-values-from-file-manually-by-instance) - **Daily work** - [Save to JSON file](#save-to-json-file) (`save_to_json`) - [Save to YAML file](#save-to-yaml-file) (`save_to_yaml`) --- ### Load from YAML file - supports `ERB`; - `:strict` mode (fail behaviour when the required yaml file doesnt exist): - `true` (by default) - causes `Qonfig::FileNotFoundError`; - `false` - do nothing, ignore current command; ```yaml # travis.yml sudo: false language: ruby rvm: - ruby-head - jruby-head ``` ```yaml # project.yml enable_api: false Sidekiq/Scheduler: enable: true ``` ```yaml # ruby_data.yml version: <%= RUBY_VERSION %> platform: <%= RUBY_PLATFORM %> ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :ruby do load_from_yaml 'ruby_data.yml' end setting :travis do load_from_yaml 'travis.yml' end load_from_yaml 'project.yml' end config = Config.new config.settings.travis.sudo # => false config.settings.travis.language # => 'ruby' config.settings.travis.rvm # => ['ruby-head', 'jruby-head'] config.settings.enable_api # => false config.settings['Sidekiq/Scheduler']['enable'] #=> true config.settings.ruby.version # => '2.5.1' config.settings.ruby.platform # => 'x86_64-darwin17' ``` ```ruby # --- strict mode --- class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :nonexistent_yaml do load_from_yaml 'nonexistent_yaml.yml', strict: true # true by default end setting :another_key end Config.new # => Qonfig::FileNotFoundError # --- non-strict mode --- class Config < Qonfig::DataSet settings :nonexistent_yaml do load_from_yaml 'nonexistent_yaml.yml', strict: false end setting :another_key end Config.new.to_h # => { "nonexistent_yaml" => {}, "another_key" => nil } ``` --- ### Expose YAML - load configurations from YAML file in Rails-like manner (with environments); - works in `load_from_yaml` manner; - `via:` - how an environment will be determined: - `:file_name` - load configuration from YAML file that have an `:env` part in it's name; - `:env_key` - load configuration from YAML file; - concrete configuration should be defined in the root key with `:env` name; - `env:` - your environment name (must be a type of `String`, `Symbol` or `Numeric`); - `strict:` - requires the existence of the file and/or key with the name of the used environment: - `true`: - file should exist; - root key with `:env` name should exist (if `via: :env_key` is used); - raises `Qonfig::ExposeError` if file does not contain the required env key (if `via: :env` key is used); - raises `Qonfig::FileNotFoundError` if the required file does not exist; - `false`: - file is not required; - root key with `:env` name is not required (if `via: :env_key` is used); #### Environment is defined as a root key of YAML file ```yaml # config/project.yml default: &default enable_api_mode: true google_key: 12345 window: width: 100 height: 100 development: <<: *default test: <<: *default sidekiq_instrumentation: false staging: <<: *default google_key: 777 enable_api_mode: false production: google_key: asd1-39sd-55aI-O92x enable_api_mode: true window: width: 50 height: 150 ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet expose_yaml 'config/project.yml', via: :env_key, env: :production # load from production env # NOTE: in rails-like application you can use this: expose_yaml 'config/project.yml', via: :env_key, env: Rails.env end config = Config.new config.settings.enable_api_mode # => true (from :production subset of keys) config.settings.google_key # => asd1-39sd-55aI-O92x (from :production subset of keys) config.settings.window.width # => 50 (from :production subset of keys) config.settings.window.height # => 150 (from :production subset of keys) ``` #### Environment is defined as a part of YAML file name ```yaml # config/sidekiq.staging.yml web: username: staging_admin password: staging_password ``` ```yaml # config/sidekiq.production.yml web: username: urj1o2 password: u192jd0ixz0 ``` ```ruby class SidekiqConfig < Qonfig::DataSet # NOTE: file name should be described WITHOUT environment part (in file name attribute) expose_yaml 'config/sidekiq.yml', via: :file_name, env: :staging # load from staging env # NOTE: in rails-like application you can use this: expose_yaml 'config/sidekiq.yml', via: :file_name, env: Rails.env end config = SidekiqConfig.new config.settings.web.username # => staging_admin (from sidekiq.staging.yml) config.settings.web.password # => staging_password (from