# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'operators' require_relative 'modifiers' module Wordlist # # List operator and modifier methods. # # @since 1.0.0 # module ListMethods # # @group Operators # # # Lazily enumerates over the first wordlist, then the second. # # @param [Enumerable] other # The other wordlist to concat. # # @return [Operators::Concat] # The lazily concatenated wordlists. # # @example # wordlist1 = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", "baz"] # wordlist2 = Wordlist::Words["abc", "xyz"] # (wordlist1 + wordlist2).each do |word| # puts word # end # # foo # # bar # # baz # # abc # # xyz # # @api public # def concat(other) Operators::Concat.new(self,other) end alias + concat # # Lazily enumerates over every word in the first wordlist, that is not in # the second wordlist. # # @param [Enumerable] other # The other wordlist to subtract. # # @return [Operators::Subtract] # The lazy subtraction of the two wordlists. # # @example # wordlist1 = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", baz", "qux"] # wordlist2 = Wordlist::Words["bar", "qux"] # (wordlist1 - wordlist2).each do |word| # puts word # end # # foo # # baz # # @api public # def subtract(other) Operators::Subtract.new(self,other) end alias - subtract # # Lazily enumerates over the combination of the words from two wordlists. # # @param [Enumerable] other # The other wordlist to combine with. # # @return [Operators::Product] # The lazy product of the two wordlists. # # @example # wordlist1 = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar"] # wordlist2 = Wordlist::Words["ABC", "XYZ"] # (wordlist1 * wordlist2).each do |word| # puts word # end # # fooABC # # fooXYZ # # barABC # # barXYZ # # @api public # def product(other) Operators::Product.new(self,other) end alias * product # # Lazily enumerates over every combination of words in the wordlist. # # @param [Integer] exponent # The number of times the wordlist will be combined with itself. # # @return [Operators::Power] # The lazy combination of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar"] # (wordlist ** 3).each do |word| # puts word # end # # foofoofoo # # foofoobar # # foobarfoo # # foobarbar # # barfoofoo # # barfoobar # # barbarfoo # # barbarbar # # @api public # def power(exponent) Operators::Power.new(self,exponent) end alias ** power # # Lazily enumerates over every word that belongs to both wordlists. # # @param [Enumerable] other # The other wordlist to intersect with. # # @return [Operators::Intersect] # The lazy intersection of the two wordlists. # # @example # wordlist1 = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"] # wordlist2 = Wordlist::Words["xyz", "bar", "abc", "qux"] # (wordlist1 & wordlist2).each do |word| # puts word # end # # bar # # qux # # @api public # def intersect(other) Operators::Intersect.new(self,other) end alias & intersect # # Lazily enumerates over words from both wordlists, filtering out any # duplicates. # # @param [Enumerable] other # The other wordlist to union with. # # @return [Operators::Union] # The lazy union of the two wordlists. # # @example # wordlist1 = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"] # wordlist2 = Wordlist::Words["xyz", "bar", "abc", "qux"] # (wordlist1 | wordlist2).each do |word| # puts word # end # # foo # # bar # # baz # # qux # # xyz # # abc # # @api public # def union(other) Operators::Union.new(self,other) end alias | union # # Lazily enumerates over only the unique words in the wordlist, filtering # out duplicates. # # @return [Operators::Unique] # The lazy uniqueness of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist= Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"] # (wordlist + wordlist).uniq.each do |word| # puts word # end # # foo # # bar # # baz # # qux # # @api public # def uniq Operators::Unique.new(self) end # # @group Modifiers # # # Lazily calls `String#tr` on each word in the wordlist. # # @param [String] chars # The characters or character range to replace. # # @param [String] replace # The characters or character range to use as the replacement. # # @return [Tr] # The lazy `String#tr` modification