# cover your ears... class Navy::Speak attr_reader :orders def initialize(orders) @orders = orders end def curse!(file) String === file and return instance_eval(File.read(file), file) instance_eval(&file) end ## sailor mouth ## def after_fork(*args, &block) set_hook(:after_fork, block_given? ? block : args[0]) end def before_fork(*args, &block) set_hook(:before_fork, block_given? ? block : args[0]) end def logger(obj) %w(debug info warn error fatal).each do |m| obj.respond_to?(m) and next raise ArgumentError, "logger=#{obj} does not respond to method=#{m}" end orders.set[:logger] = obj end def pid(path); set_path(:pid, path); end def post_fork(*args, &block) set_hook(:post_fork, block_given? ? block : args[0]) end def preload(*args, &block) set_hook(:preload, block_given? ? block : args[0], 1) end def respawn_limit(respawns, seconds = 1.0) set_int(:respawn_limit, respawns, 1) orders.set[:respawn_limit_seconds] = seconds end def stderr_path(path) set_path(:stderr_path, path) end def stdout_path(path) set_path(:stdout_path, path) end def timeout(seconds) set_int(:timeout, seconds, 3) # POSIX says 31 days is the smallest allowed maximum timeout for select() max = 30 * 60 * 60 * 24 orders.set[:timeout] = seconds > max ? max : seconds end def user(user, group = nil) # raises ArgumentError on invalid user/group Etc.getpwnam(user) Etc.getgrnam(group) if group set[:user] = [ user, group ] end def working_directory(path) # just let chdir raise errors path = File.expand_path(path) # if config_file && # config_file[0] != ?/ && # ! File.readable?("#{path}/#{config_file}") # raise ArgumentError, # "config_file=#{config_file} would not be accessible in" \ # " working_directory=#{path}" # end Dir.chdir(path) Navy::Admiral::START_CTX[:cwd] = ENV["PWD"] = path end private def set_int(var, n, min) #:nodoc: Integer === n or raise ArgumentError, "not an integer: #{var}=#{n.inspect}" n >= min or raise ArgumentError, "too low (< #{min}): #{var}=#{n.inspect}" orders.set[var] = n end def set_path(var, path) #:nodoc: case path when NilClass, String orders.set[var] = path else raise ArgumentError end end def check_bool(var, bool) # :nodoc: case bool when true, false return bool end raise ArgumentError, "#{var}=#{bool.inspect} not a boolean" end def set_bool(var, bool) #:nodoc: orders.set[var] = check_bool(var, bool) end def set_hook(var, my_proc, req_arity = 2) #:nodoc: case my_proc when Proc arity = my_proc.arity (arity == req_arity) or \ raise ArgumentError, "#{var}=#{my_proc.inspect} has invalid arity: " \ "#{arity} (need #{req_arity})" when NilClass my_proc = orders.defaults[var] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid type: #{var}=#{my_proc.inspect}" end orders.set[var] = my_proc end end