sidekiq.staging.yml) ``` --- ### Load from JSON file - `:strict` mode (fail behaviour when the required yaml file doesnt exist): - `true` (by default) - causes `Qonfig::FileNotFoundError`; - `false` - do nothing, ignore current command; ```json // options.json { "user": "0exp", "password": 12345, "rubySettings": { "allowedVersions": ["2.3", "2.4.2", "1.9.8"], "gitLink": null, "withAdditionals": false } } ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet load_from_json 'options.json' end config = Config.new config.settings.user # => '0exp' config.settings.password # => 12345 config.settings.rubySettings.allowedVersions # => ['2.3', '2.4.2', '1.9.8'] config.settings.rubySettings.gitLink # => nil config.settings.rubySettings.withAdditionals # => false ``` ```ruby # --- strict mode --- class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :nonexistent_json do load_from_json 'nonexistent_json.json', strict: true # true by default end setting :another_key end Config.new # => Qonfig::FileNotFoundError # --- non-strict mode --- class Config < Qonfig::DataSet settings :nonexistent_json do load_from_json 'nonexistent_json.json', strict: false end setting :another_key end Config.new.to_h # => { "nonexistent_json" => {}, "another_key" => nil } ``` --- ### Expose JSON - load configurations from JSON file in Rails-like manner (with environments); - works in `load_from_jsom`/`expose_yaml` manner; - `via:` - how an environment will be determined: - `:file_name` - load configuration from JSON file that have an `:env` part in it's name; - `:env_key` - load configuration from JSON file; - concrete configuration should be defined in the root key with `:env` name; - `env:` - your environment name (must be a type of `String`, `Symbol` or `Numeric`); - `strict:` - requires the existence of the file and/or key with the name of the used environment: - `true`: - file should exist; - root key with `:env` name should exist (if `via: :env_key` is used); - raises `Qonfig::ExposeError` if file does not contain the required env key (if `via: :env` key is used); - raises `Qonfig::FileNotFoundError` if the required file does not exist; - `false`: - file is not required; - root key with `:env` name is not required (if `via: :env_key` is used); #### Environment is defined as a root key of JSON file ```json // config/project.json { "development": { "api_mode_enabled": true, "logging": false, "db_driver": "sequel", "throttle_requests": false, "credentials": {} }, "test": { "api_mode_enabled": true, "logging": false, "db_driver": "in_memory", "throttle_requests": false, "credentials": {} }, "staging": { "api_mode_enabled": true, "logging": true, "db_driver": "active_record", "throttle_requests": true, "credentials": {} }, "production": { "api_mode_enabled": true, "logging": true, "db_driver": "rom", "throttle_requests": true, "credentials": {} } } ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet expose_json 'config/project.json', via: :env_key, env: :production # load from production env # NOTE: in rails-like application you can use this: expose_json 'config/project.json', via: :env_key, env: Rails.env end config = Config.new config.settings.api_mode_enabled # => true (from :production subset of keys) config.settings.logging # => true (from :production subset of keys) config.settings.db_driver # => "rom" (from :production subset of keys) config.settings.throttle_requests # => true (from :production subset of keys) config.settings.credentials # => {} (from :production subset of keys) ``` #### Environment is defined as a part of JSON file name ```json // config/sidekiq.staging.json { "web": { "username": "staging_admin", "password": "staging_password" } } ``` ```json // config/sidekiq.production.json { "web": { "username": "urj1o2", "password": "u192jd0ixz0" } } ``` ```ruby class SidekiqConfig < Qonfig::DataSet # NOTE: file name should be described WITHOUT environment part (in file name attribute) expose_json 'config/sidekiq.json', via: :file_name, env: :staging # load from staging env # NOTE: in rails-like application you can use this: expose_json 'config/sidekiq.json', via: :file_name, env: Rails.env end config = SidekiqConfig.new config.settings.web.username # => "staging_admin" (from sidekiq.staging.json) config.settings.web.password # => "staging_password" (from sidekiq.staging.json) ``` --- ### Load from ENV - `:convert_values` (`false` by