of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", "baz"] # wordlist.capitalize.each do |word| # puts word # end # # Foo # # Bar # # Baz # # @api public # def tr(chars,replace) Modifiers::Tr.new(self,chars,replace) end # # Lazily calls `String#sub` on each word in the wordlist. # # @param [Regexp, String] pattern # The pattern to replace. # # @param [String, Hash, nil] replace # The characters or character range to use as the replacement. # # @yield [match] # The given block will be call to replace the matched substring, # if `replace` is nil. # # @yieldparam [String] match # A matched substring. # # @return [Sub] # The lazy `String#sub` modification of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", "baz"] # wordlist.sub(/o/, '0').each do |word| # puts word # end # # f0o # # bar # # baz # # @api public # def sub(pattern,replace=nil,&block) if replace Modifiers::Sub.new(self,pattern,replace,&block) else Modifiers::Sub.new(self,pattern,&block) end end # # Lazily calls `String#gsub` on each word in the wordlist. # # @param [Regexp, String] pattern # The pattern to replace. # # @param [String, Hash, nil] replace # The characters or character range to use as the replacement. # # @yield [match] # The given block will be call to replace the matched substring, # if `replace` is nil. # # @yieldparam [String] match # A matched substring. # # @return [Gsub] # The lazy `String#gsub` modification of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist = Wordlist::Words["Foo", "BAR", "bAz"] # wordlist.gsub(/o/,'0').each do |word| # puts word # end # # f00 # # bar # # baz # # @api public # def gsub(pattern,replace=nil,&block) if replace Modifiers::Gsub.new(self,pattern,replace,&block) else Modifiers::Gsub.new(self,pattern,&block) end end # # Lazily calls `String#capitalize` on each word in the wordlist. # # @return [Capitalize] # The lazy `String#gsub` modification of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", "baz"] # wordlist.capitalize.each do |word| # puts word # end # # Foo # # Bar # # Baz # # @api public # def capitalize Modifiers::Capitalize.new(self) end # # Lazily calls `String#upcase` on each word in the wordlist. # # @return [Upcase] # The lazy `String#gsub` modification of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", "baz"] # wordlist.upcase.each do |word| # puts word # end # # FOO # # BAR # # BAZ # # @api public # def upcase Modifiers::Upcase.new(self) end # # Lazily calls `String#downcase` on each word in the wordlist. # # @return [Downcase] # The lazy `String#gsub` modification of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist = Wordlist::Words["Foo", "BAR", "bAz"] # wordlist.downcase.each do |word| # puts word # end # # foo # # bar # # baz # # @api public # def downcase Modifiers::Downcase.new(self) end # # Lazily performs every combination of a string substitution on every word # in the wordlist. # # @param [Regexp, String] pattern # The pattern to replace. # # @param [String, Hash, nil] replace # The characters or character range to use as the replacement. # # @yield [match] # The given block will be call to replace the matched substring, # if `replace` is nil. # # @yieldparam [String] match # A matched substring. # # @return [Mutate] # The lazy `String#gsub` modification of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar", "baz"] # wordlist.mutate(/[oa]/, {'o' => '0', 'a' => '@'}).each do |word| # puts word # end # # foo # # f0o # # fo0 # # f00 # # bar # # b@r # # baz # # b@z # # @api public # def mutate(pattern,replace=nil,&block) if replace Modifiers::Mutate.new(self,pattern,replace,&block) else Modifiers::Mutate.new(self,pattern,&block) end end # # Lazily enumerates over every uppercase/lowercase variation of the word. # # @return [EachCase] # The lazy `String#gsub` modification of the wordlist. # # @example # wordlist = Wordlist::Words["foo", "bar"] # wordlist.mutate_case.each do |word| # puts word # end # # foo # # Foo # # fOo # # foO # # FOo # # FoO # # fOO # # FOO # # bar # # Bar # # bAr # # baR # # BAr # # BaR # # bAR # # BAR # # @api public # def mutate_case Modifiers::MutateCase.new(self) end end Operators::Operator.send :include, ListMethods Modifiers::Modifier.send :include, ListMethods end