CryptIdent Version History

0.2.1 (16 February 2018)

To commemorate The Valentine's Day Massacre, we've just re-discovered that Rack (the server protocol underlying all reasonably-modern Ruby Web frameworks) doesn't deal nicely with objects stored in session data (which is, by default, persisted in a cookie). If you assign, say, a Hanami::Entity-subclass instance to session[:current_user] (where session is Hanami's access to Rack::Session), when you later read from session[:current_user], you'll be handed back a Hash of the Entity's attributes. Entity semantics specify that any two instances of the same Entity class with the sasme attribute values refer to the same value of the Entity, not merely equal values, so converting back to an Entity is harmless. You just need to remember to do it and, as of 0.2.0, we didn't. That is fixed here, throughout the published API.

0.2.0 (2 February 2018)

Initial confident public (pre-)release.

Many bug-fixes; vastly improved documentation; better configuration; and integration tests (test/integration/*_test.rb) as the authoritative reference for usage, largely in conjunction with the API Documentation.

Beat on it as you will; feel free to open issues or join the discussion on Gitter.

This is far more likely to become 1.0.0.

0.1.0 (18 December 2018)

Initial public (pre-)release.

"Why isn't this 1.0.0?", you ask. Because nobody, including me, has yet put code using CryptIdent into production (internal or otherwise). Therefore, any problems encountered in doing so can be resolved prior to an official 1.0.0 release. After 1.0.0, semantic-versioning rules apply.