default): - `'t'`, `'T'`, `'true'`, `'TRUE'` - covnerts to `true`; - `'f'`, `'F'`, `'false'`, `'FALSE'` - covnerts to `false`; - `1`, `23` and etc - converts to `Integer`; - `1.25`, `0.26` and etc - converts to `Float`; - `1, 2, test`, `FALSE,Qonfig` (strings without quotes that contains at least one comma) - converts to `Array` with recursively converted values; - `'"please, test"'`, `"'test, please'"` (quoted strings) - converts to `String` without quotes; - `:prefix` - load ENV variables which names starts with a prefix: - `nil` (by default) - empty prefix; - `Regexp` - names that match the regexp pattern; - `String` - names which starts with a passed string; - `:trim_prefix` (`false` by default); ```ruby # some env variables ENV['QONFIG_BOOLEAN'] = 'true' ENV['QONFIG_INTEGER'] = '0' ENV['QONFIG_STRING'] = 'none' ENV['QONFIG_ARRAY'] = '1, 2.5, t, f, TEST' ENV['QONFIG_MESSAGE'] = '"Hello, Qonfig!"' ENV['RUN_CI'] = '1' class Config < Qonfig::DataSet # nested setting :qonfig do load_from_env convert_values: true, prefix: 'QONFIG' # or /\Aqonfig.*\z/i end setting :trimmed do load_from_env convert_values: true, prefix: 'QONFIG_', trim_prefix: true # trim prefix end # on the root load_from_env end config = Config.new # customized config.settings['qonfig']['QONFIG_BOOLEAN'] # => true ('true' => true) config.settings['qonfig']['QONFIG_INTEGER'] # => 0 ('0' => 0) config.settings['qonfig']['QONFIG_STRING'] # => 'none' config.settings['qonfig']['QONFIG_ARRAY'] # => [1, 2.5, true, false, 'TEST'] config.settings['qonfig']['QONFIG_MESSAGE'] # => 'Hello, Qonfig!' config.settings['qonfig']['RUN_CI'] # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # trimmed (and customized) config.settings['trimmed']['BOOLEAN'] # => true ('true' => true) config.settings['trimmed']['INTEGER'] # => 0 ('0' => 0) config.settings['trimmed']['STRING'] # => 'none' config.settings['trimmed']['ARRAY'] # => [1, 2.5, true, false, 'TEST'] config.settings['trimmed']['MESSAGE'] # => 'Hello, Qonfig!' config.settings['trimmed']['RUN_CI'] # => Qonfig::UnknownSettingError # default config.settings['QONFIG_BOOLEAN'] # => 'true' config.settings['QONFIG_INTEGER'] # => '0' config.settings['QONFIG_STRING'] # => 'none' config.settings['QONFIG_ARRAY'] # => '1, 2.5, t, f, TEST' config.settings['QONFIG_MESSAGE'] # => '"Hello, Qonfig!"' config.settings['RUN_CI'] # => '1' ``` --- ### Load from \_\_END\_\_ - aka `load_from_self` - `:format` - specify the format of data placed under the `__END__` instruction: - `format: :dynamic` (default) - automatic format resolvation; - `format: :yaml` - **YAML** format; - `format: :json` - **JSON** format; - `format: :toml` - **TOML** format (via `toml`-plugin); ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet load_from_self # on the root (:dynamic format is used by default) setting :nested do load_from_self, format: :yaml # with explicitly identified YAML format end end config = Config.new # on the root config.settings.ruby_version # => '2.5.1' config.settings.secret_key # => 'top-mega-secret' config.settings.api_host # => 'super.puper-google.com' config.settings.connection_timeout.seconds # => 10 config.settings.connection_timeout.enabled # => false # nested config.settings.nested.ruby_version # => '2.5.1' config.settings.nested.secret_key # => 'top-mega-secret' config.settings.nested.api_host # => 'super.puper-google.com' config.settings.nested.connection_timeout.seconds # => 10 config.settings.nested.connection_timeout.enabled # => false __END__ ruby_version: <%= RUBY_VERSION %> secret_key: top-mega-secret api_host: super.puper-google.com connection_timeout: seconds: 10 enabled: false ``` --- ### Expose \_\_END\_\_ - aka `expose_self`; - works in `expose_json` and `expose_yaml` manner, but with `__END__` instruction of the current file; - `env:` - your environment name (must be a type of `String`, `Symbol` or `Numeric`); - `:format` - specify the format of data placed under the `__END__` instruction: - `format: :dynamic` (default) - automatic format resolvation; - `format: :yaml` - **YAML** format; - `format: :json` - **JSON** format; - `format: :toml` - **TOML** format (via `toml`-plugin); ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet expose_self env: :production, format: :yaml # with explicitly identified YAML format # NOTE: for Rails-like applications you can use this: expose_self env: Rails.env end config = Config.new