require 'gitrepo/status/version' require 'rugged' require 'json' # Class Gitrepo class Gitrepo # Class Gitrepo::Status class Status def initialize(opt = {}) @path = opt.fetch(:path) @report_branches = opt[:report_branches] || %w[master] repo end def repo return @repo if @repo @repo = @basepath = repo.path.chomp('/.git/') @repo end def fetch_all # libgit2 and https... a dificult story... :-( # remotes.each do |remote| # repo.fetch # end cmd1 = 'git branch -r | grep -v "\->" | while read remote; do git branch --track "${remote#origin/}" "$remote" > /dev/null 2>&1; done' cmd2 = 'git fetch --all > /dev/null 2>&1' Dir.chdir(@path) do `#{cmd1}` `#{cmd2}` end end def puppet_module? !repo.index.get('metadata.json').nil? end def branchnames branches_txt = '' Dir.chdir(@path) do branches_txt = `git branch --contains HEAD | grep -v 'detached at'` end branches = branches_txt.split("\n").map(&:strip) branches.insert(0, branches.delete('master')) if branches.include?('master') select_branches(branches) end def select_branches(branches) return branches if @report_branches.empty? b = { |e| @report_branches.include?(e) } return b unless b.empty? branches end def ahead_behind branches = {} branchnames.each do |branch| branches[branch] = repo.ahead_behind(repo.head.target_id, "origin/#{branch}") end branches end def puppet_module_info blob = repo.blob_at(repo.head.target_id, 'metadata.json') current_metadata = JSON.parse(blob.content) diff = {} branchnames.each do |branch| blob = repo.blob_at(repo.branches[branch].target_id, 'metadata.json') branch_metadata = JSON.parse(blob.content) branch_diff = deep_diff(current_metadata, branch_metadata) diff[branch] = branch_diff unless branch_diff.empty? end diff end def test require 'awesome_print' # puts '--- repo.methods ---' # ap repo.methods puts '--- repo.path ---' ap repo.path ap repo.index.get('metadata.json') puts '--- repo.last_commit ---' ap repo.last_commit.tree_id puts "Is Puppet Module? (has '/metadata.json'?) : #{puppet_module?}" head = repo.head puts '--- repo.head ---' ap head # sha1 hash of the newest commit head_sha = head.target_id puts '--- repo.head.target_id ---' ap head_sha ap repo.ahead_behind(head_sha, 'origin/master') puts '--- repo remotes ---' repo.remotes.each do |remote| # ap remote.methods ap remote.url end puts '--- repo branch ---' repo.branches.each do |branch| # ap branch.methods ap ap branch.head? ap branch.upstream end # # the commit message associated the newest commit # commit = repo.lookup(head_sha) # puts '--- repo.lookup(repo.head.target_id) ---' # pp commit # # puts '--- repo object methods ---' # ap repo.methods # puts '--- repo remotes ---' repo.remotes.each do |remote| # ap remote.methods ap ap remote.url end # # puts '--- repo branch ---' # repo.branches.each do |branch| # ap branch.methods # ap # end end def deep_diff(a, b) (a.keys | b.keys).each_with_object({}) do |k, diff| if a[k] != b[k] diff[k] = if a[k].is_a?(Hash) && b[k].is_a?(Hash) deep_diff(a[k], b[k]) else diff[k] = [a[k], b[k]] end end diff end end end end