module BeanCounter::TestAssertions # :call-seq: # assert_enqueued(options = {Symbol,String => Numeric,Proc,Range,Regexp,String}) # # Asserts that some number of jobs are enqueued that match the given Hash of # +options+. If no +options+ are given, asserts that at least one job exists. # # Each _key_ in +options+ is a String or a Symbol that identifies an attribute # of a job that the corresponding _value_ should be compared against. All attribute # comparisons are performed using the triple equal (===) operator/method of # the given _value_. # # +options+ may additionally include a _count_ key of 'count' or :count that # can be used to assert that a particular number of matching jobs are found. # # If no _count_ option is provided, the assertion succeeds if any job is found # that matches all of the +options+ given. If no jobs are found that match the # +options+ given, the assertion fails. # # If a _count_ option is provided the assertion only succeeds if the triple equal # (===) operator/method of the value of _count_ evaluates to true when given the # total number of matching jobs. Otherwise the assertion fails. The use of === # allows for more advanced comparisons using Procs, Ranges, Regexps, etc. # # See Strategy#job_matches? and/or the #job_matches? method of the strategy # in use for more detailed information on how it is determined whether or not # a job matches the given +options+. # # assert_enqueued # # assert_enqueued(:body => /test/, :count => 5) # # assert_enqueued('state' => 'buried', 'count' => 3) def assert_enqueued(options = {}) enqueue_expectation(:assert, options) end # :call-seq: # assert_enqueues(options = {Symbol,String => Numeric,Proc,Range,Regexp,String}) { block } # # Asserts that the given +block+ enqueues some number of jobs that match the # given Hash of +options+. If no +options+ are given, asserts that at least # one job is enqueued during the execution of the +block+. # # Unlike #assert_enqueued, which will evaluate all jobs in the beanstalkd pool, # this method will only evaluate jobs that were enqueued during the # execution of the given +block+. This can be useful for performance and for # making assertions that could return false positives if all jobs were # evaluated. # # Each _key_ in +options+ is a String or a Symbol that identifies an attribute # of a job that the corresponding _value_ should be compared against. All attribute # comparisons are performed using the triple equal (===) operator/method of # the given _value_. # # +options+ may additionally include a _count_ key of 'count' or :count that # can be used to assert that a particular number of matching jobs are found. # # If no _count_ option is provided, the assertion succeeds if any job is found # that matches all of the +options+ given. If no jobs are found that match the # +options+ given, the assertion fails. # # If a _count_ option is provided the assertion only succeeds if the triple equal # (===) operator/method of the value of _count_ evaluates to true when given the # total number of matching jobs. Otherwise the assertion fails. The use of === # allows for more advanced comparisons using Procs, Ranges, Regexps, etc. # # See Strategy#job_matches? and/or the #job_matches? method of the strategy # in use for more detailed information on how it is determined whether or not # a job matches the given +options+. # # assert_enqueues(:body => /test/) do # enqueue_some_jobs # end def assert_enqueues(options = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'Block required' unless block_given? enqueue_expectation(:assert, options, & end # :call-seq: # assert_tube(options = {Symbol,String => Numeric,Proc,Range,Regexp,String}) # # Asserts that at least one tube exist that matches the given Hash of # +options+. If no +options+ are given, asserts that at least one tube exists, # which will always succeed. # # Each _key_ in +options+ is a String or a Symbol that identifies an attribute # of a tube that the corresponding _value_ should be compared against. All attribute # comparisons are performed using the triple equal (===) operator/method of # the given _value_. # # The assertion succeeds if any tube exists that matches all of the given # +options+. If no tube exists matching all of the given +options+, the assertion # fails. # # See Strategy#tube_matches? and/or the #tube_matches? method of the strategy # in use for more detailed information on how it is determined whether or not # a tube matches the given +options+. # # assert_tube # # assert_tube(:name => /test/) # # assert_tube('current-jobs-ready' => 1..10) def assert_tube(options = {}) tube_expectation(:assert, :failure_message, options) end # :call-seq: # refute_enqueued(options = {Symbol,String => Numeric,Proc,Range,Regexp,String}) # # Asserts that no jobs are enqueued that match the given Hash of +options+. # If no +options+ are given, asserts that no jobs exist. # # Each _key_ in +options+ is a String or a Symbol that identifies an attribute # of a job that the corresponding _value_ should be compared against. All attribute # comparisons are performed using the triple equal (===) operator/method of # the given _value_. # # The refutation succeeds if no jobs are found that match all of the +options+ # given. If any matching jobs are found, the refutation fails. # # See Strategy#job_matches? and/or the #job_matches? method of the strategy # in use for more detailed information on how it is determined whether or not # a job matches the given +options+. # # refute_enqueued # # refute_enqueued(:body => lambda {|body| body.length > 50}) # # refute_enqueued('state' => 'buried') def refute_enqueued(options = {}) enqueue_expectation(:refute, options) end # :call-seq: # refute_enqueues(options = {Symbol,String => Numeric,Proc,Range,Regexp,String}) { block } # # Asserts that the given +block+ enqueues no jobs that match the given Hash # of +options+. If no +options+ are given, asserts that no job are enqueued # by the given +block+. # # Unlike #refute_enqueued, which will evaluate all jobs in the beanstalkd pool, # this method will only evaluate jobs that were enqueued during the # execution of the given +block+. This can be useful for performance and for # making assertions that could return false positives if all jobs were # evaluated. # # Each _key_ in +options+ is a String or a Symbol that identifies an attribute # of a job that the corresponding _value_ should be compared against. All attribute # comparisons are performed using the triple equal (===) operator/method of # the given _value_. # # The refutation succeeds if no jobs are found that match all of the +options+ # given. If any matching jobs are found, the refutation fails. # # See Strategy#job_matches? and/or the #job_matches? method of the strategy # in use for more detailed information on how it is determined whether or not # a job matches the given +options+. # # refute_enqueues do # do_some_work_that_should_not_enqueue_any_jobs # end def refute_enqueues(options = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'Block required' unless block_given? enqueue_expectation(:refute, options, & end # :call-seq: # refute_tube(options = {Symbol,String => Numeric,Proc,Range,Regexp,String}) # # Asserts that no tube exist that matches the given Hash of +options+. # If no options are given, asserts that no tubes exist which will always fail. # # Each _key_ in +options+ is a String or a Symbol that identifies an attribute # of a tube that the corresponding _value_ should be compared against. All attribute # comparisons are performed using the triple equal (===) operator/method of # the given _value_. # # The refutation succeeds if no tube exists that matches all of the given # +options+. If any tubes exist that match all of the given +options+, the # refutation fails. # # See Strategy#tube_matches? and/or the #tube_matches? method of the strategy # in use for more detailed information on how it is determined whether or not # a tube matches the given +options+. # # refute_tube # #=> always fails # # refute_tube(:name => /production/) # # refute_tube('current-jobs-ready' => 0) def refute_tube(options = {}) tube_expectation(:refute, :negative_failure_message, options) end private # Builds job expectation object, evaluates and makes appropriate assertion # with appropriate failure message def enqueue_expectation(assertion_method, options, &block) message_type = assertion_method == :assert ? :failure_message : :negative_failure_message expectation = match = expectation.matches?(block_given? ? block : nil) send(assertion_method, match, expectation.send(message_type)) end # Builds tube expectation object, evaluates and makes appropriate assertion # with appropriate failure message def tube_expectation(assertion_method, message_type, options) expectation = match = expectation.matches? send(assertion_method, match, expectation.send(message_type)) end end