#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) begin require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' Bundler.setup rescue LoadError => e puts "Error loading bundler (#{e.message}): \"gem install bundler\" for bundler support." end require 'test/unit' require "am_credit_card" module ActiveMerchant module Assertions AssertionClass = RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' ? MiniTest::Assertion : Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError def assert_field(field, value) clean_backtrace do assert_equal value, @helper.fields[field] end end # Allows the testing of you to check for negative assertions: # # # Instead of # assert !something_that_is_false # # # Do this # assert_false something_that_should_be_false # # An optional +msg+ parameter is available to help you debug. def assert_false(boolean, message = nil) message = build_message message, ' is not false or nil.', boolean clean_backtrace do assert_block message do not boolean end end end # A handy little assertion to check for a successful response: # # # Instead of # assert_success response # # # DRY that up with # assert_success response # # A message will automatically show the inspection of the response # object if things go afoul. def assert_success(response) clean_backtrace do assert response.success?, "Response failed: #{response.inspect}" end end # The negative of +assert_success+ def assert_failure(response) clean_backtrace do assert_false response.success?, "Response expected to fail: #{response.inspect}" end end def assert_valid(validateable) clean_backtrace do assert validateable.valid?, "Expected to be valid" end end def assert_not_valid(validateable) clean_backtrace do assert_false validateable.valid?, "Expected to not be valid" end end def assert_deprecation_warning(message, target) target.expects(:deprecated).with(message) yield end private def clean_backtrace(&block) yield rescue AssertionClass => e path = File.expand_path(__FILE__) raise AssertionClass, e.message, e.backtrace.reject { |line| File.expand_path(line) =~ /#{path}/ } end end module Fixtures HOME_DIR = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/ ? ENV['HOMEPATH'] : ENV['HOME'] unless defined?(HOME_DIR) LOCAL_CREDENTIALS = File.join(HOME_DIR.to_s, '.active_merchant/fixtures.yml') unless defined?(LOCAL_CREDENTIALS) DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures.yml') unless defined?(DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS) private def credit_card(number = '4242424242424242', options = {}) defaults = { :number => number, :month => 9, :year => Time.now.year + 1, :first_name => 'Longbob', :last_name => 'Longsen', :verification_value => '123', :type => 'visa' }.update(options) Billing::CreditCard.new(defaults) end def check(options = {}) defaults = { :name => 'Jim Smith', :routing_number => '244183602', :account_number => '15378535', :account_holder_type => 'personal', :account_type => 'checking', :number => '1' }.update(options) Billing::Check.new(defaults) end def address(options = {}) { :name => 'Jim Smith', :address1 => '1234 My Street', :address2 => 'Apt 1', :company => 'Widgets Inc', :city => 'Ottawa', :state => 'ON', :zip => 'K1C2N6', :country => 'CA', :phone => '(555)555-5555', :fax => '(555)555-6666' }.update(options) end def all_fixtures @@fixtures ||= load_fixtures end def fixtures(key) data = all_fixtures[key] || raise(StandardError, "No fixture data was found for '#{key}'") data.dup end def load_fixtures file = File.exists?(LOCAL_CREDENTIALS) ? LOCAL_CREDENTIALS : DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS yaml_data = YAML.load(File.read(file)) symbolize_keys(yaml_data) yaml_data end def symbolize_keys(hash) return unless hash.is_a?(Hash) hash.symbolize_keys! hash.each{|k,v| symbolize_keys(v)} end end end ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test Test::Unit::TestCase.class_eval do include ActiveMerchant::Billing include ActiveMerchant::Assertions include ActiveMerchant::Fixtures end