config.settings.log # => true (from :production environment) config.settings.api_enabled # => true (from :production environment) config.settings.creds.user # => "D@iVeR" (from :production environment) config.settings.creds.password # => "test123" (from :production environment) __END__ default: &default log: false api_enabled: true creds: user: admin password: 1234 development: <<: *default log: true test: <<: *default log: false staging: <<: *default production: <<: *default log: true creds: user: D@iVeR password: test123 ``` --- ### Default setting values file - defines a file that should be used for setting values initialization for your config object; - `.values_file(file_path, format: :dynamic, strict: false, expose: nil)` - `file_path` - full file path or `:self` (`:self` menas "load setting values from __END__ data"); - `:format` - defines the format of file (`:dynamic` means "try to automatically infer the file format") (`:dynamic` by default); - supports `:yaml`, `:json`, `:toml` (via `Qonfig.plugin(:toml)`), `:dynamic` (automatic format detection); - `:strict` - rerquires that file (or __END__-data) should exist (`false` by default); - `:expose` - what the environment-based subset of keys should be used (`nil` means "do not use any subset of keys") (`nil` by default); - extra keys that does not exist in your config will cause an exception `Qonfig::SettingNotFound` respectively; - initial values will be rewritten by values defined in your file; #### Default behavior ```yaml # sidekiq.yml adapter: sidekiq options: processes: 10 ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet values_file 'sidekiq.yml', format: :yaml setting :adapter, 'que' setting :options do setting :processes, 2 setting :threads, 5 setting :protected, false end end config = Config.new config.settings.adapter # => "sidekiq" (from sidekiq.yml) config.settings.options.processes # => 10 (from sidekiq.yml) config.settings.options.threads # => 5 (original value) config.settings.options.protected # => false (original value) ``` #### Load values from \_\_END\_\_-data ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet values_file :self, format: :yaml setting :user setting :password setting :enabled, true end config = Config.new config.settings.user # => "D@iVeR" (from __END__ data) config.settings.password # => "test123" (from __END__ data) config.settings.enabled # => true (original value) __END__ user: 'D@iVeR' password: 'test123' ``` #### Setting values with environment separation ```yaml # sidekiq.yml development: adapter: :in_memory options: threads: 10 production: adapter: :sidekiq options: threads: 150 ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet values_file 'sidekiq.yml', format: :yaml, expose: :development setting :adapter setting :options do setting :threads end end config = Config.new config.settings.adapter # => 'in_memory' (development keys subset) config.settings.options.threads # => 10 (development keys subset) ``` #### File does not exist ```ruby # non-strict behavior (default) class Config < Qonfig::DataSet values_file 'sidekiq.yml' end config = Config.new # no error # strict behavior (strict: true) class Config < Qonfig::DataSet values_file 'sidekiq.yml', strict: true end config = Config.new # => Qonfig::FileNotFoundError ``` --- ### Load setting values from YAML file (by instance) - prvoides an ability to load predefined setting values from a yaml file; - `#load_from_yaml(file_path, strict: true, expose: nil, &configurations)` - `file_path` - full file path or `:self` (`:self` means "load setting values from __END__ data"); - `:strict` - rerquires that file (or __END__-data) should exist (`true` by default); - `:expose` - what the environment-based subset of keys should be used (`nil` means "do not use any subset of keys") (`nil` by default); - `&configurations` - `do |config|` ability :) #### Default behavior ```yaml # config.yml domain: google.ru creds: auth_token: test123 ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet seting :domain, 'test.com' setting :creds do setting :auth_token, 'test' end end config = Config.new config.settings.domain # => "test.com" config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "test" # load new values config.load_from_yaml('config.yml') config.settings.domain # => "google.ru" (from config.yml) config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "test123" (from