require 'active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter' module ActiveRecord module ConnectionHandling def cockroachdb_connection(config) # This is copied from the PostgreSQL adapter. conn_params = config.symbolize_keys conn_params.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } # Map ActiveRecords param names to PGs. conn_params[:user] = conn_params.delete(:username) if conn_params[:username] conn_params[:dbname] = conn_params.delete(:database) if conn_params[:database] # Forward only valid config params to PGconn.connect. valid_conn_param_keys = PGconn.conndefaults_hash.keys + [:requiressl] conn_params.slice!(*valid_conn_param_keys) # The postgres drivers don't allow the creation of an unconnected PGconn object, # so just pass a nil connection object for the time being., logger, conn_params, config) end end end class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::CockroachDBAdapter < ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter ADAPTER_NAME = "CockroachDB".freeze # Note that in the migration from ActiveRecord 5.0 to 5.1, the # `extract_schema_qualified_name` method was aliased in the PostgreSQLAdapter. # To ensure backward compatibility with both <5.1 and 5.1, we rename it here # to use the same original `Utils` module. Utils = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::Utils def indexes(table_name, name = nil) # :nodoc: # The PostgreSQL adapter uses a correlated subquery in the following query, # which CockroachDB does not yet support. That portion of the query fetches # any non-standard opclasses that each index uses. CockroachDB also doesn't # support opclasses at this time, so the query is modified to just remove # the section about opclasses entirely. if name ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-MSG.squish) Passing name to #indexes is deprecated without replacement. MSG end table = Utils.extract_schema_qualified_name(table_name.to_s) result = query(<<-SQL, "SCHEMA") SELECT distinct i.relname, d.indisunique, d.indkey, pg_get_indexdef(d.indexrelid), t.oid, pg_catalog.obj_description(i.oid, 'pg_class') AS comment FROM pg_class t INNER JOIN pg_index d ON t.oid = d.indrelid INNER JOIN pg_class i ON d.indexrelid = i.oid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = i.relnamespace WHERE i.relkind = 'i' AND d.indisprimary = 'f' AND t.relname = '#{table.identifier}' AND n.nspname = #{table.schema ? "'#{table.schema}'" : 'ANY (current_schemas(false))'} ORDER BY i.relname SQL do |row| index_name = row[0] unique = row[1] indkey = row[2].split(" ").map(&:to_i) inddef = row[3] oid = row[4] comment = row[5] expressions, where = inddef.scan(/\((.+?)\)(?: WHERE (.+))?\z/).flatten if indkey.include?(0) columns = expressions else columns = Hash[query(<<-SQL.strip_heredoc, "SCHEMA")].values_at(*indkey).compact SELECT a.attnum, a.attname FROM pg_attribute a WHERE a.attrelid = #{oid} AND a.attnum IN (#{indkey.join(",")}) SQL # add info on sort order for columns (only desc order is explicitly specified, asc is the default) orders = Hash[ expressions.scan(/(\w+) DESC/) { |order_column| [order_column, :desc] } ] end, index_name, unique, columns, [], orders, where, nil, nil, comment.presence) end.compact end def primary_keys(table_name) name = Utils.extract_schema_qualified_name(table_name.to_s) select_values(<<-SQL.strip_heredoc, "SCHEMA") SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage kcu JOIN information_schema.table_constraints tc ON kcu.table_name = tc.table_name AND kcu.table_schema = tc.table_schema AND kcu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name WHERE constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' AND kcu.table_name = #{quote(name.identifier)} AND kcu.table_schema = #{name.schema ? quote(name.schema) : "ANY (current_schemas(false))"} ORDER BY kcu.ordinal_position SQL end # This is hardcoded to 63 (as previously was in ActiveRecord 5.0) to aid in # migration from PostgreSQL to Cockroachdb. In practice, this limitation # is arbitrary since CockroachDB supports index name lengths and table alias # lengths far greater than this value. For the time being though, we match # the original behavior for PostgreSQL to simplify migrations. # # Note that in the migration to ActiveRecord 5.1, this was changed in # PostgreSQLAdapter to use `SHOW max_identifier_length` (which does not # exist in CockroachDB). Therefore, we have to redefine this here. def table_alias_length 63 end alias index_name_length table_alias_length end