config.yml) ``` #### Load from \_\_END\_\_ ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet seting :domain, 'test.com' setting :creds do setting :auth_token, 'test' end end config = Config.new config.settings.domain # => "test.com" config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "test" # load new values config.load_from_yaml(:self) config.settings.domain # => "yandex.ru" (from __END__-data) config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "CK0sIdA" (from __END__-data) __END__ domain: yandex.ru creds: auth_token: CK0sIdA ``` #### Setting values with environment separation ```yaml # config.yml development: domain: dev.google.ru creds: auth_token: kekpek production: domain: google.ru creds: auth_token: Asod1 ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :domain, 'test.com' setting :creds do setting :auth_token end end config = Config.new # load new values (expose development settings) config.load_from_yaml('config.yml', expose: :development) config.settings.domain # => "dev.google.ru" (from config.yml) config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "kek.pek" (from config.yml) ``` --- ### Load setting values from JSON file (by instance) - prvoides an ability to load predefined setting values from a json file; - `#load_from_json(file_path, strict: true, expose: nil, &configurations)` - `file_path` - full file path or `:self` (`:self` means "load setting values from __END__ data"); - `:strict` - rerquires that file (or __END__-data) should exist (`true` by default); - `:expose` - what the environment-based subset of keys should be used (`nil` means "do not use any subset of keys") (`nil` by default); - `&configurations` - `do |config|` ability :) #### Default behavior ```json // config.json { "domain": "google.ru", "creds": { "auth_token": "test123" } } ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet seting :domain, 'test.com' setting :creds do setting :auth_token, 'test' end end config = Config.new config.settings.domain # => "test.com" config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "test" # load new values config.load_from_json('config.json') config.settings.domain # => "google.ru" (from config.json) config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "test123" (from config.json) ``` #### Load from \_\_END\_\_ ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet seting :domain, 'test.com' setting :creds do setting :auth_token, 'test' end end config = Config.new config.settings.domain # => "test.com" config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "test" # load new values config.load_from_json(:self) config.settings.domain # => "yandex.ru" (from __END__-data) config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "CK0sIdA" (from __END__-data) __END__ { "domain": "yandex.ru", "creds": { "auth_token": "CK0sIdA" } } ``` #### Setting values with environment separation ```json // config.json { "development": { "domain": "dev.google.ru", "creds": { "auth_token": "kekpek" } }, "production": { "domain": "google.ru", "creds": { "auth_token": "Asod1" } } } ``` ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :domain, 'test.com' setting :creds do setting :auth_token end end config = Config.new # load new values (from development subset) config.load_from_json('config.json', expose: :development) config.settings.domain # => "dev.google.ru" (from config.json) config.settings.creds.auth_token # => "kek.pek" (from config.json) ``` --- ### Load setting values from \_\_END\_\_ (by instance) - prvoides an ability to load predefined setting values from `__END__` file section; - `#load_from_self(strict: true, expose: nil, &configurations)` - `:format` - defines the format of file (`:dynamic` means "try to automatically infer the file format") (`:dynamic` by default); - supports `:yaml`, `:json`, `:toml` (via `Qonfig.plugin(:toml)`), `:dynamic` (automatic format detection); - `:strict` - requires that __END__-data should exist (`true` by default); - `:expose` - what the environment-based subset of keys should be used (`nil` means "do not use any subset of keys") (`nil` by default); - `&configurations` - `do |config|` ability :) #### Default behavior ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :account, 'test' setting :options do setting :login, '0exp' setting :password, 'test123' end end config = Config.new config.settings.account # => "test" (original value) config.settings.options.login # => "0exp" (original value) config.settings.options.password # => "test123" (original value) # load new values config.load_from_self(format: :yaml) # or config.load_from_self config.settings.account # => "real" (from __END__-data) config.settings.options.login # => "D@iVeR" (from __END__-data) config.settings.options.password # => "azaza123" (from __END__-data) __END__ account: real options: login: D@iVeR password: azaza123 ``` #### Setting values with envvironment separation ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :domain, 'test.google.ru' setting :options do setting :login, 'test' setting :password, 'test123' end end config = Config.new config.settings.domain # => "test.google.ru" (original value) config.settings.options.login # => "test" (original value) config.settings.options.password # => "test123" (original value) # load new values config.load_from_self(format: :json, expose: :production) # or config.load_from_self(expose: production) config.settings.domain # => "prod.google.ru" (from __END__-data) config.settings.options.login # => "prod" (from __END__-data) config.settings.options.password # => "prod123" (from __END__-data) __END__ { "development": { "domain": "dev.google.ru", "options": { "login": "dev", "password": "dev123" } }, "production": { "domain": "prod.google.ru", "options": { "login": "prod", "password": "prod123" } } } ``` --- ### Load setting values from file manually (by instance) - prvoides an ability to load predefined setting values from a file; - works in instance-based `#load_from_yaml` / `#load_from_json` / `#load_from_self` manner; - signature: `#load_from_file(file_path, format: :dynamic, strict: true, expose: nil, &configurations)`: - `file_path` - full file path or `:self` (`:self` means "load setting values from __END__ data"); - `:format` - defines the format of file (`:dynamic` means "try to automatically infer the file format") (`:dynamic` by default); - supports `:yaml`, `:json`, `:toml` (via `Qonfig.plugin(:toml)`), `:dynamic` (automatic format detection); - `:strict` - rerquires that file (or __END__-data) should exist (`true` by default); - `:expose` - what the environment-based subset of keys should be used (`nil` means "do not use any subset of keys") (`nil` by default); - `&configurations` - `do |config|` ability :) - see examples for instance-based `#load_from_yaml` ([doc](#load-setting-values-from-yaml-by-instance)) / `#load_from_json` ([doc](#load-setting-values-from-json-by-instance)) / `#load_from_self` ([doc](#load-setting-values-from-__end__-by-instance)); --- ### Save to JSON file - `#save_to_json` - represents config object as a json structure and saves it to a file: - uses native `::JSON.generate` under the hood; - writes new file (or rewrites existing file); - attributes: - `:path` - (required) - file path; - `:options` - (optional) - native `::JSON.generate` options (from stdlib): - `:indent` - `" "` by default; - `:space` - `" "` by default/ - `:object_nl` - `"\n"` by default; - `&value_preprocessor` - (optional) - value pre-processor; #### Without value preprocessing (standard usage) ```ruby class AppConfig < Qonfig::DataSet setting :server do setting :address, 'localhost' setting :port, 12_345 end setting :enabled, true end config = AppConfig.new # NOTE: save to json file config.save_to_json(path: 'config.json') ``` ```json { "sentry": { "address": "localhost", "port": 12345 }, "enabled": true } ``` #### With value preprocessing and custom options ```ruby class AppConfig < Qonfig::DataSet setting :server do setting :address, 'localhost' setting :port, 12_345 end setting :enabled, true setting :dynamic, -> { 1 + 2 } end config = AppConfig.new # NOTE: save to json file with custom options (no spaces / no new line / no indent; call procs) config.save_to_json(path: 'config.json', options: { indent: '', space: '', object_nl: '' }) do |value| value.is_a?(Proc) ? value.call : value end ``` ```json // no spaces / no new line / no indent / calculated "dynamic" setting key {"sentry":{"address":"localhost","port":12345},"enabled":true,"dynamic":3} ``` --- ### Save to YAML file - `#save_to_yaml` - represents config object as a yaml structure and saves it to a file: - uses native `::Psych.dump` under the hood; - writes new file (or rewrites existing file); - attributes: - `:path` - (required) - file path; - `:options` - (optional) - native `::Psych.dump` options (from stdlib): - `:indentation` - `2` by default; - `:line_width` - `-1` by default; - `:canonical` - `false` by default; - `:header` - `false` by default; - `:symbolize_keys` - (non-native option) - `false` by default; - `&value_preprocessor` - (optional) - value pre-processor; #### Without value preprocessing (standard usage) ```ruby class AppConfig < Qonfig::DataSet setting :server do setting :address, 'localhost' setting :port, 12_345 end setting :enabled, true end config = AppConfig.new # NOTE: save to yaml file config.save_to_yaml(path: 'config.yml') ``` ```yaml --- server: address: localhost port: 12345 enabled: true ``` #### With value preprocessing and custom options ```ruby class AppConfig < Qonfig::DataSet setting :server do setting :address, 'localhost' setting :port, 12_345 end setting :enabled, true setting :dynamic, -> { 5 + 5 } end config = AppConfig.new # NOTE: save to yaml file with custom options (add yaml version header; call procs) config.save_to_yaml(path: 'config.yml', options: { header: true }) do |value| value.is_a?(Proc) ? value.call : value end ``` ```yaml # yaml version header / calculated "dynamic" setting key %YAML 1.1 --- server: address: localhost port: 12345 enabled: true dynamic: 10 ``` --- ### Plugins - [toml](#plugins-toml) (provides `load_from_toml`, `save_to_toml`, `expose_toml`); - [pretty_print](#plugins-pretty_print) (beautified/prettified console output); --- #### Usage - show available plugins: ```ruby Qonfig.plugins # => ["pretty_print", "toml", ..., ...] ``` - load specific plugin: ```ruby Qonfig.plugin(:pretty_print) # or Qonfig.plugin('pretty_print') # -- or -- Qonfig.enable(:pretty_print) # or Qonfig.enable('pretty_print') # -- or -- Qonfig.load(:pretty_print) # or Qonfig.load('pretty_print') ``` - show loaded plugins: ```ruby Qonfig.loaded_plugins # => ["pretty_print"] # -- or -- Qonfig.enabled_plugins # => ["pretty_print"] ``` --- ### Plugins: toml - `Qonfig.plugin(:toml)` - adds support for `toml` format ([specification](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml)); - depends on `toml-rb` gem ([link](https://github.com/emancu/toml-rb)) (tested on `>= 2.0`); - supports TOML `0.5.0` format (dependency lock) (`toml-rb >= 2.0`); - provides `.load_from_toml` (works in `.load_from_yaml` manner ([doc](#load-from-yaml-file))); - provides `.expose_toml` (works in `.expose_yaml` manner ([doc](#expose-yaml))); - provides `#save_to_toml` (works in `#save_to_yaml` manner ([doc](#save-to-yaml-file))) (`toml-rb` has no native options); - provides `format: :toml` for `.values_file` ([doc]()); - provides `#load_from_toml` (work in `#load_from_yaml` manner ([doc](#load-setting-values-from-yaml))); ```ruby # 1) require external dependency require 'toml-rb' # 2) enable plugin Qonfig.plugin(:toml) # 3) use toml :) ``` --- ### Plugins: pretty_print - `Qonfig.plugin(:pretty_print)` - gives you really comfortable and beautiful console output; - represents all setting keys in dot-notation format; #### Example: ```ruby class Config < Qonfig::DataSet setting :api do setting :domain, 'google.ru' setting :creds do setting :account, 'D@iVeR' setting :password, 'test123' end end setting :log_requests, true setting :use_proxy, true end config = Config.new ``` - before: ```shell => #, @arbitary_lock=#, @definition_lock=#>, @settings= #, @definition_lock=#, @merge_lock=#>, @__mutation_callbacks__= #], @lock=#>, @__options__= {"api"=> # # # -- or -- => # ``` --- ## Roadmap - **Major**: - support for Rails-like secrets; - support for persistent data storages (we want to store configs in multiple databases and files); - rails plugin; - support for pattern matching; - **Minor**: - An ability to flag `Qonfig::Configurable`'s config object as `compacted` (`Qonfig::Compacted`); - External validation class with an importing api for better custom validations; ## Build ```shell bin/rspec -w # test the core functionality and plugins bin/rspec -n # test only the core functionality ``` ## Contributing - Fork it ( https://github.com/0exp/qonfig/fork ) - Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature`) - Commit your changes (`git commit -am '[my-new-featre] Add some feature'`) - Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/my-new-feature`) - Create new Pull Request ## License Released under MIT License. ## Authors [Rustam Ibragimov](https://github.com/0exp)